The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to Human Connectome Project (HCP). This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.

Multiplexed echo planar imaging for sub-second whole brain FMRI and fast diffusion imaging.
Description: Feinberg, David A, et al. Multiplexed echo planar imaging for sub-second whole brain FMRI and fast diffusion imaging. ''PLoS One''. 2010 Dec 20; '''5''' (12):e15710
Informatics and data mining tools and strategies for the human connectome project.
Description: Marcus, Daniel S, et al. Informatics and data mining tools and strategies for the human connectome project. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2011; '''5''': 4
From simple graphs to the connectome: networks in neuroimaging.
Description: Sporns, Olaf. From simple graphs to the connectome: networks in neuroimaging. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Aug 15; '''62''' (2):881-6
The future of the human connectome.
Description: Van Essen, D C, et al. The future of the human connectome. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Aug 15; '''62''' (2):1299-310
The road to functional imaging and ultrahigh fields.
Description: Ugurbil, Kamil. The road to functional imaging and ultrahigh fields. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Aug 15; '''62''' (2):726-35
From Default Mode Network to the Basal Configuration: Sex Differences in the Resting-State Brain Connectivity as a Function of Age and Their Clinical Correlates.
Description: Conrin, Sean D, et al. From Default Mode Network to the Basal Configuration: Sex Differences in the Resting-State Brain Connectivity as a Function of Age and Their Clinical Correlates. ''Front Psychiatry''. 2018; '''9''': 365
Changes in global and thalamic brain connectivity in LSD-induced altered states of consciousness are attributable to the 5-HT2A receptor.
Description: Preller, Katrin H, et al. Changes in global and thalamic brain connectivity in LSD-induced altered states of consciousness are attributable to the 5-HT2A receptor. ''Elife''. 2018 Oct 25; '''7''':
Species and individual differences and connectional asymmetry of Broca's area in humans and macaques.
Description: Xia, Xiaoluan, et al. Species and individual differences and connectional asymmetry of Broca's area in humans and macaques. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Dec 1; '''244''': 118583
Automatic Geometry-based Estimation of the Locus Coeruleus Region on T(1)-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images.
Description: Aganj, Iman, et al. Automatic Geometry-based Estimation of the Locus Coeruleus Region on T(1)-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Jan 24;