The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to Vaa3D and Vaa3D-Neuron. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.

Visualization and analysis of 3D microscopic images.
Description: Long, Fuhui, et al. Visualization and analysis of 3D microscopic images. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2012; '''8''' (6):e1002519
Transvection is common throughout the Drosophila genome.
Description: Mellert, David J, et al. Transvection is common throughout the Drosophila genome. ''Genetics''. 2012 Aug; '''191''' (4):1129-41
TeraStitcher - a tool for fast automatic 3D-stitching of teravoxel-sized microscopy images.
Description: Bria, Alessandro, et al. TeraStitcher - a tool for fast automatic 3D-stitching of teravoxel-sized microscopy images. ''BMC Bioinformatics''. 2012 Nov 27; '''13''': 316
Label retaining cells (LRCs) with myoepithelial characteristic from the proximal acinar region define stem cells in the sweat gland.
Description: Leung, Yvonne, et al. Label retaining cells (LRCs) with myoepithelial characteristic from the proximal acinar region define stem cells in the sweat gland. ''PLoS One''. 2013; '''8''' (9):e74174
Software tool for 3D extraction of germinal centers.
Description: Olivieri, David N, et al. Software tool for 3D extraction of germinal centers. ''BMC Bioinformatics''. 2013; '''14 Suppl 6''': S5
Light microscopy applications in systems biology: opportunities and challenges.
Description: Antony, Paul Michel Aloyse, et al. Light microscopy applications in systems biology: opportunities and challenges. ''Cell Commun Signal''. 2013 Apr 11; '''11''' (1):24
Automated image computing reshapes computational neuroscience.
Description: Peng, Hanchuan, et al. Automated image computing reshapes computational neuroscience. ''BMC Bioinformatics''. 2013 Oct 4; '''14''': 293
Micron-scale resolution optical tomography of entire mouse brains with confocal light sheet microscopy.
Description: Silvestri, Ludovico, et al. Micron-scale resolution optical tomography of entire mouse brains with confocal light sheet microscopy. ''J Vis Exp''. 2013 Oct 8;
RIVETS: a mechanical system for in vivo and in vitro electrophysiology and imaging.
Description: Osborne, Jason E, et al. RIVETS: a mechanical system for in vivo and in vitro electrophysiology and imaging. ''PLoS One''. 2014; '''9''' (2):e89007
Extraction of protein profiles from primary neurons using active contour models and wavelets.
Description: Misiak, Danny, et al. Extraction of protein profiles from primary neurons using active contour models and wavelets. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2014 Mar 30; '''225''': 1-12
Virtual finger boosts three-dimensional imaging and microsurgery as well as terabyte volume image visualization and analysis.
Description: Peng, Hanchuan, et al. Virtual finger boosts three-dimensional imaging and microsurgery as well as terabyte volume image visualization and analysis. ''Nat Commun''. 2014 Jul 11; '''5''': 4342
A simple method for 3D analysis of immunolabeled axonal tracts in a transparent nervous system.
Description: Belle, Morgane, et al. A simple method for 3D analysis of immunolabeled axonal tracts in a transparent nervous system. ''Cell Rep''. 2014 Nov 20; '''9''' (4):1191-201
neuTube 1.0: A New Design for Efficient Neuron Reconstruction Software Based on the SWC Format.
Description: Feng, Linqing, et al. neuTube 1.0: A New Design for Efficient Neuron Reconstruction Software Based on the SWC Format. ''eNeuro''. 2015 Jan-Feb; '''2''' (1):
LittleQuickWarp: an ultrafast image warping tool.
Description: Qu, Lei, et al. LittleQuickWarp: an ultrafast image warping tool. ''Methods''. 2015 Feb; '''73''': 38-42
SOAX: a software for quantification of 3D biopolymer networks.
Description: Xu, Ting, et al. SOAX: a software for quantification of 3D biopolymer networks. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Mar 13; '''5''': 9081
Adaptive Image Enhancement for Tracing 3D Morphologies of Neurons and Brain Vasculatures.
Description: Zhou, Zhi, et al. Adaptive Image Enhancement for Tracing 3D Morphologies of Neurons and Brain Vasculatures. ''Neuroinformatics''. 2015 Apr; '''13''' (2):153-66
Learning-guided automatic three dimensional synapse quantification for drosophila neurons.
