help > build.ubuntu causes errors
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Aug 12, 2010  07:08 AM | Aurelien Lucchi
build.ubuntu causes errors
I tried to build v3d on my desktop but the build file is far from being perfect. I got a bunch of errors :

../basic_c_fun/mg_image_lib.h:47:42: error: ../common_lib/include/tiffio.h: No such file or directory
I don't know if we are supposed to use the standard file but in any case, it would be better to either copy the file or update mg_image_lib.h to use the standard header file.

I also get some errors but it might be related to the first one :
[: 27: ==: unexpected operator
[: 27: ==: unexpected operator 27: Bad substitution
cp: cannot stat `v3d/plugins': No such file or directory
sh: Can't open v3d/v3d

Aug 13, 2010  02:08 AM | Hanchuan Peng
RE: build.ubuntu causes errors

The problem was that we removed tiff and boost , assuming someone like you should know how to build them. However, I have just added another script called build.linux at the root folder of the V3D system. You can try now.

just type "sh build.linux" and you should be all set, and should be able to see V3D launches automatically with all default plugins. You need to build V3D-ITK plugins separately, of course.


Originally posted by Aurelien Lucchi:
I tried to build v3d on my desktop but the build file is far from being perfect. I got a bunch of errors :

../basic_c_fun/mg_image_lib.h:47:42: error: ../common_lib/include/tiffio.h: No such file or directory
I don't know if we are supposed to use the standard file but in any case, it would be better to either copy the file or update mg_image_lib.h to use the standard header file.

I also get some errors but it might be related to the first one :
[: 27: ==: unexpected operator
[: 27: ==: unexpected operator 27: Bad substitution
cp: cannot stat `v3d/plugins': No such file or directory
sh: Can't open v3d/v3d

Aug 13, 2010  03:08 AM | Luis Ibanez
RE: build.ubuntu causes errors


Thanks for adding the script at the top.

There is still something missing to get
it to work in Ubuntu.

When I ran:

sh build.linux -B -j4

this is what I get in my Ubuntu 9.10 installation:
(the end of the error messages).

g++ -o v3d mg_utilities.o mg_image_lib.o stackutil.o v3d_message.o basic_surf_objs.o basic_4dimage.o v3d_plugin_loader.o pluginDialog.o dijk.o apo_xforms.o neuron_xforms.o neuron_sim_scores.o v_neuronswc.o neuron_format_converter.o dij_bgl.o fit_gmm.o template_matching_seg.o v3dr_mainwindow.o v3dr_glwidget.o GLee_r.o renderer.o renderer_tex2.o renderer_obj2.o renderer_hit2.o renderer_labelfield.o v3dr_surfaceDialog.o ItemEditor.o Renderer_gl2.o v3dr_colormapDialog.o gradients.o hoverpoints.o barFigureDialog.o v3d_version_info.o main.o mainwindow.o mainwindow_interface.o v3d_core.o v3dimgproc_entry.o my4dimage.o v3dimg_proc_neuron.o colormap.o rotate_image.o dialog_rotate.o landmark_property_dialog.o dialog_keypoint_features.o histogramsimple.o surfaceobj_geometry_dialog.o import_filelistname.o import_tiffseries.o vano_linker_loader_dialog.o atlas_viewer.o dialog_watershed_para.o bdb_minus.o mst_prim_c.o bfs_1root.o spline_cubic.o histeq.o moc_pluginDialog.o moc_v3d_plugin_loader.o moc_v3dr_mainwindow.o moc_v3dr_glwidget.o moc_v3dr_surfaceDialog.o moc_ItemEditor.o moc_v3dr_colormapDialog.o moc_gradients.o moc_hoverpoints.o moc_v3d_global_preference_dialog.o moc_dialog_rotate.o moc_dialog_curve_trace_para.o moc_template_matching_cellseg_dialog.o moc_landmark_property_dialog.o moc_dialog_keypoint_features.o moc_surfaceobj_annotation_dialog.o moc_surfaceobj_geometry_dialog.o moc_import_filelist_dialog.o moc_import_images_tool_dialog.o moc_vano_linker_loader_dialog.o moc_dialog_imagecrop_bbox.o moc_dialog_imageresample.o moc_dialog_maskroi.o moc_atlas_viewer.o moc_v3d_core.o moc_xformwidget.o moc_mainwindow.o moc_dialog_watershed_para.o moc_FL_levelsetSegPara_dialog.o qrc_v3d.o qrc_3drenderer.o -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L../common_lib//lib -L/usr/bin/../demos/shared -L/usr/bin/../demos/shared/release -L../jba/c++ -L../common_lib/lib -lm -lv3dtiff -lv3dnewmat -L./jba/c++ -lQtOpenGL -lQtGui -lQtCore -lGLU -lGL -lpthread
v3d_core.o: In function `XFormView':
/home/ibanez/src/v3d/v3d_main/v3d/v3d_core.cpp:1269: undefined reference to `ArthurFrame::ArthurFrame(QWidget*)'
/home/ibanez/src/v3d/v3d_main/v3d/v3d_core.cpp:1269: undefined reference to `ArthurFrame::ArthurFrame(QWidget*)'
v3d_core.o: In function `~ArthurFrame':
/usr/local/include/arthurwidgets.h:67: undefined reference to `vtable for ArthurFrame'
/usr/local/include/arthurwidgets.h:67: undefined reference to `vtable for ArthurFrame'
moc_v3d_core.o: In function `XFormView::qt_metacast(char const*)':
/home/ibanez/src/v3d/v3d_main/v3d/moc_v3d_core.cpp:81: undefined reference to `ArthurFrame::qt_metacast(char const*)'
moc_v3d_core.o: In function `XFormView::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)':
/home/ibanez/src/v3d/v3d_main/v3d/moc_v3d_core.cpp:86: undefined reference to `ArthurFrame::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)'
moc_v3d_core.o:(.rodata+0x40): undefined reference to `ArthurFrame::staticMetaObject'
moc_v3d_core.o:(.rodata._ZTV9XFormView[vtable for XFormView]+0xf8): undefined reference to `ArthurFrame::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)'
moc_v3d_core.o:(.rodata._ZTV9XFormView[vtable for XFormView]+0x108): undefined reference to `ArthurFrame::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*)'
moc_v3d_core.o:(.rodata._ZTI9XFormView[typeinfo for XFormView]+0x10): undefined reference to `typeinfo for ArthurFrame'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [v3d] Error 1
cp: cannot stat `v3d': No such file or directory
[: 27: -B: unexpected operator
[: 27: -B: unexpected operator 27: Bad substitution
Now run V3D...
./build.redhat: 69: ./v3d: not found
Aug 13, 2010  03:08 AM | Hanchuan Peng
RE: build.ubuntu causes errors
which version of qt are you using?

