The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to MRIcron. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.

A role for right medial prefontal cortex in accurate feeling-of-knowing judgements: evidence from patients with lesions to frontal cortex.
Description: Schnyer, David M, et al. A role for right medial prefontal cortex in accurate feeling-of-knowing judgements: evidence from patients with lesions to frontal cortex. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2004; '''42''' (7):957-66
Age differences in orbitofrontal activation: an fMRI investigation of delayed match and nonmatch to sample.
Description: Lamar, Melissa, et al. Age differences in orbitofrontal activation: an fMRI investigation of delayed match and nonmatch to sample. ''Neuroimage''. 2004 Apr; '''21''' (4):1368-76
Bimanual versus unimanual coordination: what makes the difference?
Description: Koeneke, Susan, et al. Bimanual versus unimanual coordination: what makes the difference? ''Neuroimage''. 2004 Jul; '''22''' (3):1336-50
Cross-relaxation imaging reveals detailed anatomy of white matter fiber tracts in the human brain.
Description: Yarnykh, Vasily L, et al. Cross-relaxation imaging reveals detailed anatomy of white matter fiber tracts in the human brain. ''Neuroimage''. 2004 Sep; '''23''' (1):409-24
Measuring functional connectivity during distinct stages of a cognitive task.
Description: Rissman, Jesse, et al. Measuring functional connectivity during distinct stages of a cognitive task. ''Neuroimage''. 2004 Oct; '''23''' (2):752-63
An evaluation of the use of passive shimming to improve frontal sensitivity in fMRI.
Description: Cusack, Rhodri, et al. An evaluation of the use of passive shimming to improve frontal sensitivity in fMRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2005 Jan 1; '''24''' (1):82-91
Generation and recognition of abstract rules in different frontal lobe subgroups.
Description: Reverberi, Carlo, et al. Generation and recognition of abstract rules in different frontal lobe subgroups. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2005; '''43''' (13):1924-37
fMRI signal decreases in ipsilateral primary motor cortex during unilateral hand movements are related to duration and side of movement.
Description: Newton, Jennifer M, et al. fMRI signal decreases in ipsilateral primary motor cortex during unilateral hand movements are related to duration and side of movement. ''Neuroimage''. 2005 Feb 15; '''24''' (4):1080-7
The prediction of rapid conversion to Alzheimer's disease in mild cognitive impairment using regional cerebral blood flow SPECT.
Description: Hirao, Kentaro, et al. The prediction of rapid conversion to Alzheimer's disease in mild cognitive impairment using regional cerebral blood flow SPECT. ''Neuroimage''. 2005 Dec; '''28''' (4):1014-21
Impaired dimensional selection but intact use of reward feedback during visual discrimination learning in Parkinson's disease.
Description: Swainson, R, et al. Impaired dimensional selection but intact use of reward feedback during visual discrimination learning in Parkinson's disease. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2006; '''44''' (8):1290-304
Parietal updating of limb posture: an event-related fMRI study.
Description: Pellijeff, Asa, et al. Parietal updating of limb posture: an event-related fMRI study. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2006; '''44''' (13):2685-90
Persisting asymmetries of vision after right side lesions.
Description: Habekost, Thomas, et al. Persisting asymmetries of vision after right side lesions. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2006; '''44''' (6):876-95
Application of Brodmann's area templates for ROI selection in white matter tractography studies.
Description: Thottakara, Paul, et al. Application of Brodmann's area templates for ROI selection in white matter tractography studies. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Feb 1; '''29''' (3):868-78
Dissociable codes of odor quality and odorant structure in human piriform cortex.
Description: Gottfried, Jay A, et al. Dissociable codes of odor quality and odorant structure in human piriform cortex. ''Neuron''. 2006 Feb 2; '''49''' (3):467-79
Functional localization in the human cerebellum based on voxelwise statistical analysis: a study of 90 patients.
Description: Schoch, B, et al. Functional localization in the human cerebellum based on voxelwise statistical analysis: a study of 90 patients. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Mar; '''30''' (1):36-51
Disturbed line bisection is associated with posterior brain lesions.
Description: Rorden, Chris, et al. Disturbed line bisection is associated with posterior brain lesions. ''Brain Res''. 2006 Mar 29; '''1080''' (1):17-25
Self-initiated movements in chronic prefrontal traumatic brain injury: an event-related functional MRI study.
Description: Wiese, Holger, et al. Self-initiated movements in chronic prefrontal traumatic brain injury: an event-related functional MRI study. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 May 1; '''30''' (4):1292-301
Discriminative analysis of relapsing neuromyelitis optica and relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis based on two-dimensional histogram from diffusion tensor imaging.
Description: Lin, Fuchun, et al. Discriminative analysis of relapsing neuromyelitis optica and relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis based on two-dimensional histogram from diffusion tensor imaging. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Jun; '''31''' (2):543-9
Patterns of cortical reorganization parallel impaired tactile discrimination and pain intensity in complex regional pain syndrome.
Description: Pleger, Burkhard, et al. Patterns of cortical reorganization parallel impaired tactile discrimination and pain intensity in complex regional pain syndrome. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Aug 15; '''32''' (2):503-10
Voxel-based morphometry in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsies.
Description: Betting, Luiz Eduardo, et al. Voxel-based morphometry in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsies. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Aug 15; '''32''' (2):498-502
Gray matter atrophy associated with duration of temporal lobe epilepsy.
Description: Bonilha, Leonardo, et al. Gray matter atrophy associated with duration of temporal lobe epilepsy. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Sep; '''32''' (3):1070-9
Interindividual uniformity and variety of the "Writing center": a functional MRI study.
Description: Sugihara, Genichi, et al. Interindividual uniformity and variety of the "Writing center": a functional MRI study. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Oct 1; '''32''' (4):1837-49
Source imaging of the cortical 10 Hz oscillations during cooling and warming in humans.
Description: Stancak, Andrej, et al. Source imaging of the cortical 10 Hz oscillations during cooling and warming in humans. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Nov 1; '''33''' (2):660-71
Interaction of estrogen receptor alpha with proliferating cell nuclear antigen.
Description: Schultz-Norton, Jennifer R, et al. Interaction of estrogen receptor alpha with proliferating cell nuclear antigen. ''Nucleic Acids Res''. 2007; '''35''' (15):5028-38
Longitudinal analysis of gray and white matter loss in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Description: Appenzeller, Simone, et al. Longitudinal analysis of gray and white matter loss in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Jan 15; '''34''' (2):694-701
Temporal dynamics of basal ganglia response and connectivity during verbal working memory.
Description: Chang, Catherine, et al. Temporal dynamics of basal ganglia response and connectivity during verbal working memory. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Feb 1; '''34''' (3):1253-69
Reduced cortical activity during maximal bilateral contractions of the index finger.
Description: Post, Marijn, et al. Reduced cortical activity during maximal bilateral contractions of the index finger. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Mar; '''35''' (1):16-27
Selection and maintenance of stimulus-response rules during preparation and performance of a spatial choice-reaction task.
Description: Schumacher, Eric H, et al. Selection and maintenance of stimulus-response rules during preparation and performance of a spatial choice-reaction task. ''Brain Res''. 2007 Mar 9; '''1136''' (1):77-87
Verb generation in children and adolescents with acute cerebellar lesions.
Description: Frank, B, et al. Verb generation in children and adolescents with acute cerebellar lesions. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2007 Mar 14; '''45''' (5):977-88
Estrogen receptor alpha regulates expression of the breast cancer 1 associated ring domain 1 (BARD1) gene through intronic DNA sequence.
Description: Creekmore, Amy L, et al. Estrogen receptor alpha regulates expression of the breast cancer 1 associated ring domain 1 (BARD1) gene through intronic DNA sequence. ''Mol Cell Endocrinol''. 2007 Mar 15; '''267''' (1-2):106-15
Visual attention capacity after right hemisphere lesions.
Description: Habekost, Thomas, et al. Visual attention capacity after right hemisphere lesions. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2007 Apr 8; '''45''' (7):1474-88
Fiber density asymmetry of the arcuate fasciculus in relation to functional hemispheric language lateralization in both right- and left-handed healthy subjects: a combined fMRI and DTI study.
Description: Vernooij, M W, et al. Fiber density asymmetry of the arcuate fasciculus in relation to functional hemispheric language lateralization in both right- and left-handed healthy subjects: a combined fMRI and DTI study. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Apr 15; '''35''' (3):1064-76
The extrastriate cortex distinguishes between the consequences of one's own and others' behavior.
Description: David, Nicole, et al. The extrastriate cortex distinguishes between the consequences of one's own and others' behavior. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Jul 1; '''36''' (3):1004-14
Voxel-based morphometry and voxel-based relaxometry in multiple system atrophy-a comparison between clinical subtypes and correlations with clinical parameters.
Description: Minnerop, M, et al. Voxel-based morphometry and voxel-based relaxometry in multiple system atrophy-a comparison between clinical subtypes and correlations with clinical parameters. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Jul 15; '''36''' (4):1086-95
A network for audio-motor coordination in skilled pianists and non-musicians.
Description: Baumann, Simon, et al. A network for audio-motor coordination in skilled pianists and non-musicians. ''Brain Res''. 2007 Aug 3; '''1161''': 65-78
A novel approach to clinical-radiological correlations: Anatomo-Clinical Overlapping Maps (AnaCOM): method and validation.
Description: Kinkingnehun, Serge, et al. A novel approach to clinical-radiological correlations: Anatomo-Clinical Overlapping Maps (AnaCOM): method and validation. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Oct 1; '''37''' (4):1237-49
Cerebral blood flow associated with creative performance: a comparative study.
Description: Chavez-Eakle, Rosa Aurora, et al. Cerebral blood flow associated with creative performance: a comparative study. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Nov 15; '''38''' (3):519-28
High frequency rTMS modulation of the sensorimotor networks: behavioral changes and fMRI correlates.
Description: Yoo, Woo-Kyoung, et al. High frequency rTMS modulation of the sensorimotor networks: behavioral changes and fMRI correlates. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Feb 15; '''39''' (4):1886-95
Independent vector analysis (IVA): multivariate approach for fMRI group study.
Description: Lee, Jong-Hwan, et al. Independent vector analysis (IVA): multivariate approach for fMRI group study. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Mar 1; '''40''' (1):86-109
Prism adaptation aftereffects in stroke patients with spatial neglect: pathological effects on subjective straight ahead but not visual open-loop pointing.
Description: Sarri, Margarita, et al. Prism adaptation aftereffects in stroke patients with spatial neglect: pathological effects on subjective straight ahead but not visual open-loop pointing. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2008 Mar 7; '''46''' (4):1069-80
Methylphenidate DAT binding in adolescents with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder comorbid with Substance Use Disorder--a single photon emission computed tomography with [Tc(99m)]TRODAT-1 study.
Description: Szobot, Claudia M, et al. Methylphenidate DAT binding in adolescents with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder comorbid with Substance Use Disorder--a single photon emission computed tomography with [Tc(99m)]TRODAT-1 study. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Apr 15; '''40''' (3):1195-201
Quantification of pain-induced changes in cerebral blood flow by perfusion MRI.
Description: Owen, D G, et al. Quantification of pain-induced changes in cerebral blood flow by perfusion MRI. ''Pain''. 2008 May; '''136''' (1-2):85-96
Developmental differences in white matter architecture between boys and girls.
Description: Schmithorst, Vincent J, et al. Developmental differences in white matter architecture between boys and girls. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2008 Jun; '''29''' (6):696-710
Brain maps on the go: functional imaging during motor challenge in animals.
Description: Holschneider, D P, et al. Brain maps on the go: functional imaging during motor challenge in animals. ''Methods''. 2008 Aug; '''45''' (4):255-61
Functional topography of early periventricular brain lesions in relation to cytoarchitectonic probabilistic maps.
Description: Staudt, Martin, et al. Functional topography of early periventricular brain lesions in relation to cytoarchitectonic probabilistic maps. ''Brain Lang''. 2008 Sep; '''106''' (3):177-83
The neural basis of body form and body action agnosia.
Description: Moro, Valentina, et al. The neural basis of body form and body action agnosia. ''Neuron''. 2008 Oct 23; '''60''' (2):235-46
Histogram analysis of diffusion measures in clinically isolated syndromes and relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.
Description: Yu, Chun Shui, et al. Histogram analysis of diffusion measures in clinically isolated syndromes and relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. ''Eur J Radiol''. 2008 Nov; '''68''' (2):328-34
Role of the prefrontal cortex in human balance control.
Description: Mihara, Masahito, et al. Role of the prefrontal cortex in human balance control. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Nov 1; '''43''' (2):329-36
Grasping tools: effects of task and apraxia.
Description: Randerath, Jennifer, et al. Grasping tools: effects of task and apraxia. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2009 Jan; '''47''' (2):497-505
Task-related modulation of visual neglect in cancellation tasks.
Description: Sarri, Margarita, et al. Task-related modulation of visual neglect in cancellation tasks. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2009 Jan; '''47''' (1):91-103
Sex and performance level effects on brain activation during a verbal fluency task: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
Description: Gauthier, Christophe T, et al. Sex and performance level effects on brain activation during a verbal fluency task: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. ''Cortex''. 2009 Feb; '''45''' (2):164-76
Gambling near-misses enhance motivation to gamble and recruit win-related brain circuitry.
Description: Clark, Luke, et al. Gambling near-misses enhance motivation to gamble and recruit win-related brain circuitry. ''Neuron''. 2009 Feb 12; '''61''' (3):481-90
The cortical dynamics in building syntactic structures of sentences: an MEG study in a minimal-pair paradigm.
Description: Iijima, Kazuki, et al. The cortical dynamics in building syntactic structures of sentences: an MEG study in a minimal-pair paradigm. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Feb 15; '''44''' (4):1387-96
Cortical bases of elementary deductive reasoning: inference, memory, and metadeduction.
Description: Reverberi, Carlo, et al. Cortical bases of elementary deductive reasoning: inference, memory, and metadeduction. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2009 Mar; '''47''' (4):1107-16
Lesion mapping of cognitive abilities linked to intelligence.
Description: Glascher, Jan, et al. Lesion mapping of cognitive abilities linked to intelligence. ''Neuron''. 2009 Mar 12; '''61''' (5):681-91
Brain activation during immediate and delayed reaching in optic ataxia.
Description: Himmelbach, Marc, et al. Brain activation during immediate and delayed reaching in optic ataxia. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2009 May; '''47''' (6):1508-17
Spontaneous brain activity in the default mode network is sensitive to different resting-state conditions with limited cognitive load.
Description: Yan, Chaogan, et al. Spontaneous brain activity in the default mode network is sensitive to different resting-state conditions with limited cognitive load. ''PLoS One''. 2009 May 29; '''4''' (5):e5743
Agrammatic comprehension caused by a glioma in the left frontal cortex.
Description: Kinno, Ryuta, et al. Agrammatic comprehension caused by a glioma in the left frontal cortex. ''Brain Lang''. 2009 Aug; '''110''' (2):71-80
Differential roles for left inferior frontal and superior temporal cortex in multimodal integration of action and language.
Description: Willems, Roel M, et al. Differential roles for left inferior frontal and superior temporal cortex in multimodal integration of action and language. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Oct 1; '''47''' (4):1992-2004
Effects of model-based physiological noise correction on default mode network anti-correlations and correlations.
Description: Chang, Catie, et al. Effects of model-based physiological noise correction on default mode network anti-correlations and correlations. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Oct 1; '''47''' (4):1448-59
In vivo mapping of the human locus coeruleus.
Description: Keren, Noam I, et al. In vivo mapping of the human locus coeruleus. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Oct 1; '''47''' (4):1261-7
Joint independent component analysis of structural and functional images reveals complex patterns of functional reorganisation in stroke aphasia.
Description: Specht, Karsten, et al. Joint independent component analysis of structural and functional images reveals complex patterns of functional reorganisation in stroke aphasia. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Oct 1; '''47''' (4):2057-63
Vertebral artery dominance contributes to basilar artery curvature and peri-vertebrobasilar junctional infarcts.
Description: Hong, J M, et al. Vertebral artery dominance contributes to basilar artery curvature and peri-vertebrobasilar junctional infarcts. ''J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry''. 2009 Oct; '''80''' (10):1087-92
Dissociations and interactions between time, numerosity and space processing.
Description: Cappelletti, Marinella, et al. Dissociations and interactions between time, numerosity and space processing. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2009 Nov; '''47''' (13):2732-48
Double dissociation between action-driven and perception-driven conflict resolution invoking anterior versus posterior brain systems.
Description: Schulte, Tilman, et al. Double dissociation between action-driven and perception-driven conflict resolution invoking anterior versus posterior brain systems. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Nov 1; '''48''' (2):381-90
Neural basis of interpersonal traits in neurodegenerative diseases.
Description: Sollberger, Marc, et al. Neural basis of interpersonal traits in neurodegenerative diseases. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2009 Nov; '''47''' (13):2812-27
Prefrontal contributions to rule-based and information-integration category learning.
Description: Schnyer, David M, et al. Prefrontal contributions to rule-based and information-integration category learning. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2009 Nov; '''47''' (13):2995-3006
Prefrontal function associated with impaired emotion recognition in patients with multiple sclerosis.
Description: Krause, Matthias, et al. Prefrontal function associated with impaired emotion recognition in patients with multiple sclerosis. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2009 Dec 14; '''205''' (1):280-5
DPARSF: A MATLAB Toolbox for "Pipeline" Data Analysis of Resting-State fMRI.
Description: Chao-Gan, Yan, et al. DPARSF: A MATLAB Toolbox for "Pipeline" Data Analysis of Resting-State fMRI. ''Front Syst Neurosci''. 2010; '''4''': 13
Dynamic changes in white and gray matter volume are associated with outcome of surgical treatment in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Description: Yasuda, Clarissa Lin, et al. Dynamic changes in white and gray matter volume are associated with outcome of surgical treatment in temporal lobe epilepsy. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Jan 1; '''49''' (1):71-9
Organizational effects of fetal testosterone on human corpus callosum size and asymmetry.
