Use the script(s) below to install this tool locally, in a Virtual Machine, or into a running AWS EC2 instance. Some methods available to install the tool are described below.

See Downloads page for more details: Downloads Page

Package Release File Notes Download Link
lc_7t_probLC_7T_prob_atlas_v1_Reg_PipelineLCTMP_pipeline.shAn example shell script for image registration to the MNI space using ANTs

Install using Vagrant

  1. Download the Amazon Web Services NITRC-CE Vagrantfile from the NITRC-CE Downloads page: NITRC-CE Downloads Page
  2. Download the Tool/Resource install script provided on this page into the same directory as the Vagrantfile (optional)
  3. Install Vagrant (as described in the Vagrantfile) and update the Vagrantfile configuraton settings as described at the top of the Vagrantfile. For the @INIT_SCRIPT configuration parameter in the Vagrantfile, enter the path to the downloaded install script or the Download Link URL shown in the above table.
  4. Run the command: "vagrant up". Your EC2 instance will start and the install script will be run in it to install the Tool/Resource.

Install as AWS EC2 USER DATA

  1. Download the Tool/Resource install script provided in the table above.
  2. Start the AWS EC2 Launch Instance wizard.
  3. On step 3 of the EC2 instance wizard, expand the "Advanced Details" section at the bottom of page. Select the "As file" radio button and upload the Tool/Resource install script provided on this page.
  4. Finish the Launch Instance wizard and start your EC2 instance. The uploaded install script will be run automatically after the EC2 instance has started.

Install from the command line

  1. Download the Tool/Resource install script provided in the table above.
  2. Use the "scp" command to upload the install script to your target environment. Example: scp
  3. Log into your target environment using the "ssh" command. Example: ssh
  4. Run the installation script in the target environment.