
Release Name: fadtts and lprspdm V1.11 release

add lprspdm package, see Ying Yuan, Hongtu Zhu, Weili Lin, J. S. Marron (2011). Local Polynomial Regression for Symmetric Positive
Definite Matrices. JRSSB


Local polynomial regression has received extensive attention for the
nonparametric estimation of regression functions when both the response
and the covariate are in Euclidean space. However, little has been done
when the response is in a Riemannian manifold. We develop an intrinsic
local polynomial regression estimate for the analysis of symmetric
positive definite (SPD) matrices as responses that lie in a Riemannian
manifold with covariate in Euclidean space. The primary motivation and
application of the proposed methodology is in computer vision and
medical imaging. We examine two commonly used metrics, including the
trace metric and the Log- Euclidean metric on the space of SPD matrices.
For each metric, we develop a cross-validation bandwidth selection
method, derive the asymptotic bias, variance, and normality of the
intrinsic local constant and local linear estimators, and compare their
asymptotic mean square errors