Description: Sanders, Jonathan, et al. Learning-guided automatic three dimensional synapse quantification for drosophila neurons. ''BMC Bioinformatics''. 2015 May 28; '''16''': 177
Global analysis of gene expression and projection target correlations in the mouse brain.
Description: Fakhry, Ahmed, et al. Global analysis of gene expression and projection target correlations in the mouse brain. ''Brain Inform''. 2015 Jun; '''2''' (2):107-117
BigNeuron: Large-Scale 3D Neuron Reconstruction from Optical Microscopy Images.
Description: Peng, Hanchuan, et al. BigNeuron: Large-Scale 3D Neuron Reconstruction from Optical Microscopy Images. ''Neuron''. 2015 Jul 15; '''87''' (2):252-6
SmartTracing: self-learning-based Neuron reconstruction.
Description: Chen, Hanbo, et al. SmartTracing: self-learning-based Neuron reconstruction. ''Brain Inform''. 2015 Sep; '''2''' (3):135-144
Impact of single-site axonal GABAergic synaptic events on cerebellar interneuron activity.
Description: de San Martin, Javier Zorrilla, et al. Impact of single-site axonal GABAergic synaptic events on cerebellar interneuron activity. ''J Gen Physiol''. 2015 Dec; '''146''' (6):477-93
3D Image-Guided Automatic Pipette Positioning for Single Cell Experiments in vivo.
Description: Long, Brian, et al. 3D Image-Guided Automatic Pipette Positioning for Single Cell Experiments in vivo. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Dec 22; '''5''': 18426
A Naturally-Derived Compound Schisandrin B Enhanced Light Sensation in the pde6c Zebrafish Model of Retinal Degeneration.
Description: Zhang, Liyun, et al. A Naturally-Derived Compound Schisandrin B Enhanced Light Sensation in the pde6c Zebrafish Model of Retinal Degeneration. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (3):e0149663
Genetic and Environmental Control of Neurodevelopmental Robustness in Drosophila.
Description: Mellert, David J, et al. Genetic and Environmental Control of Neurodevelopmental Robustness in Drosophila. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (5):e0155957
Mining biomedical images towards valuable information retrieval in biomedical and life sciences.
Description: Ahmed, Zeeshan, et al. Mining biomedical images towards valuable information retrieval in biomedical and life sciences. ''Database (Oxford)''. 2016; '''2016''':
TReMAP: Automatic 3D Neuron Reconstruction Based on Tracing, Reverse Mapping and Assembling of 2D Projections.
Description: Zhou, Zhi, et al. TReMAP: Automatic 3D Neuron Reconstruction Based on Tracing, Reverse Mapping and Assembling of 2D Projections. ''Neuroinformatics''. 2016 Jan; '''14''' (1):41-50
ACT-PRESTO: Rapid and consistent tissue clearing and labeling method for 3-dimensional (3D) imaging.
Description: Lee, Eunsoo, et al. ACT-PRESTO: Rapid and consistent tissue clearing and labeling method for 3-dimensional (3D) imaging. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Jan 11; '''6''': 18631
Fuzzy-Logic Based Detection and Characterization of Junctions and Terminations in Fluorescence Microscopy Images of Neurons.
Description: Radojevic, Miroslav, et al. Fuzzy-Logic Based Detection and Characterization of Junctions and Terminations in Fluorescence Microscopy Images of Neurons. ''Neuroinformatics''. 2016 Apr; '''14''' (2):201-19
Optimizing the 3D-reconstruction technique for serial block-face scanning electron microscopy.
Description: Wernitznig, Stefan, et al. Optimizing the 3D-reconstruction technique for serial block-face scanning electron microscopy. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2016 May 1; '''264''': 16-24
Postembryonic lineages of the Drosophila ventral nervous system: Neuroglian expression reveals the adult hemilineage associated fiber tracts in the adult thoracic neuromeres.
Description: Shepherd, David, et al. Postembryonic lineages of the Drosophila ventral nervous system: Neuroglian expression reveals the adult hemilineage associated fiber tracts in the adult thoracic neuromeres. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2016 Sep 1; '''524''' (13):2677-95
CLARITY-compatible lipophilic dyes for electrode marking and neuronal tracing.