Description: Chura, Lindsay R, et al. Organizational effects of fetal testosterone on human corpus callosum size and asymmetry. ''Psychoneuroendocrinology''. 2010 Jan; '''35''' (1):122-32
Effects of isoflurane and alpha-chloralose anesthesia on BOLD fMRI responses to ingested L-glutamate in rats.
Description: Tsurugizawa, T, et al. Effects of isoflurane and alpha-chloralose anesthesia on BOLD fMRI responses to ingested L-glutamate in rats. ''Neuroscience''. 2010 Jan 13; '''165''' (1):244-51
Experience-dependent changes in human brain activation during contingency learning.
Description: Schlund, M W, et al. Experience-dependent changes in human brain activation during contingency learning. ''Neuroscience''. 2010 Jan 13; '''165''' (1):151-8
Application of volumetric MR spectroscopic imaging for localization of neocortical epilepsy.
Description: Maudsley, Andrew A, et al. Application of volumetric MR spectroscopic imaging for localization of neocortical epilepsy. ''Epilepsy Res''. 2010 Feb; '''88''' (2-3):127-38
Preserving syntactic processing across the adult life span: the modulation of the frontotemporal language system in the context of age-related atrophy.
Description: Tyler, Lorraine K, et al. Preserving syntactic processing across the adult life span: the modulation of the frontotemporal language system in the context of age-related atrophy. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2010 Feb; '''20''' (2):352-64
Phonological processing in post-lingual deafness and cochlear implant outcome.
Description: Lazard, D S, et al. Phonological processing in post-lingual deafness and cochlear implant outcome. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Feb 15; '''49''' (4):3443-51
Imitation of para-phonological detail following left hemisphere lesions.
Description: Kappes, Juliane, et al. Imitation of para-phonological detail following left hemisphere lesions. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2010 Mar; '''48''' (4):1115-24
Using perfusion MRI to measure the dynamic changes in neural activation associated with tonic muscular pain.
Description: Owen, Daron G, et al. Using perfusion MRI to measure the dynamic changes in neural activation associated with tonic muscular pain. ''Pain''. 2010 Mar; '''148''' (3):375-386
Selection for position: the role of left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex in sequencing language.
Description: Thothathiri, Malathi, et al. Selection for position: the role of left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex in sequencing language. ''Brain Lang''. 2010 Apr; '''113''' (1):28-38
Dynamic assessment of the right lateral frontal cortex response to painful stimulation.
Description: Lopez-Sola, Marina, et al. Dynamic assessment of the right lateral frontal cortex response to painful stimulation. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Apr 15; '''50''' (3):1177-87
Naming manipulable objects: anatomy of a category specific effect in left temporal tumours.
Description: Campanella, Fabio, et al. Naming manipulable objects: anatomy of a category specific effect in left temporal tumours. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2010 May; '''48''' (6):1583-97
The inferior, anterior temporal lobes and semantic memory clarified: novel evidence from distortion-corrected fMRI.
Description: Visser, M, et al. The inferior, anterior temporal lobes and semantic memory clarified: novel evidence from distortion-corrected fMRI. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2010 May; '''48''' (6):1689-96
Increased neural activation during picture encoding and retrieval in 60-year-olds compared to 20-year-olds.
Description: Burgmans, S, et al. Increased neural activation during picture encoding and retrieval in 60-year-olds compared to 20-year-olds. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2010 Jun; '''48''' (7):2188-97
Localization of sublexical speech perception components.
Description: Turkeltaub, Peter E, et al. Localization of sublexical speech perception components. ''Brain Lang''. 2010 Jul; '''114''' (1):1-15
Hippocampal deep brain stimulation induces decreased rCBF in the hippocampal formation of the rat.
Description: Wyckhuys, Tine, et al. Hippocampal deep brain stimulation induces decreased rCBF in the hippocampal formation of the rat. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Aug 1; '''52''' (1):55-61
Nothing to fear? Neural systems supporting avoidance behavior in healthy youths.
Description: Schlund, Michael W, et al. Nothing to fear? Neural systems supporting avoidance behavior in healthy youths. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Aug 15; '''52''' (2):710-9
Differential effects of radiation and age on diffusion tensor imaging in rats.
Description: Peiffer, Ann M, et al. Differential effects of radiation and age on diffusion tensor imaging in rats. ''Brain Res''. 2010 Sep 10; '''1351''': 23-31
Testing for neglect in right-hemispheric stroke patients using a new assessment battery based upon standardized activities of daily living (ADL).
Description: Eschenbeck, Philipp, et al. Testing for neglect in right-hemispheric stroke patients using a new assessment battery based upon standardized activities of daily living (ADL). ''Neuropsychologia''. 2010 Oct; '''48''' (12):3488-96
Cost function masking during normalization of brains with focal lesions: still a necessity?
Description: Andersen, Sarah M, et al. Cost function masking during normalization of brains with focal lesions: still a necessity? ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Oct 15; '''53''' (1):78-84
Different left brain regions are essential for grasping a tool compared with its subsequent use.
Description: Randerath, Jennifer, et al. Different left brain regions are essential for grasping a tool compared with its subsequent use. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Oct 15; '''53''' (1):171-80
Amygdala involvement in human avoidance, escape and approach behavior.
Description: Schlund, Michael W, et al. Amygdala involvement in human avoidance, escape and approach behavior. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Nov 1; '''53''' (2):769-76
Reorganization of syntactic processing following left-hemisphere brain damage: does right-hemisphere activity preserve function?
Description: Tyler, Lorraine K, et al. Reorganization of syntactic processing following left-hemisphere brain damage: does right-hemisphere activity preserve function? ''Brain''. 2010 Nov; '''133''' (11):3396-408
The neural basis of perceptual bias and response bias in the Landmark task.
Description: Vossel, Simone, et al. The neural basis of perceptual bias and response bias in the Landmark task. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2010 Nov; '''48''' (13):3949-54
Fractal-dimension analysis detects cerebral changes in preterm infants with and without intrauterine growth restriction.
Description: Esteban, Francisco J, et al. Fractal-dimension analysis detects cerebral changes in preterm infants with and without intrauterine growth restriction. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Dec; '''53''' (4):1225-32
The role of the GABAergic and dopaminergic systems in the brain response to an intragastric load of alcohol in conscious rats.
Description: Tsurugizawa, T, et al. The role of the GABAergic and dopaminergic systems in the brain response to an intragastric load of alcohol in conscious rats. ''Neuroscience''. 2010 Dec 1; '''171''' (2):451-60
Examining the central and peripheral processes of written word production through meta-analysis.
Description: Purcell, Jeremy J, et al. Examining the central and peripheral processes of written word production through meta-analysis. ''Front Psychol''. 2011; '''2''': 239
Neuroanatomical correlates of oral reading in acute left hemispheric stroke.
Description: Cloutman, Lauren L, et al. Neuroanatomical correlates of oral reading in acute left hemispheric stroke. ''Brain Lang''. 2011 Jan; '''116''' (1):14-21
Structural integrity of the uncinate fasciculus and resting state functional connectivity of the ventral prefrontal cortex in late life depression.
Description: Steffens, David C, et al. Structural integrity of the uncinate fasciculus and resting state functional connectivity of the ventral prefrontal cortex in late life depression. ''PLoS One''. 2011; '''6''' (7):e22697
The temporal development of fatty infiltrates in the neck muscles following whiplash injury: an association with pain and posttraumatic stress.
Description: Elliott, James, et al. The temporal development of fatty infiltrates in the neck muscles following whiplash injury: an association with pain and posttraumatic stress. ''PLoS One''. 2011; '''6''' (6):e21194
Age-related differences in white matter integrity and cognitive function are related to APOE status.
Description: Ryan, Lee, et al. Age-related differences in white matter integrity and cognitive function are related to APOE status. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Jan 15; '''54''' (2):1565-77
Functionally dissociating temporal and motor components of response preparation in left intraparietal sulcus.
Description: Cotti, Julien, et al. Functionally dissociating temporal and motor components of response preparation in left intraparietal sulcus. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Jan 15; '''54''' (2):1221-30
Abnormal whole-brain functional connection in amnestic mild cognitive impairment patients.
Description: Bai, Feng, et al. Abnormal whole-brain functional connection in amnestic mild cognitive impairment patients. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2011 Jan 20; '''216''' (2):666-72
Effective connectivity analysis demonstrates involvement of premotor cortex during speech perception.
Description: Osnes, Berge, et al. Effective connectivity analysis demonstrates involvement of premotor cortex during speech perception. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Feb 1; '''54''' (3):2437-45
Increased activation in superior temporal gyri as a function of increment in phonetic features.
Description: Osnes, Berge, et al. Increased activation in superior temporal gyri as a function of increment in phonetic features. ''Brain Lang''. 2011 Feb; '''116''' (2):97-101
Left inferior frontal cortex and syntax: function, structure and behaviour in patients with left hemisphere damage.
Description: Tyler, Lorraine K, et al. Left inferior frontal cortex and syntax: function, structure and behaviour in patients with left hemisphere damage. ''Brain''. 2011 Feb; '''134''' (Pt 2):415-31
Functional segregation of the human cingulate cortex is confirmed by functional connectivity based neuroanatomical parcellation.
Description: Yu, Chunshui, et al. Functional segregation of the human cingulate cortex is confirmed by functional connectivity based neuroanatomical parcellation. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Feb 14; '''54''' (4):2571-81
The first taste is always with the eyes: a meta-analysis on the neural correlates of processing visual food cues.
Description: van der Laan, L N, et al. The first taste is always with the eyes: a meta-analysis on the neural correlates of processing visual food cues. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Mar 1; '''55''' (1):296-303
Neural correlates of lexical-semantic memory: A voxel-based morphometry study in mild AD, aMCI and normal aging.
Description: Balthazar, Marcio L F, et al. Neural correlates of lexical-semantic memory: A voxel-based morphometry study in mild AD, aMCI and normal aging. ''Dement Neuropsychol''. 2011 Apr-Jun; '''5''' (2):69-77
Personal neglect-a disorder of body representation?
Description: Baas, Ulrike, et al. Personal neglect-a disorder of body representation? ''Neuropsychologia''. 2011 Apr; '''49''' (5):898-905
Size-weight illusion and anticipatory grip force scaling following unilateral cortical brain lesion.
Description: Li, Yong, et al. Size-weight illusion and anticipatory grip force scaling following unilateral cortical brain lesion. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2011 Apr; '''49''' (5):914-923
A hemodynamic correlate of lateralized visual short-term memories.
Description: Cutini, Simone, et al. A hemodynamic correlate of lateralized visual short-term memories. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2011 May; '''49''' (6):1611-21
Multi-site voxel-based morphometry--not quite there yet.
Description: Focke, N K, et al. Multi-site voxel-based morphometry--not quite there yet. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Jun 1; '''56''' (3):1164-70
Recollection-related hippocampal activity during continuous recognition: a high-resolution fMRI study.
Description: Suzuki, Maki, et al. Recollection-related hippocampal activity during continuous recognition: a high-resolution fMRI study. ''Hippocampus''. 2011 Jun; '''21''' (6):575-83
Different functions in the cingulate cortex, a meta-analytic connectivity modeling study.
Description: Torta, D M, et al. Different functions in the cingulate cortex, a meta-analytic connectivity modeling study. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Jun 15; '''56''' (4):2157-72
Manual, semi-automated, and automated delineation of chronic brain lesions: a comparison of methods.
Description: Wilke, Marko, et al. Manual, semi-automated, and automated delineation of chronic brain lesions: a comparison of methods. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Jun 15; '''56''' (4):2038-46
Evolution of non-speech sound memory in postlingual deafness: implications for cochlear implant rehabilitation.
Description: Lazard, D S, et al. Evolution of non-speech sound memory in postlingual deafness: implications for cochlear implant rehabilitation. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2011 Jul; '''49''' (9):2475-82
Mathematically gifted adolescents use more extensive and more bilateral areas of the fronto-parietal network than controls during executive functioning and fluid reasoning tasks.
Description: Desco, Manuel, et al. Mathematically gifted adolescents use more extensive and more bilateral areas of the fronto-parietal network than controls during executive functioning and fluid reasoning tasks. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Jul 1; '''57''' (1):281-292
The role of rostral prefrontal cortex in prospective memory: a voxel-based lesion study.
Description: Volle, Emmanuelle, et al. The role of rostral prefrontal cortex in prospective memory: a voxel-based lesion study. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2011 Jul; '''49''' (8):2185-98
Stereotype-based modulation of person perception.
Description: Quadflieg, Susanne, et al. Stereotype-based modulation of person perception. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Jul 15; '''57''' (2):549-57
Improvements in both psychosis and motor signs in Parkinson's disease, and changes in regional cerebral blood flow after electroconvulsive therapy.
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Abnormal functional connectivity in patients with vascular cognitive impairment, no dementia: a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
Description: Sun, Ya-wen, et al. Abnormal functional connectivity in patients with vascular cognitive impairment, no dementia: a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2011 Oct 1; '''223''' (2):388-94
Bilateral hand representations in human primary proprioceptive areas.
Description: Borchers, Svenja, et al. Bilateral hand representations in human primary proprioceptive areas. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2011 Oct; '''49''' (12):3383-91
Challenges to normal neural functioning provide insights into separability of motion processing mechanisms.
Description: Billino, Jutta, et al. Challenges to normal neural functioning provide insights into separability of motion processing mechanisms. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2011 Oct; '''49''' (12):3151-63
Emotionally negative stimuli can overcome attentional deficits in patients with visuo-spatial hemineglect.
Description: Grabowska, A, et al. Emotionally negative stimuli can overcome attentional deficits in patients with visuo-spatial hemineglect. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2011 Oct; '''49''' (12):3327-37
The size of the anterior corpus callosum correlates with the strength of hemispheric encoding-retrieval asymmetry in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex.
Description: Kompus, Kristiina, et al. The size of the anterior corpus callosum correlates with the strength of hemispheric encoding-retrieval asymmetry in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. ''Brain Res''. 2011 Oct 24; '''1419''': 61-7
Age-related reorganization of functional networks for successful conflict resolution: a combined functional and structural MRI study.
Description: Schulte, Tilman, et al. Age-related reorganization of functional networks for successful conflict resolution: a combined functional and structural MRI study. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2011 Nov; '''32''' (11):2075-90
The role of Area 10 (BA10) in human multitasking and in social cognition: a lesion study.
Description: Roca, Maria, et al. The role of Area 10 (BA10) in human multitasking and in social cognition: a lesion study. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2011 Nov; '''49''' (13):3525-31
Phenomenology and neural correlates of implicit and emergent motor awareness in patients with anosognosia for hemiplegia.
Description: Moro, Valentina, et al. Phenomenology and neural correlates of implicit and emergent motor awareness in patients with anosognosia for hemiplegia. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2011 Nov 20; '''225''' (1):259-69
Human avoidance and approach learning: evidence for overlapping neural systems and experiential avoidance modulation of avoidance neurocircuitry.
Description: Schlund, Michael W, et al. Human avoidance and approach learning: evidence for overlapping neural systems and experiential avoidance modulation of avoidance neurocircuitry. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2011 Dec 1; '''225''' (2):437-48
Identification of human gustatory cortex by activation likelihood estimation.
Description: Veldhuizen, Maria G, et al. Identification of human gustatory cortex by activation likelihood estimation. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2011 Dec; '''32''' (12):2256-66
Domain general and domain preferential brain regions associated with different types of task switching: a meta-analysis.
Description: Kim, Chobok, et al. Domain general and domain preferential brain regions associated with different types of task switching: a meta-analysis. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2012 Jan; '''33''' (1):130-42
Emotional and cognitive processing of narratives and individual appraisal styles: recruitment of cognitive control networks vs. modulation of deactivations.
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Stable modality-specific activity flows as reflected by the neuroenergetic approach to the FMRI weighted maps.
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The relationship between cerebral glucose metabolism and age: report of a large brain PET data set.
Description: Shen, Xiaoyan, et al. The relationship between cerebral glucose metabolism and age: report of a large brain PET data set. ''PLoS One''. 2012; '''7''' (12):e51517
White matter reorganization and functional response after focal cerebral ischemia in the rat.
Description: Po, Chrystelle, et al. White matter reorganization and functional response after focal cerebral ischemia in the rat. ''PLoS One''. 2012; '''7''' (9):e45629
A Cellular Neural Network methodology for the automated segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions.
Description: Cerasa, Antonio, et al. A Cellular Neural Network methodology for the automated segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2012 Jan 15; '''203''' (1):193-9
Association between equivalent current dipole source localization and focal cortical dysplasia in epilepsy patients.
Description: Blenkmann, Alejandro, et al. Association between equivalent current dipole source localization and focal cortical dysplasia in epilepsy patients. ''Epilepsy Res''. 2012 Feb; '''98''' (2-3):223-31
Cortical hypoperfusion in Parkinson's disease assessed using arterial spin labeled perfusion MRI.
Description: Fernandez-Seara, Maria A, et al. Cortical hypoperfusion in Parkinson's disease assessed using arterial spin labeled perfusion MRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Feb 1; '''59''' (3):2743-50
Posterior mono-segmental fixation, combined with anterior debridement and strut graft, for treatment of the mono-segmental lumbar spine tuberculosis.
Description: Wang, Zili, et al. Posterior mono-segmental fixation, combined with anterior debridement and strut graft, for treatment of the mono-segmental lumbar spine tuberculosis. ''Int Orthop''. 2012 Feb; '''36''' (2):325-9
Regional brain axial and radial diffusivity changes during development.
Description: Kumar, Rajesh, et al. Regional brain axial and radial diffusivity changes during development. ''J Neurosci Res''. 2012 Feb; '''90''' (2):346-55
Gray matter nulled and vascular space occupancy dependent fMRI response to visual stimulation during hypoxic hypoxia.
