The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to EEGLAB. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.

Coherent theta-band EEG activity predicts item-context binding during encoding.
Description: Summerfield, Christopher, et al. Coherent theta-band EEG activity predicts item-context binding during encoding. ''Neuroimage''. 2005 Feb 1; '''24''' (3):692-703
Combined ICA-LORETA analysis of mismatch negativity.
Description: Marco-Pallares, J, et al. Combined ICA-LORETA analysis of mismatch negativity. ''Neuroimage''. 2005 Apr 1; '''25''' (2):471-7
Odor mixture alters neural resources during symbolic problem solving.
Description: Lorig, Tyler S, et al. Odor mixture alters neural resources during symbolic problem solving. ''Biol Psychol''. 2005 May; '''69''' (2):205-16
Frontal midline EEG dynamics during working memory.
Description: Onton, Julie, et al. Frontal midline EEG dynamics during working memory. ''Neuroimage''. 2005 Aug 15; '''27''' (2):341-56
Neurophysiological markers of alert responding during goal-directed behavior: a high-density electrical mapping study.
Description: Dockree, Paul M, et al. Neurophysiological markers of alert responding during goal-directed behavior: a high-density electrical mapping study. ''Neuroimage''. 2005 Sep; '''27''' (3):587-601
Cortical origins of response time variability during rapid discrimination of visual objects.
Description: Gerson, Adam D, et al. Cortical origins of response time variability during rapid discrimination of visual objects. ''Neuroimage''. 2005 Nov 1; '''28''' (2):342-53
Recipes for the linear analysis of EEG.
Description: Parra, Lucas C, et al. Recipes for the linear analysis of EEG. ''Neuroimage''. 2005 Nov 1; '''28''' (2):326-41
Removal of FMRI environment artifacts from EEG data using optimal basis sets.
Description: Niazy, R K, et al. Removal of FMRI environment artifacts from EEG data using optimal basis sets. ''Neuroimage''. 2005 Nov 15; '''28''' (3):720-37
Event-related potentials of single-digit addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
Description: Zhou, Xinlin, et al. Event-related potentials of single-digit addition, subtraction, and multiplication. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2006; '''44''' (12):2500-7
Parallel Factor Analysis as an exploratory tool for wavelet transformed event-related EEG.
Description: Morup, Morten, et al. Parallel Factor Analysis as an exploratory tool for wavelet transformed event-related EEG. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Feb 1; '''29''' (3):938-47
Is "Blank" a suitable neutral prime for event-related potential experiments?
Description: Dien, Joseph, et al. Is "Blank" a suitable neutral prime for event-related potential experiments? ''Brain Lang''. 2006 Apr; '''97''' (1):91-101
Error-processing of oculomotor capture.
Description: Belopolsky, Artem V, et al. Error-processing of oculomotor capture. ''Brain Res''. 2006 Apr 7; '''1081''' (1):171-8
Modulation of spectral power and of phase resetting of EEG contributes differentially to the generation of auditory event-related potentials.
Description: Fuentemilla, Ll, et al. Modulation of spectral power and of phase resetting of EEG contributes differentially to the generation of auditory event-related potentials. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Apr 15; '''30''' (3):909-16
Persistent EEG overactivation in the cortical pain matrix of neurogenic pain patients.
Description: Stern, Jair, et al. Persistent EEG overactivation in the cortical pain matrix of neurogenic pain patients. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Jun; '''31''' (2):721-31
How does error correction differ from error signaling? An event-related potential study.
Description: Ullsperger, Markus, et al. How does error correction differ from error signaling? An event-related potential study. ''Brain Res''. 2006 Aug 11; '''1105''' (1):102-9
EEG oscillations and recognition memory: theta correlates of memory retrieval and decision making.
Description: Jacobs, Joshua, et al. EEG oscillations and recognition memory: theta correlates of memory retrieval and decision making. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Aug 15; '''32''' (2):978-87
Location of brain rhythms and their modulation by preparatory attention estimated by current density.
Description: Gomez, C M, et al. Location of brain rhythms and their modulation by preparatory attention estimated by current density. ''Brain Res''. 2006 Aug 30; '''1107''' (1):151-60
The VESPA: a method for the rapid estimation of a visual evoked potential.
Description: Lalor, Edmund C, et al. The VESPA: a method for the rapid estimation of a visual evoked potential. ''Neuroimage''. 2006 Oct 1; '''32''' (4):1549-61
Magnetoencephalographic artifact identification and automatic removal based on independent component analysis and categorization approaches.
Description: Rong, Feng, et al. Magnetoencephalographic artifact identification and automatic removal based on independent component analysis and categorization approaches. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2006 Oct 30; '''157''' (2):337-54
Similar nociceptive afferents mediate psychophysical and electrophysiological responses to heat stimulation of glabrous and hairy skin in humans.
Description: Iannetti, G D, et al. Similar nociceptive afferents mediate psychophysical and electrophysiological responses to heat stimulation of glabrous and hairy skin in humans. ''J Physiol''. 2006 Nov 15; '''577''' (Pt 1):235-48
Effect of gravity on human spontaneous 10-Hz electroencephalographic oscillations during the arrest reaction.
Description: Cheron, G, et al. Effect of gravity on human spontaneous 10-Hz electroencephalographic oscillations during the arrest reaction. ''Brain Res''. 2006 Nov 22; '''1121''' (1):104-16
Recovering EEG brain signals: artifact suppression with wavelet enhanced independent component analysis.
Description: Castellanos, Nazareth P, et al. Recovering EEG brain signals: artifact suppression with wavelet enhanced independent component analysis. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2006 Dec 15; '''158''' (2):300-12
Online artifact removal for brain-computer interfaces using support vector machines and blind source separation.
Description: Halder, Sebastian, et al. Online artifact removal for brain-computer interfaces using support vector machines and blind source separation. ''Comput Intell Neurosci''. 2007; 82069
Improved quality of auditory event-related potentials recorded simultaneously with 3-T fMRI: removal of the ballistocardiogram artefact.
Description: Debener, Stefan, et al. Improved quality of auditory event-related potentials recorded simultaneously with 3-T fMRI: removal of the ballistocardiogram artefact. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Jan 15; '''34''' (2):587-97
Enhanced detection of artifacts in EEG data using higher-order statistics and independent component analysis.
Description: Delorme, Arnaud, et al. Enhanced detection of artifacts in EEG data using higher-order statistics and independent component analysis. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Feb 15; '''34''' (4):1443-9
A comparison between spontaneous electroencephalographic activities induced by morphine and morphine-related environment in rats.
Description: Zuo, Yan-Fang, et al. A comparison between spontaneous electroencephalographic activities induced by morphine and morphine-related environment in rats. ''Brain Res''. 2007 Mar 9; '''1136''' (1):88-101
Neurophysiological correlates for the perception of facial sexual dimorphism.
Description: Cellerino, Alessandro, et al. Neurophysiological correlates for the perception of facial sexual dimorphism. ''Brain Res Bull''. 2007 Mar 15; '''71''' (5):515-22
Neural correlates of foveal splitting in reading: evidence from an ERP study of Chinese character recognition.
Description: Hsiao, Janet Hui-wen, et al. Neural correlates of foveal splitting in reading: evidence from an ERP study of Chinese character recognition. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2007 Mar 25; '''45''' (6):1280-92
Reward expectation modulates feedback-related negativity and EEG spectra.
Description: Cohen, Michael X, et al. Reward expectation modulates feedback-related negativity and EEG spectra. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Apr 1; '''35''' (2):968-78
Groupwise independent component decomposition of EEG data and partial least square analysis.
Description: Kovacevic, Natasa, et al. Groupwise independent component decomposition of EEG data and partial least square analysis. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Apr 15; '''35''' (3):1103-12
The functional relationship between yawning and vigilance.
Description: Guggisberg, Adrian G, et al. The functional relationship between yawning and vigilance. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2007 Apr 16; '''179''' (1):159-66
Source localization of periodic sharp wave complexes using independent component analysis in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
Description: Jung, Ki-Young, et al. Source localization of periodic sharp wave complexes using independent component analysis in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. ''Brain Res''. 2007 Apr 27; '''1143''': 228-37
Cortical electrode localization from X-rays and simple mapping for electrocorticographic research: The "Location on Cortex" (LOC) package for MATLAB.
Description: Miller, Kai J, et al. Cortical electrode localization from X-rays and simple mapping for electrocorticographic research: The "Location on Cortex" (LOC) package for MATLAB. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2007 May 15; '''162''' (1-2):303-8
Proprioceptive evoked gamma oscillations.
Description: Arnfred, Sidse M, et al. Proprioceptive evoked gamma oscillations. ''Brain Res''. 2007 May 25; '''1147''': 167-74
ERP evidence for successful voluntary avoidance of conscious recollection.
Description: Bergstrom, Zara M, et al. ERP evidence for successful voluntary avoidance of conscious recollection. ''Brain Res''. 2007 Jun 2; '''1151''': 119-33
Mismatch negativity analysis in drug-resistant epileptic patients implanted with vagus nerve stimulator.
Description: Borghetti, D, et al. Mismatch negativity analysis in drug-resistant epileptic patients implanted with vagus nerve stimulator. ''Brain Res Bull''. 2007 Jun 15; '''73''' (1-3):81-5
Hierarchical error processing: different errors, different systems.
Description: Krigolson, Olav E, et al. Hierarchical error processing: different errors, different systems. ''Brain Res''. 2007 Jun 25; '''1155''': 70-80
Functional neural dynamics underlying auditory event-related N1 and N1 suppression response.
Description: Grau, C, et al. Functional neural dynamics underlying auditory event-related N1 and N1 suppression response. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Jul 1; '''36''' (3):522-31
Single-trial EEG dynamics of object and face visual processing.
Description: Rousselet, Guillaume A, et al. Single-trial EEG dynamics of object and face visual processing. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Jul 1; '''36''' (3):843-62
Temporal dynamics of access to consciousness in the attentional blink.
Description: Kranczioch, Cornelia, et al. Temporal dynamics of access to consciousness in the attentional blink. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Sep 1; '''37''' (3):947-55
Single trial variability of EEG and fMRI responses to visual stimuli.
Description: Bagshaw, Andrew P, et al. Single trial variability of EEG and fMRI responses to visual stimuli. ''Neuroimage''. 2007 Nov 1; '''38''' (2):280-92
Influence of ongoing alpha rhythm on the visual evoked potential.
Description: Becker, Robert, et al. Influence of ongoing alpha rhythm on the visual evoked potential. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Jan 15; '''39''' (2):707-16
Evaluation of a technique to measure latency jitter in event-related potentials.
Description: Thornton, A Roger D. Evaluation of a technique to measure latency jitter in event-related potentials. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2008 Feb 15; '''168''' (1):248-55
High thalamocortical theta coherence in patients with neurogenic pain.
Description: Sarnthein, Johannes, et al. High thalamocortical theta coherence in patients with neurogenic pain. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Feb 15; '''39''' (4):1910-7
Language experience shapes early electrophysiological responses to visual stimuli: the effects of writing system, stimulus length, and presentation duration.
Description: Xue, Gui, et al. Language experience shapes early electrophysiological responses to visual stimuli: the effects of writing system, stimulus length, and presentation duration. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Feb 15; '''39''' (4):2025-37
Attentional changes in pre-stimulus oscillatory activity within early visual cortex are predictive of human visual performance.
Description: Yamagishi, Noriko, et al. Attentional changes in pre-stimulus oscillatory activity within early visual cortex are predictive of human visual performance. ''Brain Res''. 2008 Mar 4; '''1197''': 115-22
Novelty and target processing during an auditory novelty oddball: a simultaneous event-related potential and functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
Description: Strobel, Alexander, et al. Novelty and target processing during an auditory novelty oddball: a simultaneous event-related potential and functional magnetic resonance imaging study. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Apr 1; '''40''' (2):869-883
EEG alpha distinguishes between cuneal and precuneal activation in working memory.
Description: Michels, Lars, et al. EEG alpha distinguishes between cuneal and precuneal activation in working memory. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Apr 15; '''40''' (3):1296-310
Sharp edge artifacts and spurious coupling in EEG frequency comodulation measures.
Description: Kramer, Mark A, et al. Sharp edge artifacts and spurious coupling in EEG frequency comodulation measures. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2008 May 30; '''170''' (2):352-7
High-density EEG coherence analysis using functional units applied to mental fatigue.
Description: Ten Caat, Michael, et al. High-density EEG coherence analysis using functional units applied to mental fatigue. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2008 Jun 30; '''171''' (2):271-8
Enhanced frontal low and high frequency power and synchronization in the resting EEG of parkinsonian patients.
Description: Moazami-Goudarzi, Morteza, et al. Enhanced frontal low and high frequency power and synchronization in the resting EEG of parkinsonian patients. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Jul 1; '''41''' (3):985-97
Feature processing during visual search in normal aging: electrophysiological evidence.
Description: Lorenzo-Lopez, Laura, et al. Feature processing during visual search in normal aging: electrophysiological evidence. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2008 Jul; '''29''' (7):1101-10
What grabs his attention but not hers? Estrogen correlates with neurophysiological measures of vocal change detection.
Description: Schirmer, Annett, et al. What grabs his attention but not hers? Estrogen correlates with neurophysiological measures of vocal change detection. ''Psychoneuroendocrinology''. 2008 Jul; '''33''' (6):718-27
Event-related potential (ERP) responses to violations of inflectional and derivational rules of Finnish.
Description: Leinonen, Alina, et al. Event-related potential (ERP) responses to violations of inflectional and derivational rules of Finnish. ''Brain Res''. 2008 Jul 7; '''1218''': 181-93
Theta EEG oscillatory activity and auditory change detection.
Description: Fuentemilla, Ll, et al. Theta EEG oscillatory activity and auditory change detection. ''Brain Res''. 2008 Jul 18; '''1220''': 93-101
Single-trial coupling of EEG and fMRI reveals the involvement of early anterior cingulate cortex activation in effortful decision making.
Description: Mulert, Christoph, et al. Single-trial coupling of EEG and fMRI reveals the involvement of early anterior cingulate cortex activation in effortful decision making. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Aug 1; '''42''' (1):158-68
Anxiety and oscillatory responses to emotional facial expressions.
Description: Knyazev, Gennady G, et al. Anxiety and oscillatory responses to emotional facial expressions. ''Brain Res''. 2008 Aug 28; '''1227''': 174-88
Enhanced EEG gamma-band activity reflects multisensory semantic matching in visual-to-auditory object priming.
Description: Schneider, Till R, et al. Enhanced EEG gamma-band activity reflects multisensory semantic matching in visual-to-auditory object priming. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Sep 1; '''42''' (3):1244-54
Modality-independent processes in cued motor preparation revealed by cortical potentials.
Description: Diaconescu, Andreea Oliviana, et al. Modality-independent processes in cued motor preparation revealed by cortical potentials. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Sep 1; '''42''' (3):1255-65
Language lateralization using MEG beta frequency desynchronization during auditory oddball stimulation with one-syllable words.
Description: Kim, June Sic, et al. Language lateralization using MEG beta frequency desynchronization during auditory oddball stimulation with one-syllable words. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Oct 1; '''42''' (4):1499-507
Cortical reorganization in children with cochlear implants.
Description: Gilley, Phillip M, et al. Cortical reorganization in children with cochlear implants. ''Brain Res''. 2008 Nov 6; '''1239''': 56-65
Electroencephalographic frontal asymmetry and depressive symptoms in the elderly.
Description: Deslandes, Andrea C, et al. Electroencephalographic frontal asymmetry and depressive symptoms in the elderly. ''Biol Psychol''. 2008 Dec; '''79''' (3):317-22
Test-retest reliability of EEG spectra during a working memory task.
Description: Napflin, Markus, et al. Test-retest reliability of EEG spectra during a working memory task. ''Neuroimage''. 2008 Dec; '''43''' (4):687-93
Dimensionality reduction and channel selection of motor imagery electroencephalographic data.
Description: Naeem, Muhammad, et al. Dimensionality reduction and channel selection of motor imagery electroencephalographic data. ''Comput Intell Neurosci''. 2009; 537504
Effects of semantic matching and of semantic category on reaction time and N400 that resist numerous repetitions.
Description: Debruille, J Bruno, et al. Effects of semantic matching and of semantic category on reaction time and N400 that resist numerous repetitions. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2009 Jan; '''47''' (2):506-17
Massively Parallel Signal Processing using the Graphics Processing Unit for Real-Time Brain-Computer Interface Feature Extraction.
Description: Wilson, J Adam, et al. Massively Parallel Signal Processing using the Graphics Processing Unit for Real-Time Brain-Computer Interface Feature Extraction. ''Front Neuroeng''. 2009; '''2''': 11
Comparator and non-comparator mechanisms of change detection in the context of speech--an ERP study.
Description: Laufer, Ilan, et al. Comparator and non-comparator mechanisms of change detection in the context of speech--an ERP study. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Jan 15; '''44''' (2):546-62
Investigating the neural correlates of continuous speech computation with frequency-tagged neuroelectric responses.
Description: Buiatti, Marco, et al. Investigating the neural correlates of continuous speech computation with frequency-tagged neuroelectric responses. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Jan 15; '''44''' (2):509-19
Trial-by-trial coupling between EEG and BOLD identifies networks related to alpha and theta EEG power increases during working memory maintenance.
Description: Scheeringa, Rene, et al. Trial-by-trial coupling between EEG and BOLD identifies networks related to alpha and theta EEG power increases during working memory maintenance. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Feb 1; '''44''' (3):1224-38
Evoked activity and EEG phase resetting in the genesis of auditory Go/NoGo ERPs.
Description: Barry, Robert J. Evoked activity and EEG phase resetting in the genesis of auditory Go/NoGo ERPs. ''Biol Psychol''. 2009 Mar; '''80''' (3):292-9
Phased processing of facial emotion: an ERP study.
Description: Utama, Nugraha P, et al. Phased processing of facial emotion: an ERP study. ''Neurosci Res''. 2009 May; '''64''' (1):30-40
Occipital EEG correlates of conscious awareness when subjective target shine-through and effective visual masking are compared: bifocal early increase in gamma power and speed-up of P1.
Description: Aru, Jaan, et al. Occipital EEG correlates of conscious awareness when subjective target shine-through and effective visual masking are compared: bifocal early increase in gamma power and speed-up of P1. ''Brain Res''. 2009 May 19; '''1271''': 60-73
Consensus Matching Pursuit for multi-trial EEG signals.
Description: Benar, Christian G, et al. Consensus Matching Pursuit for multi-trial EEG signals. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2009 May 30; '''180''' (1):161-70
Orthographic effects in spoken language: on-line activation or phonological restructuring?
Description: Perre, Laetitia, et al. Orthographic effects in spoken language: on-line activation or phonological restructuring? ''Brain Res''. 2009 Jun 12; '''1275''': 73-80
Electrophysiological correlates of semantic processing during encoding of neutral and emotional pictures in patients with ADHD.
Description: Krauel, Kerstin, et al. Electrophysiological correlates of semantic processing during encoding of neutral and emotional pictures in patients with ADHD. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2009 Jul; '''47''' (8-9):1873-82
The temporal interaction of modality specific and process specific neural networks supporting simple working memory tasks.
Description: Protzner, Andrea B, et al. The temporal interaction of modality specific and process specific neural networks supporting simple working memory tasks. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2009 Jul; '''47''' (8-9):1954-63
EEG responses to visual landmarks in flying pigeons.
Description: Vyssotski, Alexei L, et al. EEG responses to visual landmarks in flying pigeons. ''Curr Biol''. 2009 Jul 28; '''19''' (14):1159-66
Combined distributed source and single-trial EEG-fMRI modeling: application to effortful decision making processes.
Description: Esposito, Fabrizio, et al. Combined distributed source and single-trial EEG-fMRI modeling: application to effortful decision making processes. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Aug 1; '''47''' (1):112-21
Musical training modulates the development of syntax processing in children.
Description: Jentschke, Sebastian, et al. Musical training modulates the development of syntax processing in children. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Aug 15; '''47''' (2):735-44
Spatiotemporospectral characteristics of scalp ictal EEG in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis.
Description: Jung, Ki-Young, et al. Spatiotemporospectral characteristics of scalp ictal EEG in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis. ''Brain Res''. 2009 Sep 1; '''1287''': 206-19
Oscillatory brain states interact with late cognitive components of the somatosensory evoked potential.
Description: Reinacher, Matthias, et al. Oscillatory brain states interact with late cognitive components of the somatosensory evoked potential. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2009 Sep 30; '''183''' (1):49-56
Decoding center-out hand velocity from MEG signals during visuomotor adaptation.
Description: Bradberry, Trent J, et al. Decoding center-out hand velocity from MEG signals during visuomotor adaptation. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Oct 1; '''47''' (4):1691-700
Dissociable medial frontal negativities from a common monitoring system for self- and externally caused failure of goal achievement.