Description: Jensen, Kristian H R, et al. CLARITY-compatible lipophilic dyes for electrode marking and neuronal tracing. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Sep 6; '''6''': 32674
Identification, visualization and clonal analysis of intestinal stem cells in fish.
Description: Aghaallaei, Narges, et al. Identification, visualization and clonal analysis of intestinal stem cells in fish. ''Development''. 2016 Oct 1; '''143''' (19):3470-3480
Rivulet: 3D Neuron Morphology Tracing with Iterative Back-Tracking.
Description: Liu, Siqi, et al. Rivulet: 3D Neuron Morphology Tracing with Iterative Back-Tracking. ''Neuroinformatics''. 2016 Oct; '''14''' (4):387-401
Serotonergic Modulation Differentially Targets Distinct Network Elements within the Antennal Lobe of Drosophila melanogaster.
Description: Sizemore, Tyler R, et al. Serotonergic Modulation Differentially Targets Distinct Network Elements within the Antennal Lobe of Drosophila melanogaster. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Nov 15; '''6''': 37119
Rac1/RhoA antagonism defines cell-to-cell heterogeneity during epidermal morphogenesis in nematodes.
Description: Martin, Emmanuel, et al. Rac1/RhoA antagonism defines cell-to-cell heterogeneity during epidermal morphogenesis in nematodes. ''J Cell Biol''. 2016 Nov 21; '''215''' (4):483-498
Reconstructing the brain: from image stacks to neuron synthesis.
Description: Shillcock, Julian C, et al. Reconstructing the brain: from image stacks to neuron synthesis. ''Brain Inform''. 2016 Dec; '''3''' (4):205-209
Visual projection neurons in the Drosophila lobula link feature detection to distinct behavioral programs.
Description: Wu, Ming, et al. Visual projection neurons in the Drosophila lobula link feature detection to distinct behavioral programs. ''Elife''. 2016 Dec 28; '''5''':
Fuzzy-based propagation of prior knowledge to improve large-scale image analysis pipelines.
Description: Stegmaier, Johannes, et al. Fuzzy-based propagation of prior knowledge to improve large-scale image analysis pipelines. ''PLoS One''. 2017; '''12''' (11):e0187535
Keto-polymethines: a versatile class of dyes with outstanding spectroscopic properties for in cellulo and in vivo two-photon microscopy imaging.
Description: Pascal, Simon, et al. Keto-polymethines: a versatile class of dyes with outstanding spectroscopic properties for in cellulo and in vivo two-photon microscopy imaging. ''Chem Sci''. 2017 Jan 1; '''8''' (1):381-394
N3DFix: an Algorithm for Automatic Removal of Swelling Artifacts in Neuronal Reconstructions.
Description: Conde-Sousa, Eduardo, et al. N3DFix: an Algorithm for Automatic Removal of Swelling Artifacts in Neuronal Reconstructions. ''Neuroinformatics''. 2017 Jan; '''15''' (1):5-12
TDat: An Efficient Platform for Processing Petabyte-Scale Whole-Brain Volumetric Images.
Description: Li, Yuxin, et al. TDat: An Efficient Platform for Processing Petabyte-Scale Whole-Brain Volumetric Images. ''Front Neural Circuits''. 2017; '''11''': 51
Reduced Inhibition within Layer IV of Sert Knockout Rat Barrel Cortex is Associated with Faster Sensory Integration.
Description: Miceli, Stephanie, et al. Reduced Inhibition within Layer IV of Sert Knockout Rat Barrel Cortex is Associated with Faster Sensory Integration. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2017 Feb 1; '''27''' (2):933-949
M-AMST: an automatic 3D neuron tracing method based on mean shift and adapted minimum spanning tree.
Description: Wan, Zhijiang, et al. M-AMST: an automatic 3D neuron tracing method based on mean shift and adapted minimum spanning tree. ''BMC Bioinformatics''. 2017 Mar 29; '''18''' (1):197
Ensemble Neuron Tracer for 3D Neuron Reconstruction.
Description: Wang, Ching-Wei, et al. Ensemble Neuron Tracer for 3D Neuron Reconstruction. ''Neuroinformatics''. 2017 Apr; '''15''' (2):185-198
A robot for high yield electrophysiology and morphology of single neurons in vivo.
Description: Li, Lu, et al. A robot for high yield electrophysiology and morphology of single neurons in vivo. ''Nat Commun''. 2017 Jun 1; '''8''': 15604
Feature Integration Drives Probabilistic Behavior in the Drosophila Escape Response.