Description: Shen, Yuji, et al. Gray matter nulled and vascular space occupancy dependent fMRI response to visual stimulation during hypoxic hypoxia. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Feb 15; '''59''' (4):3450-6
Multi-voxel patterns of visual category representation during episodic encoding are predictive of subsequent memory.
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Cognitive control links alcohol use, trait disinhibition, and reduced cognitive capacity: Evidence for medial prefrontal cortex dysregulation during reward-seeking behavior.
Description: Bogg, Tim, et al. Cognitive control links alcohol use, trait disinhibition, and reduced cognitive capacity: Evidence for medial prefrontal cortex dysregulation during reward-seeking behavior. ''Drug Alcohol Depend''. 2012 Apr 1; '''122''' (1-2):112-8
Cortical control of inhibition of return: evidence from patients with inferior parietal damage and visual neglect.
Description: Bourgeois, Alexia, et al. Cortical control of inhibition of return: evidence from patients with inferior parietal damage and visual neglect. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2012 Apr; '''50''' (5):800-9
Tracking emotional valence: the role of the orbitofrontal cortex.
Description: Goodkind, Madeleine S, et al. Tracking emotional valence: the role of the orbitofrontal cortex. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2012 Apr; '''33''' (4):753-62
Exploring resting-state functional connectivity with total interdependence.
Description: Wen, Xiaotong, et al. Exploring resting-state functional connectivity with total interdependence. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Apr 2; '''60''' (2):1587-95
Allocentric neglect strongly associated with egocentric neglect.
Description: Rorden, Christopher, et al. Allocentric neglect strongly associated with egocentric neglect. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2012 May; '''50''' (6):1151-7
Attention in action: evidence from on-line corrections in left visual neglect.
Description: Rossit, Stephanie, et al. Attention in action: evidence from on-line corrections in left visual neglect. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2012 May; '''50''' (6):1124-35
Dissecting the component deficits of perceptual imbalance in visual neglect: evidence from horizontal-vertical length comparisons.
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Near and far space neglect: task sensitivity and anatomical substrates.
Description: Aimola, Lina, et al. Near and far space neglect: task sensitivity and anatomical substrates. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2012 May; '''50''' (6):1115-23
Neglect severity after left and right brain damage.
Description: Suchan, Julia, et al. Neglect severity after left and right brain damage. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2012 May; '''50''' (6):1136-41
The neural correlates of object-centered processing in reading: a lesion study of neglect dyslexia.
Description: Ptak, Radek, et al. The neural correlates of object-centered processing in reading: a lesion study of neglect dyslexia. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2012 May; '''50''' (6):1142-50
Voxel based morphometry of FLAIR MRI in children with intractable focal epilepsy: implications for surgical intervention.
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The contribution of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex to the preparation for deception and truth-telling.
Description: Ito, Ayahito, et al. The contribution of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex to the preparation for deception and truth-telling. ''Brain Res''. 2012 Jun 29; '''1464''': 43-52
Midlife memory improvement predicts preservation of hippocampal volume in old age.
Description: Borghesani, Paul R, et al. Midlife memory improvement predicts preservation of hippocampal volume in old age. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2012 Jul; '''33''' (7):1148-55
Resting functional connectivity of language networks: characterization and reproducibility.
Description: Tomasi, D, et al. Resting functional connectivity of language networks: characterization and reproducibility. ''Mol Psychiatry''. 2012 Jul; '''17''' (8):841-54
Age-specific CT and MRI templates for spatial normalization.
Description: Rorden, Christopher, et al. Age-specific CT and MRI templates for spatial normalization. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Jul 16; '''61''' (4):957-65
Functional topography of primary emotion processing in the human cerebellum.
Description: Baumann, Oliver, et al. Functional topography of primary emotion processing in the human cerebellum. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Jul 16; '''61''' (4):805-11
Resting-state functional connectivity of the vermal and hemispheric subregions of the cerebellum with both the cerebral cortical networks and subcortical structures.
Description: Sang, Li, et al. Resting-state functional connectivity of the vermal and hemispheric subregions of the cerebellum with both the cerebral cortical networks and subcortical structures. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Jul 16; '''61''' (4):1213-25
An improved fiber tracking algorithm based on fiber assignment using the continuous tracking algorithm and two-tensor model.
Description: Zhu, Liuhong, et al. An improved fiber tracking algorithm based on fiber assignment using the continuous tracking algorithm and two-tensor model. ''Neural Regen Res''. 2012 Jul 25; '''7''' (21):1667-74
An fMRI study on the acute effects of exercise on pain processing in trained athletes.
Description: Scheef, Lukas, et al. An fMRI study on the acute effects of exercise on pain processing in trained athletes. ''Pain''. 2012 Aug; '''153''' (8):1702-1714
Involvement of the cerebellar cortex and nuclei in verbal and visuospatial working memory: a 7 T fMRI study.
Description: Thurling, M, et al. Involvement of the cerebellar cortex and nuclei in verbal and visuospatial working memory: a 7 T fMRI study. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Sep; '''62''' (3):1537-50
Alcohol consumption and premotor corpus callosum in older adults.
Description: Kapogiannis, Dimitrios, et al. Alcohol consumption and premotor corpus callosum in older adults. ''Eur Neuropsychopharmacol''. 2012 Oct; '''22''' (10):704-10
An anatomical account of somatoparaphrenia.
Description: Gandola, Martina, et al. An anatomical account of somatoparaphrenia. ''Cortex''. 2012 Oct; '''48''' (9):1165-78
Cerebellar-parietal dysfunctions in multiple sclerosis patients with cerebellar signs.
Description: Cerasa, Antonio, et al. Cerebellar-parietal dysfunctions in multiple sclerosis patients with cerebellar signs. ''Exp Neurol''. 2012 Oct; '''237''' (2):418-26
Dynamic brain mapping of behavior change: tracking response initiation and inhibition to changes in reinforcement rate.
Description: Schlund, Michael W, et al. Dynamic brain mapping of behavior change: tracking response initiation and inhibition to changes in reinforcement rate. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2012 Oct 1; '''234''' (2):205-11
Whole brain N-acetylaspartate concentration is conserved throughout normal aging.
Description: Wu, William E, et al. Whole brain N-acetylaspartate concentration is conserved throughout normal aging. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2012 Oct; '''33''' (10):2440-7
Enhanced midbrain response at 6-month follow-up in cocaine addiction, association with reduced drug-related choice.
Description: Moeller, Scott J, et al. Enhanced midbrain response at 6-month follow-up in cocaine addiction, association with reduced drug-related choice. ''Addict Biol''. 2012 Nov; '''17''' (6):1013-25
Learning piano melodies in visuo-motor or audio-motor training conditions and the neural correlates of their cross-modal transfer.
Description: Engel, Annerose, et al. Learning piano melodies in visuo-motor or audio-motor training conditions and the neural correlates of their cross-modal transfer. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Nov 1; '''63''' (2):966-78
Re-establishing Broca's initial findings.
Description: Richardson, Jessica D, et al. Re-establishing Broca's initial findings. ''Brain Lang''. 2012 Nov; '''123''' (2):125-30
A preliminary study of alterations in default network connectivity in post-traumatic stress disorder patients following recent trauma.
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Altered functional connectivity in posttraumatic stress disorder with versus without comorbid major depressive disorder: a resting state fMRI study.
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Disturbed resting functional inter-hemispherical connectivity of the ventral attentional network in alpha band is associated with unilateral spatial neglect.
Description: Sasaki, Tsutomu, et al. Disturbed resting functional inter-hemispherical connectivity of the ventral attentional network in alpha band is associated with unilateral spatial neglect. ''PLoS One''. 2013; '''8''' (9):e73416
Functional and structural brain modifications induced by oculomotor training in patients with age-related macular degeneration.
Description: Rosengarth, Katharina, et al. Functional and structural brain modifications induced by oculomotor training in patients with age-related macular degeneration. ''Front Psychol''. 2013; '''4''': 428
Length of Acupuncture Training and Structural Plastic Brain Changes in Professional Acupuncturists.
Description: Dong, Minghao, et al. Length of Acupuncture Training and Structural Plastic Brain Changes in Professional Acupuncturists. ''PLoS One''. 2013; '''8''' (6):e66591
Line bisection error predicts the presence and severity of neglect dyslexia in paragraph reading.
Description: Reinhart, Stefan, et al. Line bisection error predicts the presence and severity of neglect dyslexia in paragraph reading. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2013 Jan; '''51''' (1):1-7
PANDA: a pipeline toolbox for analyzing brain diffusion images.
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Prefrontal cortex activation during story encoding/retrieval: a multi-channel functional near-infrared spectroscopy study.
Description: Basso Moro, Sara, et al. Prefrontal cortex activation during story encoding/retrieval: a multi-channel functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2013; '''7''': 925
Tool use kinematics across different modes of execution. Implications for action representation and apraxia.
Description: Hermsdorfer, Joachim, et al. Tool use kinematics across different modes of execution. Implications for action representation and apraxia. ''Cortex''. 2013 Jan; '''49''' (1):184-99
White Matter Lesion Assessment in Patients with Cognitive Impairment and Healthy Controls: Reliability Comparisons between Visual Rating, a Manual, and an Automatic Volumetrical MRI Method-The Gothenburg MCI Study.
Description: Olsson, Erik, et al. White Matter Lesion Assessment in Patients with Cognitive Impairment and Healthy Controls: Reliability Comparisons between Visual Rating, a Manual, and an Automatic Volumetrical MRI Method-The Gothenburg MCI Study. ''J Aging Res''. 2013; '''2013''': 198471
Characteristic profiles of high gamma activity and blood oxygenation level-dependent responses in various language areas.
Description: Kunii, Naoto, et al. Characteristic profiles of high gamma activity and blood oxygenation level-dependent responses in various language areas. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Jan 15; '''65''': 242-9
Individual differences in neural regions functionally related to real and imagined stuttering.
Description: Wymbs, Nicholas F, et al. Individual differences in neural regions functionally related to real and imagined stuttering. ''Brain Lang''. 2013 Feb; '''124''' (2):153-64
Striatal D(2)/D(3) receptor availability is inversely correlated with cannabis consumption in chronic marijuana users.
Description: Albrecht, Daniel S, et al. Striatal D(2)/D(3) receptor availability is inversely correlated with cannabis consumption in chronic marijuana users. ''Drug Alcohol Depend''. 2013 Feb 1; '''128''' (1-2):52-7
Grey and white matter correlates of picture naming: evidence from a voxel-based lesion analysis of the Boston Naming Test.
Description: Baldo, Juliana V, et al. Grey and white matter correlates of picture naming: evidence from a voxel-based lesion analysis of the Boston Naming Test. ''Cortex''. 2013 Mar; '''49''' (3):658-67
Regional changes in brain perfusion during brain maturation measured non-invasively with Arterial Spin Labeling MRI in neonates.
Description: De Vis, Jill B, et al. Regional changes in brain perfusion during brain maturation measured non-invasively with Arterial Spin Labeling MRI in neonates. ''Eur J Radiol''. 2013 Mar; '''82''' (3):538-43
The natural killer cell response and tumor debulking are associated with prolonged survival in recurrent glioblastoma patients receiving dendritic cells loaded with autologous tumor lysates.
Description: Pellegatta, Serena, et al. The natural killer cell response and tumor debulking are associated with prolonged survival in recurrent glioblastoma patients receiving dendritic cells loaded with autologous tumor lysates. ''Oncoimmunology''. 2013 Mar 1; '''2''' (3):e23401
Plasticity of language pathways in patients with low-grade glioma: A diffusion tensor imaging study.
Description: Zheng, Gang, et al. Plasticity of language pathways in patients with low-grade glioma: A diffusion tensor imaging study. ''Neural Regen Res''. 2013 Mar 5; '''8''' (7):647-54
Reward modulates spatial neglect.
Description: Malhotra, Paresh A, et al. Reward modulates spatial neglect. ''J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry''. 2013 Apr; '''84''' (4):366-9
Association of MTHFR C677T polymorphism with schizophrenia and its effect on episodic memory and gray matter density in patients.
Description: Zhang, Yanling, et al. Association of MTHFR C677T polymorphism with schizophrenia and its effect on episodic memory and gray matter density in patients. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2013 Apr 15; '''243''': 146-52
MIRIAD--Public release of a multiple time point Alzheimer's MR imaging dataset.
Description: Malone, Ian B, et al. MIRIAD--Public release of a multiple time point Alzheimer's MR imaging dataset. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Apr 15; '''70''': 33-6
Discrimination of dementia with Lewy bodies from Alzheimer's disease using voxel-based morphometry of white matter by statistical parametric mapping 8 plus diffeomorphic anatomic registration through exponentiated Lie algebra.
Description: Nakatsuka, Tomoya, et al. Discrimination of dementia with Lewy bodies from Alzheimer's disease using voxel-based morphometry of white matter by statistical parametric mapping 8 plus diffeomorphic anatomic registration through exponentiated Lie algebra. ''Neuroradiology''. 2013 May; '''55''' (5):559-66
Simulated self-motion in a visual gravity field: sensitivity to vertical and horizontal heading in the human brain.
Description: Indovina, Iole, et al. Simulated self-motion in a visual gravity field: sensitivity to vertical and horizontal heading in the human brain. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 May 1; '''71''': 114-24
Intraoperative diffusion tensor imaging predicts the recovery of motor dysfunction after insular lesions.
Description: Li, Jinjiang, et al. Intraoperative diffusion tensor imaging predicts the recovery of motor dysfunction after insular lesions. ''Neural Regen Res''. 2013 May 25; '''8''' (15):1400-9
Are core component processes of executive function dissociable within the frontal lobes? Evidence from humans with focal prefrontal damage.
Description: Tsuchida, Ami, et al. Are core component processes of executive function dissociable within the frontal lobes? Evidence from humans with focal prefrontal damage. ''Cortex''. 2013 Jul-Aug; '''49''' (7):1790-800
Body ownership and attention in the mirror: insights from somatoparaphrenia and the rubber hand illusion.
Description: Jenkinson, Paul M, et al. Body ownership and attention in the mirror: insights from somatoparaphrenia and the rubber hand illusion. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2013 Jul; '''51''' (8):1453-62
Oral contraceptive use changes brain activity and mood in women with previous negative affect on the pill--a double-blinded, placebo-controlled randomized trial of a levonorgestrel-containing combined oral contraceptive.
Description: Gingnell, Malin, et al. Oral contraceptive use changes brain activity and mood in women with previous negative affect on the pill--a double-blinded, placebo-controlled randomized trial of a levonorgestrel-containing combined oral contraceptive. ''Psychoneuroendocrinology''. 2013 Jul; '''38''' (7):1133-44
Picture novelty attenuates semantic interference and modulates concomitant neural activity in the anterior cingulate cortex and the locus coeruleus.
Description: Krebs, Ruth M, et al. Picture novelty attenuates semantic interference and modulates concomitant neural activity in the anterior cingulate cortex and the locus coeruleus. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Jul 1; '''74''': 179-87
The riddle of anosognosia: does unawareness of hemiplegia involve a failure to update beliefs?
Description: Vocat, Roland, et al. The riddle of anosognosia: does unawareness of hemiplegia involve a failure to update beliefs? ''Cortex''. 2013 Jul-Aug; '''49''' (7):1771-81
Volitional reduction of anterior cingulate cortex activity produces decreased cue craving in smoking cessation: a preliminary real-time fMRI study.
Description: Li, Xingbao, et al. Volitional reduction of anterior cingulate cortex activity produces decreased cue craving in smoking cessation: a preliminary real-time fMRI study. ''Addict Biol''. 2013 Jul; '''18''' (4):739-48
Preparatory attention after lesions to the lateral or orbital prefrontal cortex--an event-related potentials study.
Description: Funderud, Ingrid, et al. Preparatory attention after lesions to the lateral or orbital prefrontal cortex--an event-related potentials study. ''Brain Res''. 2013 Aug 21; '''1527''': 174-88
Functional brain organization of preparatory attentional control in visual search.
Description: Bourke, Patrick, et al. Functional brain organization of preparatory attentional control in visual search. ''Brain Res''. 2013 Sep 12; '''1530''': 32-43
Hippocampus-dependent strengthening of targeted memories via reactivation during sleep in humans.
Description: Fuentemilla, Lluis, et al. Hippocampus-dependent strengthening of targeted memories via reactivation during sleep in humans. ''Curr Biol''. 2013 Sep 23; '''23''' (18):1769-75
Asymmetry of planum temporale constrains interhemispheric language plasticity in children with focal epilepsy.
Description: Pahs, Gerald, et al. Asymmetry of planum temporale constrains interhemispheric language plasticity in children with focal epilepsy. ''Brain''. 2013 Oct; '''136''' (Pt 10):3163-75
Lack of endogenous opioid release during sustained visceral pain: a [11C]carfentanil PET study.
Description: Ly, Huynh Giao, et al. Lack of endogenous opioid release during sustained visceral pain: a [11C]carfentanil PET study. ''Pain''. 2013 Oct; '''154''' (10):2072-2077
Fronto-parietal dorsal and ventral pathways in the context of different linguistic manipulations.
Description: Kellmeyer, Philipp, et al. Fronto-parietal dorsal and ventral pathways in the context of different linguistic manipulations. ''Brain Lang''. 2013 Nov; '''127''' (2):241-50
Is the right frontal cortex really crucial in the mentalizing network? A longitudinal study in patients with a slow-growing lesion.
Description: Herbet, Guillaume, et al. Is the right frontal cortex really crucial in the mentalizing network? A longitudinal study in patients with a slow-growing lesion. ''Cortex''. 2013 Nov-Dec; '''49''' (10):2711-27
Mislocalization of tactile stimuli applied to the trunk in spatial neglect.
Description: Rousseaux, Marc, et al. Mislocalization of tactile stimuli applied to the trunk in spatial neglect. ''Cortex''. 2013 Nov-Dec; '''49''' (10):2607-15
The five factors of personality and regional cortical variability in the Baltimore longitudinal study of aging.