Description: Gentsch, Antje, et al. Dissociable medial frontal negativities from a common monitoring system for self- and externally caused failure of goal achievement. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Oct 1; '''47''' (4):2023-30
Hemispheric specialization during discrimination of sound sources reflected by MMN.
Description: Richter, Nicole, et al. Hemispheric specialization during discrimination of sound sources reflected by MMN. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2009 Oct; '''47''' (12):2652-9
Tinnitus intensity dependent gamma oscillations of the contralateral auditory cortex.
Description: van der Loo, Elsa, et al. Tinnitus intensity dependent gamma oscillations of the contralateral auditory cortex. ''PLoS One''. 2009 Oct 9; '''4''' (10):e7396
Electrophysiological evidence for an early processing of human voices.
Description: Charest, Ian, et al. Electrophysiological evidence for an early processing of human voices. ''BMC Neurosci''. 2009 Oct 20; '''10''': 127
Movement induces suppression of interictal spikes in sensorimotor neocortical epilepsy.
Description: Yanagisawa, Takufumi, et al. Movement induces suppression of interictal spikes in sensorimotor neocortical epilepsy. ''Epilepsy Res''. 2009 Nov; '''87''' (1):12-7
Hearing illusory sounds in noise: the timing of sensory-perceptual transformations in auditory cortex.
Description: Riecke, Lars, et al. Hearing illusory sounds in noise: the timing of sensory-perceptual transformations in auditory cortex. ''Neuron''. 2009 Nov 25; '''64''' (4):550-61
ERP and behavioural evidence for direct suppression of unwanted memories.
Description: Bergstrom, Zara M, et al. ERP and behavioural evidence for direct suppression of unwanted memories. ''Neuroimage''. 2009 Dec; '''48''' (4):726-37
Electrophysiological study of auditory development.
Description: Lippe, S, et al. Electrophysiological study of auditory development. ''Neuroscience''. 2009 Dec 15; '''164''' (3):1108-18
Event-related delta and theta synchronization during explicit and implicit emotion processing.
Description: Knyazev, G G, et al. Event-related delta and theta synchronization during explicit and implicit emotion processing. ''Neuroscience''. 2009 Dec 29; '''164''' (4):1588-600
Delays in neural processing during working memory encoding in normal aging.
Description: Zanto, Theodore P, et al. Delays in neural processing during working memory encoding in normal aging. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2010 Jan; '''48''' (1):13-25
EEG signatures of auditory activity correlate with simultaneously recorded fMRI responses in humans.
Description: Mayhew, Stephen D, et al. EEG signatures of auditory activity correlate with simultaneously recorded fMRI responses in humans. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Jan 1; '''49''' (1):849-64
Effects of symbol type and numerical distance on the human event-related potential.
Description: Jiang, Ting, et al. Effects of symbol type and numerical distance on the human event-related potential. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2010 Jan; '''48''' (1):201-10
Neural correlates of attentional and mnemonic processing in event-based prospective memory.
Description: Knight, Justin B, et al. Neural correlates of attentional and mnemonic processing in event-based prospective memory. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2010; '''4''': 5
Exploring transient transfer entropy based on a group-wise ICA decomposition of EEG data.
Description: Vakorin, Vasily A, et al. Exploring transient transfer entropy based on a group-wise ICA decomposition of EEG data. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Jan 15; '''49''' (2):1593-600
General indices to characterize the electrical response of the cerebral cortex to TMS.
Description: Casali, Adenauer G, et al. General indices to characterize the electrical response of the cerebral cortex to TMS. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Jan 15; '''49''' (2):1459-68
Electrophysiological effects of guanosine and MK-801 in a quinolinic acid-induced seizure model.
Description: Torres, Felipe V, et al. Electrophysiological effects of guanosine and MK-801 in a quinolinic acid-induced seizure model. ''Exp Neurol''. 2010 Feb; '''221''' (2):296-306
Finding meaning in novel geometric shapes influences electrophysiological correlates of repetition and dissociates perceptual and conceptual priming.
Description: Voss, Joel L, et al. Finding meaning in novel geometric shapes influences electrophysiological correlates of repetition and dissociates perceptual and conceptual priming. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Feb 1; '''49''' (3):2879-89
Spatial and temporal EEG dynamics of motion sickness.
Description: Chen, Yu-Chieh, et al. Spatial and temporal EEG dynamics of motion sickness. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Feb 1; '''49''' (3):2862-70
Validation of ICA-based myogenic artifact correction for scalp and source-localized EEG.
Description: McMenamin, Brenton W, et al. Validation of ICA-based myogenic artifact correction for scalp and source-localized EEG. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Feb 1; '''49''' (3):2416-32
Theta oscillations during holeboard training in rats: different learning strategies entail different context-dependent modulations in the hippocampus.
Description: Woldeit, M L, et al. Theta oscillations during holeboard training in rats: different learning strategies entail different context-dependent modulations in the hippocampus. ''Neuroscience''. 2010 Feb 3; '''165''' (3):642-53
Intracranial EEG correlates of expectancy and memory formation in the human hippocampus and nucleus accumbens.
Description: Axmacher, Nikolai, et al. Intracranial EEG correlates of expectancy and memory formation in the human hippocampus and nucleus accumbens. ''Neuron''. 2010 Feb 25; '''65''' (4):541-9
Errors recruit both cognitive and emotional monitoring systems: simultaneous intracranial recordings in the dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus and amygdala combined with fMRI.
Description: Pourtois, Gilles, et al. Errors recruit both cognitive and emotional monitoring systems: simultaneous intracranial recordings in the dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus and amygdala combined with fMRI. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2010 Mar; '''48''' (4):1144-59
Functional source separation improves the quality of single trial visual evoked potentials recorded during concurrent EEG-fMRI.
Description: Porcaro, Camillo, et al. Functional source separation improves the quality of single trial visual evoked potentials recorded during concurrent EEG-fMRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Mar; '''50''' (1):112-23
Peri-ictal correlation dynamics of high-frequency (80-200 Hz) intracranial EEG.
Description: Schindler, Kaspar, et al. Peri-ictal correlation dynamics of high-frequency (80-200 Hz) intracranial EEG. ''Epilepsy Res''. 2010 Mar; '''89''' (1):72-81
Aerobic exercise during pregnancy influences fetal cardiac autonomic control of heart rate and heart rate variability.
Description: May, Linda E, et al. Aerobic exercise during pregnancy influences fetal cardiac autonomic control of heart rate and heart rate variability. ''Early Hum Dev''. 2010 Apr; '''86''' (4):213-7
Predictive knowledge of stimulus relevance does not influence top-down suppression of irrelevant information in older adults.
Description: Zanto, Theodore P, et al. Predictive knowledge of stimulus relevance does not influence top-down suppression of irrelevant information in older adults. ''Cortex''. 2010 Apr; '''46''' (4):564-74
Differences in the neural basis of automatic auditory and visual time perception: ERP evidence from an across-modal delayed response oddball task.
Description: Chen, Youguo, et al. Differences in the neural basis of automatic auditory and visual time perception: ERP evidence from an across-modal delayed response oddball task. ''Brain Res''. 2010 Apr 14; '''1325''': 100-11
Removal of BCG artifacts from EEG recordings inside the MR scanner: a comparison of methodological and validation-related aspects.
Description: Vanderperren, Katrien, et al. Removal of BCG artifacts from EEG recordings inside the MR scanner: a comparison of methodological and validation-related aspects. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 Apr 15; '''50''' (3):920-34
The effects of morning training on night sleep: a behavioral and EEG study.
Description: Maatta, Sara, et al. The effects of morning training on night sleep: a behavioral and EEG study. ''Brain Res Bull''. 2010 Apr 29; '''82''' (1-2):118-23
EEG activity during the verbal-cognitive stage of motor skill acquisition.
Description: Zhu, F F, et al. EEG activity during the verbal-cognitive stage of motor skill acquisition. ''Biol Psychol''. 2010 May; '''84''' (2):221-7
EEG evidence of face-specific visual self-representation.
Description: Miyakoshi, Makoto, et al. EEG evidence of face-specific visual self-representation. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 May 1; '''50''' (4):1666-75
Multi-set canonical correlation analysis for the fusion of concurrent single trial ERP and functional MRI.
Description: Correa, Nicolle M, et al. Multi-set canonical correlation analysis for the fusion of concurrent single trial ERP and functional MRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 May 1; '''50''' (4):1438-45
Semantic processing of highly repeated concepts presented in single-word trials: Electrophysiological and behavioral correlates.
Description: Renoult, Louis, et al. Semantic processing of highly repeated concepts presented in single-word trials: Electrophysiological and behavioral correlates. ''Biol Psychol''. 2010 May; '''84''' (2):206-20
Word accents and morphology--ERPs of Swedish word processing.
Description: Roll, Mikael, et al. Word accents and morphology--ERPs of Swedish word processing. ''Brain Res''. 2010 May 12; '''1330''': 114-23
Large-scale spontaneous fluctuations and correlations in brain electrical activity observed with magnetoencephalography.
Description: Liu, Zhongming, et al. Large-scale spontaneous fluctuations and correlations in brain electrical activity observed with magnetoencephalography. ''Neuroimage''. 2010 May 15; '''51''' (1):102-11
Separating distinct aspects of the voluntary selection between response alternatives: N2- and P3-related BOLD responses.
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Altered evoked gamma-band responses reveal impaired early visual processing in ADHD children.
Description: Lenz, Daniel, et al. Altered evoked gamma-band responses reveal impaired early visual processing in ADHD children. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2010 Jun; '''48''' (7):1985-93
Neural correlates of top-down processing in emotion perception: an ERP study of emotional faces in white noise versus noise-alone stimuli.
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Priming resolves perceptual ambiguity in visual search: evidence from behaviour and electrophysiology.
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Measurement of mismatch negativity in individuals: a study using single-trial analysis.
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Identifying robust and sensitive frequency bands for interrogating neural oscillations.
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Role of frontal and parietal cortices in the control of bottom-up and top-down attention in humans.
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A method to study global spatial patterns related to sensory perception in scalp EEG.
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Tonic and phasic EEG and behavioral changes induced by arousing feedback.
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Event-related potential (ERP) markers of melodic processing: The N2 component is modulated by structural complexity, not by melodic 'meaningfulness'.
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An electrophysiological study of response conflict processing across the lifespan: assessing the roles of conflict monitoring, cue utilization, response anticipation, and response suppression.
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A parallel framework for simultaneous EEG/fMRI analysis: methodology and simulation.
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Meeting the challenge of preparing undergraduates for careers in cognitive neuroscience.
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Temporo-spatial dynamics of event-related EEG beta activity during the initial contingent negative variation.
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Age effects on the asymmetry of the motor system: evidence from cortical oscillatory activity.
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Reactivity of hemodynamic responses and functional connectivity to different states of alpha synchrony: a concurrent EEG-fMRI study.
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Separating the visual sentence N400 effect from the P400 sequential expectancy effect: cognitive and neuroanatomical implications.
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EEG oscillations reflect visual short-term memory processes for the change detection in human faces.
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Dynamic neuroplasticity after human prefrontal cortex damage.
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Comparative power spectral analysis of simultaneous elecroencephalographic and magnetoencephalographic recordings in humans suggests non-resistive extracellular media.
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Electrical neuroimaging reveals intensity-dependent activation of human cortical gustatory and somatosensory areas by electric taste.
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Interregional synchrony of visuomotor tracking: perturbation effects and individual differences.
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A big-world network in ASD: dynamical connectivity analysis reflects a deficit in long-range connections and an excess of short-range connections.
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EEGLAB, SIFT, NFT, BCILAB, and ERICA: new tools for advanced EEG processing.
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Electromyogenic Artifacts and Electroencephalographic Inferences Revisited.
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First Steps Toward a Motor Imagery Based Stroke BCI: New Strategy to Set up a Classifier.
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Functional embedding predicts the variability of neural activity.
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Human brain connectivity during single and paired pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation.
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LIMO EEG: a toolbox for hierarchical LInear MOdeling of ElectroEncephaloGraphic data.
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On the role of attention in binocular rivalry: electrophysiological evidence.
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On the role of serotonin and effort in voluntary attention: evidence of genetic variation in N1 modulation.
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Single-trial normalization for event-related spectral decomposition reduces sensitivity to noisy trials.
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Species sensitivity of early face and eye processing.
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A better oscillation detection method robustly extracts EEG rhythms across brain state changes: the human alpha rhythm as a test case.
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Choice modulates the neural dynamics of prediction error processing during rewarded learning.
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Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on visual evoked potentials in a visual suppression task.
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Electrocortical activity is coupled to gait cycle phase during treadmill walking.
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The BOLD correlates of the visual P1 and N1 in single-trial analysis of simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings during a spatial detection task.
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Feature priming and the capture of visual attention: linking two ambiguity resolution hypotheses.
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Dissociable correlates of response conflict and error awareness in error-related brain activity.
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Effect of attention on cortical processing of sound motion: an EEG study.
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Decoding word and category-specific spatiotemporal representations from MEG and EEG.
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Lost in thoughts: neural markers of low alertness during mind wandering.
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Effects of color information on face processing using event-related potentials and gamma oscillations.
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Multichannel matching pursuit validation and clustering--a simulation and empirical study.
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Planning: fixed-foreperiod event-related potentials during the Tower of London task.
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Voxel-wise information theoretic EEG-fMRI feature integration.
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A wavelet-based method for measuring the oscillatory dynamics of resting-state functional connectivity in MEG.
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The N400 effect in children: relationships with comprehension, vocabulary and decoding.
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Are left fronto-temporal brain areas a prerequisite for normal music-syntactic processing?
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Probing the cortical network underlying the psychological refractory period: a combined EEG-fMRI study.
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Error-related brain activity and adjustments of selective attention following errors.
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Characterization of the fetal diaphragmatic magnetomyogram and the effect of breathing movements on cardiac metrics of rate and variability.
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Dissociating action inhibition, conflict monitoring and sensory mismatch into independent components of event related potentials in GO/NOGO task.
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Interaction of right- and left-edge prosodic boundaries in syntactic parsing.
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The default mode network and EEG alpha oscillations: an independent component analysis.
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Differential processing of laser stimuli by Adelta and C fibres in major depression.
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Coupling between spontaneous (resting state) fMRI fluctuations and human oculo-motor activity.
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ERP evidence of hemispheric independence in visual word recognition.
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Implicit motor learning promotes neural efficiency during laparoscopy.
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Maturation of obligatory auditory responses and their neural sources: evidence from EEG and MEG.
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Reliability of ERP and single-trial analyses.
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Shadows of music-language interaction on low frequency brain oscillatory patterns.
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Serotonergic modulation in executive functioning: linking genetic variations to working memory performance.
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Hippocampal-prefrontal connectivity predicts midfrontal oscillations and long-term memory performance.
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Stimulation of category-selective brain areas modulates ERP to their preferred categories.
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Cortical hypersynchrony predicts breakdown of sensory processing during loss of consciousness.
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Artificial theta stimulation impairs encoding of contextual fear memory.
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Characterization and robust classification of EEG signal from image RSVP events with independent time-frequency features.
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Correlated components of ongoing EEG point to emotionally laden attention - a possible marker of engagement?
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Detecting awareness in the vegetative state: electroencephalographic evidence for attempted movements to command.
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Developmental changes of BOLD signal correlations with global human EEG power and synchronization during working memory.
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EEGVIS: A MATLAB Toolbox for Browsing, Exploring, and Viewing Large Datasets.
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Ictal haemodynamic changes in a patient affected by "subtle" Epilepsia Partialis Continua.
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Independent EEG sources are dipolar.
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Neurobiological correlates of EMDR monitoring - an EEG study.
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Steady-state motion visual evoked potentials produced by oscillating Newton's rings: implications for brain-computer interfaces.
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The brain matures with stronger functional connectivity and decreased randomness of its network.
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Adaptive training using an artificial neural network and EEG metrics for within- and cross-task workload classification.
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Temporal dynamics of face selection mechanism in the context of similar and dissimilar faces: ERP evidence for biased competition within the ventral occipito-temporal cortex using ICA.
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Cognitive load impacts error evaluation within medial-frontal cortex.
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The primary somatosensory cortex largely contributes to the early part of the cortical response elicited by nociceptive stimuli.
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Interindividual reaction time variability is related to resting-state network topology: an electroencephalogram study.
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The face and its emotion: right N170 deficits in structural processing and early emotional discrimination in schizophrenic patients and relatives.
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Behavioral approach and reward processing: results on feedback-related negativity and P3 component.
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Does modulation of selective attention to features reflect enhancement or suppression of neural activity?
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Extraversion and fronto-posterior EEG spectral power gradient: an independent component analysis.
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Processing of unattended facial emotions: a visual mismatch negativity study.
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Quantifying additive evoked contributions to the event-related potential.
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Statistical feature extraction for artifact removal from concurrent fMRI-EEG recordings.
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The fMRI BOLD signal tracks electrophysiological spectral perturbations, not event-related potentials.
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Steady state visually evoked potential (SSVEP) topography changes associated with cocoa flavanol consumption.
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Resting oscillations and cross-frequency coupling in the human posteromedial cortex.
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The role of the subthalamic nucleus in response inhibition: evidence from local field potential recordings in the human subthalamic nucleus.
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Dissociating linguistic and non-linguistic gesture processing: electrophysiological evidence from American Sign Language.
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Recovery of cortical effective connectivity and recovery of consciousness in vegetative patients.
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The "why" and "how" of JointICA: results from a visual detection task.
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Age effects on the P300 potential and the corresponding fMRI BOLD-signal.
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Spatiotemporal dynamics of the brain at rest--exploring EEG microstates as electrophysiological signatures of BOLD resting state networks.
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Spectrotemporal processing drives fast access to memory traces for spoken words.
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Brain oscillatory 4-35 Hz EEG responses during an n-back task with complex visual stimuli.
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Event-related potential evidence for separable automatic and controlled retrieval processes in proactive interference.
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ERP correlates of spatially incongruent object identification during scene viewing: contextual expectancy versus simultaneous processing.
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Neurophysiological impairment in emotional face processing is associated with low extraversion in schizophrenia.
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Time-driven effects on parsing during reading.
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Cognitive control of language production in bilinguals involves a partly independent process within the domain-general cognitive control network: evidence from task-switching and electrical brain activity.
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Dopamine and gamma band synchrony in schizophrenia--insights from computational and empirical studies.
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Fetal cardiac autonomic control during breathing and non-breathing epochs: the effect of maternal exercise.
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How and when accentuation influences temporally selective attention and subsequent semantic processing during on-line spoken language comprehension: an ERP study.
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Stimulus onset asynchrony and the timeline of word recognition: event-related potentials during sentence reading.
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Detection and classification of subject-generated artifacts in EEG signals using autoregressive models.
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Weighted phase lag index stability as an artifact resistant measure to detect cognitive EEG activity during locomotion.
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Probing neural activations from continuous EEG in a real-world task: time-frequency independent component analysis.
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Systematic biases in early ERP and ERF components as a result of high-pass filtering.
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Examining ERP correlates of recognition memory: evidence of accurate source recognition without recollection.
Description: Addante, Richard J, et al. Examining ERP correlates of recognition memory: evidence of accurate source recognition without recollection. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Aug 1; '''62''' (1):439-50
Mice with reduced NMDA receptor expression: more consistent with autism than schizophrenia?
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Temporal variability of the N2pc during efficient and inefficient visual search.
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The face-selective N170 component is modulated by facial color.
Description: Nakajima, Kae, et al. The face-selective N170 component is modulated by facial color. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2012 Aug; '''50''' (10):2499-505
Lexical access in American Sign Language: an ERP investigation of effects of semantics and phonology.
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Age-related differences in the neural correlates of remembering time-based intentions.
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A K-means multivariate approach for clustering independent components from magnetoencephalographic data.
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Co-modulatory spectral changes in independent brain processes are correlated with task performance.
Description: Chuang, Shang-Wen, et al. Co-modulatory spectral changes in independent brain processes are correlated with task performance. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Sep; '''62''' (3):1469-77
Subchronic ketamine treatment leads to permanent changes in EEG, cognition and the astrocytic glutamate transporter EAAT2 in mice.
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The Val66Met polymorphism of the BDNF gene influences trigeminal pain-related evoked responses.
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ERP evidence for the recognition of emotional prosody through simulated cochlear implant strategies.
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Development of large-scale functional networks over the lifespan.
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Repetition priming in the stop signal task: the electrophysiology of sequential effects of stopping.
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Synchronization between the anterior and posterior cortex determines consciousness level in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI).
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Automatic prediction error responses to hands with unexpected laterality: an electrophysiological study.
Description: Stefanics, Gabor, et al. Automatic prediction error responses to hands with unexpected laterality: an electrophysiological study. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Oct 15; '''63''' (1):253-61
Changes in N400 topography following intensive speech language therapy for individuals with aphasia.
