
Release Name: 0.2.3


09-07-2008 J-Donald Tournier <>
    * lib/mrtrix.h: added getline() method to handle Unix/DOS end-of-line

    * cmd/import_tracks.cpp: new command to import tracks stored 
      in ascii text files into MRtrix format for display in MRView

08-07-2008 J-Donald Tournier <>
    * doc: amend documentation to describe configuration files 

    * src/mrview/sidebar/orientation_plot.cpp: add option to disable tri-linear interpolation

    * src/mrview/sidebar/main.cpp: rename "diffusion profile" to "orientation plot"
      also renamed src/mrview/sidebar/diffusion_profile.* accordingly

    * lib/image/format/analyse.cpp: issue info statement about left-right encoding

    * lib/file/config.h: fixed get_int() & get_float()
      They were previously declared as returning bool

    * lib/file/config.cpp: fixed get_int() & get_float()
      They were previously defined as returning bool

    * cmd/csdeconv.cpp: use NumberOfThreads entry in config file 
      rather than NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS environment variable

07-07-2008 J-Donald Tournier <>
    * cmd/disp_profile.cpp: remove use of Math::Matrix::transpose() 
      to flip row vector (transpose expects square matrices)

    * cmd/csdeconv.cpp: fix multithreading
      - map SH_obj before launching threads
      - set/test against boolean "done" for end of data

04-07-2008 J-Donald Tournier <>
    * src/quaternion.h: test for rounding errors in Quaternion::from_matrix().
      In certain cases, a negative number was passed to sqrt()

    * Doxyfile: version number upped to 0.2.3

    * lib/mrtrix.h: MRTRIX_MICRO_VERSION upped to 3