help > Empty .txt file output
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Sep 17, 2015  04:09 PM | Jason Sisante
Empty .txt file output

Thank you for making your toolbox available!

I have been having some difficulty successfully running the toolbox, however. We have a set of training images that we have used in the past for other WMH toolboxes. We converted the dicom files and then ran the T1/T2 nifti files from 9 pilot subjects through your toolbox, both as a complete batch and individually. Regardless, of the 9 pilot subject sets, only one will provide the 3 EV quantification values. The .txt files for the other 8 subjects are blank where there should be numbers. 
We have played around with the default settings, particularly the cleaning threshold, but still no luck with the other 8 sets.
Any recommendations? Is it possible that there may have been something we did not account for before running the sets through W2MHS (perhaps during the dicom-to-nifti conversion)?
Thank you!
- Jason

Sep 21, 2015  03:09 PM | Vamsi Ithapu
RE: Empty .txt file output

I wonder if the output of WhyD_postproc is itself empty, i.e. the input the the quantification step are images with no/erroneous WMH detections ? Please check the 'pmap' and 'unrectify' files themselves to see if this is what is going on ?
Else, it might be the case that different images have different bias fields, which is unlikely but might cause these issues. If so, changing pre-processing hyper-parameters may help resolve the issue.
Please let me know if either of these solve the issue! Thanks for your interest.

Oct 29, 2015  03:10 PM | Jason Sisante
RE: Empty .txt file output
Thank you!
It appears that we needed to reslice our images again before feeding it through the analysis.
Nov 1, 2015  10:11 PM | Vamsi Ithapu
RE: Empty .txt file output
Ok. Please let us know if there are any more issues.