Description: Wilson, K Ryan, et al. Changes in N400 topography following intensive speech language therapy for individuals with aphasia. ''Brain Lang''. 2012 Nov; '''123''' (2):94-103
Dorsal stream activity and connectivity associated with action priming of ambiguous apparent motion.
Description: Jantzen, K J, et al. Dorsal stream activity and connectivity associated with action priming of ambiguous apparent motion. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Nov 1; '''63''' (2):687-97
Neurophysiological evidence for a recollection impairment in amnesia patients that leaves familiarity intact.
Description: Addante, Richard James, et al. Neurophysiological evidence for a recollection impairment in amnesia patients that leaves familiarity intact. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2012 Nov; '''50''' (13):3004-14
Level of participation in robotic-assisted treadmill walking modulates midline sensorimotor EEG rhythms in able-bodied subjects.
Description: Wagner, Johanna, et al. Level of participation in robotic-assisted treadmill walking modulates midline sensorimotor EEG rhythms in able-bodied subjects. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Nov 15; '''63''' (3):1203-11
Rhythmic fluctuations in evidence accumulation during decision making in the human brain.
Description: Wyart, Valentin, et al. Rhythmic fluctuations in evidence accumulation during decision making in the human brain. ''Neuron''. 2012 Nov 21; '''76''' (4):847-58
A method for event-related phase/amplitude coupling.
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DETECT: a MATLAB toolbox for event detection and identification in time series, with applications to artifact detection in EEG signals.
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Effect of early fluid resuscitation on the lung in a rat model of lipopolysaccharide-induced septic shock.
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Electrocortical activity associated with subjective communication with the deceased.
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Exploring age-related changes in dynamical non-stationarity in electroencephalographic signals during early adolescence.
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Is love right? Prefrontal resting brain asymmetry is related to the affiliation motive.
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Large-scale information flow in conscious and unconscious states: an ECoG study in monkeys.
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Neural mechanisms underlying stop-and-restart difficulties: involvement of the motor and perceptual systems.
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Neural stages of spoken, written, and signed word processing in beginning second language learners.
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Subliminal salience search illustrated: EEG identity and deception detection on the fringe of awareness.
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Suppression of the micro rhythm during speech and non-speech discrimination revealed by independent component analysis: implications for sensorimotor integration in speech processing.
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The characteristic and changes of the event-related potentials (ERP) and brain topographic maps before and after treatment with rTMS in subjective tinnitus patients.
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The imaginary part of coherency in autism: differences in cortical functional connectivity in preschool children.
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The relationship between self-awareness of attentional status, behavioral performance and oscillatory brain rhythms.
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Top-down control in contour grouping.
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Wavelet-based artifact identification and separation technique for EEG signals during galvanic vestibular stimulation.
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Mind over chatter: plastic up-regulation of the fMRI salience network directly after EEG neurofeedback.
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Capturing dynamic patterns of task-based functional connectivity with EEG.
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Cortex-based inter-subject analysis of iEEG and fMRI data sets: application to sustained task-related BOLD and gamma responses.
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Crossmodal bias of visual input on pain perception and pain-induced beta activity.
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Insights on the neural basis of motor plasticity induced by theta burst stimulation from TMS-EEG.
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Neural correlates of the impact of control on decision making in pathological gambling.
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The impact of visual acuity on age-related differences in neural markers of early visual processing.
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Small-world networks in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis and first-episode schizophrenia during a working memory task.
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Ultra-late EEG potential evoked by preferential activation of unmyelinated tactile afferents in human hairy skin.
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EEG acquisition in ultra-high static magnetic fields up to 9.4 T.
Description: Neuner, Irene, et al. EEG acquisition in ultra-high static magnetic fields up to 9.4 T. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Mar; '''68''': 214-20
Relative laterality of the N170 to single letter stimuli is predicted by a concurrent neural index of implicit processing of letter names.
Description: Stevens, Courtney, et al. Relative laterality of the N170 to single letter stimuli is predicted by a concurrent neural index of implicit processing of letter names. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2013 Mar; '''51''' (4):667-74
Splitting of the P3 component during dual-task processing in a patient with posterior callosal section.
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The role of the lateral prefrontal cortex in inhibitory motor control.
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Age-related differences in enhancement and suppression of neural activity underlying selective attention in matched young and old adults.
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Detection of concealed information by P3 and frontal EEG asymmetry.
Description: Matsuda, Izumi, et al. Detection of concealed information by P3 and frontal EEG asymmetry. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2013 Mar 14; '''537''': 55-9
Cortical oscillatory dynamics in a social interaction model.
Description: Knyazev, Gennady G, et al. Cortical oscillatory dynamics in a social interaction model. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2013 Mar 15; '''241''': 70-9
How long-term memory and accentuation interact during spoken language comprehension.
Description: Li, Xiaoqing, et al. How long-term memory and accentuation interact during spoken language comprehension. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2013 Apr; '''51''' (5):967-78
Sex-specific responses of Populus yunnanensis exposed to elevated CO2 and salinity.
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The spatiospectral characterization of brain networks: fusing concurrent EEG spectra and fMRI maps.
Description: Bridwell, David A, et al. The spatiospectral characterization of brain networks: fusing concurrent EEG spectra and fMRI maps. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Apr 1; '''69''': 101-11
Noise alters beta-band activity in superior temporal cortex during audiovisual speech processing.
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Inhibitory deficits in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in psychopathic offenders.
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Resting parietal EEG asymmetry and cardiac vagal tone predict attentional control.
Description: Balle, Maria, et al. Resting parietal EEG asymmetry and cardiac vagal tone predict attentional control. ''Biol Psychol''. 2013 May; '''93''' (2):257-61
Syntax in a pianist's hand: ERP signatures of "embodied" syntax processing in music.
Description: Sammler, Daniela, et al. Syntax in a pianist's hand: ERP signatures of "embodied" syntax processing in music. ''Cortex''. 2013 May; '''49''' (5):1325-39
Depression of neuronal activity by sedatives is associated with adverse effects after brain injury.
Description: Hertle, D, et al. Depression of neuronal activity by sedatives is associated with adverse effects after brain injury. ''Brain Res''. 2013 May 13; '''1510''': 1-9
EEGgui: a program used to detect electroencephalogram anomalies after traumatic brain injury.
Description: Sick, Justin, et al. EEGgui: a program used to detect electroencephalogram anomalies after traumatic brain injury. ''Source Code Biol Med''. 2013 May 21; '''8''' (1):12
Differences in evoked potentials during the active processing of sound location and motion.
Description: Richter, Nicole, et al. Differences in evoked potentials during the active processing of sound location and motion. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2013 Jun; '''51''' (7):1204-14
Linking time-on-task, spatial bias and hemispheric activation asymmetry: a neural correlate of rightward attention drift.
Description: Newman, Daniel P, et al. Linking time-on-task, spatial bias and hemispheric activation asymmetry: a neural correlate of rightward attention drift. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2013 Jun; '''51''' (7):1215-23
Is consciousness necessary for conflict detection and conflict resolution?
Description: Xiang, Ling, et al. Is consciousness necessary for conflict detection and conflict resolution? ''Behav Brain Res''. 2013 Jun 15; '''247''': 110-6
EEG anomalies in adult ADHD subjects performing a working memory task.
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Does throbbing pain have a brain signature?
Description: Mo, Jue, et al. Does throbbing pain have a brain signature? ''Pain''. 2013 Jul; '''154''' (7):1150-5
The neural oscillations of conflict adaptation in the human frontal region.
Description: Tang, Dandan, et al. The neural oscillations of conflict adaptation in the human frontal region. ''Biol Psychol''. 2013 Jul; '''93''' (3):364-72
The fate of object memory traces under change detection and change blindness.
Description: Busch, Niko A. The fate of object memory traces under change detection and change blindness. ''Brain Res''. 2013 Jul 3; '''1520''': 107-15
Electrophysiological correlates of auditory change detection and change deafness in complex auditory scenes.
Description: Puschmann, Sebastian, et al. Electrophysiological correlates of auditory change detection and change deafness in complex auditory scenes. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Jul 15; '''75''': 155-164
Electrophysiological correlates of melodic processing in congenital amusia.
Description: Omigie, Diana, et al. Electrophysiological correlates of melodic processing in congenital amusia. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2013 Aug; '''51''' (9):1749-62
Automatic and direct identification of blink components from scalp EEG.
Description: Kong, Wanzeng, et al. Automatic and direct identification of blink components from scalp EEG. ''Sensors (Basel)''. 2013 Aug 16; '''13''' (8):10783-801
An ERP study of structural anomalies in native and semantic free artificial grammar: evidence for shared processing mechanisms.
Description: Tabullo, Angel, et al. An ERP study of structural anomalies in native and semantic free artificial grammar: evidence for shared processing mechanisms. ''Brain Res''. 2013 Aug 21; '''1527''': 149-60
Central auditory processing during chronic tinnitus as indexed by topographical maps of the mismatch negativity obtained with the multi-feature paradigm.
Description: Mahmoudian, Saeid, et al. Central auditory processing during chronic tinnitus as indexed by topographical maps of the mismatch negativity obtained with the multi-feature paradigm. ''Brain Res''. 2013 Aug 21; '''1527''': 161-73
Preparatory attention after lesions to the lateral or orbital prefrontal cortex--an event-related potentials study.
Description: Funderud, Ingrid, et al. Preparatory attention after lesions to the lateral or orbital prefrontal cortex--an event-related potentials study. ''Brain Res''. 2013 Aug 21; '''1527''': 174-88
Spontaneous theta rhythm and working memory co-variation during child development.
Description: Rodriguez-Martinez, Elena I, et al. Spontaneous theta rhythm and working memory co-variation during child development. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2013 Aug 29; '''550''': 134-8
Changes in resting connectivity with age: a simultaneous electroencephalogram and functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation.
Description: Balsters, Joshua Henk, et al. Changes in resting connectivity with age: a simultaneous electroencephalogram and functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2013 Sep; '''34''' (9):2194-207
Early event-related potentials indicate context-specific target processing for eye and hand motor systems.
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ICA-based artifact correction improves spatial localization of adaptive spatial filters in MEG.
Description: Fatima, Zainab, et al. ICA-based artifact correction improves spatial localization of adaptive spatial filters in MEG. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Sep; '''78''': 284-94
Melodic pitch expectation interacts with neural responses to syntactic but not semantic violations.
Description: Carrus, Elisa, et al. Melodic pitch expectation interacts with neural responses to syntactic but not semantic violations. ''Cortex''. 2013 Sep; '''49''' (8):2186-200
Potentiation of quantitative electroencephalograms following prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with major depression.
Description: Noda, Yoshihiro, et al. Potentiation of quantitative electroencephalograms following prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with major depression. ''Neurosci Res''. 2013 Sep-Oct; '''77''' (1-2):70-7
Reliable EEG responses to the selective activation of C-fibre afferents using a temperature-controlled infrared laser stimulator in conjunction with an adaptive staircase algorithm.
Description: Jankovski, Aleksandar, et al. Reliable EEG responses to the selective activation of C-fibre afferents using a temperature-controlled infrared laser stimulator in conjunction with an adaptive staircase algorithm. ''Pain''. 2013 Sep; '''154''' (9):1578-87
TMS-EEG reveals impaired intracortical interactions and coherence in Unverricht-Lundborg type progressive myoclonus epilepsy (EPM1).
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Real and fictive outcomes are processed differently but converge on a common adaptive mechanism.
Description: Fischer, Adrian G, et al. Real and fictive outcomes are processed differently but converge on a common adaptive mechanism. ''Neuron''. 2013 Sep 18; '''79''' (6):1243-55
Brain dynamics encode the spectrotemporal boundaries of auditory objects.
Description: McMullan, Amanda R, et al. Brain dynamics encode the spectrotemporal boundaries of auditory objects. ''Hear Res''. 2013 Oct; '''304''': 77-90
Individual alpha peak frequency is related to latent factors of general cognitive abilities.
Description: Grandy, Thomas H, et al. Individual alpha peak frequency is related to latent factors of general cognitive abilities. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Oct 1; '''79''': 10-8
Somatosensory experiences with action modulate alpha and beta power during subsequent action observation.
Description: Quandt, Lorna C, et al. Somatosensory experiences with action modulate alpha and beta power during subsequent action observation. ''Brain Res''. 2013 Oct 9; '''1534''': 55-65
Electrophysiological correlates of block-wise strategic adaptations to consciously and unconsciously triggered conflict.
Description: Jiang, Jun, et al. Electrophysiological correlates of block-wise strategic adaptations to consciously and unconsciously triggered conflict. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2013 Nov; '''51''' (13):2791-8
EOG artifact correction from EEG recording using stationary subspace analysis and empirical mode decomposition.
Description: Zeng, Hong, et al. EOG artifact correction from EEG recording using stationary subspace analysis and empirical mode decomposition. ''Sensors (Basel)''. 2013 Nov 1; '''13''' (11):14839-59
Increased parietal activity after training of interference control.
Description: Oelhafen, Stephan, et al. Increased parietal activity after training of interference control. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2013 Nov; '''51''' (13):2781-90
Spindle frequency activity may provide lateralizing information in drug-resistant nocturnal mesial frontal lobe epilepsy: a pilot study on the contribution of sleep recordings.
Description: Bersagliere, Alessia, et al. Spindle frequency activity may provide lateralizing information in drug-resistant nocturnal mesial frontal lobe epilepsy: a pilot study on the contribution of sleep recordings. ''Seizure''. 2013 Nov; '''22''' (9):719-25
SWIFT: a novel method to track the neural correlates of recognition.
Description: Koenig-Robert, Roger, et al. SWIFT: a novel method to track the neural correlates of recognition. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Nov 1; '''81''': 273-282
Pain modulation induced by respiration: phase and frequency effects.
Description: Arsenault, Marianne, et al. Pain modulation induced by respiration: phase and frequency effects. ''Neuroscience''. 2013 Nov 12; '''252''': 501-11
Prestimulus oscillatory phase at 7 Hz gates cortical information flow and visual perception.
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Concurrent visual and tactile steady-state evoked potentials index allocation of inter-modal attention: a frequency-tagging study.
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Altered visual-spatial attention to task-irrelevant information is associated with falls risk in older adults.
Description: Nagamatsu, Lindsay S, et al. Altered visual-spatial attention to task-irrelevant information is associated with falls risk in older adults. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2013 Dec; '''51''' (14):3025-32
Brain potentials during language production in children and adults: an ERP study of the English past tense.
Description: Budd, Mary-Jane, et al. Brain potentials during language production in children and adults: an ERP study of the English past tense. ''Brain Lang''. 2013 Dec; '''127''' (3):345-55
Early effects of neighborhood density and phonotactic probability of spoken words on event-related potentials.
Description: Hunter, Cynthia R. Early effects of neighborhood density and phonotactic probability of spoken words on event-related potentials. ''Brain Lang''. 2013 Dec; '''127''' (3):463-74
Effects of Color Temperature and Brightness on Electroencephalogram Alpha Activity in a Polychromatic Light-emitting Diode.
Description: Park, Jin Young, et al. Effects of Color Temperature and Brightness on Electroencephalogram Alpha Activity in a Polychromatic Light-emitting Diode. ''Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci''. 2013 Dec; '''11''' (3):126-31
Lower theta inter-trial phase coherence during performance monitoring is related to higher reaction time variability: a lifespan study.
Description: Papenberg, Goran, et al. Lower theta inter-trial phase coherence during performance monitoring is related to higher reaction time variability: a lifespan study. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Dec; '''83''': 912-20
Structural brain correlates of human sleep oscillations.
Description: Saletin, Jared M, et al. Structural brain correlates of human sleep oscillations. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Dec; '''83''': 658-68
The amplitude of the resting-state fMRI global signal is related to EEG vigilance measures.
Description: Wong, Chi Wah, et al. The amplitude of the resting-state fMRI global signal is related to EEG vigilance measures. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Dec; '''83''': 983-90
Transient impact of spike on theta rhythm in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Description: Ge, Manling, et al. Transient impact of spike on theta rhythm in temporal lobe epilepsy. ''Exp Neurol''. 2013 Dec; '''250''': 136-42
Cognitive and neuropsychiatric correlates of EEG dynamic complexity in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
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Aerobic exercise during pregnancy influences infant heart rate variability at one month of age.
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An auditory multiclass brain-computer interface with natural stimuli: Usability evaluation with healthy participants and a motor impaired end user.
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A possible neurophysiological correlate of audiovisual binding and unbinding in speech perception.
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A psychometric measure of working memory capacity for configured body movement.
Description: Wu, Ying Choon, et al. A psychometric measure of working memory capacity for configured body movement. ''PLoS One''. 2014; '''9''' (1):e84834
Atrioventricular conduction delay in the second trimester measured by fetal magnetocardiography.
Description: Wacker-Gussmann, Annette, et al. Atrioventricular conduction delay in the second trimester measured by fetal magnetocardiography. ''J Immunol Res''. 2014; '''2014''': 753953
Automatic processing of abstract musical tonality.
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Behavioral and ERP measures of attentional bias to threat in the dot-probe task: poor reliability and lack of correlation with anxiety.
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Brain dynamics that correlate with effects of learning on auditory distance perception.
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Brain networks supporting perceptual grouping and contour selection.
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Cognition and emotional decision-making in chronic low back pain: an ERPs study during Iowa gambling task.
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Constitutive spectral EEG peaks in the gamma range: suppressed by sleep, reduced by mental activity and resistant to sensory stimulation.
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Cortical substrates and functional correlates of auditory deviance processing deficits in schizophrenia.
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Countering countermeasures: detecting identity lies by detecting conscious breakthrough.
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Design, Fabrication, and Experimental Validation of Novel Flexible Silicon-Based Dry Sensors for Electroencephalography Signal Measurements.
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Do syllables play a role in German speech perception? Behavioral and electrophysiological data from primed lexical decision.
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Early retinal function deficit without prominent morphological changes in the R6/2 mouse model of Huntington's disease.
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Electrophysiological markers of biological motion and human form recognition.
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Electrophysiological measures of attention during speech perception predict metalinguistic skills in children.
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Evaluating aesthetic experience through personal-appearance styles: a behavioral and electrophysiological study.
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Lateralized readiness potentials reveal properties of a neural mechanism for implementing a decision threshold.
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Task preparation processes related to reward prediction precede those related to task-difficulty expectation.
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The primary somatosensory cortex contributes to the latest part of the cortical response elicited by nociceptive somatosensory stimuli in humans.
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Using quantitative and analytic EEG methods in the understanding of connectivity in autism spectrum disorders: a theory of mixed over- and under-connectivity.
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Using single-trial EEG to predict and analyze subsequent memory.
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Visuo-tactile interactions in the congenitally deaf: a behavioral and event-related potential study.
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When holding your horses meets the deer in the headlights: time-frequency characteristics of global and selective stopping under conditions of proactive and reactive control.
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Word encoding during sleep is suggested by correlations between word-evoked up-states and post-sleep semantic priming.
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Altered source-based EEG coherence of resting-state sensorimotor network in early-stage Alzheimer's disease compared to mild cognitive impairment.
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Beta-band amplitude oscillations in the human internal globus pallidus support the encoding of sequence boundaries during initial sensorimotor sequence learning.
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Disentangling different functional roles of evoked K-complex components: Mapping the sleeping brain while quenching sensory processing.
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Gamma oscillations distinguish mere exposure from other likability effects.
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Genetic overlap between evoked frontocentral theta-band phase variability, reaction time variability, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms in a twin study.
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Bi-directional modulation of somatosensory mismatch negativity with transcranial direct current stimulation: an event related potential study.
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Cortical surface alignment in multi-subject spatiotemporal independent EEG source imaging.
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About the cortical origin of the low-delta and high-gamma rhythms observed in EEG signals during treadmill walking.
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Afterimage induced neural activity during emotional face perception.
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Age-related deterioration of the representation of space in human auditory cortex.
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Aging affects medial but not anterior frontal learning-related theta oscillations.
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Increased insula coactivation with salience networks in insomnia.
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Neurophysiology of spectrotemporal cue organization of spoken language in auditory memory.
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Working memory modulates neural efficiency over motor components during a novel action planning task: an EEG study.
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Concurrent working memory task decreases the Stroop interference effect as indexed by the decreased theta oscillations.
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The N2 ERP component as an index of impaired cognitive control in smokers.
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A pulse artifact removal method considering artifact variations in the simultaneous recording of EEG and fMRI.
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Decreased beta-band activity is correlated with disambiguation of hidden figures.
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Looking for a face in the crowd: fixation-related potentials in an eye-movement visual search task.
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Preparation for action: psychophysiological activity preceding a motor skill as a function of expertise, performance outcome, and psychological pressure.
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The effect of action experience on sensorimotor EEG rhythms during action observation.
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Action planning and predictive coding when speaking.
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Long-Term Electrophysiological and Behavioral Analysis on the Improvement of Visual Working Memory Load, Training Gains, and Transfer Benefits.
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Resting-state cortical connectivity predicts motor skill acquisition.