Description: Kapogiannis, Dimitrios, et al. The five factors of personality and regional cortical variability in the Baltimore longitudinal study of aging. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2013 Nov; '''34''' (11):2829-40
The "handwriting brain": a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies of motor versus orthographic processes.
Description: Planton, Samuel, et al. The "handwriting brain": a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies of motor versus orthographic processes. ''Cortex''. 2013 Nov-Dec; '''49''' (10):2772-87
Neuroimaging the temporal dynamics of human avoidance to sustained threat.
Description: Schlund, Michael W, et al. Neuroimaging the temporal dynamics of human avoidance to sustained threat. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2013 Nov 15; '''257''': 148-55
Global N-acetylaspartate concentration in benign and non-benign multiple sclerosis patients of long disease duration.
Description: Achtnichts, Lutz, et al. Global N-acetylaspartate concentration in benign and non-benign multiple sclerosis patients of long disease duration. ''Eur J Radiol''. 2013 Dec; '''82''' (12):e848-52
Hippocampal volume loss following childhood convulsive status epilepticus is not limited to prolonged febrile seizures.
Description: Yoong, Michael, et al. Hippocampal volume loss following childhood convulsive status epilepticus is not limited to prolonged febrile seizures. ''Epilepsia''. 2013 Dec; '''54''' (12):2108-15
How many forms of perseveration? Evidence from cancellation tasks in right hemisphere patients.
Description: Gandola, Martina, et al. How many forms of perseveration? Evidence from cancellation tasks in right hemisphere patients. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2013 Dec; '''51''' (14):2960-75
Neural and physiological responses to a cold pressor challenge in healthy adolescents.
Description: Richardson, Heidi L, et al. Neural and physiological responses to a cold pressor challenge in healthy adolescents. ''J Neurosci Res''. 2013 Dec; '''91''' (12):1618-27
Structural white matter asymmetries in relation to functional asymmetries during speech perception and production.
Description: Ocklenburg, Sebastian, et al. Structural white matter asymmetries in relation to functional asymmetries during speech perception and production. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Dec; '''83''': 1088-97
A high-resolution 7-Tesla fMRI dataset from complex natural stimulation with an audio movie.
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Altered intrinsic regional brain activity in male patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea: a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
Description: Peng, De-Chang, et al. Altered intrinsic regional brain activity in male patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea: a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study. ''Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat''. 2014; '''10''': 1819-26
Altered intrinsic regional brain spontaneous activity and subjective sleep quality in patients with chronic primary insomnia: a resting-state fMRI study.
Description: Dai, Xi-Jian, et al. Altered intrinsic regional brain spontaneous activity and subjective sleep quality in patients with chronic primary insomnia: a resting-state fMRI study. ''Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat''. 2014; '''10''': 2163-75
Altered regional homogeneity with short-term simulated microgravity and its relationship with changed performance in mental transformation.
Description: Liao, Yang, et al. Altered regional homogeneity with short-term simulated microgravity and its relationship with changed performance in mental transformation. ''PLoS One''. 2014; '''8''' (6):e64931
Apraxia, pantomime and the parietal cortex.
Description: Niessen, E, et al. Apraxia, pantomime and the parietal cortex. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2014; '''5''': 42-52
Automated delineation of stroke lesions using brain CT images.
Description: Gillebert, Celine R, et al. Automated delineation of stroke lesions using brain CT images. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2014; '''4''': 540-8
Cerebellar pathology in Friedreich's ataxia: atrophied dentate nuclei with normal iron content.
Description: Solbach, K, et al. Cerebellar pathology in Friedreich's ataxia: atrophied dentate nuclei with normal iron content. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2014; '''6''': 93-9
Comparison of the brain development trajectory between Chinese and U.S. children and adolescents.
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Difficulty of MRI based identification of lesion age by acute infra-tentorial ischemic stroke.
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The impact of isolated lesions on white-matter fiber tracts in multiple sclerosis patients.
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What you see is what you eat: an ALE meta-analysis of the neural correlates of food viewing in children and adolescents.
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Functional reorganization of the attentional networks in low-grade glioma patients: a longitudinal study.
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Genetic architecture of white matter hyperintensities differs in hypertensive and nonhypertensive ischemic stroke.
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Relevance of parahippocampal-locus coeruleus connectivity to memory in early dementia.
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Brain activity dynamics in human parietal regions during spontaneous switches in bistable perception.
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Determinants of white matter hyperintensity burden differ at the extremes of ages of ischemic stroke onset.
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Dissociable spatial and non-spatial attentional deficits after circumscribed thalamic stroke.
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Effects of inflammation on hippocampus and substantia nigra responses to novelty in healthy human participants.
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Insular and caudate lesions release abnormal yawning in stroke patients.
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Perception of co-speech gestures in aphasic patients: a visual exploration study during the observation of dyadic conversations.
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Regional cerebellar volume and cognitive function from adolescence to late middle age.
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Temporospatial identification of language-related cortical function by a combination of transcranial magnetic stimulation and magnetoencephalography.
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Ventromedial prefrontal cortex damage alters resting blood flow to the bed nucleus of stria terminalis.
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Visuospatial processing in early Alzheimer's disease: a multimodal neuroimaging study.
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The hippocampus is sensitive to the mismatch in novelty between items and their contexts.
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A disconnection account of subjective empathy impairments in diffuse low-grade glioma patients.
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Anatomical and psychometric relationships of behavioral neglect in daily living.
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Decoding visual object categories in early somatosensory cortex.
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Domain-independent neural underpinning of task-switching: an fMRI investigation.
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Impulse control in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex counteracts post-diet weight regain in obesity.
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Phonology and arithmetic in the language-calculation network.
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Proper name anomia with preserved lexical and semantic knowledge after left anterior temporal lesion: a two-way convergence defect.
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Regional differences of [(18)F]-FDG uptake within the brain during fatiguing muscle contractions.
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Regional patterns of grey matter atrophy and magnetisation transfer ratio abnormalities in multiple sclerosis clinical subgroups: a voxel-based analysis study.
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Sensitivity to the temporal structure of rapid sound sequences - An MEG study.
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Cortical thickness, surface area and folding in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures.
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Different visual exploration of tool-related gestures in left hemisphere brain damaged patients is associated with poor gestural imitation.
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Epilepsy, cognitive deficits and neuroanatomy in males with ZDHHC9 mutations.
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In Vivo Tissue Pharmacokinetics of Carbon-11-Labeled Clozapine in Healthy Volunteers: A Positron Emission Tomography Study.
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Metabolic determinants of white matter hyperintensity burden in patients with ischemic stroke.
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Prefrontal dysfunction in pediatric Tourette's disorder as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy.
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Pictionary-based fMRI paradigm to study the neural correlates of spontaneous improvisation and figural creativity.
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Altered white matter in cocaine-dependent subjects with traumatic brain injury: A diffusion tensor imaging study.
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A potential role for the midbrain in integrating fat-free mass determined energy needs: An H2 (15) O PET study.
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Distinct fronto-striatal couplings reveal the double-faced nature of response-outcome relations in instruction-based learning.
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"I know your name, but not your number"--Patients with verbal short-term memory deficits are impaired in learning sequences of digits.
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Orienting of visuo-spatial attention in complex 3D space: Search and detection.
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A novel brain partition highlights the modular skeleton shared by structure and function.
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Functional subregions of the human entorhinal cortex.
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ROCKETSHIP: a flexible and modular software tool for the planning, processing and analysis of dynamic MRI studies.
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Empathic control through coordinated interaction of amygdala, theory of mind and extended pain matrix brain regions.
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Inappropriate rightward saccades after right hemisphere damage: Oculomotor analysis and anatomical correlates.
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Successful empirical antifungal therapy of intravenous itraconazole with pharmacokinetic evidence in pediatric cancer patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
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The role of visual saliency for the allocation of attention: Evidence from spatial neglect and hemianopia.
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Neurological soft signs in recent-onset schizophrenia: Focus on the cerebellum.
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Brain structure correlates of emotion-based rash impulsivity.
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State-based functional connectivity changes associate with cognitive decline in amnestic mild cognitive impairment subjects.
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Decreased neural activity and neural connectivity while performing a set-shifting task after inhibiting repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on the left dorsal prefrontal cortex.
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Local and Global Resting State Activity in the Noradrenergic and Dopaminergic Pathway Modulated by Reboxetine and Amisulpride in Healthy Subjects.
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An anatomical and psychophysical comparison of subjective verticals in patients with right brain damage.
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COX-2 rs20417 Polymorphism Is Associated with Stroke and White Matter Disease.
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Humour processing in frontotemporal lobar degeneration: A behavioural and neuroanatomical analysis.
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Contextual modulation of value signals in reward and punishment learning.
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Executive Dysfunction in Patients with Putaminal Hemorrhage.
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Grey matter volumetric changes related to recovery from hand paresis after cortical sensorimotor stroke.
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N-acetyl-aspartate levels correlate with intra-axonal compartment parameters from diffusion MRI.
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Sex differences in cerebellar mechanisms involved in pain-related safety learning.
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The neural network associated with lexical-semantic knowledge about social groups.
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The perirhinal cortex and conceptual processing: Effects of feature-based statistics following damage to the anterior temporal lobes.
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Single-dose intravenous administration of antiepileptic drugs induces rapid and reversible remodeling in the brain: Evidence from a voxel-based morphometry evaluation of valproate and levetiracetam in rhesus monkeys.
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A Neural Marker for Social Bias Toward In-group Accents.
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Apraxia and spatial inattention dissociate in left hemisphere stroke.
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Beat and metaphoric gestures are differentially associated with regional cerebellar and cortical volumes.
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Striatal contributions to sensory timing: Voxel-based lesion mapping of electrophysiological markers.
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The rostral prefrontal cortex underlies individual differences in working memory capacity: An approach from the hierarchical model of the cognitive control.
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Mapping the functional connectivity of the substantia nigra, red nucleus and dentate nucleus: A network analysis hypothesis associated with the extrapyramidal system.
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Mismatch negativity in common marmosets: Whole-cortical recordings with multi-channel electrocorticograms.
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Automated lesion detection on MRI scans using combined unsupervised and supervised methods.
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An fMRI Study of the Ventriloquism Effect.
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Auditory Feedback Differentially Modulates Behavioral and Neural Markers of Objective and Subjective Performance When Tapping to Your Heartbeat.
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ALE meta-analysis reveals dissociable networks for affective and discriminative aspects of touch.
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Automated segmentation of chronic stroke lesions using LINDA: Lesion identification with neighborhood data analysis.
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Language learning and brain reorganization in a 3.5-year-old child with left perinatal stroke revealed using structural and functional connectivity.
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Specific disgust processing in the left insula: New evidence from direct electrical stimulation.
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Zero in the brain: A voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping study in right hemisphere damaged patients.
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Effects of unilateral stroke on multi-finger synergies and their feed-forward adjustments.
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White and Gray Matter Volume Changes and Correlation with Visual Evoked Potential in Patients with Optic Neuritis: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study.
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Dissociating the neural correlates of tactile temporal order and simultaneity judgements.
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Task complexity and location specific changes of cortical thickness in executive and salience networks after working memory training.
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When I am (almost) 64: The effect of normal ageing on implicit motor imagery in young elderlies.
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Altered Intrinsic Regional Activity and Interregional Functional Connectivity in Post-stroke Aphasia.
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The role of the temporal pole in modulating primitive auditory memory.
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What does the nose know? Olfactory function predicts social network size in human.
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The role of piriform associative connections in odor categorization.
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Canceled connections: Lesion-derived network mapping helps explain differences in performance on a complex decision-making task.
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Contralesional distractors enhance ipsilesional target processing after right-hemispheric stroke.
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Differential effects of hunger and satiety on insular cortex and hypothalamic functional connectivity.
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'Imagined guilt' vs 'recollected guilt': implications for fMRI.
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Mirrored and rotated stimuli are not the same: A neuropsychological and lesion mapping study.
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Processing of visual gravitational motion in the peri-sylvian cortex: Evidence from brain-damaged patients.
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Pronounced reduction of acquisition of conditioned eyeblink responses in young adults with focal cerebellar lesions impedes conclusions on the role of the cerebellum in extinction and savings.
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The neural network for tool-related cognition: An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis of 70 neuroimaging contrasts.
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The pattern of amyloid accumulation in the brains of adults with Down syndrome.
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The right hemisphere is dominant in organization of visual search-A study in stroke patients.
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A comparison of phase imaging and quantitative susceptibility mapping in the imaging of multiple sclerosis lesions at ultrahigh field.
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Central perception of position sense involves a distributed neural network - Evidence from lesion-behavior analyses.
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Perceptual decisions regarding object manipulation are selectively impaired in apraxia or when tDCS is applied over the left IPL.
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Quantitative measurement of blood flow in paediatric brain tumours-a comparative study of dynamic susceptibility contrast and multi time-point arterial spin labelled MRI.
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Shaping Early Reorganization of Neural Networks Promotes Motor Function after Stroke.
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Usefulness of voxel-based lesion mapping for predicting motor recovery in subjects with basal ganglia hemorrhage: A preliminary study with 2 case reports.
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Bodily ownership modulation in defensive responses: physiological evidence in brain-damaged patients with pathological embodiment of other's body parts.
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Value of Three-Dimensional Maximum Intensity Projection Display to Assist in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-Based Grading in a Mouse Model of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.
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Ictal lack of binding to brain parenchyma suggests integrity of the blood-brain barrier for 11C-dihydroergotamine during glyceryl trinitrate-induced migraine.
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Increased functional connectivity between cortical hand areas and praxis network associated with training-related improvements in non-dominant hand precision drawing.
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Using Structural and Functional Brain Imaging to Investigate Responses to Acute Thermal Pain.
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Visual masking with frontally applied pre-stimulus TMS and its subject-specific neural correlates.
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Patterns of postictal cerebral perfusion in idiopathic generalized epilepsy: a multi-delay multi-parametric arterial spin labelling perfusion MRI study.
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Increased ventral premotor cortex recruitment after arm training in an fMRI study with subacute stroke patients.
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Gender differences in ventromedial prefrontal cortex activity associated with valuation of faces.
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The right temporoparietal junction encodes efforts of others during action observation.
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Study of differentiated human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells transplantation on rat model of advanced parkinsonism.
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The dissociability of lexical retrieval and morphosyntactic processes for nouns and verbs: A functional and anatomoclinical study.
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Neural Basis of Acquired Amusia and Its Recovery after Stroke.
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Arcuate fasciculus asymmetry has a hand in language function but not handedness.
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Quantitative assessment of microvasculopathy in arcAbeta mice with USPIO-enhanced gradient echo MRI.
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Random number generation deficits in patients with multiple sclerosis: Characteristics and neural correlates.
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Reading words and other people: A comparison of exception word, familiar face and affect processing in the left and right temporal variants of primary progressive aphasia.
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Thematic knowledge, artifact concepts, and the left posterior temporal lobe: Where action and object semantics converge.
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MRI Dynamically Evaluates the Therapeutic Effect of Recombinant Human MANF on Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats.
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Spatial learning and memory impairments are associated with increased neuronal activity in 5XFAD mouse as measured by manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging.
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Voxelwise meta-analysis of gray matter anomalies in chronic cigarette smokers.
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A comprehensive tractography study of patients with bipolar disorder and their unaffected siblings.
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Antecedent Aspirin Use Is Associated with Less Severe Symptoms on Admission for Ischemic Stroke.
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Associations between brain white matter integrity and disease severity in obstructive sleep apnea.
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Context-specific activation of hippocampus and SN/VTA by reward is related to enhanced long-term memory for embedded objects.
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Effects of internal and external vividness on hippocampal connectivity during memory retrieval.
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Interhemispheric Asymmetry in Distribution of Infarct Lesions among Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Presenting to Hospital.
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Medial prefrontal-hippocampal connectivity during emotional memory encoding predicts individual differences in the loss of associative memory specificity.
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Muscle oxygenation during dynamic plantar flexion exercise: combining BOLD MRI with traditional physiological measurements.
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Neural correlates of reduced awareness in instrumental activities of daily living in frontotemporal dementia.
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Patients with focal cerebellar lesions show reduced auditory cortex activation during silent reading.
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The Prognosis and Recovery of Aphasia Related to Stroke Lesion.
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White Matter Change Revealed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Gliomas.
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The relevance of cortical lesions in patients with multiple sclerosis.
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Characterization of ten white matter tracts in a representative sample of Cuban population.
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Voxel-wise grey matter asymmetry analysis in left- and right-handers.
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Does PEEK/HA Enhance Bone Formation Compared With PEEK in a Sheep Cervical Fusion Model?
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Optimal ROI setting on the anatomically normalized I-123 FP-CIT images using high-resolution SPECT.
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Postoperative axonal changes in the contralateral hemisphere in children with medically refractory epilepsy: A longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging connectome analysis.
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The effects of hippocampal lesions on MRI measures of structural and functional connectivity.
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Three-dimensional lateral pterygoid muscle volume: MRI analyses with insertion patterns correlation.
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Rapid gamma oscillations in the inferior occipital gyrus in response to eyes.
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Mean kurtosis alterations of cerebral white matter in patients with schizophrenia revealed by diffusion kurtosis imaging.
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Language-related cerebral oscillatory changes are influenced equally by genetic and environmental factors.
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Different brain responses to electro-acupuncture and moxibustion treatment in patients with Crohn's disease.
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Influence of Acoustic Overstimulation on the Central Auditory System: An Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Study.
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Predicting "When" in Discourse Engages the Human Dorsal Auditory Stream: An fMRI Study Using Naturalistic Stories.
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Age-related differences in resolving semantic and phonological competition during receptive language tasks.
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Altered functional connectivity of the marginal division in migraine: a resting-state fMRI study.
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Atypical right hemisphere response to slow temporal modulations in children with developmental dyslexia.
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Automated Segmentation of Hyperintense Regions in FLAIR MRI Using Deep Learning.
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Beyond aphasia: Altered EEG connectivity in Broca's patients during working memory task.
