
Release Name: 1.2

This release adds:
* A mask of MCALT voxels that contain primarily brain tissue (gray matter or white matter).
* Matlab source code to perform SPM12 unified segmentation (tissue-class probabilities, bias correction, and normalization to MCALT space) using MCALT tissue priors and our modified segmentation method/settings that are optimized for older adults age 30+. Regional gray matter volumes measured using this segmentation method have larger AUROC values than standard SPM12 pipelines when comparing between matched groups of amyloid-positive cognitively-impaired and amyloid-negative cognitively-unimpaired subjects. See the source code comments and MCALT_Segmentation_Poster.pdf for more information.

This release adds:
* A mask of MCALT voxels that contain primarily brain tissue (gray matter or white matter).
* Matlab source code to perform SPM12 unified segmentation (tissue-class probabilities, bias correction, and normalization to MCALT space) using MCALT tissue priors and our modified segmentation method/settings that are optimized for older adults age 30+. Regional gray matter volumes measured using this segmentation method have larger AUROC values than standard SPM12 pipelines when comparing between matched groups of amyloid-positive cognitively-impaired and amyloid-negative cognitively-unimpaired subjects. See the source code comments and MCALT_Segmentation_Poster.pdf for more information.