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Reversing pathologically increased EEG power by acoustic coordinated reset neuromodulation.
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Working memory-related frontal theta activity is decreased under acute stress.
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Estimation of direct nonlinear effective connectivity using information theory and multilayer perceptron.
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Electrophysiological indices of interference resolution covary with individual fluid intelligence: investigating reactive control processes in a 3-back working memory task.
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Neural correlates of visual crowding.
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Neural processes in pseudo perceptual rivalry: an ERP and time-frequency approach.
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A close look into the near/far space division: a real-distance ERP study.
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Functional and effective connectivity of stopping.
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Harsh parenting and fearfulness in toddlerhood interact to predict amplitudes of preschool error-related negativity.
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Neural correlates of music-syntactic processing in two-year old children.
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Test-retest reliability of concurrently recorded steady-state and somatosensory evoked potentials in somatosensory sustained spatial attention.
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Methods for pulse artefact reduction: experiences with EEG data recorded at 9.4 T static magnetic field.
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Repetition suppression of face-selective evoked and induced EEG recorded from human cortex.
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Spatiotemporal dynamics during processing of abstract and concrete verbs: an ERP study.
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Theta-band phase tracking in the two-talker problem.
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Does the age-related "anterior shift" of the P3 reflect an inability to habituate the novelty response?
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Age-related differences in working memory evoked gamma oscillations.
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Voluntary pressing and releasing actions induce different senses of time: evidence from event-related brain responses.
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Ballistocardiogram artifact removal with a reference layer and standard EEG cap.
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Visual, auditory and tactile stimuli compete for early sensory processing capacities within but not between senses.
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Frequency characteristics of cortical activity associated with perturbations to upright stability.
Description: Varghese, Jessy Parokaran, et al. Frequency characteristics of cortical activity associated with perturbations to upright stability. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2014 Aug 22; '''578''': 33-8
Differences in sensory processing of German vowels and physically matched non-speech sounds as revealed by the mismatch negativity (MMN) of the human event-related brain potential (ERP).
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Low-frequency rTMS inhibitory effects in the primary motor cortex: Insights from TMS-evoked potentials.
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Posture alters human resting-state.
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TDCS increases cortical excitability: direct evidence from TMS-EEG.
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The contribution of frequency-specific activity to hierarchical information processing in the human auditory cortex.
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Feature-based attention elicits surround suppression in feature space.
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A direct comparison of active and passive amplification electrodes in the same amplifier system.
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Commonalities and differences in the spatiotemporal neural dynamics associated with automatic attentional shifts induced by gaze and arrows.
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Development in the neurophysiology of emotion processing and memory in school-age children.
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Dissociable mechanisms underlying individual differences in visual working memory capacity.
Description: Gulbinaite, Rasa, et al. Dissociable mechanisms underlying individual differences in visual working memory capacity. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Oct 1; '''99''': 197-206
Effects of mental workload and fatigue on the P300, alpha and theta band power during operation of an ERP (P300) brain-computer interface.
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Frontal midline theta connectivity is related to efficiency of WM maintenance and is affected by aging.
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In search of a reliable electrophysiological marker of oculomotor inhibition of return.
Description: Satel, Jason, et al. In search of a reliable electrophysiological marker of oculomotor inhibition of return. ''Psychophysiology''. 2014 Oct; '''51''' (10):1037-45
Local sleep spindle modulations in relation to specific memory cues.
Description: Cox, Roy, et al. Local sleep spindle modulations in relation to specific memory cues. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Oct 1; '''99''': 103-10
Neural Correlates of Boredom in Music Perception.
Description: Fakhr Tabatabaie, Ashkan, et al. Neural Correlates of Boredom in Music Perception. ''Basic Clin Neurosci''. 2014 Oct; '''5''' (4):259-66
Neurophysiological correlates of error monitoring and inhibitory processing in juvenile violent offenders.
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Performance monitoring during associative learning and its relation to obsessive-compulsive characteristics.
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Simultaneous EEG-fMRI: trial level spatio-temporal fusion for hierarchically reliable information discovery.
Description: Dong, Li, et al. Simultaneous EEG-fMRI: trial level spatio-temporal fusion for hierarchically reliable information discovery. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Oct 1; '''99''': 28-41
Temporal dynamics of action perception: differences on ERP evoked by object-related and non-object-related actions.
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Earlier timbre processing of instrumental tones compared to equally complex spectrally rotated sounds as revealed by the mismatch negativity.
Description: Christmann, Corinna A, et al. Earlier timbre processing of instrumental tones compared to equally complex spectrally rotated sounds as revealed by the mismatch negativity. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2014 Oct 3; '''581''': 115-9
Sensory modality-specific spatio-temporal dynamics in response to counting tasks.
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Error signals in the subthalamic nucleus are related to post-error slowing in patients with Parkinson's disease.
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Gamma band activity and the P3 reflect post-perceptual processes, not visual awareness.
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How and when predictability interacts with accentuation in temporally selective attention during speech comprehension.
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Power spectra for screening parkinsonian patients for mild cognitive impairment.
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Age-related differences in early novelty processing: using PCA to parse the overlapping anterior P2 and N2 components.
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Complex brain network properties in late L2 learners and native speakers.
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Cortical activity evoked by inoculation needle prick in infants up to one-year old.
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Episodic retrieval involves early and sustained effects of reactivating information from encoding.
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Induced neural beta oscillations predict categorical speech perception abilities.
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Normal aging selectively diminishes alpha lateralization in visual spatial attention.
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Sleep-dependent neuroplastic changes during auditory perceptual learning.
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Multiple blocks of intermittent and continuous theta-burst stimulation applied via transcranial magnetic stimulation differently affect sensory responses in rat barrel cortex.
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Cortical EEG components that reflect inverse effectiveness during visuotactile integration processing.
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Influence of worry on sustained attention to emotional stimuli: evidence from the late positive potential.
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Early and late effects of objecthood and spatial frequency on event-related potentials and gamma band activity.
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Cortical inhibition of distinct mechanisms in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is related to working memory performance: a TMS-EEG study.
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Emotional graphic cigarette warning labels reduce the electrophysiological brain response to smoking cues.
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Synchronous and opposite roles of the parietal and prefrontal cortices in bistable perception: a double-coil TMS-EEG study.
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Towards a constructionist approach to emotions: verification of the three-dimensional model of affect with EEG-independent component analysis.
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Disentangling the impacts of outcome valence and outcome frequency on the post-error slowing.
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Relationship between theta-phase gamma-amplitude coupling and attention-deficit/hyperactivity behavior in children.
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Standing still: is there a role for the cortex?
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Mathematically gifted adolescents mobilize enhanced workspace configuration of theta cortical network during deductive reasoning.
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Configural and featural face processing are differently modulated by attentional resources at early stages: an event-related potential study with rapid serial visual presentation.
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A critical role of the human hippocampus in an electrophysiological measure of implicit memory.
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Diminished P300 to physical risk in sensation seeking.
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Early event-related brain potentials and hemispheric asymmetries reveal mind-wandering while reading and predict comprehension.
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Exploring miniaturized EEG electrodes for brain-computer interfaces. An EEG you do not see?
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Modulation of auditory processing during speech movement planning is limited in adults who stutter.
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Producing morphologically complex words: an ERP study with children and adults.
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Rapid feedback processing in human nucleus accumbens and motor thalamus.
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Right hemisphere control of visuospatial attention in near space.
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Spatio-temporal dynamics of adaptation in the human visual system: a high-density electrical mapping study.
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The impact of executive capacity and age on mechanisms underlying multidimensional feature selection.
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The plasticity of the mirror system: how reward learning modulates cortical motor simulation of others.
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Translational neurophysiology in sheep: measuring sleep and neurological dysfunction in CLN5 Batten disease affected sheep.
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Neural oscillatory correlates of duration maintenance in working memory.
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Cortical processes associated with continuous balance control as revealed by EEG spectral power.
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Clinical Associate students' perception of the educational environment at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
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Age-related differences in electroencephalogram connectivity and network topology.
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A saw is first identified as an object used on wood: ERP evidence for temporal differences between Thematic and Functional similarity relations.
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Auditory rhythms entrain visual processes in the human brain: evidence from evoked oscillations and event-related potentials.
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Blunted neural responses to monetary risk in high sensation seekers.
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Cross-hemispheric Alternating Current Stimulation During a Nap Disrupts Slow Wave Activity and Associated Memory Consolidation.
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In vivo evidence for neuroplasticity in older adults.
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Multiple linear regression to estimate time-frequency electrophysiological responses in single trials.
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Neural mechanisms of infant learning: differences in frontal theta activity during object exploration modulate subsequent object recognition.
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On how the brain decodes vocal cues about speaker confidence.
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Right-lateralized alpha desynchronization during regularity discrimination: hemispheric specialization or directed spatial attention?
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Differing ERP patterns caused by suction and puff stimuli.
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Contribution of transcranial direct current stimulation on inhibitory control to assess the neurobiological aspects of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: randomized controlled trial.
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The neural dynamic mechanisms of asymmetric switch costs in a combined Stroop-task-switching paradigm.
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Aberrant Thalamocortical Synchrony Associated with Behavioral Manifestations in Git1 (-/-) Mice.
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A P300-based cognitive assessment battery.
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Auditory attention in childhood and adolescence: An event-related potential study of spatial selective attention to one of two simultaneous stories.
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Repetition enhancement and memory effects for duration.
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Age-dependent electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns during sevoflurane general anesthesia in infants.
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Divergence of dim-light vision among bats (order: Chiroptera) as estimated by molecular and electrophysiological methods.
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Multivariate genetic determinants of EEG oscillations in schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar disorder from the BSNIP study.
Description: Narayanan, B, et al. Multivariate genetic determinants of EEG oscillations in schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar disorder from the BSNIP study. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2015 Jun 23; '''5''': e588
beta-amyloid disrupts human NREM slow waves and related hippocampus-dependent memory consolidation.
Description: Mander, Bryce A, et al. beta-amyloid disrupts human NREM slow waves and related hippocampus-dependent memory consolidation. ''Nat Neurosci''. 2015 Jul; '''18''' (7):1051-7
Distribution, Amplitude, Incidence, Co-Occurrence, and Propagation of Human K-Complexes in Focal Transcortical Recordings
Description: Mak-McCully, Rachel A, et al. Distribution, Amplitude, Incidence, Co-Occurrence, and Propagation of Human K-Complexes in Focal Transcortical Recordings ''eNeuro''. 2015 Jul-Aug; '''2''' (4):
Effects of injustice sensitivity and sex on the P3 amplitude during deception.
Description: Leue, Anja, et al. Effects of injustice sensitivity and sex on the P3 amplitude during deception. ''Biol Psychol''. 2015 Jul; '''109''': 29-36
Event-related EEG responses to anticipation and delivery of monetary and social reward.
Description: Flores, Amanda, et al. Event-related EEG responses to anticipation and delivery of monetary and social reward. ''Biol Psychol''. 2015 Jul; '''109''': 10-9
Eye contact reveals a relationship between Neuroticism and anterior EEG asymmetry.
Description: Uusberg, Helen, et al. Eye contact reveals a relationship between Neuroticism and anterior EEG asymmetry. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2015 Jul; '''73''': 161-8
Influence of motor imagination on cortical activation during functional electrical stimulation.
Description: Reynolds, Clare, et al. Influence of motor imagination on cortical activation during functional electrical stimulation. ''Clin Neurophysiol''. 2015 Jul; '''126''' (7):1360-9
Premovement high-alpha power is modulated by previous movement errors: Indirect evidence to endorse high-alpha power as a marker of resource allocation during motor programming.
Description: Cooke, Andrew, et al. Premovement high-alpha power is modulated by previous movement errors: Indirect evidence to endorse high-alpha power as a marker of resource allocation during motor programming. ''Psychophysiology''. 2015 Jul; '''52''' (7):977-81
Real-time EEG feedback during simultaneous EEG-fMRI identifies the cortical signature of motor imagery.
Description: Zich, Catharina, et al. Real-time EEG feedback during simultaneous EEG-fMRI identifies the cortical signature of motor imagery. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Jul 1; '''114''': 438-47
Relative brain signature: a population-based feature extraction procedure to identify functional biomarkers in the brain of alcoholics.
Description: Karamzadeh, Nader, et al. Relative brain signature: a population-based feature extraction procedure to identify functional biomarkers in the brain of alcoholics. ''Brain Behav''. 2015 Jul; '''5''' (7):e00335
Reliable activation to novel stimuli predicts higher fluid intelligence.
Description: Euler, Matthew J, et al. Reliable activation to novel stimuli predicts higher fluid intelligence. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Jul 1; '''114''': 311-9
Schema-conformant memories are preferentially consolidated during REM sleep.
Description: Durrant, Simon J, et al. Schema-conformant memories are preferentially consolidated during REM sleep. ''Neurobiol Learn Mem''. 2015 Jul; '''122''': 41-50
Successful empirical antifungal therapy of intravenous itraconazole with pharmacokinetic evidence in pediatric cancer patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Description: Kim, Hyery, et al. Successful empirical antifungal therapy of intravenous itraconazole with pharmacokinetic evidence in pediatric cancer patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. ''Clin Drug Investig''. 2015 Jul; '''35''' (7):437-46
The interplay of holistic shape, local feature and color information in object categorization.
Description: Rokszin, Adrienn Aranka, et al. The interplay of holistic shape, local feature and color information in object categorization. ''Biol Psychol''. 2015 Jul; '''109''': 120-31
Development of behavioral parameters and ERPs in a novel-target visual detection paradigm in children, adolescents and young adults.
Description: Rojas-Benjumea, Maria Angeles, et al. Development of behavioral parameters and ERPs in a novel-target visual detection paradigm in children, adolescents and young adults. ''Behav Brain Funct''. 2015 Jul 4; '''11''': 22
Temporal and spatial organization of gait-related electrocortical potentials.
Description: Knaepen, Kristel, et al. Temporal and spatial organization of gait-related electrocortical potentials. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2015 Jul 10; '''599''': 75-80
EEG neural oscillatory dynamics reveal semantic and response conflict at difference levels of conflict awareness.
Description: Jiang, Jun, et al. EEG neural oscillatory dynamics reveal semantic and response conflict at difference levels of conflict awareness. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Jul 14; '''5''': 12008
Characterizing functional connectivity patterns during saliva swallows in different head positions.
Description: Jestrovic, Iva, et al. Characterizing functional connectivity patterns during saliva swallows in different head positions. ''J Neuroeng Rehabil''. 2015 Jul 24; '''12''': 61
Spatiotemporal neural network dynamics for the processing of dynamic facial expressions.
Description: Sato, Wataru, et al. Spatiotemporal neural network dynamics for the processing of dynamic facial expressions. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Jul 24; '''5''': 12432
A practical guide to the selection of independent components of the electroencephalogram for artifact correction.
Description: Chaumon, Maximilien, et al. A practical guide to the selection of independent components of the electroencephalogram for artifact correction. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2015 Jul 30; '''250''': 47-63
Altered cortical processing of observed pain in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome.
Description: Fallon, Nicholas, et al. Altered cortical processing of observed pain in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. ''J Pain''. 2015 Aug; '''16''' (8):717-26
Attachment style moderates partner presence effects on pain: a laser-evoked potentials study.
Description: Krahe, Charlotte, et al. Attachment style moderates partner presence effects on pain: a laser-evoked potentials study. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2015 Aug; '''10''' (8):1030-7
Brain regional networks active during the mismatch negativity vary with paradigm.
Description: MacLean, Shannon E, et al. Brain regional networks active during the mismatch negativity vary with paradigm. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2015 Aug; '''75''': 242-51
Concurrent brain responses to separate auditory and visual targets.
Description: Finoia, Paola, et al. Concurrent brain responses to separate auditory and visual targets. ''J Neurophysiol''. 2015 Aug; '''114''' (2):1239-47
Differential oscillatory encoding of foreign speech.
Description: Perez, Alejandro, et al. Differential oscillatory encoding of foreign speech. ''Brain Lang''. 2015 Aug; '''147''': 51-7
Distinct brain signatures of content and structure violation during action observation.
Description: Maffongelli, L, et al. Distinct brain signatures of content and structure violation during action observation. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2015 Aug; '''75''': 30-9
Lateralization patterns of covert but not overt movements change with age: An EEG neurofeedback study.
Description: Zich, Catharina, et al. Lateralization patterns of covert but not overt movements change with age: An EEG neurofeedback study. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Aug 1; '''116''': 80-91
Neocortical Rebound Depolarization Enhances Visual Perception.
Description: Funayama, Kenta, et al. Neocortical Rebound Depolarization Enhances Visual Perception. ''PLoS Biol''. 2015 Aug; '''13''' (8):e1002231
The neural speed of familiar face recognition.
Description: Barragan-Jason, G, et al. The neural speed of familiar face recognition. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2015 Aug; '''75''': 390-401
Atypical spatiotemporal signatures of working memory brain processes in autism.
Description: Urbain, C M, et al. Atypical spatiotemporal signatures of working memory brain processes in autism. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2015 Aug 11; '''5''': e617
The beneficial effects of sounds on attentional blink performance: An ERP study.
Description: Kranczioch, Cornelia, et al. The beneficial effects of sounds on attentional blink performance: An ERP study. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Aug 15; '''117''': 429-38
Visuotactile motion congruence enhances gamma-band activity in visual and somatosensory cortices.
Description: Krebber, Martin, et al. Visuotactile motion congruence enhances gamma-band activity in visual and somatosensory cortices. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Aug 15; '''117''': 160-9
Reward feedback stimuli elicit high-beta EEG oscillations in human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
Description: HajiHosseini, Azadeh, et al. Reward feedback stimuli elicit high-beta EEG oscillations in human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Aug 17; '''5''': 13021
Sensitivity of frontal beta oscillations to reward valence but not probability.
Description: HajiHosseini, Azadeh, et al. Sensitivity of frontal beta oscillations to reward valence but not probability. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2015 Aug 18; '''602''': 99-103
Dynamic scalp topography reveals neural signs just before performance errors.
Description: Ora, Hiroki, et al. Dynamic scalp topography reveals neural signs just before performance errors. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Aug 20; '''5''': 12503
Phase-amplitude coupling supports phase coding in human ECoG.
Description: Watrous, Andrew J, et al. Phase-amplitude coupling supports phase coding in human ECoG. ''Elife''. 2015 Aug 26; '''4''':
Competitive interactions in somatosensory cortex for concurrent vibrotactile stimulation between and within hands.
Description: Pang, Cheuk Yee, et al. Competitive interactions in somatosensory cortex for concurrent vibrotactile stimulation between and within hands. ''Biol Psychol''. 2015 Sep; '''110''': 91-9
Cortical auditory evoked potentials as an objective measure of behavioral thresholds in cochlear implant users.
Description: Visram, Anisa S, et al. Cortical auditory evoked potentials as an objective measure of behavioral thresholds in cochlear implant users. ''Hear Res''. 2015 Sep; '''327''': 35-42
EEG potentials associated with artificial grammar learning in the primate brain.
Description: Attaheri, Adam, et al. EEG potentials associated with artificial grammar learning in the primate brain. ''Brain Lang''. 2015 Sep; '''148''': 74-80
Gender differences in the neural network of facial mimicry of smiles--An rTMS study.
Description: Korb, Sebastian, et al. Gender differences in the neural network of facial mimicry of smiles--An rTMS study. ''Cortex''. 2015 Sep; '''70''': 101-14
Greater aerobic fitness is associated with more efficient inhibition of task-irrelevant information in preadolescent children.
Description: Kamijo, Keita, et al. Greater aerobic fitness is associated with more efficient inhibition of task-irrelevant information in preadolescent children. ''Biol Psychol''. 2015 Sep; '''110''': 68-74
How to stop or change a motor response: Laplacian and independent component analysis approach.
Description: Rangel-Gomez, Mauricio, et al. How to stop or change a motor response: Laplacian and independent component analysis approach. ''Int J Psychophysiol''. 2015 Sep; '''97''' (3):233-44
Implicit attention to negative social, in contrast to nonsocial, words in the Stroop task differs between individuals high and low in loneliness: Evidence from event-related brain microstates.
Description: Cacioppo, Stephanie, et al. Implicit attention to negative social, in contrast to nonsocial, words in the Stroop task differs between individuals high and low in loneliness: Evidence from event-related brain microstates. ''Cortex''. 2015 Sep; '''70''': 213-33
Multimodal neuroimaging computing: the workflows, methods, and platforms.
Description: Liu, Sidong, et al. Multimodal neuroimaging computing: the workflows, methods, and platforms. ''Brain Inform''. 2015 Sep; '''2''' (3):181-195
Neural body maps in human infants: Somatotopic responses to tactile stimulation in 7-month-olds.
Description: Saby, Joni N, et al. Neural body maps in human infants: Somatotopic responses to tactile stimulation in 7-month-olds. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Sep; '''118''': 74-8
Oscillatory dynamics coordinating human frontal networks in support of goal maintenance.
