help > build.macx
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Aug 17, 2010  08:08 AM | Ihor Smal
a thread related to mac os x build of v3d

I'll start. Starting from yesterday, 16/08/2010 I cannot build v3d for mac as I did before, qmake does not create Makefile. I run ./build.macx -B -n -j4

qmake "CONFIG+=x86"
make -B -j4 CONFIG+=x86
Project MESSAGE: CONFIG=lex yacc warn_on debug uic resources sdk rez qt warn_on release lib_version_first incremental plugin_no_soname link_prl app_bundle exceptions no_mocdepend debug stl qt_framework no_mocdepend x86 warn_off debug
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
cp: No such file or directory
cp: No such file or directory
cp: ./v3d/ No such file or directory
Now build v3d plugins

I understand that one can probably fix it manually, but it would be nice to fix it globally, so everyone can just build v3d without making new cofig files locally.
Aug 17, 2010  01:08 PM | Hanchuan Peng
RE: build.macx
I re-tested and did not find any problem for both 32bit and 64bit build on Mac. Can you re-test?

BTW, for your convenience, I have also just added a new option in build.macx script so that now if you type

./build.macx -T -B -n -j4

You are able to rebuild libtiff as well, which ensure the 32/64 bit of libtiff and v3d would always be consistent.

For 64bit, it will be the similar

./build.macx -T -B -m -j4

If you don't need to build libtiff again, you don't need to specify -T. In that case, if libtiff does not exist locally,. it will build it. Otherwise it will use the existing one.

Aug 17, 2010  03:08 PM | Ihor Smal
RE: build.macx
I localized the problem. I was trying to build v3d against Qt 4.6.3 and with that newer version one has to add some parameters to the qmake, otherwise the Makefile is not created. So, for example, one should run

qmake -spec macx-g++

I believe someone already mentioned that somewhere here. So I added that to my build.macx script. I'm using "clean" mac with os x 10.5 (not 10.6) and now I'm getting this error

g++ -headerpad_max_install_names -arch i386 -o mg_utilities.o mg_image_lib.o stackutil.o v3d_message.o basic_surf_objs.o basic_4dimage.o v3d_plugin_loader.o pluginDialog.o dijk.o apo_xforms.o neuron_xforms.o neuron_sim_scores.o v_neuronswc.o neuron_format_converter.o dij_bgl.o fit_gmm.o template_matching_seg.o v3dr_mainwindow.o v3dr_glwidget.o GLee_r.o renderer.o renderer_tex2.o renderer_obj2.o renderer_hit2.o renderer_labelfield.o v3dr_surfaceDialog.o ItemEditor.o Renderer_gl2.o v3dr_colormapDialog.o gradients.o hoverpoints.o barFigureDialog.o v3d_version_info.o main.o mainwindow.o mainwindow_interface.o v3d_core.o v3dimgproc_entry.o my4dimage.o v3dimg_proc_neuron.o colormap.o rotate_image.o dialog_rotate.o landmark_property_dialog.o dialog_keypoint_features.o histogramsimple.o surfaceobj_geometry_dialog.o import_filelistname.o import_tiffseries.o vano_linker_loader_dialog.o atlas_viewer.o dialog_watershed_para.o bdb_minus.o mst_prim_c.o bfs_1root.o spline_cubic.o histeq.o moc_pluginDialog.o moc_v3d_plugin_loader.o moc_v3dr_mainwindow.o moc_v3dr_glwidget.o moc_v3dr_surfaceDialog.o moc_ItemEditor.o moc_v3dr_colormapDialog.o moc_gradients.o moc_hoverpoints.o moc_v3d_global_preference_dialog.o moc_dialog_rotate.o moc_dialog_curve_trace_para.o moc_template_matching_cellseg_dialog.o moc_landmark_property_dialog.o moc_dialog_keypoint_features.o moc_surfaceobj_annotation_dialog.o moc_surfaceobj_geometry_dialog.o moc_import_filelist_dialog.o moc_import_images_tool_dialog.o moc_vano_linker_loader_dialog.o moc_dialog_imagecrop_bbox.o moc_dialog_imageresample.o moc_dialog_maskroi.o moc_atlas_viewer.o moc_v3d_core.o moc_xformwidget.o moc_mainwindow.o moc_dialog_watershed_para.o moc_FL_levelsetSegPara_dialog.o qrc_v3d.o qrc_3drenderer.o -F/Library/Frameworks -L/Library/Frameworks -L../common_lib//lib -L/usr/bin/../demos/shared -ldemo_shared -L/usr/local/pgsql/lib -L/tmp/qt-stuff/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.3/lib -F/tmp/qt-stuff/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.3/lib -L/usr/bin/../demos/shared/release -L../jba/c++ -L../common_lib/lib -lm -lv3dtiff -lv3dnewmat -L/usr/lib/qt4/demos/shared -L../common_lib/lib_mac32 -L./jba/c++ -L./common_lib/lib_mac32 -framework QtOpenGL -framework QtGui -framework QtCore -framework OpenGL -framework AGL
Undefined symbols:
"_deflateReset", referenced from:
_ZIPPreEncode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_zip.o)
_PixarLogPreEncode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_pixarlog.o)
"_inflateReset", referenced from:
_ZIPPreDecode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_zip.o)
_PixarLogPreDecode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_pixarlog.o)
"_deflateEnd", referenced from:
_ZIPCleanup in libv3dtiff.a(tif_zip.o)
_PixarLogCleanup in libv3dtiff.a(tif_pixarlog.o)
"_inflateEnd", referenced from:
_ZIPCleanup in libv3dtiff.a(tif_zip.o)
_PixarLogCleanup in libv3dtiff.a(tif_pixarlog.o)
"_CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath", referenced from:
___GLeeGetProcAddress in GLee_r.o
"_deflateParams", referenced from:
_ZIPVSetField in libv3dtiff.a(tif_zip.o)
_PixarLogVSetField in libv3dtiff.a(tif_pixarlog.o)
"___CFConstantStringClassReference", referenced from:
__cfstring@0 in GLee_r.o
"_CFBundleCreate", referenced from:
___GLeeGetProcAddress in GLee_r.o
"_kCFAllocatorDefault", referenced from:
_kCFAllocatorDefault$non_lazy_ptr in GLee_r.o
"_CFStringCreateWithCString", referenced from:
___GLeeGetProcAddress in GLee_r.o
"_deflate", referenced from:
_ZIPEncode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_zip.o)
_ZIPPostEncode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_zip.o)
_PixarLogEncode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_pixarlog.o)
_PixarLogPostEncode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_pixarlog.o)
"_CFRelease", referenced from:
___GLeeGetProcAddress in GLee_r.o
___GLeeGetProcAddress in GLee_r.o
___GLeeGetProcAddress in GLee_r.o
"_inflate", referenced from:
_ZIPDecode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_zip.o)
_PixarLogDecode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_pixarlog.o)
"_inflateSync", referenced from:
_ZIPDecode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_zip.o)
_PixarLogDecode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_pixarlog.o)
"_deflateInit_", referenced from:
_ZIPSetupEncode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_zip.o)
_PixarLogSetupEncode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_pixarlog.o)
"_CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName", referenced from:
___GLeeGetProcAddress in GLee_r.o
"_inflateInit_", referenced from:
_ZIPSetupDecode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_zip.o)
_PixarLogSetupDecode in libv3dtiff.a(tif_pixarlog.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [] Error 1
Aug 17, 2010  04:08 PM | Ihor Smal
RE: build.macx
just tried with qt 4.5.2 and it works...

