help > Going the other way: Converting from nii.gz to DICOM
Jun 5, 2020  10:06 PM | Alexander Cohen - Boston Children's Hospital
Going the other way: Converting from nii.gz to DICOM
Hi Chris and anyone else on here:
Are there any efforts in place/I'm going to create a converter they can take xxx.nii.gz + xxx.json files and produce DICOM files that could be readable by clinical software/PACS systems?

I know there is this: (but it has not been updated in years) and Slicer will take nii.gz files to DICOM, but I'm interested in whether there is a tool that could also take BIDS json data and/or additional metadata to repopulate a DICOM header.


-Alex Cohen

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Going the other way: Converting from nii.gz to DICOM
Alexander Cohen Jun 5, 2020
Chris Rorden Jun 6, 2020
Alexander Cohen Jun 6, 2020