Description: Voytek, Bradley, et al. Oscillatory dynamics coordinating human frontal networks in support of goal maintenance. ''Nat Neurosci''. 2015 Sep; '''18''' (9):1318-24
Single-Trial Event-Related Potential Correlates of Belief Updating(1,2,3).
Description: Bennett, Daniel, et al. Single-Trial Event-Related Potential Correlates of Belief Updating(1,2,3). ''eNeuro''. 2015 Sep; '''2''' (5):
Temporal dynamics of contingency extraction from tonal and verbal auditory sequences.
Description: Bendixen, Alexandra, et al. Temporal dynamics of contingency extraction from tonal and verbal auditory sequences. ''Brain Lang''. 2015 Sep; '''148''': 64-73
Electrophysiological evidences demonstrating differences in brain functions between nonmusicians and musicians.
Description: Zhang, Li, et al. Electrophysiological evidences demonstrating differences in brain functions between nonmusicians and musicians. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Sep 4; '''5''': 13796
Neural correlates of lexical stress: mismatch negativity reflects fundamental frequency and intensity.
Description: Zora, Hatice, et al. Neural correlates of lexical stress: mismatch negativity reflects fundamental frequency and intensity. ''Neuroreport''. 2015 Sep 9; '''26''' (13):791-6
Cross-frequency coupling in deep brain structures upon processing the painful sensory inputs.
Description: Liu, C C, et al. Cross-frequency coupling in deep brain structures upon processing the painful sensory inputs. ''Neuroscience''. 2015 Sep 10; '''303''': 412-21
Delayed emergence of behavioral and electrophysiological effects following juvenile ketamine exposure in mice.
Description: Nagy, L R, et al. Delayed emergence of behavioral and electrophysiological effects following juvenile ketamine exposure in mice. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2015 Sep 15; '''5''': e635
Analgesic effect of cathodal transcranial current stimulation over right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in subjects with muscular temporomandibular disorders: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Description: Brandao Filho, Rivail Almeida, et al. Analgesic effect of cathodal transcranial current stimulation over right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in subjects with muscular temporomandibular disorders: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. ''Trials''. 2015 Sep 17; '''16''': 415
Effects of concurrent caffeine and mobile phone exposure on local target probability processing in the human brain.
Description: Trunk, Attila, et al. Effects of concurrent caffeine and mobile phone exposure on local target probability processing in the human brain. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Sep 23; '''5''': 14434
Cortical network architecture for context processing in primate brain.
Description: Chao, Zenas C, et al. Cortical network architecture for context processing in primate brain. ''Elife''. 2015 Sep 29; '''4''':
A novel approach to identify time-frequency oscillatory features in electrocortical signals.
Description: Jia, Huibin, et al. A novel approach to identify time-frequency oscillatory features in electrocortical signals. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2015 Sep 30; '''253''': 18-27
Measuring the face-sensitive N170 with a gaming EEG system: A validation study.
Description: de Lissa, Peter, et al. Measuring the face-sensitive N170 with a gaming EEG system: A validation study. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2015 Sep 30; '''253''': 47-54
Effects of background noise on inter-trial phase coherence and auditory N1-P2 responses to speech stimuli.
Description: Koerner, Tess K, et al. Effects of background noise on inter-trial phase coherence and auditory N1-P2 responses to speech stimuli. ''Hear Res''. 2015 Oct; '''328''': 113-9
Effects of oral temazepam on sleep spindles during non-rapid eye movement sleep: A high-density EEG investigation.
Description: Plante, D T, et al. Effects of oral temazepam on sleep spindles during non-rapid eye movement sleep: A high-density EEG investigation. ''Eur Neuropsychopharmacol''. 2015 Oct; '''25''' (10):1600-10
ERP and behavioral evidence of increased sensory attenuation for fear-related action outcomes.
Description: Hughes, Gethin. ERP and behavioral evidence of increased sensory attenuation for fear-related action outcomes. ''Biol Psychol''. 2015 Oct; '''111''': 8-13
ERP evidence for spatial attention being directed away from disgusting locations.
Description: Zimmer, Ulrike, et al. ERP evidence for spatial attention being directed away from disgusting locations. ''Psychophysiology''. 2015 Oct; '''52''' (10):1317-27
Event-related alpha perturbations related to the scaling of steering wheel corrections.
Description: Brooks, Justin, et al. Event-related alpha perturbations related to the scaling of steering wheel corrections. ''Physiol Behav''. 2015 Oct 1; '''149''': 287-93
Event-related potentials in performance monitoring are influenced by the endogenous opioid system.
Description: Pfabigan, Daniela M, et al. Event-related potentials in performance monitoring are influenced by the endogenous opioid system. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2015 Oct; '''77''': 242-52
High-gamma band fronto-temporal coherence as a measure of functional connectivity in speech motor control.
Description: Kingyon, J, et al. High-gamma band fronto-temporal coherence as a measure of functional connectivity in speech motor control. ''Neuroscience''. 2015 Oct 1; '''305''': 15-25
Infant VEPs reveal neural correlates of implicit naming: Lateralized differences between lexicalized versus name-unknown pictures.
Description: Styles, Suzy J, et al. Infant VEPs reveal neural correlates of implicit naming: Lateralized differences between lexicalized versus name-unknown pictures. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2015 Oct; '''77''': 177-84
Insomnia in women approaching menopause: Beyond perception.
Description: Baker, Fiona C, et al. Insomnia in women approaching menopause: Beyond perception. ''Psychoneuroendocrinology''. 2015 Oct; '''60''': 96-104
Moving Toward Conscious Pain Processing Detection in Chronic Disorders of Consciousness: Anterior Cingulate Cortex Neuromodulation.
Description: Naro, Antonino, et al. Moving Toward Conscious Pain Processing Detection in Chronic Disorders of Consciousness: Anterior Cingulate Cortex Neuromodulation. ''J Pain''. 2015 Oct; '''16''' (10):1022-31
Practice changes beta power at rest and its modulation during movement in healthy subjects but not in patients with Parkinson's disease.
Description: Moisello, Clara, et al. Practice changes beta power at rest and its modulation during movement in healthy subjects but not in patients with Parkinson's disease. ''Brain Behav''. 2015 Oct; '''5''' (10):e00374
Predicting the Time Course of Individual Objects with MEG.
Description: Clarke, Alex, et al. Predicting the Time Course of Individual Objects with MEG. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2015 Oct; '''25''' (10):3602-12
Preferential decoding of emotion from human non-linguistic vocalizations versus speech prosody.
Description: Pell, M D, et al. Preferential decoding of emotion from human non-linguistic vocalizations versus speech prosody. ''Biol Psychol''. 2015 Oct; '''111''': 14-25
Self-touch modulates the somatosensory evoked P100.
Description: Hogendoorn, Hinze, et al. Self-touch modulates the somatosensory evoked P100. ''Exp Brain Res''. 2015 Oct; '''233''' (10):2845-58
The neural development of the biological motion processing system does not rely on early visual input.
Description: Bottari, Davide, et al. The neural development of the biological motion processing system does not rely on early visual input. ''Cortex''. 2015 Oct; '''71''': 359-67
The number of objects determines visual working memory capacity allocation for complex items.
Description: Balaban, Halely, et al. The number of objects determines visual working memory capacity allocation for complex items. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Oct 1; '''119''': 54-62
Touch inhibits subcortical and cortical nociceptive responses.
Description: Mancini, Flavia, et al. Touch inhibits subcortical and cortical nociceptive responses. ''Pain''. 2015 Oct; '''156''' (10):1936-44
Caffeine Consuming Children and Adolescents Show Altered Sleep Behavior and Deep Sleep.
Description: Aepli, Andrina, et al. Caffeine Consuming Children and Adolescents Show Altered Sleep Behavior and Deep Sleep. ''Brain Sci''. 2015 Oct 15; '''5''' (4):441-55
EEG correlates of spatial orientation in the human retrosplenial complex.
Description: Lin, C-T, et al. EEG correlates of spatial orientation in the human retrosplenial complex. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Oct 15; '''120''': 123-32
Neural substrates underlying the tendency to accept anger-infused ultimatum offers during dynamic social interactions.
Description: Gilam, Gadi, et al. Neural substrates underlying the tendency to accept anger-infused ultimatum offers during dynamic social interactions. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Oct 15; '''120''': 400-11
Neurocognitive evidence for mental imagery-driven hypoalgesic and hyperalgesic pain regulation.
Description: Fardo, Francesca, et al. Neurocognitive evidence for mental imagery-driven hypoalgesic and hyperalgesic pain regulation. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Oct 15; '''120''': 350-61
On the fate of non-cued mental representations in visuo-spatial working memory: Evidence by a retro-cuing paradigm.
Description: Schneider, Daniel, et al. On the fate of non-cued mental representations in visuo-spatial working memory: Evidence by a retro-cuing paradigm. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2015 Oct 15; '''293''': 114-24
Aroused with heart: Modulation of heartbeat evoked potential by arousal induction and its oscillatory correlates.
Description: Luft, Caroline Di Bernardi, et al. Aroused with heart: Modulation of heartbeat evoked potential by arousal induction and its oscillatory correlates. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Oct 27; '''5''': 15717
A Gaze Independent Brain-Computer Interface Based on Visual Stimulation through Closed Eyelids.
Description: Hwang, Han-Jeong, et al. A Gaze Independent Brain-Computer Interface Based on Visual Stimulation through Closed Eyelids. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Oct 29; '''5''': 15890
Functional differences between statistical learning with and without explicit training.
Description: Batterink, Laura J, et al. Functional differences between statistical learning with and without explicit training. ''Learn Mem''. 2015 Nov; '''22''' (11):544-56
Auditory Feedback Differentially Modulates Behavioral and Neural Markers of Objective and Subjective Performance When Tapping to Your Heartbeat.
Description: Canales-Johnson, Andres, et al. Auditory Feedback Differentially Modulates Behavioral and Neural Markers of Objective and Subjective Performance When Tapping to Your Heartbeat. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2015 Nov; '''25''' (11):4490-503
Cross-modal reorganization in cochlear implant users: Auditory cortex contributes to visual face processing.
Description: Stropahl, Maren, et al. Cross-modal reorganization in cochlear implant users: Auditory cortex contributes to visual face processing. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Nov 1; '''121''': 159-70
Effect of imperceptible vibratory noise applied to wrist skin on fingertip touch evoked potentials - an EEG study.
Description: Seo, Na Jin, et al. Effect of imperceptible vibratory noise applied to wrist skin on fingertip touch evoked potentials - an EEG study. ''Physiol Rep''. 2015 Nov; '''3''' (11):
Electrophysiological evidence for a general auditory prediction deficit in adults who stutter.
Description: Daliri, Ayoub, et al. Electrophysiological evidence for a general auditory prediction deficit in adults who stutter. ''Brain Lang''. 2015 Nov; '''150''': 37-44
Spatio-temporal distribution of brain activity associated with audio-visually congruent and incongruent speech and the McGurk Effect.
Description: Pratt, Hillel, et al. Spatio-temporal distribution of brain activity associated with audio-visually congruent and incongruent speech and the McGurk Effect. ''Brain Behav''. 2015 Nov; '''5''' (11):e00407
Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) exposure and its impact on slow cortical potentials.
Description: Eggert, Torsten, et al. Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) exposure and its impact on slow cortical potentials. ''Environ Res''. 2015 Nov; '''143''' (Pt A):112-22
The influence of central neuropathic pain in paraplegic patients on performance of a motor imagery based Brain Computer Interface.
Description: Vuckovic, A, et al. The influence of central neuropathic pain in paraplegic patients on performance of a motor imagery based Brain Computer Interface. ''Clin Neurophysiol''. 2015 Nov; '''126''' (11):2170-80
The role of prominence in Spanish sentence comprehension: An ERP study.
Description: Gattei, Carolina A, et al. The role of prominence in Spanish sentence comprehension: An ERP study. ''Brain Lang''. 2015 Nov; '''150''': 22-35
Automatic prediction regarding the next state of a visual object: Electrophysiological indicators of prediction match and mismatch.
Description: Kimura, Motohiro, et al. Automatic prediction regarding the next state of a visual object: Electrophysiological indicators of prediction match and mismatch. ''Brain Res''. 2015 Nov 11; '''1626''': 31-44
Noise occlusion in discrete tone sequences as a tool towards auditory predictive processing?
Description: Bendixen, Alexandra, et al. Noise occlusion in discrete tone sequences as a tool towards auditory predictive processing? ''Brain Res''. 2015 Nov 11; '''1626''': 97-107
The effects of supervised learning on event-related potential correlates of music-syntactic processing.
Description: Guo, Shuang, et al. The effects of supervised learning on event-related potential correlates of music-syntactic processing. ''Brain Res''. 2015 Nov 11; '''1626''': 232-46
The Speed of Alpha-Band Oscillations Predicts the Temporal Resolution of Visual Perception.
Description: Samaha, Jason, et al. The Speed of Alpha-Band Oscillations Predicts the Temporal Resolution of Visual Perception. ''Curr Biol''. 2015 Nov 16; '''25''' (22):2985-90
Unobtrusive ambulatory EEG using a smartphone and flexible printed electrodes around the ear.
Description: Debener, Stefan, et al. Unobtrusive ambulatory EEG using a smartphone and flexible printed electrodes around the ear. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Nov 17; '''5''': 16743
Neural signatures for sustaining object representations attributed to others in preverbal human infants.
Description: Kampis, Dora, et al. Neural signatures for sustaining object representations attributed to others in preverbal human infants. ''Proc Biol Sci''. 2015 Nov 22; '''282''' (1819):
Data to support observation of late and ultra-late latency components of cortical laser evoked potentials.
Description: Stancak, Andrej, et al. Data to support observation of late and ultra-late latency components of cortical laser evoked potentials. ''Data Brief''. 2015 Dec; '''5''': 1031-4
Dynamic reorganization of functional brain networks during picture naming.
Description: Hassan, Mahmoud, et al. Dynamic reorganization of functional brain networks during picture naming. ''Cortex''. 2015 Dec; '''73''': 276-88
Empirically based comparisons of the reliability and validity of common quantification approaches for eyeblink startle potentiation in humans.
Description: Bradford, Daniel E, et al. Empirically based comparisons of the reliability and validity of common quantification approaches for eyeblink startle potentiation in humans. ''Psychophysiology''. 2015 Dec; '''52''' (12):1669-81
Knowing when not to swing: EEG evidence that enhanced perception-action coupling underlies baseball batter expertise.
Description: Muraskin, Jordan, et al. Knowing when not to swing: EEG evidence that enhanced perception-action coupling underlies baseball batter expertise. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Dec; '''123''': 1-10
Laser-Evoked Vertex Potentials Predict Defensive Motor Actions.
Description: Moayedi, M, et al. Laser-Evoked Vertex Potentials Predict Defensive Motor Actions. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2015 Dec; '''25''' (12):4789-98
MRI compatible optrodes for simultaneous LFP and optogenetic fMRI investigation of seizure-like afterdischarges.
Description: Duffy, Ben A, et al. MRI compatible optrodes for simultaneous LFP and optogenetic fMRI investigation of seizure-like afterdischarges. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Dec; '''123''': 173-84
(No) time for control: Frontal theta dynamics reveal the cost of temporally guided conflict anticipation.
Description: van Driel, Joram, et al. (No) time for control: Frontal theta dynamics reveal the cost of temporally guided conflict anticipation. ''Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci''. 2015 Dec; '''15''' (4):787-807
Scaling of the extrastriate neural response to symmetry.
Description: Palumbo, Letizia, et al. Scaling of the extrastriate neural response to symmetry. ''Vision Res''. 2015 Dec; '''117''': 1-8
Temporal dynamics and potential neural sources of goal conduciveness, control, and power appraisal.
Description: Gentsch, Kornelia, et al. Temporal dynamics and potential neural sources of goal conduciveness, control, and power appraisal. ''Biol Psychol''. 2015 Dec; '''112''': 77-93
Was it a pain or a sound? Across-species variability in sensory sensitivity.
Description: Hu, Li, et al. Was it a pain or a sound? Across-species variability in sensory sensitivity. ''Pain''. 2015 Dec; '''156''' (12):2449-57
Effects of facial color on the subliminal processing of fearful faces.
Description: Nakajima, K, et al. Effects of facial color on the subliminal processing of fearful faces. ''Neuroscience''. 2015 Dec 3; '''310''': 472-85
Small-worldness characteristics and its gender relation in specific hemispheric networks.
Description: Miraglia, F, et al. Small-worldness characteristics and its gender relation in specific hemispheric networks. ''Neuroscience''. 2015 Dec 3; '''310''': 1-11
Consciousness and Complexity during Unresponsiveness Induced by Propofol, Xenon, and Ketamine.
Description: Sarasso, Simone, et al. Consciousness and Complexity during Unresponsiveness Induced by Propofol, Xenon, and Ketamine. ''Curr Biol''. 2015 Dec 7; '''25''' (23):3099-105
Distinct morphological processing of recently learned compound words: An ERP study.
Description: Kaczer, Laura, et al. Distinct morphological processing of recently learned compound words: An ERP study. ''Brain Res''. 2015 Dec 10; '''1629''': 309-17
Eye movements and brain oscillations to symbolic safety signs with different comprehensibility.
Description: Siswandari, Yohana, et al. Eye movements and brain oscillations to symbolic safety signs with different comprehensibility. ''J Physiol Anthropol''. 2015 Dec 10; '''34''': 42
Detecting intention to walk in stroke patients from pre-movement EEG correlates.
Description: Sburlea, Andreea Ioana, et al. Detecting intention to walk in stroke patients from pre-movement EEG correlates. ''J Neuroeng Rehabil''. 2015 Dec 12; '''12''': 113
The effects of facial color and inversion on the N170 event-related potential (ERP) component.
Description: Minami, T, et al. The effects of facial color and inversion on the N170 event-related potential (ERP) component. ''Neuroscience''. 2015 Dec 17; '''311''': 341-8
Neural evidence accumulation persists after choice to inform metacognitive judgments.
Description: Murphy, Peter R, et al. Neural evidence accumulation persists after choice to inform metacognitive judgments. ''Elife''. 2015 Dec 19; '''4''':
Driving steady-state visual evoked potentials at arbitrary frequencies using temporal interpolation of stimulus presentation.
Description: Andersen, Soren K, et al. Driving steady-state visual evoked potentials at arbitrary frequencies using temporal interpolation of stimulus presentation. ''BMC Neurosci''. 2015 Dec 21; '''16''': 95
Anxiety dissociates the adaptive functions of sensory and motor response enhancements to social threats.
Description: El Zein, Marwa, et al. Anxiety dissociates the adaptive functions of sensory and motor response enhancements to social threats. ''Elife''. 2015 Dec 29; '''4''':
Microstate connectivity alterations in patients with early Alzheimer's disease.
Description: Hatz, Florian, et al. Microstate connectivity alterations in patients with early Alzheimer's disease. ''Alzheimers Res Ther''. 2015 Dec 31; '''7''': 78
A Brain Signature to Differentiate Acute and Chronic Pain in Rats.
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Mind-Wandering Tends to Occur under Low Perceptual Demands during Driving.
Description: Lin, Chin-Teng, et al. Mind-Wandering Tends to Occur under Low Perceptual Demands during Driving. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Feb 17; '''6''': 21353
Hybrid EEG--Eye Tracker: Automatic Identification and Removal of Eye Movement and Blink Artifacts from Electroencephalographic Signal.
Description: Mannan, Malik M Naeem, et al. Hybrid EEG--Eye Tracker: Automatic Identification and Removal of Eye Movement and Blink Artifacts from Electroencephalographic Signal. ''Sensors (Basel)''. 2016 Feb 19; '''16''' (2):241
Cortical connectivity and memory performance in cognitive decline: A study via graph theory from EEG data.
Description: Vecchio, F, et al. Cortical connectivity and memory performance in cognitive decline: A study via graph theory from EEG data. ''Neuroscience''. 2016 Mar 1; '''316''': 143-50
Distinguishing the influence of task difficulty on error-related ERPs using surface Laplacian transformation.
Description: Van der Borght, Liesbet, et al. Distinguishing the influence of task difficulty on error-related ERPs using surface Laplacian transformation. ''Biol Psychol''. 2016 Mar; '''115''': 78-85
Electrophysiological correlates of error initiation and response correction.
Description: Kieffaber, Paul D, et al. Electrophysiological correlates of error initiation and response correction. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Mar; '''128''': 158-166
Interactions Between the Prefrontal Cortex and Attentional Systems During Volitional Affective Regulation: An Effective Connectivity Reappraisal Study.
Description: Ligeza, Tomasz S, et al. Interactions Between the Prefrontal Cortex and Attentional Systems During Volitional Affective Regulation: An Effective Connectivity Reappraisal Study. ''Brain Topogr''. 2016 Mar; '''29''' (2):253-61
Laser-evoked cortical responses in freely-moving rats reflect the activation of C-fibre afferent pathways.
