
Release Name: UNC-MNI_Pediatric_1year_Brain_Atlas

We provide a symmetric, unbiased, 1-year-old T1-weigthed atlas template computed via joint deformable registration that simultaneously minimizes the differences of intensity and transformation from 104 training images from a 1-year-old dataset within the Autism IBIS study (controls and children at high familial risk of autism) (Fonov et al. 2011).
Not only is the T1-weighted image provided (with and without skull), but also tissue segmentation probability maps optimized for ABC (Atlas Based Classification software), a 26-lobe parcellation map, and a subcortical structures label map (including amygdala, caudate, hippocampus, pallidus, putamen).
Atlas orientation: RAI

Package information:
 - BrainsegAtlas/:
    - pediatric-atlas-1year-sym-T1-IGM-RAI_06_2011/: T1-weighted atlas with tissue priors
    - pediatric-atlas-1year-sym-stripped-T1-IGM-RAI_06_2011/: skull-stripped T1-weighted atlas with tissue priors
 - BrainROIAtlas/:
    - pediatric-atlas-1year-sym-T1-IGM-RAI_06_2011/: skull-stripped T1-weighted atlas with 26-lobe parcellation map, cerebellum-brainstem-cerebrum parcellation map, subcortical structures label map, enlarged masks around lateral ventricles.

 - IBIS Network for the training dataset
 - Montreal Neurological Institute (McGill University) for the generation of T1-weighted atlas
Reference: Fonov, V., Evans, A.C., Botteron, K., Almli, C.R., McKinstry, R.C., Collins, D.L., 2011.Unbiased average age-appropriate atlases for pediatric studies.Neuroimage 54, 313-327.
 - UNC-Chapel Hill for the generation of tissue priors and parcellation maps

This pediatric atlas has been made available by UNC Chapel Hill, Montreal Neurological Institute, and the IBIS Network.
