News for ITK-SNAP
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Only ITK-SNAP administrators can submit a news bulletin for ITK-SNAP. News bulletins appear on this page and in the Recent Activity section on ITK-SNAP's Summary page.
Showing 1-3 of 3
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Post Date | Headline |
Jun 25, 2019 |
ITK-SNAP 3.8 released! This version introduces an exciting new feature: the Distributed Segmentation Service (DSS). This service allows developers to make various image segmentation algorithms available to... |
Oct 20, 2010 |
ITK-SNAP version 2.1.4-rc1 Dear ITK-SNAP developers, ITK-SNAP version 2.1.4-rc1 is now available. This is the first release candidate for the upcoming official 2.2 version. It is largely a maintenance release,... |
Nov 18, 2009 |
Announcing ITK-SNAP release 2.0 We are happy to announce the next major release of the ITK-SNAP medical image segmentation tool. The main focus of this release is on multi-modality imaging, with support for multiple... |
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