Description: Xia, X L, et al. Laser-evoked cortical responses in freely-moving rats reflect the activation of C-fibre afferent pathways. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Mar; '''128''': 209-217
Mapping Cortical Responses to Somatosensory Stimuli in Human Infants with Simultaneous Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Event-Related Potential Recording.
Description: Verriotis, Madeleine, et al. Mapping Cortical Responses to Somatosensory Stimuli in Human Infants with Simultaneous Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Event-Related Potential Recording. ''eNeuro''. 2016 Mar-Apr; '''3''' (2):
Relative frontal brain asymmetry and cortisol release after social stress: The role of action orientation.
Description: Dusing, Rainer, et al. Relative frontal brain asymmetry and cortisol release after social stress: The role of action orientation. ''Biol Psychol''. 2016 Mar; '''115''': 86-93
The effect of alexithymia on early visual processing of emotional body postures.
Description: Borhani, Khatereh, et al. The effect of alexithymia on early visual processing of emotional body postures. ''Biol Psychol''. 2016 Mar; '''115''': 1-8
Intraneural stimulation elicits discrimination of textural features by artificial fingertip in intact and amputee humans.
Description: Oddo, Calogero Maria, et al. Intraneural stimulation elicits discrimination of textural features by artificial fingertip in intact and amputee humans. ''Elife''. 2016 Mar 8; '''5''': e09148
Do unresponsive wakefulness syndrome patients feel pain? Role of laser-evoked potential-induced gamma-band oscillations in detecting cortical pain processing.
Description: Naro, A, et al. Do unresponsive wakefulness syndrome patients feel pain? Role of laser-evoked potential-induced gamma-band oscillations in detecting cortical pain processing. ''Neuroscience''. 2016 Mar 11; '''317''': 141-8
Entrainment of chaotic activities in brain and heart during MBSR mindfulness training.
Description: Gao, Junling, et al. Entrainment of chaotic activities in brain and heart during MBSR mindfulness training. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2016 Mar 11; '''616''': 218-23
Rolandic beta-band activity correlates with decision time to move.
Description: Jo, Han-Gue, et al. Rolandic beta-band activity correlates with decision time to move. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2016 Mar 11; '''616''': 119-24
Phonological code retrieval during picture naming: Influence of consonant class.
Description: Cummings, Alycia, et al. Phonological code retrieval during picture naming: Influence of consonant class. ''Brain Res''. 2016 Mar 15; '''1635''': 71-85
Test-retest reliability of ERP components: A short-term replication of a visual Go/NoGo task in ADHD subjects.
Description: Kompatsiari, Kyveli, et al. Test-retest reliability of ERP components: A short-term replication of a visual Go/NoGo task in ADHD subjects. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2016 Mar 23; '''617''': 166-72
Electrocortical signatures of detecting errors in the actions of others: An EEG study in pianists, non-pianist musicians and musically naive people.
Description: Panasiti, M S, et al. Electrocortical signatures of detecting errors in the actions of others: An EEG study in pianists, non-pianist musicians and musically naive people. ''Neuroscience''. 2016 Mar 24; '''318''': 104-13
Enhancing the Temporal Complexity of Distributed Brain Networks with Patterned Cerebellar Stimulation.
Description: Farzan, Faranak, et al. Enhancing the Temporal Complexity of Distributed Brain Networks with Patterned Cerebellar Stimulation. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Mar 24; '''6''': 23599
On the estimation of brain signal entropy from sparse neuroimaging data.
Description: Grandy, Thomas H, et al. On the estimation of brain signal entropy from sparse neuroimaging data. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Mar 29; '''6''': 23073
Acute stress alters autonomic modulation during sleep in women approaching menopause.
Description: de Zambotti, Massimiliano, et al. Acute stress alters autonomic modulation during sleep in women approaching menopause. ''Psychoneuroendocrinology''. 2016 Apr; '''66''': 1-10
Alcohol Hits You When It Is Hard: Intoxication, Task Difficulty, and Theta Brain Oscillations.
Description: Rosen, Burke Q, et al. Alcohol Hits You When It Is Hard: Intoxication, Task Difficulty, and Theta Brain Oscillations. ''Alcohol Clin Exp Res''. 2016 Apr; '''40''' (4):743-52
A temporal predictive code for voice motor control: Evidence from ERP and behavioral responses to pitch-shifted auditory feedback.
Description: Behroozmand, Roozbeh, et al. A temporal predictive code for voice motor control: Evidence from ERP and behavioral responses to pitch-shifted auditory feedback. ''Brain Res''. 2016 Apr 1; '''1636''': 1-12
Automatic EEG-assisted retrospective motion correction for fMRI (aE-REMCOR).
Description: Wong, Chung-Ki, et al. Automatic EEG-assisted retrospective motion correction for fMRI (aE-REMCOR). ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Apr 1; '''129''': 133-147
Congruency of body-related information induces somatosensory reorganization.
Description: Cardini, Flavia, et al. Congruency of body-related information induces somatosensory reorganization. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2016 Apr; '''84''': 213-21
The Analgesic Effect of Oxytocin in Humans: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Cross-Over Study Using Laser-Evoked Potentials.
Description: Paloyelis, Y, et al. The Analgesic Effect of Oxytocin in Humans: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Cross-Over Study Using Laser-Evoked Potentials. ''J Neuroendocrinol''. 2016 Apr; '''28''' (4):
Evaluating interhemispheric cortical responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation in chronic stroke: A TMS-EEG investigation.
Description: Borich, Michael R, et al. Evaluating interhemispheric cortical responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation in chronic stroke: A TMS-EEG investigation. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2016 Apr 8; '''618''': 25-30
Gender Influences on Brain Responses to Errors and Post-Error Adjustments.
Description: Fischer, Adrian G, et al. Gender Influences on Brain Responses to Errors and Post-Error Adjustments. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Apr 14; '''6''': 24435
One of the most well-established age-related changes in neural activity disappears after controlling for visual acuity.
Description: Porto, Fabio H G, et al. One of the most well-established age-related changes in neural activity disappears after controlling for visual acuity. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Apr 15; '''130''': 115-122
Sight restoration after congenital blindness does not reinstate alpha oscillatory activity in humans.
Description: Bottari, Davide, et al. Sight restoration after congenital blindness does not reinstate alpha oscillatory activity in humans. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Apr 15; '''6''': 24683
Discovering biomarkers for antidepressant response: protocol from the Canadian biomarker integration network in depression (CAN-BIND) and clinical characteristics of the first patient cohort.
Description: Lam, Raymond W, et al. Discovering biomarkers for antidepressant response: protocol from the Canadian biomarker integration network in depression (CAN-BIND) and clinical characteristics of the first patient cohort. ''BMC Psychiatry''. 2016 Apr 16; '''16''': 105
Surprise disrupts cognition via a fronto-basal ganglia suppressive mechanism.
Description: Wessel, Jan R, et al. Surprise disrupts cognition via a fronto-basal ganglia suppressive mechanism. ''Nat Commun''. 2016 Apr 18; '''7''': 11195
Reduced habituation of auditory evoked potentials indicate cortical hyper-excitability in Fragile X Syndrome.
Description: Ethridge, L E, et al. Reduced habituation of auditory evoked potentials indicate cortical hyper-excitability in Fragile X Syndrome. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2016 Apr 19; '''6''': e787
Reversal of evoked gamma oscillation deficits is predictive of antipsychotic activity with a unique profile for clozapine.
Description: Hudson, M R, et al. Reversal of evoked gamma oscillation deficits is predictive of antipsychotic activity with a unique profile for clozapine. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2016 Apr 19; '''6''': e784
Disentangling beat perception from sequential learning and examining the influence of attention and musical abilities on ERP responses to rhythm.
Description: Bouwer, Fleur L, et al. Disentangling beat perception from sequential learning and examining the influence of attention and musical abilities on ERP responses to rhythm. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2016 May; '''85''': 80-90
Dysfunctional Patterns of Gamma-Band Activity in Response to Human Faces Compared to Non-Facial Stimuli in Patients with Schizophrenia.
Description: Lee, Seung-Hwan, et al. Dysfunctional Patterns of Gamma-Band Activity in Response to Human Faces Compared to Non-Facial Stimuli in Patients with Schizophrenia. ''Psychiatry Investig''. 2016 May; '''13''' (3):349-59
Job burnout is associated with dysfunctions in brain mechanisms of voluntary and involuntary attention.
Description: Sokka, Laura, et al. Job burnout is associated with dysfunctions in brain mechanisms of voluntary and involuntary attention. ''Biol Psychol''. 2016 May; '''117''': 56-66
Nociceptive-Evoked Potentials Are Sensitive to Behaviorally Relevant Stimulus Displacements in Egocentric Coordinates.
Description: Moayedi, M, et al. Nociceptive-Evoked Potentials Are Sensitive to Behaviorally Relevant Stimulus Displacements in Egocentric Coordinates. ''eNeuro''. 2016 May-Jun; '''3''' (3):
Patterns of alpha asymmetry in those with elevated worry, trait anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms: A test of the worry and avoidance models of alpha asymmetry.
Description: Smith, Ezra E, et al. Patterns of alpha asymmetry in those with elevated worry, trait anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms: A test of the worry and avoidance models of alpha asymmetry. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2016 May; '''85''': 118-26
Pre-ictal increase in theta synchrony between the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy.
Description: Broggini, Ana Clara Silveira, et al. Pre-ictal increase in theta synchrony between the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy. ''Exp Neurol''. 2016 May; '''279''': 232-242
Somatotopic Semantic Priming and Prediction in the Motor System.
Description: Grisoni, Luigi, et al. Somatotopic Semantic Priming and Prediction in the Motor System. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2016 May; '''26''' (5):2353-66
Subthalamic local field potentials in Parkinson's disease and isolated dystonia: An evaluation of potential biomarkers.
Description: Wang, Doris D, et al. Subthalamic local field potentials in Parkinson's disease and isolated dystonia: An evaluation of potential biomarkers. ''Neurobiol Dis''. 2016 May; '''89''': 213-22
The impact of stress on motor performance in skilled musicians suffering from focal dystonia: Physiological and psychological characteristics.
Description: Ioannou, Christos I, et al. The impact of stress on motor performance in skilled musicians suffering from focal dystonia: Physiological and psychological characteristics. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2016 May; '''85''': 226-36
Shaping prestimulus neural activity with auditory rhythmic stimulation improves the temporal allocation of attention.
Description: Ronconi, Luca, et al. Shaping prestimulus neural activity with auditory rhythmic stimulation improves the temporal allocation of attention. ''Neuroreport''. 2016 May 4; '''27''' (7):487-94
Detection of Epileptic Seizures Using Phase-Amplitude Coupling in Intracranial Electroencephalography.
Description: Edakawa, Kohtaroh, et al. Detection of Epileptic Seizures Using Phase-Amplitude Coupling in Intracranial Electroencephalography. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 May 5; '''6''': 25422
Atypical visual and somatosensory adaptation in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders.
Description: Andrade, G N, et al. Atypical visual and somatosensory adaptation in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2016 May 10; '''6''': e804
Orienting attention to visual or verbal/auditory imagery differentially impairs the processing of visual stimuli.
Description: Villena-Gonzalez, Mario, et al. Orienting attention to visual or verbal/auditory imagery differentially impairs the processing of visual stimuli. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 May 15; '''132''': 71-78
Unmasking local activity within local field potentials (LFPs) by removing distal electrical signals using independent component analysis.
Description: Whitmore, Nathan W, et al. Unmasking local activity within local field potentials (LFPs) by removing distal electrical signals using independent component analysis. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 May 15; '''132''': 79-92
When your pain signifies my gain: neural activity while evaluating outcomes based on another person's pain.
Description: Cui, Fang, et al. When your pain signifies my gain: neural activity while evaluating outcomes based on another person's pain. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 May 19; '''6''': 26426
Visual processing during natural reading.
Description: Weiss, Bela, et al. Visual processing during natural reading. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 May 27; '''6''': 26902
Age-related deficits in selective attention during encoding increase demands on episodic reconstruction during context retrieval: An ERP study.
Description: James, Taylor, et al. Age-related deficits in selective attention during encoding increase demands on episodic reconstruction during context retrieval: An ERP study. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2016 Jun; '''86''': 66-79
Auditory evoked potentials to speech and nonspeech stimuli are associated with verbal skills in preschoolers.
Description: Kuuluvainen, Soila, et al. Auditory evoked potentials to speech and nonspeech stimuli are associated with verbal skills in preschoolers. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2016 Jun; '''19''': 223-32
Data of ERPs and spectral alpha power when attention is engaged on visual or verbal/auditory imagery.
Description: Villena-Gonzalez, Mario, et al. Data of ERPs and spectral alpha power when attention is engaged on visual or verbal/auditory imagery. ''Data Brief''. 2016 Jun; '''7''': 882-8
Developmental differences in beta and theta power during sentence processing.
Description: Schneider, Julie M, et al. Developmental differences in beta and theta power during sentence processing. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2016 Jun; '''19''': 19-30
Dysfunctional error-related processing in incarcerated youth with elevated psychopathic traits.
Description: Maurer, J Michael, et al. Dysfunctional error-related processing in incarcerated youth with elevated psychopathic traits. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2016 Jun; '''19''': 70-7
EEG activity evoked in preparation for multi-talker listening by adults and children.
Description: Holmes, Emma, et al. EEG activity evoked in preparation for multi-talker listening by adults and children. ''Hear Res''. 2016 Jun; '''336''': 83-100
ERP evidence for on-line syntactic computations in 2-year-olds.
Description: Brusini, Perrine, et al. ERP evidence for on-line syntactic computations in 2-year-olds. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2016 Jun; '''19''': 164-73
"Eyes Open - Eyes Closed" EEG/fMRI data set including dedicated "Carbon Wire Loop" motion detection channels.
Description: van der Meer, Johan, et al. "Eyes Open - Eyes Closed" EEG/fMRI data set including dedicated "Carbon Wire Loop" motion detection channels. ''Data Brief''. 2016 Jun; '''7''': 990-994
ICA-derived cortical responses indexing rapid multi-feature auditory processing in six-month-old infants.
Description: Piazza, Caterina, et al. ICA-derived cortical responses indexing rapid multi-feature auditory processing in six-month-old infants. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jun; '''133''': 75-87
Mu desynchronization during observation and execution of facial expressions in 30-month-old children.
Description: Rayson, Holly, et al. Mu desynchronization during observation and execution of facial expressions in 30-month-old children. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2016 Jun; '''19''': 279-87
Neural processing of amplitude and formant rise time in dyslexia.
Description: Peter, Varghese, et al. Neural processing of amplitude and formant rise time in dyslexia. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2016 Jun; '''19''': 152-63
Shedding light on emotional perception: Interaction of brightness and semantic content in extrastriate visual cortex.
Description: Schettino, Antonio, et al. Shedding light on emotional perception: Interaction of brightness and semantic content in extrastriate visual cortex. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jun; '''133''': 341-353
Space-by-time decomposition for single-trial decoding of M/EEG activity.
Description: Delis, Ioannis, et al. Space-by-time decomposition for single-trial decoding of M/EEG activity. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jun; '''133''': 504-515
Spatiotemporally dissociable neural signatures for generating and updating expectation over time in children: A High Density-ERP study.
Description: Mento, Giovanni, et al. Spatiotemporally dissociable neural signatures for generating and updating expectation over time in children: A High Density-ERP study. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2016 Jun; '''19''': 98-106
Spurious correlations in simultaneous EEG-fMRI driven by in-scanner movement.
Description: Fellner, M-C, et al. Spurious correlations in simultaneous EEG-fMRI driven by in-scanner movement. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jun; '''133''': 354-366
The bilingual brain turns a blind eye to negative statements in the second language.
Description: Jonczyk, Rafal, et al. The bilingual brain turns a blind eye to negative statements in the second language. ''Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci''. 2016 Jun; '''16''' (3):527-40
Gut to brain interaction in Autism Spectrum Disorders: a randomized controlled trial on the role of probiotics on clinical, biochemical and neurophysiological parameters.
Description: Santocchi, Elisa, et al. Gut to brain interaction in Autism Spectrum Disorders: a randomized controlled trial on the role of probiotics on clinical, biochemical and neurophysiological parameters. ''BMC Psychiatry''. 2016 Jun 4; '''16''': 183
Associative-memory representations emerge as shared spatial patterns of theta activity spanning the primate temporal cortex.
Description: Nakahara, Kiyoshi, et al. Associative-memory representations emerge as shared spatial patterns of theta activity spanning the primate temporal cortex. ''Nat Commun''. 2016 Jun 10; '''7''': 11827
Ocular exposure to blue-enriched light has an asymmetric influence on neural activity and spatial attention.
Description: Newman, Daniel P, et al. Ocular exposure to blue-enriched light has an asymmetric influence on neural activity and spatial attention. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Jun 13; '''6''': 27754
Optimal digital filters for analyzing the mid-latency auditory P50 event-related potential in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Description: Liljander, Sara, et al. Optimal digital filters for analyzing the mid-latency auditory P50 event-related potential in patients with Alzheimer's disease. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2016 Jun 15; '''266''': 50-67
The impact of simulated MRI scanner background noise on visual attention processes as measured by the EEG.
Description: Kobald, S Oliver, et al. The impact of simulated MRI scanner background noise on visual attention processes as measured by the EEG. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Jun 21; '''6''': 28371
Encoding of mechanical nociception differs in the adult and infant brain.
Description: Fabrizi, Lorenzo, et al. Encoding of mechanical nociception differs in the adult and infant brain. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Jun 27; '''6''': 28642
A robust and representative lower bound on object processing speed in humans.
Description: Bieniek, Magdalena M, et al. A robust and representative lower bound on object processing speed in humans. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2016 Jul; '''44''' (2):1804-14
Mechanisms of mindfulness: The dynamics of affective adaptation during open monitoring.
Description: Uusberg, Helen, et al. Mechanisms of mindfulness: The dynamics of affective adaptation during open monitoring. ''Biol Psychol''. 2016 Jul; '''118''': 94-106
Neural Correlates of Craving in Methamphetamine Abuse.
Description: Shahmohammadi, Fanak, et al. Neural Correlates of Craving in Methamphetamine Abuse. ''Basic Clin Neurosci''. 2016 Jul; '''7''' (3):221-30
Preventing (impulsive) errors: Electrophysiological evidence for online inhibitory control over incorrect responses.
Description: Burle, Boris, et al. Preventing (impulsive) errors: Electrophysiological evidence for online inhibitory control over incorrect responses. ''Psychophysiology''. 2016 Jul; '''53''' (7):1008-19
Retinotopic mapping of visual event-related potentials.
Description: Capilla, Almudena, et al. Retinotopic mapping of visual event-related potentials. ''Biol Psychol''. 2016 Jul; '''118''': 114-125
The phase of ongoing EEG oscillations predicts the amplitude of peri-saccadic mislocalization.
Description: McLelland, Douglas, et al. The phase of ongoing EEG oscillations predicts the amplitude of peri-saccadic mislocalization. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Jul 11; '''6''': 29335
Ballistocardiogram artifact correction taking into account physiological signal preservation in simultaneous EEG-fMRI.
Description: Abreu, Rodolfo, et al. Ballistocardiogram artifact correction taking into account physiological signal preservation in simultaneous EEG-fMRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jul 15; '''135''': 45-63
Multi-subject and multi-task experimental validation of the hierarchical Bayesian diffuse optical tomography algorithm.
Description: Yamashita, Okito, et al. Multi-subject and multi-task experimental validation of the hierarchical Bayesian diffuse optical tomography algorithm. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jul 15; '''135''': 287-99
The influence of visual information on auditory processing in individuals with congenital amusia: An ERP study.
Description: Lu, Xuejing, et al. The influence of visual information on auditory processing in individuals with congenital amusia: An ERP study. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jul 15; '''135''': 142-51
Auditory event-related responses to diphthongs in different attention conditions.
Description: Morris, David J, et al. Auditory event-related responses to diphthongs in different attention conditions. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2016 Jul 28; '''626''': 158-63
Electroencephalography reactivity for prognostication of post-anoxic coma after cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A comparison of quantitative analysis and visual analysis.
Description: Liu, Gang, et al. Electroencephalography reactivity for prognostication of post-anoxic coma after cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A comparison of quantitative analysis and visual analysis. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2016 Jul 28; '''626''': 74-8
An improved artifacts removal method for high dimensional EEG.
Description: Hou, Jidong, et al. An improved artifacts removal method for high dimensional EEG. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2016 Aug 1; '''268''': 31-42
Attention selectively modulates cortical entrainment in different regions of the speech spectrum.
Description: Baltzell, Lucas S, et al. Attention selectively modulates cortical entrainment in different regions of the speech spectrum. ''Brain Res''. 2016 Aug 1; '''1644''': 203-12
Auditory discrimination predicts linguistic outcome in Italian infants with and without familial risk for language learning impairment.