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Cerebellar Atrophy in Cortical Myoclonic Tremor and Not in Hereditary Essential Tremor-a Voxel-Based Morphometry Study.
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Diffusion-tensor imaging of major white matter tracts and their role in language processing in aphasia.
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How the brain processes violations of the grammatical norm: An fMRI study.
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Pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling imaging of cerebral blood perfusion asymmetry in drug-naive patients with first-episode major depression.
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Risky decision-making in adolescent girls: The role of pubertal hormones and reward circuitry.
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Using language for social interaction: Communication mechanisms promote recovery from chronic non-fluent aphasia.
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Long-latency modulation of motor cortex excitability by ipsilateral posterior inferior frontal gyrus and pre-supplementary motor area.
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3D Morphology Analysis of TMJ Articular Eminence in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
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A Chronically Implantable Bidirectional Neural Interface for Non-human Primates.
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A Comparative Study of Feature Selection Methods for the Discriminative Analysis of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
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Alterations of white matter structural networks in patients with non-neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus identified by probabilistic tractography and connectivity-based analyses.
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Altered praxis network underlying limb kinetic apraxia in Parkinson's disease - an fMRI study.
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Anatomical Modularity of Verbal Working Memory? Functional Anatomical Evidence from a Famous Patient with Short-Term Memory Deficits.
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A Novel Richardson-Lucy Model with Dictionary Basis and Spatial Regularization for Isolating Isotropic Signals.
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A Paleolithic Diet with and without Combined Aerobic and Resistance Exercise Increases Functional Brain Responses and Hippocampal Volume in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes.
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Attention, in and Out: Scalp-Level and Intracranial EEG Correlates of Interoception and Exteroception.
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Axonal damage and loss of connectivity in nigrostriatal and mesolimbic dopamine pathways in early Parkinson's disease.
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Communicative-Pragmatic Assessment Is Sensitive and Time-Effective in Measuring the Outcome of Aphasia Therapy.
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Comparing CAT12 and VBM8 for Detecting Brain Morphological Abnormalities in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
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Cognitive brain responses during circadian wake-promotion: evidence for sleep-pressure-dependent hypothalamic activations.
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Collaborative roles of Temporoparietal Junction and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Different Types of Behavioural Flexibility.
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Deficit in feature-based attention following a left thalamic lesion.
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Prefrontally-mediated alterations in the retrieval of negative events: Links to memory vividness across the adult lifespan.
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Comprehensibility and neural substrate of communicative gestures in severe aphasia.
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Effects of emotional valence and arousal on the voice perception network.
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Spontaneous Recovery of Upper Extremity Motor Impairment After Ischemic Stroke: Implications for Stem Cell-Based Therapeutic Approaches.
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The iconography of mourning and its neural correlates: a functional neuroimaging study.
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The pulvinar nucleus is associated with the presence of dysarthria in patients with basal ganglia hemorrhage.
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Quantitative in vivo T2 mapping using fast spin echo techniques - A linear correction procedure.
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Volume expansion of periaqueductal gray in episodic migraine: a pilot MRI structural imaging study.
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The zero effect: voxel-based lesion symptom mapping of number transcoding errors following stroke.
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Medial thalamic stroke and its impact on familiarity and recollection.
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White matter microstructure degenerates in patients with postherpetic neuralgia.
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A Meta-analysis of Voxel-based Brain Morphometry Studies in Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
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Auditory conflict and congruence in frontotemporal dementia.
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Human orbital and anterior medial prefrontal cortex: Intrinsic connectivity parcellation and functional organization.
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Intranasal Oxytocin Selectively Modulates Large-Scale Brain Networks in Humans.
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Mapping Language Networks Using the Structural and Dynamic Brain Connectomes.
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The atrophy of white and gray matter volume in patients with comitant strabismus: Evidence from a voxel-based morphometry study.
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Late-onset hypersensitivity after a lesion in the ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus: A macaque model of central post-stroke pain.
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Moral judgment modulation by disgust priming via altered fronto-temporal functional connectivity.
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Diffusion-kurtosis imaging predicts early radiotherapy response in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients.
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The details of structural disconnectivity in psychotic disorder: A family-based study of non-FA diffusion weighted imaging measures.
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Anatomical and functional properties of the foot and leg representation in areas 3b, 1 and 2 of primary somatosensory cortex in humans: A 7T fMRI study.
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Functional MRI-based identification of brain regions activated by mechanical noxious stimulation and modulatory effect of remifentanil in cats.
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Prosocial deficits in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia relate to reward network atrophy.
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Specific contributions of basal ganglia and cerebellum to the neural tracking of rhythm.
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Aberrant patterns of brain cerebral blood flow in Chinese han first-episode drug-naive depressive patients with and without a family history of depression.
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Altered activation and connectivity in a hippocampal-basal ganglia-midbrain circuit during salience processing in subjects at ultra high risk for psychosis.
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The large-scale organization of shape processing in the ventral and dorsal pathways.
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Chemotherapy-induced changes of cerebral activity in resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging and cerebral white matter in diffusion tensor imaging.
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Psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression: fMRI-measured brain mechanisms.
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Brain lesions affecting gait recovery in stroke patients.
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Come together: human-avatar on-line interactions boost joint-action performance in apraxic patients.
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Resting state perfusion in the language network is linked to formal thought disorder and poor functional outcome in schizophrenia.
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Using multi-level Bayesian lesion-symptom mapping to probe the body-part-specificity of gesture imitation skills.
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Long-latency interhemispheric interactions between motor-related areas and the primary motor cortex: a dual site TMS study.
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Differences in brain gray matter volume in patients with Crohn's disease with and without abdominal pain.
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Supramammillary glutamate neurons are a key node of the arousal system.
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The positive effects of Xueshuan Xinmai tablets on brain functional connectivity in acute ischemic stroke: a placebo controlled randomized trial.
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Disrupted structural and functional connectivity networks in ischemic stroke patients.
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ABCD1 dysfunction alters white matter microvascular perfusion.
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Diffusion tensor imaging of spinal microstructure in healthy adults: improved resolution with the readout segmentation of long variable echo-trains.
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Intensive Communicative Therapy Reduces Symptoms of Depression in Chronic Nonfluent Aphasia.
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Toward a functional neuroanatomy of semantic aphasia: A history and ten new cases.
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Damage of the right dorsal superior longitudinal fascicle by awake surgery for glioma causes persistent visuospatial dysfunction.
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A Conscious Resting State fMRI Study in SLE Patients Without Major Neuropsychiatric Manifestations.
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A functional limitation to the lower limbs affects the neural bases of motor imagery of gait.
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A Heartbeat Away From Consciousness: Heart Rate Variability Entropy Can Discriminate Disorders of Consciousness and Is Correlated With Resting-State fMRI Brain Connectivity of the Central Autonomic Network.
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Altered brain network centrality in patients with adult comitant exotropia strabismus: A resting-state fMRI study.
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Altered functional connectivity differs in stroke survivors with impaired touch sensation following left and right hemisphere lesions.
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Altered functional connectivity of primary visual cortex in late blindness.
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Altered Resting Functional Connectivity Is Related to Cognitive Outcome in Males With Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.
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APT Weighted MRI as an Effective Imaging Protocol to Predict Clinical Outcome After Acute Ischemic Stroke.
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A radiomic signature as a non-invasive predictor of progression-free survival in patients with lower-grade gliomas.
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Assessment of synchronous neural activities revealed by regional homogeneity in individuals with acute eye pain: a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
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Exoskeleton-Robot Assisted Therapy in Stroke Patients: A Lesion Mapping Study.
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fMRI Evidence of Magnitude Manipulation during Numerical Order Processing in Congenitally Deaf Signers.
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Gray Matter and White Matter Abnormalities in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Patients with and without Hippocampal Sclerosis.
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Gray Matter Volume of a Region in the Thalamic Pulvinar Is Specifically Associated with Novelty Seeking.
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Identification of Two Distinct Working Memory-Related Brain Networks in Healthy Young Adults.
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Interaction of childhood urbanicity and variation in dopamine genes alters adult prefrontal function as measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
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Larger Gray Matter Volume in the Basal Ganglia of Heavy Cannabis Users Detected by Voxel-Based Morphometry and Subcortical Volumetric Analysis.
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Laterality of Poststroke Cortical Motor Activity during Action Observation Is Related to Hemispheric Dominance.
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First evaluation of PET-based human biodistribution and radiation dosimetry of (11)C-BU99008, a tracer for imaging the imidazoline(2) binding site.
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Considerations on accuracy, pattern and possible underlying factors of brain microbleed progression in older adults with absence or mild presence of vascular pathology.
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Thumbs up: Imagined hand movements counteract the adverse effects of post-surgical hand immobilization. Clinical, behavioral, and fMRI longitudinal observations.
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Fiber length profiling: A novel approach to structural brain organization.
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High-frequency oscillations and spikes running down after SEEG-guided thermocoagulations in the epileptogenic network of periventricular nodular heterotopia.
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Image-guided phenotyping of ovariectomized mice: altered functional connectivity, cognition, myelination, and dopaminergic functionality.
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Subcortical electrophysiological activity is detectable with high-density EEG source imaging.
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Is ventromedial prefrontal cortex critical for behavior change without external reinforcement?
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Reconstructing meaning from bits of information.
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The impact of fasting on resting state brain networks in mice.
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Sleep restriction caused impaired emotional regulation without detectable brain activation changes-a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
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Linking personality and brain anatomy: a structural MRI approach to Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory.
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Neural basis of somatosensory target detection independent of uncertainty, relevance, and reports.
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A novel neurocognitive approach for placebo analgesia in neurocognitive disorders.
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Early functional connectivity deficits and progressive microstructural alterations in the TgF344-AD rat model of Alzheimer's Disease: A longitudinal MRI study.
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Effect of prism adaptation on neglect hemianesthesia.
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Pre-existing White Matter Hyperintensity Lesion Burden and Diagnostic Certainty of Transient Ischemic Attack.
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Roles of ventral versus dorsal pathways in language production: An awake language mapping study.
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Sex-specific effects of central adiposity and inflammatory markers on limbic microstructure.
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Unraveling Specific Brain Microstructural Damage in Moyamoya Disease Using Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography.
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Ventromedial frontal lobe damage affects interpretation, not exploration, of emotional facial expressions.
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Visual search pattern during free viewing of horizontally flipped images in patients with unilateral spatial neglect.
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Neuroimaging Studies on Disorders of Consciousness: A Meta-Analytic Evaluation.
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Arterial Spin Labeling for Glioma Grade Discrimination: Correlations with IDH1 Genotype and 1p/19q Status.
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Continuous theta burst stimulation over right pars triangularis facilitates naming abilities in chronic post-stroke aphasia by enhancing phonological access.
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Correlative study using structural MRI and super-resolution microscopy to detect structural alterations induced by long-term optogenetic stimulation of striatal medium spiny neurons.
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Expansion of effector and memory T cells is associated with increased survival in recurrent glioblastomas treated with dendritic cell immunotherapy.
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Frequency difference mapping applied to the corpus callosum at 7T.
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Intravoxel incoherent motion perfusion in patients with Moyamoya disease: comparison with (15)O-gas positron emission tomography.
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The Influence of Stroke Location on Cognitive and Mood Impairment. A Voxel-Based Lesion-Symptom Mapping Study.
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Communicability Characterization of Structural DWI Subcortical Networks in Alzheimer's Disease.
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Blood amyloid-beta oligomerization associated with neurodegeneration of Alzheimer's disease.
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Amygdala activation during unconscious visual processing of food.
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Iron deposition in Parkinson's disease by quantitative susceptibility mapping.
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Altered brain activity in patients with strabismus and amblyopia detected by analysis of regional homogeneity: A resting‑state functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
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Altered intra- and inter-regional functional connectivity of the visual cortex in individuals with peripheral vision loss due to retinitis pigmentosa.
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Conscious perception in patients with prefrontal damage.
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Episodic memory decline in Parkinson' s disease: relation with white matter hyperintense lesions and influence of quantification method.
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Internodular functional connectivity in heterotopia-related epilepsy.
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Neocerebellar Crus I Abnormalities Associated with a Speech and Language Disorder Due to a Mutation in FOXP2.
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Preliminary utilization of radiomics in differentiating uterine sarcoma from atypical leiomyoma: Comparison on diagnostic efficacy of MRI features and radiomic features.
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Relationship between neuronal network architecture and naming performance in temporal lobe epilepsy: A connectome based approach using machine learning.
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Kidney Dysfunction Impact on White Matter Hyperintensity Volume in Neurologically Healthy Adults.
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A longitudinal multimodal in vivo molecular imaging study of the 3xTg-AD mouse model shows progressive early hippocampal and taurine loss.
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Multivariate classification of drug-naive obsessive-compulsive disorder patients and healthy controls by applying an SVM to resting-state functional MRI data.
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Anterior insular cortex is a bottleneck of cognitive control.
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The positive impacts of early-life education on cognition, leisure activity, and brain structure in healthy aging.
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Brain activity during spoken word recognition in subacute aphasia.
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Grey and white matter substrates of action naming.
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Individuals in the prediabetes stage exhibit reduced hippocampal tail volume and executive dysfunction.
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The autism- and schizophrenia-associated protein CYFIP1 regulates bilateral brain connectivity and behaviour.
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Anosognosia for hemiplegia as a tripartite disconnection syndrome.
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Patients with dorsolateral prefrontal cortex lesions are capable of discriminatory threat learning but appear impaired in cognitive regulation of subjective fear.
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Social support modulates the neural correlates underlying social exclusion.
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Clinical and immunological control of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by tolerogenic dendritic cells loaded with MOG-encoding mRNA.
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Detection of neural connections with ex vivo MRI using a ferritin-encoding trans-synaptic virus.
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The brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met genotype does not influence the grey or white matter structures underlying recognition memory.
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Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) brain activity during a mental flexibility task suggests some shared neurobiology in children with neurodevelopmental disorders.
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Resting-state neural activity and connectivity associated with subjective happiness.
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Quantitative and clinical impact of MRI-based attenuation correction methods in [(18)F]FDG evaluation of dementia.
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The cerebellum is involved in processing of predictions and prediction errors in a fear conditioning paradigm.
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A meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies on pain empathy: investigating the role of visual information and observers' perspective.
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Altered brain network centrality in patients with late monocular blindness: a resting-state fMRI study.
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Cerebellar contribution to vocal emotion decoding: Insights from stroke and neuroimaging.
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Cognitive and Neuroanatomic Accounts of Referential Communication in Focal Dementia.
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Combined machine learning and diffusion tensor imaging reveals altered anatomic fiber connectivity of the brain in primary open-angle glaucoma.
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Correlation between beta-amyloid deposits revealed by BF-227-PET imaging and brain atrophy detected by voxel-based morphometry-MR imaging: a pilot study.
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Depersonalization- and derealization-like phenomena of epileptic origin.
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DTI study on rehabilitation of the congenital deafness auditory pathway and speech center by cochlear implantation.
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Neural Correlates of Urinary Retention in Lateral Medullary Infarction.
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q-Space Imaging Yields a Higher Effect Gradient to Assess Cellularity than Conventional Diffusion-weighted Imaging Methods at 3.0 T: A Pilot Study with Freshly Excised Whole-Breast Tumors.
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Re-learning and remembering in the lesioned brain.
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Structural changes of cerebellum and brainstem in migraine without aura.
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The nature of the animacy organization in human ventral temporal cortex.
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Endogenous fluctuations in the dopaminergic midbrain drive behavioral choice variability.
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Assessing and mapping language, attention and executive multidimensional deficits in stroke aphasia.
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Central network changes in patients with advanced monocular blindness: A voxel-based morphometric study.
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Deficient body structural description contributes to apraxic end-position errors in imitation.
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Executive control in frontal lesion aphasia: Does verbal load matter?
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Phase-amplitude coupling between theta and gamma oscillations adapts to speech rate.
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Recursive hierarchical embedding in vision is impaired by posterior middle temporal gyrus lesions.
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Ascending Axonal Degeneration of the Corticospinal Tract in Pure Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia: A Cross-Sectional DTI Study.
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A Comparison of Techniques for Correcting Eddy-current and Motion-induced Distortions in Diffusion-weighted Echo-planar Images.
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The neuroanatomy of age perception.
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Radiogenomic analysis of vascular endothelial growth factor in patients with diffuse gliomas.
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The Human Basolateral Amygdala Is Indispensable for Social Experiential Learning.
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A comparison of automated lesion segmentation approaches for chronic stroke T1-weighted MRI data.
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Altered spontaneous brain activity in patients with strabismic amblyopia: A resting-state fMRI study using regional homogeneity analysis.
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Default mode and visual network activity in an attention task: Direct measurement with intracranial EEG.
Description: Li, Jiajia, et al. Default mode and visual network activity in an attention task: Direct measurement with intracranial EEG. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Nov 1; '''201''': 116003
Dissociating action and abstract verb comprehension post-stroke.
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Dissociations in semantic cognition: Oscillatory evidence for opposing effects of semantic control and type of semantic relation in anterior and posterior temporal cortex.
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Dorsal hippocampal changes in T2 relaxation times are associated with early spatial cognitive deficits in 5XFAD mice.
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Improving sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility of individual brainstem activation.
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Interaction of circulating GLP-1 and the response of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex to food-cues predicts body weight development.
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Mapping the landscape of human dopamine D2/3 receptors with [(11)C]raclopride.
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Neural correlates of acute apraxia: Evidence from lesion data and functional MRI in stroke patients.
Description: Dressing, Andrea, et al. Neural correlates of acute apraxia: Evidence from lesion data and functional MRI in stroke patients. ''Cortex''. 2019 Nov; '''120''': 1-21
Reduced competition between tool action neighbors in left hemisphere stroke.
Description: Garcea, Frank E, et al. Reduced competition between tool action neighbors in left hemisphere stroke. ''Cortex''. 2019 Nov; '''120''': 269-283
Using machine learning-based lesion behavior mapping to identify anatomical networks of cognitive dysfunction: Spatial neglect and attention.