Description: von Reyn, Catherine R, et al. Feature Integration Drives Probabilistic Behavior in the Drosophila Escape Response. ''Neuron''. 2017 Jun 21; '''94''' (6):1190-1204.e6
microRNA dependent and independent deregulation of long non-coding RNAs by an oncogenic herpesvirus.
Description: Sethuraman, Sunantha, et al. microRNA dependent and independent deregulation of long non-coding RNAs by an oncogenic herpesvirus. ''PLoS Pathog''. 2017 Jul; '''13''' (7):e1006508
SmartScope2: Simultaneous Imaging and Reconstruction of Neuronal Morphology.
Description: Long, Brian, et al. SmartScope2: Simultaneous Imaging and Reconstruction of Neuronal Morphology. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Aug 24; '''7''' (1):9325
Fast assembling of neuron fragments in serial 3D sections.
Description: Chen, Hanbo, et al. Fast assembling of neuron fragments in serial 3D sections. ''Brain Inform''. 2017 Sep; '''4''' (3):183-186
Automatic and adaptive heterogeneous refractive index compensation for light-sheet microscopy.
Description: Ryan, Duncan P, et al. Automatic and adaptive heterogeneous refractive index compensation for light-sheet microscopy. ''Nat Commun''. 2017 Sep 20; '''8''' (1):612
Ultra-selective looming detection from radial motion opponency.
Description: Klapoetke, Nathan C, et al. Ultra-selective looming detection from radial motion opponency. ''Nature''. 2017 Nov 9; '''551''' (7679):237-241
Alpha 7 nicotinic receptors attenuate neurite development through calcium activation of calpain at the growth cone.
Description: King, Justin R, et al. Alpha 7 nicotinic receptors attenuate neurite development through calcium activation of calpain at the growth cone. ''PLoS One''. 2018; '''13''' (5):e0197247
A Segmentation Scheme for Complex Neuronal Arbors and Application to Vibration Sensitive Neurons in the Honeybee Brain.
Description: Ikeno, Hidetoshi, et al. A Segmentation Scheme for Complex Neuronal Arbors and Application to Vibration Sensitive Neurons in the Honeybee Brain. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2018; '''12''': 61
Mechanical Effects of Cellulose, Xyloglucan, and Pectins on Stomatal Guard Cells of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Description: Yi, Hojae, et al. Mechanical Effects of Cellulose, Xyloglucan, and Pectins on Stomatal Guard Cells of Arabidopsis thaliana. ''Front Plant Sci''. 2018; '''9''': 1566
The Medial Ventrothalamic Circuitry: Cells Implicated in a Bimodal Network.
Description: Vega-Zuniga, Tomas, et al. The Medial Ventrothalamic Circuitry: Cells Implicated in a Bimodal Network. ''Front Neural Circuits''. 2018; '''12''': 9
Vascular Smooth Muscle Contractile Function Declines With Age in Skeletal Muscle Feed Arteries.
Description: Seawright, John W, et al. Vascular Smooth Muscle Contractile Function Declines With Age in Skeletal Muscle Feed Arteries. ''Front Physiol''. 2018; '''9''': 856
Microglial Ramification, Surveillance, and Interleukin-1beta Release Are Regulated by the Two-Pore Domain K(+) Channel THIK-1.
Description: Madry, Christian, et al. Microglial Ramification, Surveillance, and Interleukin-1beta Release Are Regulated by the Two-Pore Domain K(+) Channel THIK-1. ''Neuron''. 2018 Jan 17; '''97''' (2):299-312.e6
Role of the visual experience-dependent nascent proteome in neuronal plasticity.
Description: Liu, Han-Hsuan, et al. Role of the visual experience-dependent nascent proteome in neuronal plasticity. ''Elife''. 2018 Feb 7; '''7''':
Systematic generation of biophysically detailed models for diverse cortical neuron types.
Description: Gouwens, Nathan W, et al. Systematic generation of biophysically detailed models for diverse cortical neuron types. ''Nat Commun''. 2018 Feb 19; '''9''' (1):710
CLARITY for High-resolution Imaging and Quantification of Vasculature in the Whole Mouse Brain.