My Ubuntu for this test was fresh (as I reinstalled everything yesterday evening). I then downloaded qt 4.6.3 and built from scratch with the option "./configure -nomake examples".

The missing arthurwidget is in the qt demo. If you don't want to rebuild qt, then probably you can set the include path.

Or, you can directly go to v3d_main/v3d and find, run "qmake", followed by "make". This is exactly the same as the one we used before w/o the new script. If this does not work, then sth must change on your machine (as it worked before on your machine, right?).

Aug 14, 2010  03:08 PM | Aurelien Lucchi
RE: build.ubuntu causes errors
Luis and I didn't build qt but we installed it from the repository and apparently the libdemo is built in a separate file if you get qt from the repository. That's why Luis and I updated the file during the Hackathon so that we can link with libdemo_shared.a :
-L/usr/lib/qt4/demos/shared -ldemo_shared
Aug 14, 2010  03:08 PM | Hanchuan Peng
RE: build.ubuntu causes errors
A potential problem is that a user may not have qt4 installed.

In that case, if the user (you) uses the QtCreator, you need to figure out where is the demo files (ArthurWidget).

Or, just rebuild qt as I suggest, which is very easy:

(1) download qt src code
(2) run "./configure -no-make examples"
(3) make -j8
(4) sudo make install
(5) set the PATH environment variable to include the compiled QT, so that "qmake" is visible
(6) finally build v3d

Aug 14, 2010  03:08 PM | Aurelien Lucchi
RE: build.ubuntu causes errors
That's another way to do it but I think many users don't like compiling libraries.

I just managed to compile and link v3d on my desktop with Ubuntu 8.04 (that's one more reason for releasing the source code cause I could't run v3d on my desktop before ;-). I had to make a few changes that I'm listing below (it might be useful for somebody else) :

sudo apt-get install qt4-demos
sudo apt-get install libqt4-opengl-dev
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/qt4/demos/shared/arthurwidgets.h /usr/include/arthurwidgets.h
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/qt4/demos/shared/arthurstyle.h /usr/include/arthurstyle.h

In build.redhat :
replaced qmake $QARGS by qmake-qt4 $QARGS
(you also need to edit
Aug 16, 2010  12:08 PM | Ihor Smal
RE: build.ubuntu causes errors
I have the same problem with the new build (as of today) on my Ubuntu 10.4 machine. I run ./build.linux -B -j4 and get this:

