help > proposal of 3D curve
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Nov 20, 2010  06:11 PM | Jinzhu Yang
proposal of 3D curve
when using the tool "2(3)-righr-stroke to define a 3D curve", Before the completion of 3D curves, all curves should always show
Nov 21, 2010  01:11 AM | Hanchuan Peng
RE: proposal of 3D curve
not sure what is the meaning of the subject of this msg.

The 2-stroke of 3d curve is designed similar to 2-click defining a 3d point, the two curves are *intentionally* un-displayed because the user should know what he/she is looking at.

V3D website:

Originally posted by Jinzhu Yang:
when using the tool "2(3)-righr-stroke to define a 3D curve", Before the completion of 3D curves, all curves should always show[/userquote]