Description: Zhang, Lin-Yuan, et al. CLARITY for High-resolution Imaging and Quantification of Vasculature in the Whole Mouse Brain. ''Aging Dis''. 2018 Apr; '''9''' (2):262-272
Embryonic and postnatal neurogenesis produce functionally distinct subclasses of dopaminergic neuron.
Description: Galliano, Elisa, et al. Embryonic and postnatal neurogenesis produce functionally distinct subclasses of dopaminergic neuron. ''Elife''. 2018 Apr 20; '''7''':
Imaging the ovary.
Description: Feng, Yi, et al. Imaging the ovary. ''Reprod Biomed Online''. 2018 May; '''36''' (5):584-593
Neuroanatomical details of the lateral neurons of Drosophila melanogaster support their functional role in the circadian system.
Description: Schubert, Frank K, et al. Neuroanatomical details of the lateral neurons of Drosophila melanogaster support their functional role in the circadian system. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2018 May 1; '''526''' (7):1209-1231
DeepNeuron: an open deep learning toolbox for neuron tracing.
Description: Zhou, Zhi, et al. DeepNeuron: an open deep learning toolbox for neuron tracing. ''Brain Inform''. 2018 Jun 6; '''5''' (2):3
Systematic Analysis of Transmitter Coexpression Reveals Organizing Principles of Local Interneuron Heterogeneity.
Description: Lizbinski, Kristyn M, et al. Systematic Analysis of Transmitter Coexpression Reveals Organizing Principles of Local Interneuron Heterogeneity. ''eNeuro''. 2018 Sep-Oct; '''5''' (5):
Disentangling astroglial physiology with a realistic cell model in silico.
Description: Savtchenko, Leonid P, et al. Disentangling astroglial physiology with a realistic cell model in silico. ''Nat Commun''. 2018 Sep 3; '''9''' (1):3554
h-Channels Contribute to Divergent Intrinsic Membrane Properties of Supragranular Pyramidal Neurons in Human versus Mouse Cerebral Cortex.
Description: Kalmbach, Brian E, et al. h-Channels Contribute to Divergent Intrinsic Membrane Properties of Supragranular Pyramidal Neurons in Human versus Mouse Cerebral Cortex. ''Neuron''. 2018 Dec 5; '''100''' (5):1194-1208.e5
A Novel Type of Neuron Within the Dorsal Striatum.
Description: Mao, Miaomiao, et al. A Novel Type of Neuron Within the Dorsal Striatum. ''Front Neural Circuits''. 2019; '''13''': 32
Leptin-deficient mice have altered three-dimensional growth plate histomorphometry.
Description: Hung, Jun, et al. Leptin-deficient mice have altered three-dimensional growth plate histomorphometry. ''Diabetol Metab Syndr''. 2019; '''11''': 8
Comparisons between the ON- and OFF-edge motion pathways in the Drosophila brain.
Description: Shinomiya, Kazunori, et al. Comparisons between the ON- and OFF-edge motion pathways in the Drosophila brain. ''Elife''. 2019 Jan 9; '''8''':
Stereotyped terminal axon branching of leg motor neurons mediated by IgSF proteins DIP-alpha and Dpr10.
Description: Venkatasubramanian, Lalanti, et al. Stereotyped terminal axon branching of leg motor neurons mediated by IgSF proteins DIP-alpha and Dpr10. ''Elife''. 2019 Feb 4; '''8''':
Multi-sample SPIM image acquisition, processing and analysis of vascular growth in zebrafish.
Description: Daetwyler, Stephan, et al. Multi-sample SPIM image acquisition, processing and analysis of vascular growth in zebrafish. ''Development''. 2019 Mar 21; '''146''' (6):
FMST: an Automatic Neuron Tracing Method Based on Fast Marching and Minimum Spanning Tree.
Description: Yang, Jian, et al. FMST: an Automatic Neuron Tracing Method Based on Fast Marching and Minimum Spanning Tree. ''Neuroinformatics''. 2019 Apr; '''17''' (2):185-196
Diverse synaptic and dendritic mechanisms of complex spike burst generation in hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cells.
Description: Raus Balind, Snezana, et al. Diverse synaptic and dendritic mechanisms of complex spike burst generation in hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cells. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Apr 23; '''10''' (1):1859
Variability and directionality of inferior olive neuron dendrites revealed by detailed 3D characterization of an extensive morphological library.
