help > Co-registration in V1.3
Dec 20, 2019  09:12 PM | Kate Marvel - KAUST
Co-registration in V1.3
Dear Prof Schwarz,

I have downloaded MCALT V1.3 and am trying to run the matlab script. I got an error.  Please see below. Your great assistance is appreciated.

>> addpath C:\Users\kate\Documents\spm12
>> inFile = "C:\Users\kate\images\mprage_T1.nii"

inFile =


>> outDir = "C:\Users\kate\images"

outDir =


>> MCALT_T1File = which('MCALT_T1.nii');
>> MCALT_TPMFile = "C:\Users\kate\Documents\spm12\toolbox\MCALT_v1.3\MCALT_tpm.nii";
>> startTime = tic;
>> owd=pwd;
>> cleanupVar = onCleanup(@()cd(owd));
>> if ~exist('inFile','var') || isempty(inFile)
>> [fpath,fbase,fext]=fileparts(inFile);
>> if ~exist('outDir','var') || isempty(outDir)
outDir=[fpath filesep 'seg12'];
>> if ~exist(outDir,'dir')
>> copyfile(inFile,outDir);
>> chdir(outDir);
>> jobFile={which('MCALT_spm12_segment_job.m')};
>> [~,fb]=fileparts(jobFile{1});
>> fb

fb =


>> clear matlabbatch;
>> eval(fb);
>> if ~exist('matlabbatch','var')
error('MCALT_spm12_segment:noMatlabBatch','cannot get matlabbatch struct from %s',jobFile{1});
>> matlabbatch{1} = {[fbase fext ',1']};
>> for i=1:length(matlabbatch{1}.spm.spatial.preproc.tissue)
matlabbatch{1}.spm.spatial.preproc.tissue(i).tpm{1}=[MCALT_TPMFile ',' num2str(i)];
>> spm('defaults', 'PET');
>> disp('Initializing subject->template registration with spm_coreg');
Initializing subject->template registration with spm_coreg
>> regInit=spm_coreg(matlabbatch{1}{1},MCALT_T1File);

SPM12: spm_coreg (v7320) 09:48:17 - 02/12/2019
No appropriate method, property, or field 'pinfo' for class 'string'.

Error in spm_coreg>loaduint8 (line 229)
if size(V.pinfo,2)==1 && V.pinfo(1) == 2

Error in spm_coreg (line 127)
VG.uint8 = loaduint8(VG);

>> addpath C:\Users\kate\Documents\spm12\toolbox\MCALT_v1.3
>> regInit=spm_coreg(matlabbatch{1}{1},MCALT_T1File);

SPM12: spm_coreg (v7320) 09:49:08 - 02/12/2019
No appropriate method, property, or field 'pinfo' for class 'string'.

Error in spm_coreg>loaduint8 (line 229)
if size(V.pinfo,2)==1 && V.pinfo(1) == 2

Error in spm_coreg (line 127)
VG.uint8 = loaduint8(VG);

>> regInit=spm_coreg(matlabbatch{1}{1},MCALT_T1File);

SPM12: spm_coreg (v7320) 09:52:03 - 02/12/2019
No appropriate method, property, or field 'pinfo' for class 'string'.

Error in spm_coreg>loaduint8 (line 229)
if size(V.pinfo,2)==1 && V.pinfo(1) == 2

Error in spm_coreg (line 127)
VG.uint8 = loaduint8(VG);

>> matlabbatch{1}

ans =

1×1 cell array

{1×3 string}

>> matlabbatch{1}{1}
Reference to non-existent field 'vol'.

Did you mean:
>> matlabbatch{1}{1}

ans =

1×3 string array

"LPA_s3543942_e38076_N4_corrected" ".nii" ",1"

>> MCALT_T1File

MCALT_T1File =

0×0 empty char array

>> MCALT_T1File

MCALT_T1File =

0×0 empty char array

>> MCALT_T1File = which('MCALT_T1.nii');
>> MCALT_T1File

MCALT_T1File =


>> MCALT_TPMFile = "C:\Users\kate\Documents\spm12\toolbox\MCALT_v1.3\MCALT_tpm.nii";



>> MCALT_T1File

MCALT_T1File =


>> regInit=spm_coreg(matlabbatch{1},MCALT_T1File);

SPM12: spm_coreg (v7320) 09:58:28 - 02/12/2019
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.

Error in spm_coreg>loaduint8 (line 229)
if size(V.pinfo,2)==1 && V.pinfo(1) == 2

Error in spm_coreg (line 127)
VG.uint8 = loaduint8(VG);

>> matlabbatch{1}

ans =

1×1 cell array

{1×3 string}

>> matlabbatch{1}{1}

ans =

1×3 string array

"LPA_s3543942_e38076_N4_corrected" ".nii" ",1"

>> regInit=spm_coreg(matlabbatch{1}{1},MCALT_T1File);

SPM12: spm_coreg (v7320) 09:59:31 - 02/12/2019
No appropriate method, property, or field 'pinfo' for class 'string'.

Error in spm_coreg>loaduint8 (line 229)
if size(V.pinfo,2)==1 && V.pinfo(1) == 2

Error in spm_coreg (line 127)
VG.uint8 = loaduint8(VG);



Threaded View

Co-registration in V1.3
Kate Marvel Dec 20, 2019
Christopher Schwarz Jan 2, 2020
Kate Marvel Jan 28, 2020
Christopher Schwarz Jan 3, 2020