
Release Name: BrainnetomeAtlasViewer_20200612

Fixed the following brain regions with anatomical names being messed up:
ids=[ 125 126 129 130;
133 134 131 132];
The names of regions with ID in row 1 and row 2 were swapped.

The updated info is as follows:
Name: 'SPL_L_5_1'
ID: 125
LocationInFreeSurfer: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
ModifiedCMAshort: 'A7r'
ModifiedCMA: 'rostral area 7'
MNI: [-16 -60 63]
Lobe: 'Parietal Lobe'
Gyrusshort: 'SPL'
Gyrus: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
Name: 'SPL_R_5_1'
ID: 126
LocationInFreeSurfer: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
ModifiedCMAshort: 'A7r'
ModifiedCMA: 'rostral area 7'
MNI: [19 -57 65]
Lobe: 'Parietal Lobe'
Gyrusshort: 'SPL'
Gyrus: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
Name: 'SPL_L_5_3'
ID: 129
LocationInFreeSurfer: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
ModifiedCMAshort: 'A5l'
ModifiedCMA: 'lateral area 5'
MNI: [-33 -47 50]
Lobe: 'Parietal Lobe'
Gyrusshort: 'SPL'
Gyrus: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
Name: 'SPL_R_5_3'
ID: 130
LocationInFreeSurfer: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
ModifiedCMAshort: 'A5l'
ModifiedCMA: 'lateral area 5'
MNI: [35 -42 54]
Lobe: 'Parietal Lobe'
Gyrusshort: 'SPL'
Gyrus: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
Name: 'SPL_L_5_5'
ID: 133
LocationInFreeSurfer: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
ModifiedCMAshort: 'A7ip'
ModifiedCMA: 'intraparietal area 7(hIP3)'
MNI: [-27 -59 54]
Lobe: 'Parietal Lobe'
Gyrusshort: 'SPL'
Gyrus: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
Name: 'SPL_R_5_5'
ID: 134
LocationInFreeSurfer: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
ModifiedCMAshort: 'A7ip'
ModifiedCMA: 'intraparietal area 7(hIP3)'
MNI: [31 -54 53]
Lobe: 'Parietal Lobe'
Gyrusshort: 'SPL'
Gyrus: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
Name: 'SPL_L_5_4'
ID: 131
LocationInFreeSurfer: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
ModifiedCMAshort: 'A7pc'
ModifiedCMA: 'postcentral area 7'
MNI: [-22 -47 65]
Lobe: 'Parietal Lobe'
Gyrusshort: 'SPL'
Gyrus: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
Name: 'SPL_R_5_4'
ID: 132
LocationInFreeSurfer: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
ModifiedCMAshort: 'A7pc'
ModifiedCMA: 'postcentral area 7'
MNI: [23 -43 67]
Lobe: 'Parietal Lobe'
Gyrusshort: 'SPL'
Gyrus: 'Superior Parietal Lobule'
