PubMed Mentions
The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to The fMRI Data Center. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.
Publication/References | |
Surface-based approaches to spatial localization and registration in primate cerebral cortex. Description: Van Essen, David C. Surface-based approaches to spatial localization and registration in primate cerebral cortex. ''Neuroimage''. 2004; '''23 Suppl 1''': S97-107 | |
Comparing dynamic causal models. Description: Penny, W D, et al. Comparing dynamic causal models. ''Neuroimage''. 2004 Jul; '''22''' (3):1157-72 | |
Processing of audiovisual speech in Broca's area. Description: Ojanen, Ville, et al. Processing of audiovisual speech in Broca's area. ''Neuroimage''. 2005 Apr 1; '''25''' (2):333-8 | |
Alcohol-induced suppression of BOLD activity during goal-directed visuomotor performance. Description: Van Horn, John Darrell, et al. Alcohol-induced suppression of BOLD activity during goal-directed visuomotor performance. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Jul 1; '''31''' (3):1209-21 | |
Graphical-model-based multivariate analysis of functional magnetic-resonance data. Description: Chen, Rong, et al. Graphical-model-based multivariate analysis of functional magnetic-resonance data. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Apr 1; '''35''' (2):635-47 | |
A technique for the deidentification of structural brain MR images. Description: Bischoff-Grethe, Amanda, et al. A technique for the deidentification of structural brain MR images. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2007 Sep; '''28''' (9):892-903 | |
Terminology for neuroscience data discovery: multi-tree syntax and investigator-derived semantics. Description: Gardner, Daniel, et al. Terminology for neuroscience data discovery: multi-tree syntax and investigator-derived semantics. ''Neuroinformatics''. 2008 Sep; '''6''' (3):161-74 | |
Fixed and random effect analysis of multi-subject fMRI data using wavelet transform. Description: Soleymani, Mohammad, et al. Fixed and random effect analysis of multi-subject fMRI data using wavelet transform. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2009 Jan 30; '''176''' (2):237-45 | |
Ethylene perception is involved in female cucumber flower development. Description: Wang, Dong-Hui, et al. Ethylene perception is involved in female cucumber flower development. ''Plant J''. 2010 Mar; '''61''' (5):862-72 | |
Machine-learning techniques for building a diagnostic model for very mild dementia. Description: Chen, Rong, et al. Machine-learning techniques for building a diagnostic model for very mild dementia. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Aug 1; '''52''' (1):234-44 | |
Meeting the challenge of preparing undergraduates for careers in cognitive neuroscience. Description: Mickley Steinmetz, Katherine R, et al. Meeting the challenge of preparing undergraduates for careers in cognitive neuroscience. ''J Undergrad Neurosci Educ''. 2010 Fall; '''9''' (1):A36-42 | |
Would the field of cognitive neuroscience be advanced by sharing functional MRI data? Description: Visscher, Kristina M, et al. Would the field of cognitive neuroscience be advanced by sharing functional MRI data? ''BMC Med''. 2011 Apr 8; '''9''': 34 | |
Bayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis of functional MRI data. Description: Sanyal, Nilotpal, et al. Bayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis of functional MRI data. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Nov 15; '''63''' (3):1519-31 | |
Evaluation of Hemodynamic Response Function in Vision and Motor Brain Regions for the Young and Elderly Adults. Description: Morsheddost, Hassan, et al. Evaluation of Hemodynamic Response Function in Vision and Motor Brain Regions for the Young and Elderly Adults. ''Basic Clin Neurosci''. 2015 Jan; '''6''' (1):58-68 | |
Neural correlates of different self domains. Description: Araujo, Helder F, et al. Neural correlates of different self domains. ''Brain Behav''. 2015 Dec; '''5''' (12):e00409 | |
Effects of ageing and Alzheimer disease on haemodynamic response function: a challenge for event-related fMRI. Description: Asemani, Davud, et al. Effects of ageing and Alzheimer disease on haemodynamic response function: a challenge for event-related fMRI. ''Healthc Technol Lett''. 2017 Jun; '''4''' (3):109-114 |