Cmind_Py was written entirely in Python due to its relative ease of use and the availability of a wide number of high quality scientific ( and neuroimaging software modules ( . The software relies on calls to a number of widely tested algorithms from the FMRIB software library (FSL) and the advanced normalization tools (ANTS). Linux and Max OSX are supported. Both LONI and Nipype interfaces are supported. A unique feature provided by the processing pipelines is analysis of simultaneously acquired ASL/BOLD fMRI data. The tool and its code are available at bitbucket ( Pediatric templates with 2mm resolution were created for the following age ranges: 0-6 months, 0.5 – 2 years, 2-4 years and 4-18 years using ANTS. These can be found at ( The data used and their behavioral measures can be downloaded from a public database (