Description: Vrieler, Nora, et al. Variability and directionality of inferior olive neuron dendrites revealed by detailed 3D characterization of an extensive morphological library. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2019 May; '''224''' (4):1677-1695
PINK1 deficiency is associated with increased deficits of adult hippocampal neurogenesis and lowers the threshold for stress-induced depression in mice.
Description: Agnihotri, Sandeep K, et al. PINK1 deficiency is associated with increased deficits of adult hippocampal neurogenesis and lowers the threshold for stress-induced depression in mice. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2019 May 2; '''363''': 161-172
Automated Neuron Reconstruction from 3D Fluorescence Microscopy Images Using Sequential Monte Carlo Estimation.
Description: Radojevic, Miroslav, et al. Automated Neuron Reconstruction from 3D Fluorescence Microscopy Images Using Sequential Monte Carlo Estimation. ''Neuroinformatics''. 2019 Jul; '''17''' (3):423-442
In-Vivo Quantitative Image Analysis of Age-Related Morphological Changes of C. elegans Neurons Reveals a Correlation between Neurite Bending and Novel Neurite Outgrowths.
Description: Hess, Max, et al. In-Vivo Quantitative Image Analysis of Age-Related Morphological Changes of C. elegans Neurons Reveals a Correlation between Neurite Bending and Novel Neurite Outgrowths. ''eNeuro''. 2019 Jul/Aug; '''6''' (4):
TeraVR empowers precise reconstruction of complete 3-D neuronal morphology in the whole brain.
Description: Wang, Yimin, et al. TeraVR empowers precise reconstruction of complete 3-D neuronal morphology in the whole brain. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Aug 2; '''10''' (1):3474
Adaptations during Maturation in an Identified Honeybee Interneuron Responsive to Waggle Dance Vibration Signals.
Description: Kumaraswamy, Ajayrama, et al. Adaptations during Maturation in an Identified Honeybee Interneuron Responsive to Waggle Dance Vibration Signals. ''eNeuro''. 2019 Sep/Oct; '''6''' (5):
A versatile microfluidic device for highly inclined thin illumination microscopy in the moss Physcomitrella patens.
Description: Kozgunova, Elena, et al. A versatile microfluidic device for highly inclined thin illumination microscopy in the moss Physcomitrella patens. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Oct 23; '''9''' (1):15182
A Smart Region-Growing Algorithm for Single-Neuron Segmentation From Confocal and 2-Photon Datasets.
Description: Callara, Alejandro Luis, et al. A Smart Region-Growing Algorithm for Single-Neuron Segmentation From Confocal and 2-Photon Datasets. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2020; '''14''': 9
Software tools for 3D nuclei segmentation and quantitative analysis in multicellular aggregates.
Description: Piccinini, Filippo, et al. Software tools for 3D nuclei segmentation and quantitative analysis in multicellular aggregates. ''Comput Struct Biotechnol J''. 2020; '''18''': 1287-1300
Weakly Supervised Learning of 3D Deep Network for Neuron Reconstruction.
Description: Huang, Qing, et al. Weakly Supervised Learning of 3D Deep Network for Neuron Reconstruction. ''Front Neuroanat''. 2020; '''14''': 38
P2Y13 receptors regulate microglial morphology, surveillance, and resting levels of interleukin 1beta release.
Description: Kyrargyri, Vasiliki, et al. P2Y13 receptors regulate microglial morphology, surveillance, and resting levels of interleukin 1beta release. ''Glia''. 2020 Feb; '''68''' (2):328-344
Binocular Encoding in the Damselfly Pre-motor Target Tracking System.
Description: Supple, Jack A, et al. Binocular Encoding in the Damselfly Pre-motor Target Tracking System. ''Curr Biol''. 2020 Feb 24; '''30''' (4):645-656.e4
A combinatorial code of transcription factors specifies subtypes of visual motion-sensing neurons in Drosophila.
Description: Hormann, Nikolai, et al. A combinatorial code of transcription factors specifies subtypes of visual motion-sensing neurons in Drosophila. ''Development''. 2020 May 13; '''147''' (9):
Whole-Neuron Synaptic Mapping Reveals Spatially Precise Excitatory/Inhibitory Balance Limiting Dendritic and Somatic Spiking.
