help > RE: No Results Folder produced
Dec 7, 2021  01:12 PM | Roger Newman-Norlund
RE: No Results Folder produced
Hi Magdalena,

A couple things.
First, are all the .mat files in the same directory as the Excel file?
Is the Excel file specified in the proper format with a 'NiiStat' tab.
Do the filenames in the first column match the files in that same folder.
Did you set up an 'actual analysis' before clicking on GO (i.e. you need to choose a statistical test [e.g. FDR], an atlas [e.g. jhu] and modalitie(s) to include [i.e. REST] in other tabs at the top of the GUI).
If not enough options are selected it will run, but just not produce anything.

Originally posted by mc00:

I would like to use the NiiStat Matlab scripts to perform some voxel-based lesions symptom analysis.
I have downloaded the newest version from github (as a .zip file) and added the path to this NiiStat-master folder as well as to the SPM12 folder in matlab. After writing NiiStatGUI the GUI appears and everything seems fine. I have also prepared the excel file containing the behavioral data in the special way described in the MediaWiki.
However, nothing happens after pressing the "Go"-button. There is no results-folder or file produced anywhere. In the Matlab command window a struct with the defined parameters is printed as well as the Matlab version and all of its available toolboxes, but nothing else. There is no error message either.

I would be really greatful for your input and ideas!

Best regards,

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mc00 Dec 7, 2021
RE: No Results Folder produced
Roger Newman-Norlund Dec 7, 2021
mc00 Dec 10, 2021