License Agreement

By downloading this file you agree to the following (if you do not agree to this, please press "Cancel" below):

Copyright 2017-2018 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. This
software is accepted by users "as is" and without warranties or guarantees of
any kind. This software was designed to be used only for research purposes, and
it is made freely available only for non-commercial research use. Contact the
authors to obtain information on purchasing a separate license for commercial
use. Clinical applications are not recommended, and this software has NOT been
evaluated by the United States FDA for any clinical use. None of the authors
or their institutions make or imply any warranty of usefulness of this software
for any particular purpose, and do not assume any liability for damages,
incidental or otherwise, caused by the installation or use of this software.
If these conditions are not acceptable to you or your institution, or are not
enforceable by the laws of your jurisdiction, you do not have the right use
this software.
Image files (.nii, .png, etc.) and text files contained in this distribution
are licensed using CC-by-NC-SAv4.0.
Computer program source code contained in this distribution is licensed using
