
Release Name: Amazon Web Services NITRC-CE Vagrantfile v1.0

NITRC-CE AWS environment manager

This Vagrantfile can be used to spin up and manage AWS EC2 instances.

Quick Start
1) Download Vagrant and install it in a directory in your env PATH (e.g. /usr/bin):
2) Install the vagrant AWS plugin: vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
3) Edit the configuration parameters below specific to your AWS subscription.
4) Rename this config file to "Vagrantfile" and place it into your current working directory.
5) Start your EC2 instance: vagrant up

Useful vagrant commands
To SSH into your EC2 instance: vagrant ssh
To get the status of your EC2 instance: vagrant status
To stop and delete your EC2 instance: vagrant destroy
To discover the hostname of you EC2 instance: vagrant ssh-config
