MITK Diffusion

The MITK Diffusion application offers a selection of image analysis algorithms for the processing of diffusion-weighted MR images. It encompasses the research of the Division [ Medical Image Computing] at the German Cancer Research Center (dkfz).

Features & Highlights
- Support for most established image formats, such as DICOM, NIFTI, and NRRD
- Tensor and Q-ball reconstruction
- Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) analysis
- Fiber tractography and fiber processing
-- Global tractography
-- Interactive peak, ODF and tensor streamline tractography
-- Machine learning based tractography
- Brain network statistics and visualization (connectomics)
- Fiberfox: simulation of diffusion-weighted MR images
- Command line tools for most functionalities

Execution Options

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BSD/MIT-Style Open Source License
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