Description: Iascone, Daniel Maxim, et al. Whole-Neuron Synaptic Mapping Reveals Spatially Precise Excitatory/Inhibitory Balance Limiting Dendritic and Somatic Spiking. ''Neuron''. 2020 May 20; '''106''' (4):566-578.e8
Functional specification of CCK+ interneurons by alternative isoforms of Kv4.3 auxiliary subunits.
Description: Olah, Viktor Janos, et al. Functional specification of CCK+ interneurons by alternative isoforms of Kv4.3 auxiliary subunits. ''Elife''. 2020 Jun 3; '''9''':
Different dendritic domains of the GnRH neuron underlie the pulse and surge modes of GnRH secretion in female mice.
Description: Wang, Li, et al. Different dendritic domains of the GnRH neuron underlie the pulse and surge modes of GnRH secretion in female mice. ''Elife''. 2020 Jul 9; '''9''':
Light microscopy based approach for mapping connectivity with molecular specificity.
Description: Shen, Fred Y, et al. Light microscopy based approach for mapping connectivity with molecular specificity. ''Nat Commun''. 2020 Sep 15; '''11''' (1):4632
Three-dimensional reconstruction of laryngeal cancer with whole organ serial immunohistochemical sections.
Description: Tian, Jun, et al. Three-dimensional reconstruction of laryngeal cancer with whole organ serial immunohistochemical sections. ''Sci Rep''. 2020 Nov 3; '''10''' (1):18962
Retrieving similar substructures on 3D neuron reconstructions.
Description: Yang, Jian, et al. Retrieving similar substructures on 3D neuron reconstructions. ''Brain Inform''. 2020 Nov 4; '''7''' (1):14
Cerebellar Golgi cell models predict dendritic processing and mechanisms of synaptic plasticity.
Description: Masoli, Stefano, et al. Cerebellar Golgi cell models predict dendritic processing and mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2020 Dec; '''16''' (12):e1007937
A Neural Basis for Categorizing Sensory Stimuli to Enhance Decision Accuracy.
Description: Hu, Yujia, et al. A Neural Basis for Categorizing Sensory Stimuli to Enhance Decision Accuracy. ''Curr Biol''. 2020 Dec 21; '''30''' (24):4896-4909.e6
Multi-Scale Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy for Fast Whole Brain Imaging.
Description: Zhang, Zhouzhou, et al. Multi-Scale Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy for Fast Whole Brain Imaging. ''Front Neuroanat''. 2021; '''15''': 732464
Highly redundant neuropeptide volume co-transmission underlying episodic activation of the GnRH neuron dendron.
Description: Liu, Xinhuai, et al. Highly redundant neuropeptide volume co-transmission underlying episodic activation of the GnRH neuron dendron. ''Elife''. 2021 Jan 19; '''10''':
Stellate cell computational modeling predicts signal filtering in the molecular layer circuit of cerebellum.
Description: Rizza, Martina Francesca, et al. Stellate cell computational modeling predicts signal filtering in the molecular layer circuit of cerebellum. ''Sci Rep''. 2021 Feb 16; '''11''' (1):3873
Graphical-model framework for automated annotation of cell identities in dense cellular images.
Description: Chaudhary, Shivesh, et al. Graphical-model framework for automated annotation of cell identities in dense cellular images. ''Elife''. 2021 Feb 24; '''10''':
Model-based comparison of current flow in rod bipolar cells of healthy and early-stage degenerated retina.
Description: Kosta, Pragya, et al. Model-based comparison of current flow in rod bipolar cells of healthy and early-stage degenerated retina. ''Exp Eye Res''. 2021 Jun; '''207''': 108554
An imaging analysis protocol to trace, quantify, and model multi-signal neuron morphology.
Description: Nanda, Sumit, et al. An imaging analysis protocol to trace, quantify, and model multi-signal neuron morphology. ''STAR Protoc''. 2021 Jun 18; '''2''' (2):100567
Small Size of Recorded Neuronal Structures Confines the Accuracy in Direct Axonal Voltage Measurements.
Description: Olah, Viktor Janos, et al. Small Size of Recorded Neuronal Structures Confines the Accuracy in Direct Axonal Voltage Measurements. ''eNeuro''. 2021 Jul-Aug; '''8''' (4):
Scaled, high fidelity electrophysiological, morphological, and transcriptomic cell characterization.