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Dichotomous organization of amygdala/temporal-prefrontal bundles in both humans and monkeys.
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Increased soluble amyloid-beta causes early aberrant brain network hypersynchronisation in a mature-onset mouse model of amyloidosis.
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Neural representations of honesty predict future trust behavior.
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Prefrontal and posterior parietal contributions to the perceptual awareness of touch.
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Brain Morphological Changes With Functional Deficit Associated With Sexual Arousal in Postmenopausal Women.
Description: Baek, Han-Su, et al. Brain Morphological Changes With Functional Deficit Associated With Sexual Arousal in Postmenopausal Women. ''Sex Med''. 2019 Dec; '''7''' (4):480-488
Cerebral lesion correlates of sympathetic cardiovascular activation in multiple sclerosis.
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Convolutional neural network-based segmentation can help in assessing the substantia nigra in neuromelanin MRI.
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Differential loss of position sense and kinesthesia in sub-acute stroke.
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Differentiating between Alzheimer's disease, amnestic mild cognitive impairment, and normal aging via diffusion kurtosis imaging.
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Neuro-cognitive correlates of alexithymia in patients with circumscribed prefrontal cortex damage.
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Neurofunctional correlates of body-ownership and sense of agency: A meta-analytical account of self-consciousness.
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Phantom touch: How to unmask sensory unawareness after stroke.
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Sex-specific differences in white matter microvascular integrity after ischaemic stroke.
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Shared premotor activity in spoken and written communication.
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Structural and functional brain correlates of theory of mind impairment post-stroke.
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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation-EEG Biomarkers of Poststroke Upper-Limb Motor Function.
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Common functional networks in the mouse brain revealed by multi-centre resting-state fMRI analysis.
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Continuous reorganization of cortical information flow in multiple sclerosis: A longitudinal fMRI effective connectivity study.
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Damage to the right insula disrupts the perception of affective touch.
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Becoming a mother entails anatomical changes in the ventral striatum of the human brain that facilitate its responsiveness to offspring cues.
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Chemokine receptor 4 targeted protein MRI contrast agent for early detection of liver metastases.
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Hippocampal vascular reserve associated with cognitive performance and hippocampal volume.
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Prisms adaptation improves haptic object discrimination in hemispatial neglect.
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Boundary and vulnerability estimation of the internal borderzone using ischemic stroke lesion mapping.
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Fluency and rule breaking behaviour in the frontal cortex.
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Direct electrical stimulation of the premotor cortex shuts down awareness of voluntary actions.
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Alterations in brain white matter microstructural properties in patients with Crohn's disease in remission.
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Deep Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of the Dentate Nucleus to Facilitate Standing Balance in Chronic Stroke Survivors-A Pilot Study.
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Age affects the contribution of ipsilateral brain regions to movement kinematics.
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Development and validation of a rating scale for perivascular spaces on 3T MRI.
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Functional reorganization during the recovery of contralesional target selection deficits after prefrontal cortex lesions in macaque monkeys.
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Behavioral deficits in left hemispatial neglect are related to a reduction of spontaneous neuronal activity in the right superior parietal lobule.
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Amygdala activity related to perceived social support.
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Cortical collateralization induced by language and arithmetic in non-right-handers.
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Crystallized and fluid intelligence are predicted by microstructure of specific white-matter tracts.
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Different FDG-PET metabolic patterns of anti-AMPAR and anti-NMDAR encephalitis: Case report and literature review.
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Effects of Chronic Brain Injury on Quality of Life: A Study in Patients With Left- or Right-Sided Lesion.
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Extinction of cognitive associations is preserved in patients with cerebellar disease.
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Reconfigurable 3D-Printed headplates for reproducible and rapid implantation of EEG, EMG and depth electrodes in mice.
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fMRI Revealed Reduced Amygdala Activation after Nx4 in Mildly to Moderately Stressed Healthy Volunteers in a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Cross-Over Trial.
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Grey matter volume alterations in trigeminal neuralgia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies.
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Signals of anticipation of reward and of mean reward rates in the human brain.
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Does Combining Biomarkers and Brain Images Provide Improved Prognostic Predictive Performance for Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Survivors before Target Temperature Management?
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Stereotactic Cortical Atlas of the Domestic Canine Brain.
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Role of HMGB1 in an Animal Model of Vascular Cognitive Impairment Induced by Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion.
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Abnormal intrinsic functional hubs and connectivity in stable patients with COPD: a resting-state MRI study.
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Anatomical structure responsible for direction changing bilateral gaze-evoked nystagmus in patients with unilateral cerebellar infarction.
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Motor Performance But Neither Motor Learning Nor Motor Consolidation Are Impaired in Chronic Cerebellar Stroke Patients.
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Multivariate analysis reveals anatomical correlates of naming errors in primary progressive aphasia.
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Persistent Nystagmus in Chronic Phase of Lateral Medullary Infarction.
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The motor engram as a dynamic change of the cortical network during early sequence learning: An fMRI study.
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A neurocognitive model of perceptual decision-making on emotional signals.
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Post-stroke cognitive deficits rarely come alone: Handling co-morbidity in lesion-behaviour mapping.
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Heterogeneous Disease Progression in a Mouse Model of Vascular Cognitive Impairment.
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A mouse model of chemotherapy-related cognitive impairments integrating the risk factors of aging and APOE4 genotype.
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Cognitive Functions in Repeated Glioma Surgery.
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Alterations in cerebellar grey matter structure and covariance networks in young people with Tourette syndrome.
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CBPtools: a Python package for regional connectivity-based parcellation.
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How aging affects the premotor control of lower limb movements in simulated gait.
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Impairment of odor discrimination and identification is associated with disability progression and gray matter atrophy of the olfactory system in MS.
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Neural correlates of intonation and lexical tone in tonal and non-tonal language speakers.
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Rethinking causality and data complexity in brain lesion-behaviour inference and its implications for lesion-behaviour modelling.
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The Development of a Practical Artificial Intelligence Tool for Diagnosing and Evaluating Autism Spectrum Disorder: Multicenter Study.
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Reduced Complexity in Stroke with Motor Deficits: A Resting-State fMRI Study.
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Logistic Regression Algorithm Differentiates Gulf War Illness (GWI) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Data from a Sedentary Control.
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Microstructural changes in the trigeminal nerve of patients with episodic migraine assessed using magnetic resonance imaging.
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Impaired hemodynamic activity in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is associated with impairment of placebo analgesia and clinical symptoms in postherpetic neuralgia.
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Intra-saccadic displacement sensitivity after a lesion to the posterior parietal cortex.
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Neural activity moderates the association between sleep and risky driving behaviors in adolescence.
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The sense of body-ownership gates cross-modal improvement of tactile extinction in brain-damaged patients.
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Frontoparietal structural properties mediate adult life span differences in executive function.
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Structural plasticity of the bilateral hippocampus in glioma patients.
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Brain imaging evidence for why we are numbed by numbers.
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Regional Brain Gray Matter Changes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
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Immunoadsorption for Treatment of Patients with Suspected Alzheimer Dementia and Agonistic Autoantibodies against Alpha1a-Adrenoceptor-Rationale and Design of the IMAD Pilot Study.
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Linking depressive symptom dimensions to cerebellar subregion volumes in later life.
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APOE epsilon4 allele accelerates age-related multi-cognitive decline and white matter damage in non-demented elderly.
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Dissociable Neural Information Dynamics of Perceptual Integration and Differentiation during Bistable Perception.
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Comparing two facets of emotion perception across multiple neurodegenerative diseases.
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A pilot study of brain morphometry following donepezil treatment in mild cognitive impairment: volume changes of cortical/subcortical regions and hippocampal subfields.
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Identification of neural networks preferentially engaged by epileptogenic mass lesions through lesion network mapping analysis.
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Resting state functional connectivity of the pain matrix and default mode network in irritable bowel syndrome: a graph theoretical analysis.
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BOLD activity during emotion reappraisal positively correlates with dietary self-control success.
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Interactions between decision-making and emotion in behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
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Dissociation of visual extinction and neglect in the left hemisphere.
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Exploring the Effects of an Acute Dose of Antipsychotic Medication on Motivation-mediated BOLD Activity Using fMRI and a Perceptual Decision-making Task.
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Reward-driven enhancements in motor control are robust to TMS manipulation.
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Spatiotemporal patterns of sensorimotor fMRI activity influence hand motor recovery in subacute stroke: A longitudinal task-related fMRI study.
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Correlation between Changes in the Transverse Relaxation Time and Electromyographic Measurements of the Superficial Masseter and Temporal Muscles.
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[(18)F]FEPPA PET imaging for monitoring CD68-positive microglia/macrophage neuroinflammation in nonhuman primates.
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Abnormal Fractional Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuation Changes in Patients with Monocular Blindness: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Study.
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Brain network dynamics during spontaneous strategy shifts and incremental task optimization.
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Mapping the artistic brain: Common and distinct neural activations associated with musical, drawing, and literary creativity.
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Altered spontaneous brain activity patterns in diabetic patients with vitreous hemorrhage using amplitude of low‑frequency fluctuation: A resting‑state fMRI study.
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Dissociating spatial attention from neglect dyslexia: A single case study.
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Functional linguistic specificity of the left frontal aslant tract for spontaneous speech fluency: Evidence from intraoperative language mapping.
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Lexical-semantic and executive deficits revealed by computational modelling: A drift diffusion model perspective.
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Photogrammetry-based stereoscopic optode registration method for functional near-infrared spectroscopy.
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Shape and Volumetric Differences in the Corpus Callosum between Patients with Major Depressive Disorder and Healthy Controls.
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Texture Analysis of F-18 Fluciclovine PET/CT to Predict Biochemically Recurrent Prostate Cancer: Initial Results.
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The anatomo-clinical picture of the pathological embodiment over someone else's body part after stroke.
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Effect of Brain Lesions on Voluntary Cough in Patients with Supratentorial Stroke: An Observational Study.
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Hereditary spastic paraplegia type 11 (SPG11) is associated with obesity and hypothalamic damage.
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Independent Components of EEG Activity Correlating with Emotional State.
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The superior frontal longitudinal tract: a connection between the dorsal premotor and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortices.
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Childhood violence exposure and social deprivation predict adolescent amygdala-orbitofrontal cortex white matter connectivity.
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Clinical Characteristics and Clinical Course of Body Lateropulsion in 47 Patients with Brainstem Infarctions.
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Duration reproduction in regular and irregular contexts after unilateral brain damage: Evidence from voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping and atlas-based hodological analysis.
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Global multisensory reorganization after vestibular brain stem stroke.
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Superhydrophilic fluorinated polymer and nanogel for high-performance (19)F magnetic resonance imaging.
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The Functional Convergence and Heterogeneity of Social, Episodic, and Self-Referential Thought in the Default Mode Network.
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Time to Face Language: Embodied Mechanisms Underpin the Inception of Face-Related Meanings in the Human Brain.
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Effects of genetic variability of CYP2D6 on neural substrates of sustained attention during on-task activity.
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Brain SPECT perfusion and PET metabolism as discordant biomarkers in major depressive disorder.
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Motor cortex gliomas induces microstructural changes of large fiber tracts revealed by TBSS.
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Common and distinct patterns of intrinsic brain activity alterations in major depression and bipolar disorder: voxel-based meta-analysis.
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Incidence and lesions causative of delusional misidentification syndrome after stroke.
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Naming errors and dysfunctional tissue metrics predict language recovery after acute left hemisphere stroke.
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Orienting Attention to Short-Term Memory Representations via Sensory Modality and Semantic Category Retro-Cues.
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The peripheral effect of direct current stimulation on brain circuits involving memory.
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Vocal music enhances memory and language recovery after stroke: pooled results from two RCTs.
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Predicting the Sensory Consequences of Self-Generated Actions: Pre-Supplementary Motor Area as Supra-Modal Hub in the Sense of Agency Experience.
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Investigating Neuroimaging Correlates of Early Frailty in Patients With Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia: A MRI and FDG-PET Study.
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White matter integrity of contralesional and transcallosal tracts may predict response to upper limb task-specific training in chronic stroke.
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Differences between memory encoding and retrieval failure in mild cognitive impairment: results from quantitative electroencephalography and magnetic resonance volumetry.
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A roadmap of brain recovery in a mouse model of concussion: insights from neuroimaging.
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BCI Training Effects on Chronic Stroke Correlate with Functional Reorganization in Motor-Related Regions: A Concurrent EEG and fMRI Study.
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A R-Script for Generating Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Pattern Discrimination Plots.
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Multi-scale image analysis and prediction of visual field defects after selective amygdalohippocampectomy.
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Test-retest reliability of laser evoked pain perception and fMRI BOLD responses.
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Neural substrates of subcortical aphasia in subacute stroke: Voxel-based lesion symptom mapping study.
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Effects of a Motor Imagery Task on Functional Brain Network Community Structure in Older Adults: Data from the Brain Networks and Mobility Function (B-NET) Study.
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The Infratentorial Localization of Brain Metastases May Correlate with Specific Clinical Characteristics and Portend Worse Outcomes Based on Voxel-Wise Mapping.
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Neurofilament light is a novel biomarker for mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes.
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Effect of body-part specificity and meaning in gesture imitation in left hemisphere stroke patients.
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Two dissociable semantic mechanisms predict naming errors and their responsive brain sites in awake surgery. DO80 revisited.
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Investigating the network consequences of focal brain lesions through comparisons of real and simulated lesions.
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Multimodal Imaging Analysis Reveals Frontal-Associated Networks in Relation to Individual Resilience Strength.
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Investigating the feasibility of cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation to facilitate post-stroke overground gait performance in chronic stroke: a partial least-squares regression approach.
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Cholinergic and dopaminergic effects on prediction error and uncertainty responses during sensory associative learning.
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Differentiating high-grade glioma recurrence from pseudoprogression: Comparing diffusion kurtosis imaging and diffusion tensor imaging.
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Reduced hippocampal volumes and memory deficits in adolescents with single ventricle heart disease.
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Increased Recruitment of Domain-General Neural Networks in Language Processing Following Intensive Language-Action Therapy: fMRI Evidence From People With Chronic Aphasia.
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Disease aggressiveness signatures of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in white matter tracts revealed by the D50 disease progression model.
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fMRI-Indexed neural temporal tuning reveals the hierarchical organsiation of the face and person selective network.
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"Hot cross bun" is a potential imaging marker for the severity of cerebellar ataxia in MSA-C.
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Outcomes at 6 months are related to brain structural and white matter microstructural reorganization in idiopathic tinnitus patients treated with sound therapy.
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White matter microstructure correlates of age, sex, handedness and motor ability in a population-based sample of 3031 school-age children.
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Beta synchrony for expressive language lateralizes to right hemisphere in development.
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A PET imaging study of the brain changes of glucose metabolism in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and depressive disorder.
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Direct Impact of Motor Cortical Stimulation on the Blood Oxygen-level Dependent Response in Rats.
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Independent syntactic representation identified in left front-temporal cortex during Chinese sentence comprehension.
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Lateralizing magnetic resonance imaging findings in mesial temporal sclerosis and correlation with seizure and neurocognitive outcome after temporal lobectomy.
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Dynamic Structural and Functional Reorganizations Following Motor Stroke.
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Occipital Intralobar fasciculi: a description, through tractography, of three forgotten tracts.
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Evaluation of White Matter Tracts Fractional Anisotropy Using Tract-Based Spatial Statistics and Its correlation with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale Score in Patients with Motor Neuron Disease.
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Influence of socioeconomic status on cognitive outcome after childhood arterial ischemic stroke.
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Neuroimaging of depression with diffuse optical tomography during repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.
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The influence of homeostatic mechanisms on neural regulation of food craving in anorexia nervosa.
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Contextual effects on loudness judgments for sounds with continuous changes of intensity are reflected in nonauditory areas.
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Machine learning-based multimodal prediction of language outcomes in chronic aphasia.
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Oscillatory and structural signatures of language plasticity in brain tumor patients: A longitudinal study.
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Resection of cerebellar tumours causes widespread and functionally relevant white matter impairments.
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Cortical and subcortical gray matter changes in patients with chronic tinnitus sustaining after vestibular schwannoma surgery.
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Enhanced White Matter Fiber Tracts in Advanced Jazz Improvisers.
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Neural processing of the reward value of pleasant odorants.
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In vivo human whole-brain Connectom diffusion MRI dataset at 760 microm isotropic resolution.
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A connectome-based approach to assess motor outcome after neonatal arterial ischemic stroke.
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Altered striatum centered brain structures in SHANK3 deficient Chinese children with genotype and phenotype profiling.
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A potential association of RNF219-AS1 with ADHD: Evidence from categorical analysis of clinical phenotypes and from quantitative exploration of executive function and white matter microstructure endophenotypes.
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Clinical Features and Brain MRI Findings in Korean Patients with AGel Amyloidosis.
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Neuroanatomical Correlates of Social Intelligence Measured by the Guilford Test.
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Relation between palm and finger cortical representations in primary somatosensory cortex: A 7T fMRI study.
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Age-related iron accumulation and demyelination in the basal ganglia are closely related to verbal memory and executive functioning.
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Roles of the MPFC and insula in impression management under social observation.
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Spontaneous functional changes in specific cerebral regions in patients with hypertensive retinopathy: a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
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Gray matter abnormalities in Tourette Syndrome: a meta-analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies.
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Brain function state in different phases and its relationship with clinical symptoms of migraine: an fMRI study based on regional homogeneity (ReHo).
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Cerebellar lesions disrupt spatial and temporal visual attention.
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Co-activation pattern alterations in autism spectrum disorder-A volume-wise hierarchical clustering fMRI study.
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Functional correlates of motor control impairments in multiple sclerosis: A 7 Tesla task functional MRI study.
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The default mode network and cognition in Parkinson's disease: A multimodal resting-state network approach.
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Pharmacokinetic Modeling of (18)F-FDOPA PET in the Human Brain for Early Parkinson's Disease.