Description: Cantiani, Chiara, et al. Auditory discrimination predicts linguistic outcome in Italian infants with and without familial risk for language learning impairment. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2016 Aug; '''20''': 23-34
Brain potentials predict substance abuse treatment completion in a prison sample.
Description: Fink, Brandi C, et al. Brain potentials predict substance abuse treatment completion in a prison sample. ''Brain Behav''. 2016 Aug; '''6''' (8):e00501
Emotion regulation during threat: Parsing the time course and consequences of safety signal processing.
Description: Hefner, Kathryn R, et al. Emotion regulation during threat: Parsing the time course and consequences of safety signal processing. ''Psychophysiology''. 2016 Aug; '''53''' (8):1193-202
Frontal preparatory neural oscillations associated with cognitive control: A developmental study comparing young adults and adolescents.
Description: Hwang, Kai, et al. Frontal preparatory neural oscillations associated with cognitive control: A developmental study comparing young adults and adolescents. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Aug 1; '''136''': 139-48
Increased ongoing neural variability in ADHD.
Description: Gonen-Yaacovi, Gil, et al. Increased ongoing neural variability in ADHD. ''Cortex''. 2016 Aug; '''81''': 50-63
Neural correlates of spatial and nonspatial attention determined using intracranial electroencephalographic signals in humans.
Description: Park, Ga Young, et al. Neural correlates of spatial and nonspatial attention determined using intracranial electroencephalographic signals in humans. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2016 Aug; '''37''' (8):3041-54
Object representations in visual working memory change according to the task context.
Description: Balaban, Halely, et al. Object representations in visual working memory change according to the task context. ''Cortex''. 2016 Aug; '''81''': 1-13
Physiological Evidence for a Midline Spatial Channel in Human Auditory Cortex.
Description: Briley, Paul M, et al. Physiological Evidence for a Midline Spatial Channel in Human Auditory Cortex. ''J Assoc Res Otolaryngol''. 2016 Aug; '''17''' (4):331-40
Power modulation of electroencephalogram mu and beta frequency depends on perceived level of observed actions.
Description: Simon, Shiri, et al. Power modulation of electroencephalogram mu and beta frequency depends on perceived level of observed actions. ''Brain Behav''. 2016 Aug; '''6''' (8):e00494
Sniff and mimic - Intranasal oxytocin increases facial mimicry in a sample of men.
Description: Korb, Sebastian, et al. Sniff and mimic - Intranasal oxytocin increases facial mimicry in a sample of men. ''Horm Behav''. 2016 Aug; '''84''': 64-74
Spectral and spatial changes of brain rhythmic activity in response to the sustained thermal pain stimulation.
Description: Huishi Zhang, Clara, et al. Spectral and spatial changes of brain rhythmic activity in response to the sustained thermal pain stimulation. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2016 Aug; '''37''' (8):2976-91
The Impact of Cortical Lesions on Thalamo-Cortical Network Dynamics after Acute Ischaemic Stroke: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study.
Description: van Wijngaarden, Joeri B G, et al. The Impact of Cortical Lesions on Thalamo-Cortical Network Dynamics after Acute Ischaemic Stroke: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2016 Aug; '''12''' (8):e1005048
Tracking the intrusion of unwanted memories into awareness with event-related potentials.
Description: Hellerstedt, Robin, et al. Tracking the intrusion of unwanted memories into awareness with event-related potentials. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2016 Aug; '''89''': 510-523
Changes of gamma-band oscillatory activity to tonic muscle pain.
Description: Li, Linling, et al. Changes of gamma-band oscillatory activity to tonic muscle pain. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2016 Aug 3; '''627''': 126-31
Resting state brain dynamics and its transients: a combined TMS-EEG study.
Description: Bonnard, Mireille, et al. Resting state brain dynamics and its transients: a combined TMS-EEG study. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Aug 4; '''6''': 31220
Consciousness and cortical responsiveness: a within-state study during non-rapid eye movement sleep.
Description: Nieminen, Jaakko O, et al. Consciousness and cortical responsiveness: a within-state study during non-rapid eye movement sleep. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Aug 5; '''6''': 30932
Beta rhythm modulation by speech sounds: somatotopic mapping in somatosensory cortex.
Description: Bartoli, Eleonora, et al. Beta rhythm modulation by speech sounds: somatotopic mapping in somatosensory cortex. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Aug 8; '''6''': 31182
Motor priming in virtual reality can augment motor-imagery training efficacy in restorative brain-computer interaction: a within-subject analysis.
Description: Vourvopoulos, Athanasios, et al. Motor priming in virtual reality can augment motor-imagery training efficacy in restorative brain-computer interaction: a within-subject analysis. ''J Neuroeng Rehabil''. 2016 Aug 9; '''13''' (1):69
Emotional Modulation of Conflict Processing in the Affective Domain: Evidence from Event-related Potentials and Event-related Spectral Perturbation Analysis.
Description: Ma, Jianling, et al. Emotional Modulation of Conflict Processing in the Affective Domain: Evidence from Event-related Potentials and Event-related Spectral Perturbation Analysis. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Aug 11; '''6''': 31278
Impaired neural discrimination of emotional speech prosody in children with autism spectrum disorder and language impairment.
Description: Lindstrom, R, et al. Impaired neural discrimination of emotional speech prosody in children with autism spectrum disorder and language impairment. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2016 Aug 15; '''628''': 47-51
Fractionation of parietal function in bistable perception probed with concurrent TMS-EEG.
Description: Schauer, Georg, et al. Fractionation of parietal function in bistable perception probed with concurrent TMS-EEG. ''Sci Data''. 2016 Aug 16; '''3''': 160065
The Deceptively Simple N170 Reflects Network Information Processing Mechanisms Involving Visual Feature Coding and Transfer Across Hemispheres.
Description: Ince, Robin A A, et al. The Deceptively Simple N170 Reflects Network Information Processing Mechanisms Involving Visual Feature Coding and Transfer Across Hemispheres. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2016 Aug 22;
Loss of promoter IV-driven BDNF expression impacts oscillatory activity during sleep, sensory information processing and fear regulation.
Description: Hill, J L, et al. Loss of promoter IV-driven BDNF expression impacts oscillatory activity during sleep, sensory information processing and fear regulation. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2016 Aug 23; '''6''' (8):e873
Effect of attention on 40Hz auditory steady-state response depends on the stimulation type: Flutter amplitude modulated tones versus clicks.
Description: Voicikas, Aleksandras, et al. Effect of attention on 40Hz auditory steady-state response depends on the stimulation type: Flutter amplitude modulated tones versus clicks. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2016 Aug 26; '''629''': 215-220
Post-response betagamma power predicts the degree of choice-based learning in internally guided decision-making.
Description: Nakao, Takashi, et al. Post-response betagamma power predicts the degree of choice-based learning in internally guided decision-making. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Aug 31; '''6''': 32477
Cue validity probability influences neural processing of targets.
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Effect of electrocardiogram interference on cortico-cortical connectivity analysis and a possible solution.
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Electrophysiological correlates of the cognitive control processes underpinning mixing and switching costs.
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Hippocampal network dynamics in response to alpha7 nACh receptors activation in amyloid-beta overproducing transgenic mice.
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Increased alpha band activity indexes inhibitory competition across a border during figure assignment.
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Mu suppression - A good measure of the human mirror neuron system?
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Neural processing of fearful and happy facial expressions during emotion-relevant and emotion-irrelevant tasks: A fixation-to-feature approach.
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Reversed cortical over-activity during movement imagination following neurofeedback treatment for central neuropathic pain.
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The anterior versus posterior hippocampal oscillations debate in human spatial navigation: evidence from an electrocorticographic case study.
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The relation of hedonic hunger and restrained eating to lateralized frontal activation.
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The Role of Alpha Activity in Spatial and Feature-Based Attention.
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Theta phase coherence in affective picture processing reveals dysfunctional sensory integration in psychopathic offenders.
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Timing matters: open-loop stimulation does not improve overnight consolidation of word pairs in humans.
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Early auditory processing in musicians and dancers during a contemporary dance piece.
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Towards a method to differentiate chronic disorder of consciousness patients' awareness: The Low-Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography Analysis.
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Oscillatory activity in auditory cortex reflects the perceptual level of audio-tactile integration.
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Human intracranial recordings link suppressed transients rather than 'filling-in' to perceptual continuity across blinks.
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Catecholaminergic Regulation of Learning Rate in a Dynamic Environment.
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Decomposing fear perception: A combination of psychophysics and neurometric modeling of fear perception.
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Differential deviant probability effects on two hierarchical levels of the auditory novelty system.
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Electrophysiological assessment of driving pleasure and difficulty using a task-irrelevant probe technique.
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ERPs and their brain sources in perceptual and conceptual prospective memory tasks: Commonalities and differences between the two tasks.
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Error-related brain activity and error awareness in an error classification paradigm.
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Is the time course of lexical activation and competition in spoken word recognition affected by adult aging? An event-related potential (ERP) study.
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Movement-related phase locking in the delta-theta frequency band.
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Quantitative EEG parameters correlate with the progression of human prion diseases.
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Retino-cortical stimulus frequency-dependent gamma coupling: evidence and functional implications of oscillatory potentials.
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Theta-band oscillatory activity differs between gamblers and nongamblers comorbid with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in a probabilistic reward-learning task.
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The relationship between childhood aerobic fitness and brain functional connectivity.
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Assessing cortical synchronization during transcranial direct current stimulation: A graph-theoretical analysis.
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BOLD signal effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) in the alpha range: A concurrent tACS-fMRI study.
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Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on the functional coupling of the sensorimotor cortical network.
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Modulation of motor inhibition by subthalamic stimulation in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
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Involvement of the Serotonin Transporter Gene in Accurate Subcortical Speech Encoding.
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The different oscillation patterns of alpha band in the early and later stages of working memory maintenance.
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A Cross-Correlational Analysis between Electroencephalographic and End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Signals: Methodological Issues in the Presence of Missing Data and Real Data Results.
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Cerebellar theta burst stimulation modulates the neural activity of interconnected parietal and motor areas.
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New Flexible Silicone-Based EEG Dry Sensor Material Compositions Exhibiting Improvements in Lifespan, Conductivity, and Reliability.
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Electroencephalographic Response to Sodium Nitrite May Predict Delayed Cerebral Ischemia After Severe Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.
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Functional brain microstate predicts the outcome in a visuospatial working memory task.
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Musical training shapes neural responses to melodic and prosodic expectation.
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Selective activation of alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors augments hippocampal oscillations.
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Tracking cognitive processing stages with MEG: A spatio-temporal model of associative recognition in the brain.
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Using temporally aligned event-related potentials for the investigation of attention shifts prior to and during saccades.
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Spatiotemporal neurodynamics of automatic temporal expectancy in 9-month old infants.
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EEG Spectral Dynamics of Video Commercials: Impact of the Narrative on the Branding Product Preference.
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Evolutionary origins of non-adjacent sequence processing in primate brain potentials.
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Exploring time- and frequency- dependent functional connectivity and brain networks during deception with single-trial event-related potentials.
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Dual array EEG-fMRI: An approach for motion artifact suppression in EEG recorded simultaneously with fMRI.
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Language-related cerebral oscillatory changes are influenced equally by genetic and environmental factors.
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Timing predictability enhances regularity encoding in the human subcortical auditory pathway.
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Hippocampal strata theta oscillations change their frequency and coupling during spatial learning.
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Embodied neurofeedback with an anthropomorphic robotic hand.
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Global gain modulation generates time-dependent urgency during perceptual choice in humans.
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5-HTTLPR polymorphism is linked to neural mechanisms of selective attention in preschoolers from lower socioeconomic status backgrounds.
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Alpha phase dynamics predict age-related visual working memory decline.
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Brain dynamics of post-task resting state are influenced by expertise: Insights from baseball players.
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Depressive rumination and the emotional control circuit: An EEG localization and effective connectivity study.
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Direct gaze facilitates rapid orienting to faces: Evidence from express saccades and saccadic potentials.
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Electrophysiological signatures of event words: Dissociating syntactic and semantic category effects in lexical processing.
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Navigating abstract virtual environment: an eeg study.
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NIRS-EEG joint imaging during transcranial direct current stimulation: Online parameter estimation with an autoregressive model.
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Real-time EEG artifact correction during fMRI using ICA.
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Resting-state EEG power and coherence vary between migraine phases.
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Spike-timing-dependent plasticity in the human dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex.
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Individuation of objects and object parts rely on the same neuronal mechanism.
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On cross-frequency phase-phase coupling between theta and gamma oscillations in the hippocampus.
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Cerebral and neural regulation of cardiovascular activity during mental stress.
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Acoustic Enhancement of Sleep Slow Oscillations and Concomitant Memory Improvement in Older Adults.
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Activation of dominant hemisphere association cortex during naming as a function of cognitive performance in mild traumatic brain injury: Insights into mechanisms of lexical access.
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Classifying Schizotypy Using an Audiovisual Emotion Perception Test and Scalp Electroencephalography.
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Novel behavioral indicator of explicit awareness reveals temporal course of frontoparietal neural network facilitation during motor learning.
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Reward Dependent Invigoration Relates to Theta Oscillations and Is Predicted by Dopaminergic Midbrain Integrity in Healthy Elderly.
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Selective Attention Enhances Beta-Band Cortical Oscillation to Speech under "Cocktail-Party" Listening Conditions.
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Sequential Modulations in a Combined Horizontal and Vertical Simon Task: Is There ERP Evidence for Feature Integration Effects?
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Short-term EEG dynamics and neural generators evoked by navigational images.
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Slower EEG alpha generation, synchronization and "flow"-possible biomarkers of cognitive impairment and neuropathology of minor stroke.
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The Frontal Area with Higher Frequency Response Is the Principal Feature of Laser-Evoked Potentials in Rats with Chronic Inflammatory Pain: A Parallel Factor Analysis Study.
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The impact of hyperoxia on brain activity: A resting-state and task-evoked electroencephalography (EEG) study.
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The role of temporal predictability for early attentional adjustments after conflict.
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The spectral features of EEG responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation of the primary motor cortex depend on the amplitude of the motor evoked potentials.
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Topological Filtering of Dynamic Functional Brain Networks Unfolds Informative Chronnectomics: A Novel Data-Driven Thresholding Scheme Based on Orthogonal Minimal Spanning Trees (OMSTs).
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Tradeoff between User Experience and BCI Classification Accuracy with Frequency Modulated Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials.
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Two Aspects of Activation: Arousal and Subjective Significance - Behavioral and Event-Related Potential Correlates Investigated by Means of a Modified Emotional Stroop Task.
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Upper limb movements can be decoded from the time-domain of low-frequency EEG.
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Using Brain Oscillations and Corticospinal Excitability to Understand and Predict Post-Stroke Motor Function.
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Walking through Architectural Spaces: The Impact of Interior Forms on Human Brain Dynamics.
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What drives slow wave activity during early non-REM sleep: Learning during prior wake or effort?
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Magnetoencephalography study of different relationships among low- and high-frequency-band neural activities during the induction of peaceful and fearful audiovisual modalities among males and females.
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Decreased empathy response to other people's pain in bipolar disorder: evidence from an event-related potential study.
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A motion-classification strategy based on sEMG-EEG signal combination for upper-limb amputees.
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Feeling Touched: Emotional Modulation of Somatosensory Potentials to Interpersonal Touch.
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Highly Stable Glassy Carbon Interfaces for Long-Term Neural Stimulation and Low-Noise Recording of Brain Activity.
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Dyslexics' faster decay of implicit memory for sounds and words is manifested in their shorter neural adaptation.
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Effects of Video Game Training on Behavioral and Electrophysiological Measures of Attention and Memory: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.
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Cortical Correlates of the Auditory Frequency-Following and Onset Responses: EEG and fMRI Evidence.
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Effects of acoustic periodicity and intelligibility on the neural oscillations in response to speech.
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New insights into insight: Neurophysiological correlates of the difference between the intrinsic "aha" and the extrinsic "oh yes" moment.
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Age-related changes in sleep EEG are attenuated in highly intelligent individuals.
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Altered patterns of directed connectivity within the reading network of dyslexic children and their relation to reading dysfluency.
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Category-specific features and valence in action-effect prediction: An EEG study.
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Characterization of infant mu rhythm immediately before crawling: A high-resolution EEG study.
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Cognitive manipulation of brain electric microstates.
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Neural cascade of conflict processing: Not just time-on-task.
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Phase-amplitude coupling and the BOLD signal: A simultaneous intracranial EEG (icEEG) - fMRI study in humans performing a finger-tapping task.
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Practice Makes Efficient: Cortical Alpha Oscillations Are Associated With Improved Golf Putting Performance.
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Pre-stimulus alpha oscillations over somatosensory cortex predict tactile misperceptions.
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Relationship of P3b single-trial latencies and response times in one, two, and three-stimulus oddball tasks.
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Selective rehearsal is affected by the emotionality of the encoding context in item-method directed forgetting: An event-related potential study.
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Stimulation of subgenual cingulate area decreases limbic top-down effect on ventral visual stream: A DBS-EEG pilot study.
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Stimulation of the medial septum improves performance in spatial learning following pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus.
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The role of cortical sensorimotor oscillations in action anticipation.
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Transitioning EEG experiments away from the laboratory using a Raspberry Pi 2.
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Visual cortex responses reflect temporal structure of continuous quasi-rhythmic sensory stimulation.
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Visually guided auditory attention in a dynamic "cocktail-party" speech perception task: ERP evidence for age-related differences.
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Amygdala-hippocampal dynamics during salient information processing.
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Posterior alpha EEG Dynamics Dissociate Current from Future Goals in Working Memory-Guided Visual Search.
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Tau Pathology Induces Excitatory Neuron Loss, Grid Cell Dysfunction, and Spatial Memory Deficits Reminiscent of Early Alzheimer's Disease.
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Development and Experimental Validation of a Dry Non-Invasive Multi-Channel Mouse Scalp EEG Sensor through Visual Evoked Potential Recordings.
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EEG correlates of working memory performance in females.
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Aging and risky decision-making: New ERP evidence from the Iowa Gambling Task.
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Beta-band activity represents the recent past during episodic encoding.
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Duration adaptation modulates EEG correlates of subsequent temporal encoding.
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Serotonergic modulation of septo-hippocampal and septo-mammillary theta activity during spatial learning, in the rat.
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Characterization of the influence of age on GABAA and glutamatergic mediated functions in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex using paired-pulse TMS-EEG.
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Visual form predictions facilitate auditory processing at the N1.
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Speech-specific categorical perception deficit in autism: An Event-Related Potential study of lexical tone processing in Mandarin-speaking children.
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Effects of touch on emotional face processing: A study of event-related potentials, facial EMG and cardiac activity.
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Electrophysiological Correlates of Word Retrieval in Traumatic Brain Injury.
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Enhanced Memory Consolidation Via Automatic Sound Stimulation During Non-REM Sleep.
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Event-related potentials and neural oscillations dissociate levels of cognitive control.
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Familiarity effects in EEG-based emotion recognition.
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Temporal orienting precedes intersensory attention and has opposing effects on early evoked brain activity.
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Visual statistical learning is related to natural language ability in adults: An ERP study.
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Somatic Mutations in TSC1 and TSC2 Cause Focal Cortical Dysplasia.
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Detecting changes in dynamic and complex acoustic environments.
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The rhythms of predictive coding? Pre-stimulus phase modulates the influence of shape perception on luminance judgments.
Description: Han, Biao, et al. The rhythms of predictive coding? Pre-stimulus phase modulates the influence of shape perception on luminance judgments. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Mar 6; '''7''': 43573
EEG in the classroom: Synchronised neural recordings during video presentation.
Description: Poulsen, Andreas Trier, et al. EEG in the classroom: Synchronised neural recordings during video presentation. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Mar 7; '''7''': 43916
Entorhinal-CA3 Dual-Input Control of Spike Timing in the Hippocampus by Theta-Gamma Coupling.
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Infant frontal EEG asymmetry in relation with postnatal maternal depression and parenting behavior.
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Goal-Directed and Habit-Like Modulations of Stimulus Processing during Reinforcement Learning.
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Recording the human brainstem frequency-following-response in the free-field.
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Diagonal movement of the upper limb produces greater adaptive plasticity than sagittal plane flexion in the shoulder.
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The processing of body expressions during emotional scenes: the modulation role of attachment styles.
Description: Ma, Yuanxiao, et al. The processing of body expressions during emotional scenes: the modulation role of attachment styles. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Mar 17; '''7''': 44740
Spectral-temporal EEG dynamics of speech discrimination processing in infants during sleep.
Description: Gilley, Phillip M, et al. Spectral-temporal EEG dynamics of speech discrimination processing in infants during sleep. ''BMC Neurosci''. 2017 Mar 22; '''18''' (1):34
Working memory load modulates the neural response to other's pain: Evidence from an ERP study.