Description: Lee, Brian R, et al. Scaled, high fidelity electrophysiological, morphological, and transcriptomic cell characterization. ''Elife''. 2021 Aug 13; '''10''':
Exploring highly reliable substructures in auto-reconstructions of a neuron.
Description: He, Yishan, et al. Exploring highly reliable substructures in auto-reconstructions of a neuron. ''Brain Inform''. 2021 Aug 24; '''8''' (1):17
Cellular anatomy of the mouse primary motor cortex.
Description: Munoz-Castaneda, Rodrigo, et al. Cellular anatomy of the mouse primary motor cortex. ''Nature''. 2021 Oct; '''598''' (7879):159-166
Human neocortical expansion involves glutamatergic neuron diversification.
Description: Berg, Jim, et al. Human neocortical expansion involves glutamatergic neuron diversification. ''Nature''. 2021 Oct; '''598''' (7879):151-158
Morphological diversity of single neurons in molecularly defined cell types.
Description: Peng, Hanchuan, et al. Morphological diversity of single neurons in molecularly defined cell types. ''Nature''. 2021 Oct; '''598''' (7879):174-181
Distinct interhemispheric connectivity at the level of the olfactory bulb emerges during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis.
Description: Weiss, Lukas, et al. Distinct interhemispheric connectivity at the level of the olfactory bulb emerges during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis. ''Cell Tissue Res''. 2021 Dec; '''386''' (3):491-511
C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion leads to altered neuronal and dendritic spine morphology and synaptic dysfunction.
Description: Huber, Nadine, et al. C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion leads to altered neuronal and dendritic spine morphology and synaptic dysfunction. ''Neurobiol Dis''. 2022 Jan; '''162''': 105584
Smart imaging to empower brain-wide neuroscience at single-cell levels.
Description: Guo, Shuxia, et al. Smart imaging to empower brain-wide neuroscience at single-cell levels. ''Brain Inform''. 2022 May 11; '''9''' (1):10
Single-neuron models linking electrophysiology, morphology, and transcriptomics across cortical cell types.
Description: Nandi, Anirban, et al. Single-neuron models linking electrophysiology, morphology, and transcriptomics across cortical cell types. ''Cell Rep''. 2022 Aug 9; '''40''' (6):111176
A photo-switchable assay system for dendrite degeneration and repair in Drosophila melanogaster.
Description: Liu, Han-Hsuan, et al. A photo-switchable assay system for dendrite degeneration and repair in Drosophila melanogaster. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2022 Aug 23; '''119''' (34):e2204577119
Phloretin enhances remyelination by stimulating oligodendrocyte precursor cell differentiation.
Description: Dierckx, Tess, et al. Phloretin enhances remyelination by stimulating oligodendrocyte precursor cell differentiation. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2022 Nov 16; '''119''' (46):e2120393119
Impact of Retinal Degeneration on Response of ON and OFF Cone Bipolar Cells to Electrical Stimulation.
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Regional and cell-type-specific afferent and efferent projections of the mouse claustrum.
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Target cell-specific synaptic dynamics of excitatory to inhibitory neuron connections in supragranular layers of human neocortex.
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Stimulus edges induce orientation tuning in superior colliculus.
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Heterogeneous receptor expression underlies non-uniform peptidergic modulation of olfaction in Drosophila.
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D-LMBmap: a fully automated deep-learning pipeline for whole-brain profiling of neural circuitry.
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Increased intrinsic membrane excitability is associated with hypertrophic olivary degeneration in spinocerebellar ataxia type 1.
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Connecting single-cell transcriptomes to projectomes in mouse visual cortex.
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Human Purkinje cells outperform mouse Purkinje cells in dendritic complexity and computational capacity.
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Sensor system for analysis of biofilm sensitivity to ampicillin.
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Amyloid plaques and normal ageing have differential effects on microglial Ca(2+) activity in the mouse brain.
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Transcriptional control of visual neural circuit development by GS homeobox 1.
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Deep learning-based localization algorithms on fluorescence human brain 3D reconstruction: a comparative study using stereology as a reference.
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Collaborative augmented reconstruction of 3D neuron morphology in mouse and human brains.
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Neuronal diversity and stereotypy at multiple scales through whole brain morphometry.
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Analyzing the factors affecting virus invasion by quantitative single-particle analysis.
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