... another thing, with "-T" option -- it is passed to the plugin building script and then one gets something like

sh -T -B -n -j4

make: invalid option -- T
Usage: make [options] [target] ...
Aug 17, 2010  05:08 PM | Hanchuan Peng
RE: build.macx
I also noted that. will fix soon.
Aug 17, 2010  05:08 PM | Hanchuan Peng
RE: build.macx
On mac I have not been successful to compile qt 4.6 with V3D, and I got the same problem. Indeed this is not a V3D problem, but instead a LIBTIFF and QT 4.6 compatibility issue. So now on Mac I am still using Qt 4.5.2.

Now windows and Linux I did not have this problem at all. I used both Qt. 4.6.3 for Ubuntu, Redhat, and Windows XP and 7. All successful.

But I am going to change libtiff anyway, - it has a poor support of large files. I plan to replace it with another tiff library developed at Janelia soon!


Aug 17, 2010  10:08 PM | Hanchuan Peng
RE: build.macx
now as of the svn version 241 I have fixed the -T option problem.
Aug 18, 2010  07:08 AM | Ihor Smal
RE: build.macx
with build.macx -B -n -j4 I get this (new io_lib)

g++ -c -pipe -g -gdwarf-2 -w -arch i386 -DQT_OPENGL_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -I/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.2/mkspecs/macx-g++ -I. -I/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.2/lib/QtCore.framework/Headers -I/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.2/include/QtCore -I/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.2/lib/QtGui.framework/Headers -I/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.2/include/QtGui -I/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.2/lib/QtOpenGL.framework/Headers -I/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.2/include/QtOpenGL -I/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.2/include -I. -I../common_lib/include -I/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.2/demos/shared -I../common_lib/include -I/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers -I/System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Headers -I. -I. -F/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.2/lib -o imageio_mylib.o ../basic_c_fun/imageio_mylib.cpp
../basic_c_fun/imageio_mylib.cpp:40:51: error: /Users/pengh/work/genelib/mylib/image.h: No such file or directory
../basic_c_fun/imageio_mylib.cpp: In function 'int loadTif2StackMylib(char*, unsigned char*&, long int*&, int&, int&)':
../basic_c_fun/imageio_mylib.cpp:50: error: 'Array' was not declared in this scope
../basic_c_fun/imageio_mylib.cpp:50: error: 'indata' was not declared in this scope
../basic_c_fun/imageio_mylib.cpp:50: error: 'Read_Image' was not declared in this scope
../basic_c_fun/imageio_mylib.cpp:80: error: 'UINT8' was not declared in this scope
../basic_c_fun/imageio_mylib.cpp:81: error: 'UINT16' was not declared in this scope
../basic_c_fun/imageio_mylib.cpp:82: error: 'FLOAT32' was not declared in this scope
../basic_c_fun/imageio_mylib.cpp:115: error: 'Kill_Array' was not declared in this scope
make: *** [imageio_mylib.o] Error 1
Aug 18, 2010  02:08 PM | Hanchuan Peng
RE: build.macx
that's what I sent in anther msg yesterday evening, - I have NOT uploaded the actual library files yet. So do not try until I give it a GO, :-). I'd like to first fix the LSM issue.