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Abnormal interhemispheric functional connectivity in patients with strabismic amblyopia: a resting-state fMRI study using voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity.
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Altered brain network centrality in patients with mild cognitive impairment: an fMRI study using a voxel-wise degree centrality approach.
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Cortical and subcortical responsiveness to intensive adaptive working memory training: An MRI surface-based analysis.
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Vocal music listening enhances post-stroke language network reorganization.
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Neuroanatomical correlates of poststroke complex regional pain syndrome: a voxel-based lesion symptom-mapping study.
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The role of lateralisation and sex on insular cortex: 3D volumetric analysis.
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Hippocampal vascularization patterns exert local and distant effects on brain structure but not vascular pathology in old age.
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Magnetoencephalography for epileptic focus localization based on Tucker decomposition with ripple window.
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Impaired Set-Shifting from Dorsal Stream Disconnection: Insights from a European Series of Right Parietal Lower-Grade Glioma Resection.
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Alternations of interhemispheric functional connectivity in children with strabismus and amblyopia: a resting-state fMRI study.
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Representation of semantic typicality in brain activation in healthy adults and individuals with aphasia: A multi-voxel pattern analysis.
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Association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D status with brain volume changes.
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Characterizing subtypes and neural correlates of receptive aprosodia in acute right hemisphere stroke.
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Extent of white matter lesion is associated with early hemorrhagic transformation in acute ischemic stroke related to atrial fibrillation.
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Interaction between spatial neglect and attention deficit in patients with right hemisphere damage.
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Neural underpinnings of valence-action interactions triggered by cues and targets in a rewarded approach/avoidance task.
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SPECT activation patterns in psychogenic non-epileptic seizures in temporal lobe epilepsy patients.
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An ALE meta-analytical review of the neural correlates of abstract and concrete words.
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Multi-modal magnetic resonance imaging in a mouse model of concussion.
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Lesion Evidence for a Causal Role of the Insula in Aversion to Social Inequity.
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The role of the left and right inferior frontal gyrus in processing metaphoric and unrelated co-speech gestures.
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Validation of a combined image derived input function and venous sampling approach for the quantification of [(18)F]GE-179 PET binding in the brain.
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Recovery and Prediction of Bimanual Hand Use After Stroke.
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Avoiding monetary loss: A human habenula functional MRI ultra-high field study.
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Brain diffusion tensor imaging in dogs with degenerative myelopathy.
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Characterising factors underlying praxis deficits in chronic left hemisphere stroke patients.
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Differences in cerebral small vessel disease magnetic resonance imaging markers between lacunar stroke and non-Lobar intracerebral hemorrhage.
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Dynamic alterations of amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in patients with chronic neck pain.
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Mapping of long-term cognitive and motor deficits in pediatric cerebellar brain tumor survivors into a cerebellar white matter atlas.
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Microstructural Alterations Analogous to Accelerated Aging of the Cerebral Cortex in Carotid Occlusive Disease.
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Neural correlates of emotional processing in psychosis risk and onset - A systematic review and meta-analysis of fMRI studies.
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Non-invasive brain stimulation in Stroke patients (NIBS): A prospective randomized open blinded end-point (PROBE) feasibility trial using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in post-stroke hemispatial neglect.
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Periinfarct rewiring supports recovery after primary motor cortex stroke.
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The neural underpinnings of facial emotion recognition in ischemic stroke patients.
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The neuroscience of social feelings: mechanisms of adaptive social functioning.
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Functional maps of direct electrical stimulation-induced speech arrest and anomia: a multicentre retrospective study.
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Genetic polymorphism of CYP2C19 and subcortical variability in the human adult brain.
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Alternation of brain intrinsic activity in patients with hypertensive retinopathy: a resting-state fMRI study.
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Reduced default mode network connectivity relative to white matter integrity is associated with poor cognitive outcomes in patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus.
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Neural underpinnings of morality judgment and moral aesthetic judgment.
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Lesion topography of posterior cerebral artery infarcts.
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Back in control of intentional action: Improvement of ideomotor apraxia by mirror box treatment.
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Cognitive control affects motor learning through local variations in GABA within the primary motor cortex.
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Geometric microstructural damage of white matter with functional compensation in post-stroke.
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Temporo-cerebellar connectivity underlies timing constraints in audition.
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Brain Abnormalities in Individuals with a Desire for a Healthy Limb Amputation: Somatosensory, Motoric or Both? A Task-Based fMRI Verdict.
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Temporal lobe activation during episodic memory encoding following traumatic brain injury.
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Novel Technique to Measure Pulse Wave Velocity in Brain Vessels Using a Fast Simultaneous Multi-Slice Excitation Magnetic Resonance Sequence.
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Effects of tDCS on Language Recovery in Post-Stroke Aphasia: A Pilot Study Investigating Clinical Parameters and White Matter Change with Diffusion Imaging.
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Abnormal corpus callosum induced by overt hepatic encephalopathy impairs interhemispheric functional coordination in cirrhosis patients.
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Age- and gender-related differences in brain tissue microstructure revealed by multi-component T(2) relaxometry.
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Effects of post-interventional antiplatelet therapy on angiographic vasospasm, delayed cerebral ischemia, and clinical outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a single-center experience.
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Idiopathic and acquired pedophilia as two distinct disorders: an insight from neuroimaging.
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Neuroprotective effects of low-intensity transcranial ultrasound stimulation combined with Baicalin intervention on traumatic brain injury in animals.
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Pretreatment intranetwork connectivity can predict the outcomes in idiopathic tinnitus patients treated with sound therapy.
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Validation of cerebral blood flow connectivity as imaging prognostic biomarker on subcortical stroke.
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White matter degeneration in remote brain areas of stroke patients with motor impairment due to basal ganglia lesions.
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White matter integrity in patients with classic trigeminal neuralgia: a multi-node automated fiber tract quantification study.
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Decreased gray matter volume and increased white matter volume in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration: a voxel-based morphometry study.
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Regional brain tissue changes in patients with cystic fibrosis.
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Structural and functional brain alterations in anorexia nervosa:A multimodal meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies.
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Manual Correction of Voxel Misclassifications in Mesiotemporal Structures Does Not Alter Brain-Behavioral Results in an Episodic Memory Task.
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Predicting Post-Stroke Somatosensory Function from Resting-State Functional Connectivity: A Feasibility Study.
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Tractography of the arcuate fasciculus in healthy right-handed and left-handed multilingual subjects and its relation to language lateralization on functional MRI.
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Testing models at the neural level reveals how the brain computes subjective value.
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Culture-related differences in the neural processing of probability during mixed lottery value-based decision-making.
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Diffusion kurtosis imaging combined with dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced MRI in differentiating high-grade glioma recurrence from pseudoprogression.
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Early motor network connectivity after stroke: An interplay of general reorganization and state-specific compensation.
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Homeostasis and food craving in obesity: a functional MRI study.
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Intensity patterns at the peaks of brain activity in fMRI and PET are highly correlated with neural models of spatial integration.
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Neuronal current imaging: An experimental method to investigate electrical currents in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy.
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Orientational changes of white matter fibers in Alzheimer's disease and amnestic mild cognitive impairment.
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Strategies for feature extraction from structural brain imaging in lesion-deficit modelling.
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Impact of Pretreatment Ischemic Location on Functional Outcome after Thrombectomy.
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Where in the Brain is "the Other's" Hand? Mapping Dysfunctional Neural Networks in Somatoparaphrenia.
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Impaired emotion perception and categorization in semantic aphasia.
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Right and left neglect are not anatomically homologous: A voxel-lesion symptom mapping study.
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Investigating the neuroanatomy underlying proprioception using a stroke model.
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The longitudinal relationship between BOLD signal variability changes and white matter maturation during early childhood.
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Maladaptive compensation of right fusiform gyrus in developmental dyslexia: A hub-based white matter network analysis.
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The anesthetic approach for endovascular recanalization therapy depends on the lesion site in acute ischemic stroke.
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Right-hemispheric language reorganization in patients with brain arteriovenous malformations: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
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The neural signatures of social hierarchy-related learning and interaction: A coordinate- and connectivity-based meta-analysis.
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Cerebral small vessel disease, cardiovascular risk factors, and future walking speed in old age: a population-based cohort study.
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Common and specific patterns of functional and structural brain alterations in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: a multimodal voxel-based meta-analysis.
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Cortical and subcortical grey matter atrophy in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis correlates with measures of disease accumulation independent of disease aggressiveness.
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Distinct cognitive components and their neural substrates underlying praxis and language deficits following left hemisphere stroke.
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Effect of deep brain stimulation on brain network and white matter integrity in Parkinson's disease.
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Fluid intelligence and naturalistic task impairments after focal brain lesions.
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fMRI informed voxel-based lesion analysis to identify lesions associated with right-hemispheric activation in aphasia recovery.
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Frontal interhemispheric structural connectivity, attention, and executive function in children with perinatal stroke.
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Hyperintense vessels on imaging account for neurological function independent of lesion volume in acute ischemic stroke.
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Increased cortical-medulla functional connectivity is correlated with swallowing in dysphagia patients with subacute infratentorial stroke.
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Increased network centrality of the anterior insula in early abstinence from alcohol.
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Investigating secondary white matter degeneration following ischemic stroke by modelling affected fiber tracts.
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'Moderate global aphasia': A generalized decline of language processing caused by glioma surgery but not stroke.
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Motor inhibition and its contribution to recovery of dexterous hand use after stroke.
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Multiple Functional Brain Networks Related to Pain Perception Revealed by fMRI.
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Optimal Surgical Extent for Memory and Seizure Outcome in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
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Posterior-prefrontal and medial orbitofrontal regions play crucial roles in happiness and sadness recognition.
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Regional variation in brain tissue texture in patients with tonic-clonic seizures.
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Resection of dominant fusiform gyrus is associated with decline of naming function when temporal lobe epilepsy manifests after the age of five: A voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping study.
Description: Reindl, Caroline, et al. Resection of dominant fusiform gyrus is associated with decline of naming function when temporal lobe epilepsy manifests after the age of five: A voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping study. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2022; '''35''': 103129
Speech apraxia and oral apraxia: association or dissociation? A multivariate lesion-symptom mapping study in acute stroke patients.
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Swallowing function in the chronic stage following stroke is associated with white matter integrity of the callosal tract between the interhemispheric S1 swallowing representation areas.
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Therapeutic Efficacy of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells With Different Delivery Route and Dosages in Rat Models of Spinal Cord Injury.
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White matter volume loss drives cortical reshaping after thalamic infarcts.
Description: Conrad, Julian, et al. White matter volume loss drives cortical reshaping after thalamic infarcts. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2022; '''33''': 102953
Mapping the Microstructure and Striae of the Human Olfactory Tract with Diffusion MRI.
Description: Echevarria-Cooper, Shiloh L, et al. Mapping the Microstructure and Striae of the Human Olfactory Tract with Diffusion MRI. ''J Neurosci''. 2022 Jan 5; '''42''' (1):58-68
Towards data-driven group inferences of resting-state fMRI data in rodents: Comparison of group ICA, GIG-ICA, and IVA-GL.
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Contribution of the medial eye field network to the voluntary deployment of visuospatial attention.
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Regional uptakes from early-frame amyloid PET and (18)F-FDG PET scans are comparable independent of disease state.
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How the motor system copes with aging: a quantitative meta-analysis of the effect of aging on motor function control.
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BONEs not CATs attract DOGs: Semantic context effects for picture naming in the lesioned language network.
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Heritability in corpus callosum morphology and its association with tool use skill in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): Reproducibility in two genetically isolated populations.
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Imaging effective oxygen diffusivity in the human brain with multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging.
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Neural correlates of syntactic comprehension: A longitudinal study.
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Neuroimaging alterations in dementia with Lewy bodies and neuroimaging differences between dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease: An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis.
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Structural connectome differences in pediatric mild traumatic brain and orthopedic injury.
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Brain Dynamics of Action Monitoring in Higher-Order Motor Control Disorders: The Case of Apraxia.
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Lateralized deficits in arousal processing after insula lesions: Behavioral and autonomic evidence.
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Neural Processing of Morphology During Reading in Children.
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Personalized fMRI Delineates Functional Regions Preserved within Brain Tumors.
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Spectrum of neuropsychiatric symptoms in chronic post-stroke aphasia.
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Altered regional brain white matter in dry eye patients: a brain imaging study.
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Association of Socioeconomic Status and Infarct Volume With Functional Outcome in Patients With Ischemic Stroke.
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Comparative Study between ZOOMit and Conventional Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI for Assessing Parotid Gland Abnormalities in Patients with Early- or Mid-Stage Sjogren's Syndrome.
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Pituitary volume in adolescents with non-suicidal self-injury: Preliminary evidence for alterations in pituitary maturation.
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Progression of neuroimaging markers of cerebral small vessel disease in older adults: A 6-year follow-up study.
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Causal Evidence for the Multiple Demand Network in Change Detection: Auditory Mismatch Magnetoencephalography across Focal Neurodegenerative Diseases.
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Young Adults with a Parent with Dementia Show Early Abnormalities in Brain Activity and Brain Volume in the Hippocampus: A Matched Case-Control Study.
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Neural correlates of impaired vocal feedback control in post-stroke aphasia.
Description: Behroozmand, Roozbeh, et al. Neural correlates of impaired vocal feedback control in post-stroke aphasia. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Apr 15; '''250''': 118938
Vascular mapping of the human hippocampus using Ferumoxytol-enhanced MRI.
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An MRI radiomics approach to predict survival and tumour-infiltrating macrophages in gliomas.
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Analysis of deep grey nuclei susceptibility in early childhood: a quantitative susceptibility mapping and R2* study at 3 Tesla.
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Category-sensitive incidental reinstatement in medial temporal lobe subregions during word recognition.
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Correlations between hippocampal functional connectivity, structural changes, and clinical data in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a case-control study using multimodal magnetic resonance imaging.
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Deep neural networks reveal topic-level representations of sentences in medial prefrontal cortex, lateral anterior temporal lobe, precuneus, and angular gyrus.
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Multimodal Neural and Behavioral Data Predict Response to Rehabilitation in Chronic Poststroke Aphasia.
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Presurgical cognitive status in patients with low-grade glioma and epilepsy: Testing the effects of seizures, antiseizure medications, and tumor localization.
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Selectively disrupted sensorimotor circuits in chronic stroke with hand dysfunction.
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Subacute cytokine changes after a traumatic brain injury predict chronic brain microstructural alterations on advanced diffusion imaging in the male rat.
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Evolution of Neuropsychological Deficits in First-Ever Isolated Ischemic Thalamic Stroke and Their Association With Stroke Topography: A Case-Control Study.
Description: Scharf, Anne-Carina, et al. Evolution of Neuropsychological Deficits in First-Ever Isolated Ischemic Thalamic Stroke and Their Association With Stroke Topography: A Case-Control Study. ''Stroke''. 2022 Jun; '''53''' (6):1904-1914
Glymphatic system dysfunction in patients with cluster headache.
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Motivated semantic control: Exploring the effects of extrinsic reward and self-reference on semantic retrieval in semantic aphasia.
Description: Souter, Nicholas E, et al. Motivated semantic control: Exploring the effects of extrinsic reward and self-reference on semantic retrieval in semantic aphasia. ''J Neuropsychol''. 2022 Jun; '''16''' (2):407-433
The Distribution of Major Brain Metabolites in Normal Adults: Short Echo Time Whole-Brain MR Spectroscopic Imaging Findings.
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A Comparison of Cranial Cavity Extraction Tools for Non-contrast Enhanced CT Scans in Acute Stroke Patients.
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Assessing Impairments in Visuomotor Adaptation After Stroke.
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Brain Reactions to Opening and Closing the Eyes: Salivary Cortisol and Functional Connectivity.
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Cerebellum anatomy predicts individual risk-taking behavior and risk tolerance.
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Evidence of Motor Skill Learning in Acute Stroke Patients Without Lesions to the Thalamus and Internal Capsule.
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Spatio-temporal brain dynamics of self-identity: an EEG source analysis of the current and past self.
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Dissociable language and executive control deficits and recovery in post-stroke aphasia: An exploratory observational and case series study.
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Altered default mode network associated with pesticide exposure in Latinx children from rural farmworker families.
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Cerebellum-cingulo-opercular network connectivity strengthens in adolescence and supports attention efficiency only in childhood.
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Lesion-symptom mapping corroborates lateralization of verbal and nonverbal memory processes and identifies distributed brain networks responsible for memory dysfunction.
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Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome of neonates born at term with perinatal haemorrhagic stroke: A population-based study.
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The dorsal premotor cortex encodes the step-by-step planning processes for goal-directed motor behavior in humans.
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Voxel-wise lesion mapping of restless legs syndrome in multiple sclerosis.
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Longitudinal white matter microstructural changes in pediatric mild traumatic brain injury: An A-CAP study.
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Astrocyte calcium dysfunction causes early network hyperactivity in Alzheimer's disease.
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A novel technology for in vivo detection of cell type-specific neural connection with AQP1-encoding rAAV2-retro vector and metal-free MRI.
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Increasing nodal vulnerability and nodal efficiency implied recovery time prolonging in patients with supplementary motor area syndrome.
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Neural Correlates of the Risk for Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: A Meta-analysis of Structural and Functional Neuroimaging Studies.
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White matter microstructural integrity pre- and post-treatment in individuals with chronic post-stroke aphasia.
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Brain-correlates of processing local dependencies within a statistical learning paradigm.
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Neural correlates of lateral modulation and perceptual filling-in in center-surround radial sinusoidal gratings: an fMRI study.
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Anterior Insula Activation During Cardiac Interoception Relates to Depressive Symptom Severity in HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Postmenopausal Women.
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Decoding point-light displays and fully visible hand grasping actions within the action observation network.
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Gray matter alteration in medication overuse headache: a coordinates-based activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis.
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Pepinemab antibody blockade of SEMA4D in early Huntington's disease: a randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial.
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Shared Responsibility Decreases the Sense of Agency in the Human Brain.