g++ -o v3d mg_utilities.o mg_image_lib.o stackutil.o v3d_message.o basic_surf_objs.o basic_4dimage.o v3d_plugin_loader.o pluginDialog.o dijk.o apo_xforms.o neuron_xforms.o neuron_sim_scores.o v_neuronswc.o neuron_format_converter.o dij_bgl.o fit_gmm.o template_matching_seg.o v3dr_mainwindow.o v3dr_glwidget.o GLee_r.o renderer.o renderer_tex2.o renderer_obj2.o renderer_hit2.o renderer_labelfield.o v3dr_surfaceDialog.o ItemEditor.o Renderer_gl2.o v3dr_colormapDialog.o gradients.o hoverpoints.o barFigureDialog.o v3d_version_info.o main.o mainwindow.o mainwindow_interface.o v3d_core.o v3dimgproc_entry.o my4dimage.o v3dimg_proc_neuron.o colormap.o rotate_image.o dialog_rotate.o landmark_property_dialog.o dialog_keypoint_features.o histogramsimple.o surfaceobj_geometry_dialog.o import_filelistname.o import_tiffseries.o vano_linker_loader_dialog.o atlas_viewer.o dialog_watershed_para.o bdb_minus.o mst_prim_c.o bfs_1root.o spline_cubic.o histeq.o moc_pluginDialog.o moc_v3d_plugin_loader.o moc_v3dr_mainwindow.o moc_v3dr_glwidget.o moc_v3dr_surfaceDialog.o moc_ItemEditor.o moc_v3dr_colormapDialog.o moc_gradients.o moc_hoverpoints.o moc_v3d_global_preference_dialog.o moc_dialog_rotate.o moc_dialog_curve_trace_para.o moc_template_matching_cellseg_dialog.o moc_landmark_property_dialog.o moc_dialog_keypoint_features.o moc_surfaceobj_annotation_dialog.o moc_surfaceobj_geometry_dialog.o moc_import_filelist_dialog.o moc_import_images_tool_dialog.o moc_vano_linker_loader_dialog.o moc_dialog_imagecrop_bbox.o moc_dialog_imageresample.o moc_dialog_maskroi.o moc_atlas_viewer.o moc_v3d_core.o moc_xformwidget.o moc_mainwindow.o moc_dialog_watershed_para.o moc_FL_levelsetSegPara_dialog.o qrc_v3d.o qrc_3drenderer.o -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L../common_lib//lib -L/usr/bin/../demos/shared -L/usr/bin/../demos/shared/release -L../jba/c++ -L../common_lib/lib -lm -lv3dtiff -lv3dnewmat -L./jba/c++ -lQtOpenGL -lQtGui -lQtCore -lGLU -lGL -lpthread
v3d_core.o: In function `XFormView':
/home/ismal/pub/v3d/src/trunk/v3d_main/v3d/v3d_core.cpp:1289: undefined reference to `ArthurFrame::ArthurFrame(QWidget*)'
/home/ismal/pub/v3d/src/trunk/v3d_main/v3d/v3d_core.cpp:1289: undefined reference to `ArthurFrame::ArthurFrame(QWidget*)'
v3d_core.o: In function `~ArthurFrame':
/usr/local/include/arthurwidgets.h:86: undefined reference to `vtable for ArthurFrame'
/usr/local/include/arthurwidgets.h:86: undefined reference to `vtable for ArthurFrame'
moc_v3d_core.o: In function `XFormView::qt_metacast(char const*)':
/home/ismal/pub/v3d/src/trunk/v3d_main/v3d/moc_v3d_core.cpp:87: undefined reference to `ArthurFrame::qt_metacast(char const*)'
moc_v3d_core.o: In function `XFormView::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)':
/home/ismal/pub/v3d/src/trunk/v3d_main/v3d/moc_v3d_core.cpp:92: undefined reference to `ArthurFrame::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)'
moc_v3d_core.o:(.rodata+0x40): undefined reference to `ArthurFrame::staticMetaObject'
moc_v3d_core.o:(.rodata._ZTV9XFormView[vtable for XFormView]+0xf8): undefined reference to `ArthurFrame::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)'
moc_v3d_core.o:(.rodata._ZTV9XFormView[vtable for XFormView]+0x108): undefined reference to `ArthurFrame::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*)'
moc_v3d_core.o:(.rodata._ZTI9XFormView[typeinfo for XFormView]+0x10): undefined reference to `typeinfo for ArthurFrame'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [v3d] Error 1
cp: cannot stat `v3d': No such file or directory
[: 27: -B: unexpected operator

a few days ago, with 2.503 build it worked ok.

Aug 16, 2010  01:08 PM | Hanchuan Peng
RE: build.ubuntu causes errors
see aurelien's solution. that should work.

or, re-build qt. that can also ensure the correctness.
Aug 16, 2010  01:08 PM | Aurelien Lucchi
RE: build.ubuntu causes errors
Just edit the file to make sure the following line is NOT commented out :
-L/usr/lib/qt4/demos/shared -ldemo_shared
Aug 16, 2010  01:08 PM | Hanchuan Peng
RE: build.ubuntu causes errors
I have updated the file in the repository.
Aug 17, 2010  08:08 AM | Ihor Smal
RE: build.ubuntu causes errors
as of today, build.linux (2.513) works without any changes that were proposed after I posted the problem