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The amnestic syndrome of posterior cerebral artery infarction.
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Distribution Pattern Analysis of Cortical Brain Infarcts on Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Hypothesis-Generating Approach to the Burden of Silent Embolic Stroke.
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Abnormal functional connectivities patterns of multidomain cognitive impairments in pontine stroke patients.
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Reconstruction of time-shifted hemodynamic response.
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Bodily self-recognition in patients with pathological embodiment.
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Choroid plexus tissue perfusion and blood to CSF barrier function in rats measured with continuous arterial spin labeling.
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Diffusion tensor imaging changes in patients with glioma-associated seizures.
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Neuroimaging analyses from a randomized, controlled study to evaluate plasma exchange with albumin replacement in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease: additional results from the AMBAR study.
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Cerebral Ischemic Lesions after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in Patients with Non-Calcific Aortic Stenosis.
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Differences in functional brain organization during gesture recognition between autistic and neurotypical individuals.
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Intracranial human recordings reveal association between neural activity and perceived intensity for the pain of others in the insula.
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Mapping the effects of pregnancy on resting state brain activity, white matter microstructure, neural metabolite concentrations and grey matter architecture.
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Disconnections in personal neglect.
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Human hippocampal responses to network intracranial stimulation vary with theta phase.
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Mapping lesion, structural disconnection, and functional disconnection to symptoms in semantic aphasia.
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Microstructural alterations measured by diffusion tensor imaging following transcatheter aortic valve replacement and their association with cerebral ischemic injury and cognitive function - a prospective study.
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Neural dissociation of visual attention span and phonological deficits in developmental dyslexia: A hub-based white matter network analysis.
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Specific subsystems of the inferior parietal lobule are associated with hand dysfunction following stroke: A cross-sectional resting-state fMRI study.
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White matter microstructure and verbal fluency.
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Predicting Antidepressant Effects of Ketamine: the Role of the Pregenual Anterior Cingulate Cortex as a Multimodal Neuroimaging Biomarker.
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Temporal judgments of actions following unilateral brain damage.
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Disconnectomics to unravel the network underlying deficits of spatial exploration and attention.
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Multimodal and multidomain lesion network mapping enhances prediction of sensorimotor behavior in stroke patients.
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Acute nicotine abstinence amplifies subjective withdrawal symptoms and threat-evoked fear and anxiety, but not extended amygdala reactivity.
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Altered longitudinal structural connectome in paediatric mild traumatic brain injury: an Advancing Concussion Assessment in Paediatrics study.
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A neural network underlying cognitive strategies related to eating, weight and body image concerns.
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A possible contribution of the locus coeruleus to arousal enhancement with mild exercise: evidence from pupillometry and neuromelanin imaging.
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Arithmetic in the signing brain: Differences and similarities in arithmetic processing between deaf signers and hearing non-signers.
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Associations between near end-of-life flortaucipir PET and postmortem CTE-related tau neuropathology in six former American football players.
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Depression and anxiety in acute ischemic stroke involving the anterior but not paramedian or inferolateral thalamus.
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Diencephalic versus Hippocampal Amnesia in Alzheimer's Disease: The Possible Confabulation-Misidentification Phenotype.
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Diffusion along perivascular spaces provides evidence interlinking compromised glymphatic function with aging in Parkinson's disease.
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Diffusion tensor imaging and plasma immunological biomarker panel in a rat traumatic brain injury (TBI) model and in human clinical TBI.
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Effects of baclofen on insular gain anticipation in alcohol-dependent patients - a randomized, placebo-controlled, pharmaco-fMRI pilot trial.
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Gesture meaning modulates the neural correlates of effector-specific imitation deficits in left hemisphere stroke.
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Improvement of cognition across a decade after stroke correlates with the integrity of functional brain networks.
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Most endovascular thrombectomy patients have Target Mismatch despite absence of formal CT perfusion selection criteria.
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Neurovascular Correlates of Cobalamin, Folate, and Homocysteine in Dementia.
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Temporal dynamics of cerebral blood flow during the first year after moderate-severe traumatic brain injury: A longitudinal perfusion MRI study.
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Transcranial focused ultrasound stimulation of cortical and thalamic somatosensory areas in human.
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Association Between Behavioral, Biological, and Genetic Markers of Cardiovascular Health and MRI Markers of Brain Aging: A Cohort Study.
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Decreased but diverse activity of cortical and thalamic neurons in consciousness-impairing rodent absence seizures.
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Reinforcement Learning Is Impaired in the Sub-acute Post-stroke Period.
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Involvement of Thalamocortical Networks in Patients With Poststroke Thalamic Aphasia.
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Cortical structural changes after subcortical stroke: Patterns and correlates.
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Decreasing distance from tumor to the language network causes language deficit.
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Hyaluronic Acid-Guided Cerasome Nano-Agents for Simultaneous Imaging and Treatment of Advanced Atherosclerosis.
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Optogenetic Stimulation of mPFC Alleviates White Matter Injury-Related Cognitive Decline after Chronic Ischemia through Adaptive Myelination.
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When action prediction grows old: An fMRI study.
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Continuous Real-Time Neuropsychological Testing during Resection Phase in Left and Right Prefrontal Brain Tumors.
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Association between somatosensory sensitivity and regional gray matter volume in healthy young volunteers: a voxel-based morphometry study.
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CD11c(+) microglia promote white matter repair after ischemic stroke.
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A deep learning-based model for prediction of hemorrhagic transformation after stroke.
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Anodal cerebellar stimulation increases cortical activation: Evidence for cerebellar scaffolding of cortical processing.
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Both noise-floor and tissue compartment difference in diffusivity contribute to FA dependence on b-value in diffusion MRI.
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Neuroanatomical Localization of Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder in Human Brain Using Lesion Network Mapping.
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Predictors of post-stroke delirium incidence and duration: Results of a prospective observational study using high-frequency delirium screening.
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Recovered grasping performance after stroke depends on interhemispheric frontoparietal connectivity.
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The cortical regions and white matter tracts underlying auditory comprehension in patients with primary brain tumor.
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White matter hyperintensities are an independent predictor of cognitive decline 3 years following first-ever stroke-results from the PROSCIS-B study.
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Peripheral inflammation in behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia: associations with central degeneration and clinical measures.
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Rapid Effects of BCI-Based Attention Training on Functional Brain Connectivity in Poststroke Patients: A Pilot Resting-State fMRI Study.
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Different aspects of hand grip performance associated with structural connectivity of distinct sensorimotor networks in chronic stroke.
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Early Subacute White Matter Hyperintensities and Recovery of Language After Stroke.
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The cross-domain functional organization of posterior lateral temporal cortex: insights from ALE meta-analyses of 7 cognitive domains spanning 12,000 participants.
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Three-round learning strategy based on 3D deep convolutional GANs for Alzheimer's disease staging.
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Type I interferon shapes brain distribution and tropism of tick-borne flavivirus.
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Joint impact on attention, alertness and inhibition of lesions at a frontal white matter crossroad.
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Abnormal functional connectivity of the nucleus accumbens subregions mediates the association between anhedonia and major depressive disorder.
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Brain structure and cortical activity changes of new daily persistent headache: multimodal evidence from MEG/sMRI.
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Generalizability of 3D CNN models for age estimation in diverse youth populations using structural MRI.
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Resting-state functional alterations in patients with brain arteriovenous malformations involving language areas.
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The right uncinate fasciculus supports verbal short-term memory in aphasia.
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Theta-gamma phase-amplitude coupling in auditory cortex is modulated by language proficiency.
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Making memories last using the peripheral effect of direct current stimulation.
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Brain structural and functional correlates of the heterogenous progression of mixed transcortical aphasia.
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Content Representation of Tactile Mental Imagery in Primary Somatosensory Cortex.
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Evaluating methods for measuring background connectivity in slow event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging designs.
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The central role of the left inferior longitudinal fasciculus in the face-name retrieval network.
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The widespread action observation/execution matching system for facial expression processing.
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A comparison of lesion mapping analyses based on CT versus MR imaging in stroke.
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Microstructural brain tissue changes contribute to cognitive and mood deficits in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
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Characterization of an automated method to segment the human locus coeruleus.
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Human orbitofrontal cortex signals decision outcomes to sensory cortex during behavioral adaptations.
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Triple network model of brain connectivity changes related to adverse mood effects in an oral contraceptive placebo-controlled trial.
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Age and sex differentially shape brain networks in Parkinson's disease.
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Brain Changes Linked to Cognitive Symptomatology in Homeless Youth.
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Deficits in naming pictures of objects are associated with glioma infiltration of the inferior longitudinal fasciculus: A study with diffusion MRI tractography, volumetric MRI, and neuropsychology.
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Domain-general and domain-specific functional networks of Broca's area underlying language processing.
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BOston Neonatal Brain Injury Dataset for Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (BONBID-HIE): Part I. MRI and Manual Lesion Annotation.
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Age-related differences in interference control in the context of a finger-lifting task: an fMRI study.
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Atlasing white matter and grey matter joint contributions to resting-state networks in the human brain.
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Dynamic network properties of the superior temporal gyrus mediate the impact of brain age gap on chronic aphasia severity.
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Neuroanatomy of reduced distortion of body-centred spatial coding during body tilt in stroke patients.
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Hodological organization of spoken language production and singing in the human brain.
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Acute right insular ischaemic lesions and poststroke left ventricular dysfunction.
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Neurobiology of osteoarthritis: a systematic review and activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis.
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Pharmacological Characterization of [(18)F]-FNM and Evaluation of NMDA Receptors Activation in a Rat Brain Injury Model.
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Spontaneous changes in brain network centrality in patients with pathological myopia: A voxel-wise degree centrality analysis.
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Widespread intra-axonal signal fraction abnormalities in bipolar disorder from multicompartment diffusion MRI: Sensitivity to diagnosis, association with clinical features and pharmacologic treatment.
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A Brain Morphometry Study with Across-Site Harmonization Using a ComBat-Generalized Additive Model in Children and Adolescents.
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Cognitive training incorporating temporal information processing improves linguistic and non-linguistic functions in people with aphasia.
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Different associations between amyloid-betaeta 42, amyloid-betaeta 40, and amyloid-betaeta 42/40 with soluble phosphorylated-tau and disease burden in Alzheimer's disease: a cerebrospinal fluid and fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography study.
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Age of epilepsy onset as modulating factor for naming deficit after epilepsy surgery: a voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping study.
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Patterns of Visual Task-based Functional MRI Activation in Chronic Posterior Cerebral Artery Stroke Patients.
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Increasing associative plasticity in temporo-occipital back-projections improves visual perception of emotions.
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Altered cortical thickness and structural covariance networks in upper limb amputees: A graph theoretical analysis.
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Brain Topological Reorganization Associated with Visual Neglect After Stroke.
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Use of a deep learning algorithm for non-mass enhancement on breast MRI: comparison with radiologists' interpretations at various levels.
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Textural and Volumetric Changes of the Temporal Lobes in Semantic Variant Primary Progressive Aphasia and Alzheimer's Disease.
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Association of Neuroimaging Markers on Clinical CT Scans With Domain-Specific Cognitive Impairment in the Early and Later Poststroke Stages.
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Neuroimaging Insights: Kava's (Piper methysticum) Effect on Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex GABA in Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
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Cerebral lesions sites in neurosarcoidosis: a lesion mapping study.
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Fully Automated Segmentation of Human Eyeball Using Three-Dimensional U-Net in T2 Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
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Meta-analysis of cortical thickness reduction in adult schizophrenia.
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The need for hemispheric separation in pairwise structural disconnection studies.
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Neurocomputational mechanisms of biased impression formation in lonely individuals.
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Use of a radiomics-clinical model based on magnetic diffusion-weighted imaging for preoperative prediction of lymph node metastasis in rectal cancer patients.
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Altered fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in the superior temporal gyrus: a resting-state fMRI study in anxious depression.
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A robust class decomposition-based approach for detecting Alzheimer's progression.
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Structural connectivity from DTI to predict mild cognitive impairment in de novo Parkinson's disease.
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Separate and overlapping mechanisms of statistical regularities and salience processing in the occipital cortex and dorsal attention network.
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Brain connectivity networks underlying resting heart rate variability in acute ischemic stroke.
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Preoperative plasticity in the functional naming network of patients with left insular gliomas.
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The neural correlates of topographical disorientation-a lesion analysis study.
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Identifying cortical structure markers of resilience to adversity in young people using surface-based morphometry.
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DCP: A pipeline toolbox for diffusion connectome.
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Association of mild and complex multimorbidity with structural brain changes in older adults: A population-based study.
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Habituation to pain: self-report, electroencephalography, and functional magnetic resonance imaging in healthy individuals. A scoping review and future recommendations.
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The neuroanatomy of visual extinction following right hemisphere brain damage: Insights from multivariate and Bayesian lesion analyses in acute stroke.
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Domain general frontoparietal regions show modality-dependent coding of auditory and visual rules.
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Lower serum uric acid and impairment of right cerebral hemisphere structural brain networks are related to depressive symptoms in cerebral small vessel disease: A cross-sectional study.
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Brain white matter changes and their associations with non-motor dysfunction in orthostatic hypotension in alpha-synucleinopathy: A NODDI study.
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Executive functioning, ADHD symptoms and resting state functional connectivity in children with perinatal stroke.
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Field recordings of transcranial magnetic stimulation in human brain postmortem models.
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Gray matter atrophy and white matter lesions burden in delayed cognitive decline following carbon monoxide poisoning.
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Hypometabolic patterns are related to post-surgical seizure outcomes in focal cortical dysplasia: A semi-quantitative study.
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MFG-E8 Alleviates Cognitive Impairments Induced by Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion by Phagocytosing Myelin Debris and Promoting Remyelination.
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Structural brain networks correlating with poststroke cognition.
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The promotion-like effect of the M1-STN hyperdirect pathway induced by ccPAS enhanced balance performances: From the perspective of brain connectivity.
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Systematic review and meta-analysis: multimodal functional and anatomical neural alterations in autism spectrum disorder.
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Vascular dysfunction in sporadic bvFTD: white matter hyperintensity and peripheral vascular biomarkers.
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Utility of visual rating scales in primary progressive aphasia.
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The neural representation of metacognition in preferential decision-making.
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The new morphologic classification of the hand motor cortex with magnetic resonance imaging in glioma patients.
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Fully automatic segmentation of brain lacunas resulting from resective surgery using a 3D deep learning model.
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Resting state fMRI-based brain information flow mapping.
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Bidirectional Regulation of Motor Circuits Using Magnetogenetic Gene Therapy Short: Magnetogenetic Regulation of Motor Circuits.
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Connectome dysfunction in patients at clinical high risk for psychosis and modulation by oxytocin.
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Electroacupuncture modulates abnormal brain connectivity after ischemia reperfusion injury in rats: A graph theory-based approach.
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Hayling and stroop tests tap dissociable deficits and network-level neural correlates.
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Infarcts Due to Large Vessel Occlusions Continue to Grow Despite Near-Complete Reperfusion After Endovascular Treatment.
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Inhibition of ADORA3 promotes microglial phagocytosis and alleviates chronic ischemic white matter injury.
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Structural Neuroplasticity Effects of Singing in Chronic Aphasia.
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The Role of Subgenual Resting-State Connectivity Networks in Predicting Prognosis in Major Depressive Disorder.
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Exploration of neuroanatomical characteristics to differentiate prodromal Alzheimer's disease from cognitively unimpaired amyloid-positive individuals.
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Lifestyle management and brain MRI metrics in female Australian adults living with multiple sclerosis: a feasibility and acceptability study.
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The independence of impairments in proprioception and visuomotor adaptation after stroke.
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Subclinical structural atypicality of retinal thickness and its association with gray matter volume in the visual cortex of maltreated children.
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Radiomics for predicting MGMT status in cerebral glioblastoma: comparison of different MRI sequences.
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Correlation of striatal dopamine D2/3 receptor availability with GABA level in the anterior cingulate cortex in healthy controls but not in alcohol-dependent subjects and individuals at high risk: A multimodal magnetic resonance spectroscopy and po...
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Diffuse optical tomography for mapping cerebral hemodynamics and functional connectivity in delirium.
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Structural changes in eloquent cortex secondary to glioma in sensorimotor area.
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Survival outcome and predictors of WHO grade 2 and 3 insular gliomas: A classification based on the tumor spread.
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Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation: does size affect outcome?
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Fronto-thalamic networks and the left ventral thalamic nuclei play a key role in aphasia after thalamic stroke.
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Blunted ventral striatal reactivity to social reward is associated with more severe motivation and pleasure deficits in psychosis.
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Distinct brain morphometry patterns revealed by deep learning improve prediction of post-stroke aphasia severity.
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Additive Effect of Metabolic Syndrome on Brain Atrophy in People Living with HIV-Magnetic Resonance Volumetry Study.
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Distance-related functional reorganization predicts motor outcome in stroke patients.
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Intracranial EEG signals disentangle multi-areal neural dynamics of vicarious pain perception.
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Protocol for predicting multivariate change of brain patterns using model-informed fMRI activations.
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Association of cognitive reserve with transitions across cognitive states and death in older adults: A 15-year follow-up study.
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Cross-Frequency Coupling as a Biomarker for Early Stroke Recovery.
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Brain activity changes after high/low frequency stimulation in a nonhuman primate model of central post-stroke pain.
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Variability in white matter structure relates to hallucination proneness.
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Impact of repositioning on brain injury following transcatheter aortic valve replacement with a self-expanding valve.
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High-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation promotes neural stem cell proliferation after ischemic stroke.
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Lung function in relation to brain aging and cognitive transitions in older adults: A population-based cohort study.
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More widespread functionality of posterior language area in patients with brain tumors.
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Tissue Outcome Prediction in Patients with Proximal Vessel Occlusion and Mechanical Thrombectomy Using Logistic Models.
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Static and dynamic interactions within the triple-network model in stroke patients with multidomain cognitive impairments.
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Imaging evaluation and volumetric measurement of the space surrounding the diploic veins.
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