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Average activity, but not variability, is the dominant factor in the representation of object categories in the brain.
Description: Karimi-Rouzbahani, Hamid, et al. Average activity, but not variability, is the dominant factor in the representation of object categories in the brain. ''Neuroscience''. 2017 Mar 27; '''346''': 14-28
Oscillatory EEG activity induced by conditioning stimuli during fear conditioning reflects Salience and Valence of these stimuli more than Expectancy.
Description: Chien, J H, et al. Oscillatory EEG activity induced by conditioning stimuli during fear conditioning reflects Salience and Valence of these stimuli more than Expectancy. ''Neuroscience''. 2017 Mar 27; '''346''': 81-93
Spinal cord stimulation modulates frontal delta and gamma in patients of minimally consciousness state.
Description: Bai, Yang, et al. Spinal cord stimulation modulates frontal delta and gamma in patients of minimally consciousness state. ''Neuroscience''. 2017 Mar 27; '''346''': 247-254
Event-related potential data from a guess the number brain-computer interface experiment on school children.
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Comparative analysis of the electroencephalogram in patients with Alzheimer's disease, diffuse axonal injury patients and healthy controls using LORETA analysis.
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Dyslexia risk gene relates to representation of sound in the auditory brainstem.
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EEG neural correlates of goal-directed movement intention.
Description: Pereira, Joana, et al. EEG neural correlates of goal-directed movement intention. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Apr 1; '''149''': 129-140
Electroencephalographic frontal synchrony and caudal asynchrony during painful hand immersion in cold water.
Description: Levitt, Joshua, et al. Electroencephalographic frontal synchrony and caudal asynchrony during painful hand immersion in cold water. ''Brain Res Bull''. 2017 Apr; '''130''': 75-80
Eye-tracking the time-course of novel word learning and lexical competition in adults and children.
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Interrelation of attention and prediction in visual processing: Effects of task-relevance and stimulus probability.
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Local and interregional alpha EEG dynamics dissociate between memory for search and memory for recognition.
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Persistently active neurons in human medial frontal and medial temporal lobe support working memory.
Description: Kaminski, Jan, et al. Persistently active neurons in human medial frontal and medial temporal lobe support working memory. ''Nat Neurosci''. 2017 Apr; '''20''' (4):590-601
Sequence learning modulates neural responses and oscillatory coupling in human and monkey auditory cortex.
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Visual object separation resolves competitive interactions in somatosensory cortex evoked signals during concurrent vibrotactile stimulation of the left and right hand.
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EEG-Based Cognitive Control Behaviour Assessment: an Ecological study with Professional Air Traffic Controllers.
Description: Borghini, Gianluca, et al. EEG-Based Cognitive Control Behaviour Assessment: an Ecological study with Professional Air Traffic Controllers. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Apr 3; '''7''' (1):547
Theta Oscillations Rapidly Convey Odor-Specific Content in Human Piriform Cortex.
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A resource for assessing information processing in the developing brain using EEG and eye tracking.
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Decoding the encoding of functional brain networks: An fMRI classification comparison of non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), independent component analysis (ICA), and sparse coding algorithms.
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Involuntary orienting of attention to a sound desynchronizes the occipital alpha rhythm and improves visual perception.
Description: Feng, Wenfeng, et al. Involuntary orienting of attention to a sound desynchronizes the occipital alpha rhythm and improves visual perception. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Apr 15; '''150''': 318-328
Effect of tDCS stimulation of motor cortex and cerebellum on EEG classification of motor imagery and sensorimotor band power.
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Attentional selection predicts rapid automatized naming ability in Chinese-speaking children with ADHD.
Description: Wang, Encong, et al. Attentional selection predicts rapid automatized naming ability in Chinese-speaking children with ADHD. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Apr 20; '''7''' (1):939
The neural dynamics underlying the interpersonal effects of emotional expression on decision making.
Description: Chen, Xuhai, et al. The neural dynamics underlying the interpersonal effects of emotional expression on decision making. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Apr 20; '''7''': 46651
Age-related deficits in auditory temporal processing: unique contributions of neural dyssynchrony and slowed neuronal processing.
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Atypical Processing of Gaze Cues and Faces Explains Comorbidity between Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
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Cortical dynamics of disfluency in adults who stutter.
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Mood congruent tuning of reward expectation in positive mood: evidence from FRN and theta modulations.
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Online neural monitoring of statistical learning.
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The Cognitive Role of the Globus Pallidus interna; Insights from Disease States.
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Work first then play: Prior task difficulty increases motivation-related brain responses in a risk game.
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Neural Correlates of Semantic Prediction and Resolution in Sentence Processing.
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Hard-wired feed-forward visual mechanisms of the brain compensate for affine variations in object recognition.
Description: Karimi-Rouzbahani, Hamid, et al. Hard-wired feed-forward visual mechanisms of the brain compensate for affine variations in object recognition. ''Neuroscience''. 2017 May 4; '''349''': 48-63
Spectral analysis highlight developmental EEG changes in preterm infants without overt brain damage.
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Deactivation in the posterior mid-cingulate cortex reflects perceptual transitions during binocular rivalry: Evidence from simultaneous EEG-fMRI.
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Distinct roles of theta and alpha oscillations in the involuntary capture of goal-directed attention.
Description: Harris, Anthony M, et al. Distinct roles of theta and alpha oscillations in the involuntary capture of goal-directed attention. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 May 15; '''152''': 171-183
Multivariate EEG analyses support high-resolution tracking of feature-based attentional selection.
Description: Fahrenfort, Johannes Jacobus, et al. Multivariate EEG analyses support high-resolution tracking of feature-based attentional selection. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 May 15; '''7''' (1):1886
Decoding material-specific memory reprocessing during sleep in humans.
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Reduced Mismatch Negativity is Associated with Increased Plasma Level of Glutamate in First-episode Psychosis.
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Being First Matters: Topographical Representational Similarity Analysis of ERP Signals Reveals Separate Networks for Audiovisual Temporal Binding Depending on the Leading Sense.
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Coordination of cortical and thalamic activity during non-REM sleep in humans.
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Delta coherence in resting-state EEG predicts the reduction in cigarette craving after hypnotic aversion suggestions.
Description: Li, Xiaoming, et al. Delta coherence in resting-state EEG predicts the reduction in cigarette craving after hypnotic aversion suggestions. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 May 25; '''7''' (1):2430
Differences in Resting-state Quantitative Electroencephalography Patterns in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder with or without Comorbid Symptoms.
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Tracking Real-Time Changes in Working Memory Updating and Gating with the Event-Based Eye-Blink Rate.
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Age-related changes in neural oscillations supporting context memory retrieval.
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Altered visual repetition suppression in Fragile X Syndrome: New evidence from ERPs and oscillatory activity.
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Anticipatory representations of reward and threat in perceptual areas from preadolescence to late adolescence.
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Can Evolutionary-based Brain Map Be Used as a Complementary Diagnostic Tool with fMRI, CT and PET for Schizophrenic Patients?
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Dynamic hidden states underlying working-memory-guided behavior.
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EEG Mu (micro) rhythm spectra and oscillatory activity differentiate stuttering from non-stuttering adults.
Description: Saltuklaroglu, Tim, et al. EEG Mu (micro) rhythm spectra and oscillatory activity differentiate stuttering from non-stuttering adults. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Jun; '''153''': 232-245
Increased visual task difficulty enhances attentional capture by both visual and auditory distractor stimuli.
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Temporal signatures of processing voiceness and emotion in sound.
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The neural correlates of dreaming.
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Visual stimuli approaching toward the body influence temporal expectations about subsequent somatosensory stimuli.
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The dynamic functional core network of the human brain at rest.
Description: Kabbara, A, et al. The dynamic functional core network of the human brain at rest. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Jun 7; '''7''' (1):2936
Zebrafish as an animal model in epilepsy studies with multichannel EEG recordings.
Description: Cho, Sung-Joon, et al. Zebrafish as an animal model in epilepsy studies with multichannel EEG recordings. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Jun 8; '''7''' (1):3099
Age-related delay in visual and auditory evoked responses is mediated by white- and grey-matter differences.
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Females are sensitive to unpleasant human emotions regardless of the emotional context of photographs.
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Bidirectional Frontoparietal Oscillatory Systems Support Working Memory.
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Brain-to-brain entrainment: EEG interbrain synchronization while speaking and listening.
Description: Perez, Alejandro, et al. Brain-to-brain entrainment: EEG interbrain synchronization while speaking and listening. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Jun 23; '''7''' (1):4190
Separability of motor imagery of the self from interpretation of motor intentions of others at the single trial level: an EEG study.
Description: Andrade, Joao, et al. Separability of motor imagery of the self from interpretation of motor intentions of others at the single trial level: an EEG study. ''J Neuroeng Rehabil''. 2017 Jun 26; '''14''' (1):63
EEG correlates of sensorimotor processing: independent components involved in sensory and motor processing.
Description: Melnik, Andrew, et al. EEG correlates of sensorimotor processing: independent components involved in sensory and motor processing. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Jun 30; '''7''' (1):4461
Are the literacy difficulties that characterize developmental dyslexia associated with a failure to integrate letters and speech sounds?
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Brain source localization of MMN and P300 ERPs in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: a high-density EEG approach.
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Does emotion change auditory prediction and deviance detection?
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Music-induced positive mood broadens the scope of auditory attention.
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Physiological noise correction using ECG-derived respiratory signals for enhanced mapping of spontaneous neuronal activity with simultaneous EEG-fMRI.
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Unveiling Fast Field Oscillations through Comodulation.
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The impact of visual gaze direction on auditory object tracking.
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The Power of mind: Blocking visual perception by hypnosis.
Description: Schmidt, B, et al. The Power of mind: Blocking visual perception by hypnosis. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Jul 7; '''7''' (1):4889
Event-related potentials during encoding: Comparing unitization to relational processing.
Description: Tu, Hsiao-Wei, et al. Event-related potentials during encoding: Comparing unitization to relational processing. ''Brain Res''. 2017 Jul 15; '''1667''': 46-54
Neural oscillations associated with auditory duration maintenance in working memory.
Description: Yu, Xiaolin, et al. Neural oscillations associated with auditory duration maintenance in working memory. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Jul 18; '''7''' (1):5695
Increased neural noise and impaired brain synchronization in fibromyalgia patients during cognitive interference.
Description: Gonzalez-Villar, A J, et al. Increased neural noise and impaired brain synchronization in fibromyalgia patients during cognitive interference. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Jul 19; '''7''' (1):5841
Primary phonological planning units in spoken word production are language-specific: Evidence from an ERP study.
Description: Wang, Jie, et al. Primary phonological planning units in spoken word production are language-specific: Evidence from an ERP study. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Jul 19; '''7''' (1):5815
Human hippocampal pre-activation predicts behavior.
Description: Jafarpour, Anna, et al. Human hippocampal pre-activation predicts behavior. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Jul 20; '''7''' (1):5959
Internal mechanisms underlying anticipatory language processing: Evidence from event-related-potentials and neural oscillations.
Description: Li, Xiaoqing, et al. Internal mechanisms underlying anticipatory language processing: Evidence from event-related-potentials and neural oscillations. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2017 Jul 28; '''102''': 70-81
Active auditory experience in infancy promotes brain plasticity in Theta and Gamma oscillations.
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A novel form of perceptual attunement: Context-dependent perception of a native contrast in 14-month-old infants.
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Attentional capture in visual search: Capture and post-capture dynamics revealed by EEG.
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Decoding Saccadic Directions Using Epidural ECoG in Non-Human Primates.
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Development of selective attention in preschool-age children from lower socioeconomic status backgrounds.
Description: Hampton Wray, Amanda, et al. Development of selective attention in preschool-age children from lower socioeconomic status backgrounds. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2017 Aug; '''26''': 101-111
Domain-general neural correlates of dependency formation: Using complex tones to simulate language.
Description: Brilmayer, Ingmar, et al. Domain-general neural correlates of dependency formation: Using complex tones to simulate language. ''Cortex''. 2017 Aug; '''93''': 50-67
Effects of musical expertise on oscillatory brain activity in response to emotional sounds.
Description: Nolden, Sophie, et al. Effects of musical expertise on oscillatory brain activity in response to emotional sounds. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2017 Aug; '''103''': 96-105
Evaluation of a novel median power spectrogram for seizure detection by non-neurophysiologists.
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Gamma power in rural Pakistani children: Links to executive function and verbal ability.
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Investigation of alpha band of the electroencephalogram before and after a task of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation.
Description: Costa, Luan Correia, et al. Investigation of alpha band of the electroencephalogram before and after a task of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. ''J Exerc Rehabil''. 2017 Aug; '''13''' (4):418-424
Object segmentation controls image reconstruction from natural scenes.
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Proactive control in early and middle childhood: An ERP study.
Description: Elke, Sarah, et al. Proactive control in early and middle childhood: An ERP study. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2017 Aug; '''26''': 28-38
The P3 and the subjective experience of time.
Description: Ernst, Benjamin, et al. The P3 and the subjective experience of time. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2017 Aug; '''103''': 12-19
Formation and suppression of acoustic memories during human sleep.
Description: Andrillon, Thomas, et al. Formation and suppression of acoustic memories during human sleep. ''Nat Commun''. 2017 Aug 8; '''8''' (1):179
Physiological artifacts in scalp EEG and ear-EEG.
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Protocol study for a randomised, controlled, double-blind, clinical trial involving virtual reality and anodal transcranial direct current stimulation for the improvement of upper limb motor function in children with Down syndrome.
Description: Lopes, Jamile Benite Palma, et al. Protocol study for a randomised, controlled, double-blind, clinical trial involving virtual reality and anodal transcranial direct current stimulation for the improvement of upper limb motor function in children with Down syndrome. ''BMJ Open''. 2017 Aug 11; '''7''' (8):e016260
Amygdala activity associated with social choice in mice.
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Age-related changes of cortical excitability and connectivity in healthy humans: non-invasive evaluation of sensorimotor network by means of TMS-EEG.
Description: Ferreri, Florinda, et al. Age-related changes of cortical excitability and connectivity in healthy humans: non-invasive evaluation of sensorimotor network by means of TMS-EEG. ''Neuroscience''. 2017 Aug 15; '''357''': 255-263
Decision ambiguity is mediated by a late positive potential originating from cingulate cortex.
Description: Sun, Sai, et al. Decision ambiguity is mediated by a late positive potential originating from cingulate cortex. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Aug 15; '''157''': 400-414
Development of the error-monitoring system from ages 9-35: Unique insight provided by MRI-constrained source localization of EEG.
Description: Buzzell, George A, et al. Development of the error-monitoring system from ages 9-35: Unique insight provided by MRI-constrained source localization of EEG. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Aug 15; '''157''': 13-26
Neural dynamics of two players when using nonverbal cues to gauge intentions to cooperate during the Prisoner's Dilemma Game.
Description: Jahng, Jaehwan, et al. Neural dynamics of two players when using nonverbal cues to gauge intentions to cooperate during the Prisoner's Dilemma Game. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Aug 15; '''157''': 263-274
Neurobiological correlates of impulsivity in healthy adults: Lower prefrontal gray matter volume and spontaneous eye-blink rate but greater resting-state functional connectivity in basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical circuitry.
Description: Korponay, Cole, et al. Neurobiological correlates of impulsivity in healthy adults: Lower prefrontal gray matter volume and spontaneous eye-blink rate but greater resting-state functional connectivity in basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical circuitry. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Aug 15; '''157''': 288-296
Numerosity processing in early visual cortex.
Description: Fornaciai, Michele, et al. Numerosity processing in early visual cortex. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Aug 15; '''157''': 429-438
Cortical and Subcortical Coordination of Visual Spatial Attention Revealed by Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Recording.
Description: Green, Jessica J, et al. Cortical and Subcortical Coordination of Visual Spatial Attention Revealed by Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Recording. ''J Neurosci''. 2017 Aug 16; '''37''' (33):7803-7810
Electrophysiological Evidence That the Retrosplenial Cortex Displays a Strong and Specific Activation Phased with Hippocampal Theta during Paradoxical (REM) Sleep.
Description: Koike, Bruna Del Vechio, et al. Electrophysiological Evidence That the Retrosplenial Cortex Displays a Strong and Specific Activation Phased with Hippocampal Theta during Paradoxical (REM) Sleep. ''J Neurosci''. 2017 Aug 16; '''37''' (33):8003-8013
Asymmetry of the temporal code for space by hippocampal place cells.
Description: Souza, Bryan C, et al. Asymmetry of the temporal code for space by hippocampal place cells. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Aug 17; '''7''' (1):8507
Real-time EEG-based brain-computer interface to a virtual avatar enhances cortical involvement in human treadmill walking.
Description: Luu, Trieu Phat, et al. Real-time EEG-based brain-computer interface to a virtual avatar enhances cortical involvement in human treadmill walking. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Aug 21; '''7''' (1):8895
Differential neurophysiological correlates of information processing in Internet gaming disorder and alcohol use disorder measured by event-related potentials.
Description: Park, Minkyung, et al. Differential neurophysiological correlates of information processing in Internet gaming disorder and alcohol use disorder measured by event-related potentials. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Aug 22; '''7''' (1):9062
EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interface for Decoding Motor Imagery Tasks within the Same Hand Using Choi-Williams Time-Frequency Distribution.
Description: Alazrai, Rami, et al. EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interface for Decoding Motor Imagery Tasks within the Same Hand Using Choi-Williams Time-Frequency Distribution. ''Sensors (Basel)''. 2017 Aug 23; '''17''' (9):
Electroencephalographic theta oscillatory dynamics reveal attentional bias to angry faces.
Description: Diao, Liuting, et al. Electroencephalographic theta oscillatory dynamics reveal attentional bias to angry faces. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2017 Aug 24; '''656''': 31-36
Spatiotemporal changes in regularity of gamma oscillations contribute to focal ictogenesis.
Description: Sato, Yosuke, et al. Spatiotemporal changes in regularity of gamma oscillations contribute to focal ictogenesis. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Aug 24; '''7''' (1):9362
Segregating Top-Down Selective Attention from Response Inhibition in a Spatial Cueing Go/NoGo Task: An ERP and Source Localization Study.
Description: Hong, Xiangfei, et al. Segregating Top-Down Selective Attention from Response Inhibition in a Spatial Cueing Go/NoGo Task: An ERP and Source Localization Study. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Aug 29; '''7''' (1):9662
Implicit predictions of future rewards and their electrophysiological correlates.
Description: Trimber, Elizabeth M, et al. Implicit predictions of future rewards and their electrophysiological correlates. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2017 Aug 30; '''333''': 184-191
A Hybrid Approach to Detect Driver Drowsiness Utilizing Physiological Signals to Improve System Performance and Wearability.
Description: Awais, Muhammad, et al. A Hybrid Approach to Detect Driver Drowsiness Utilizing Physiological Signals to Improve System Performance and Wearability. ''Sensors (Basel)''. 2017 Aug 31; '''17''' (9):
Brain connectivity during encoding and retrieval of spatial information: individual differences in navigation skills.
Description: Sharma, Greeshma, et al. Brain connectivity during encoding and retrieval of spatial information: individual differences in navigation skills. ''Brain Inform''. 2017 Sep; '''4''' (3):207-217
Changing similarity: Stable and flexible modulations of psychological dimensions.
Description: Dieciuc, Michael, et al. Changing similarity: Stable and flexible modulations of psychological dimensions. ''Brain Res''. 2017 Sep 1; '''1670''': 208-219
Common and distinct neural mechanisms associated with the conscious experience of vicarious pain.
Description: Grice-Jackson, Thomas, et al. Common and distinct neural mechanisms associated with the conscious experience of vicarious pain. ''Cortex''. 2017 Sep; '''94''': 152-163
Development of sensitivity to orthographic errors in children: An event-related potential study.
Description: Heldmann, Marcus, et al. Development of sensitivity to orthographic errors in children: An event-related potential study. ''Neuroscience''. 2017 Sep 1; '''358''': 349-360
Inferring synaptic excitation/inhibition balance from field potentials.
Description: Gao, Richard, et al. Inferring synaptic excitation/inhibition balance from field potentials. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Sep; '''158''': 70-78
Mechanisms of Memory Retrieval in Slow-Wave Sleep.
Description: Cairney, Scott A, et al. Mechanisms of Memory Retrieval in Slow-Wave Sleep. ''Sleep''. 2017 Sep 1; '''40''' (9):
Predicting semantic features in Chinese: Evidence from ERPs.
Description: Kwon, Nayoung, et al. Predicting semantic features in Chinese: Evidence from ERPs. ''Cognition''. 2017 Sep; '''166''': 433-446
Sustained dysfunctional information processing in patients with Internet gaming disorder: 6-month follow-up ERP study.
Description: Park, Minkyung, et al. Sustained dysfunctional information processing in patients with Internet gaming disorder: 6-month follow-up ERP study. ''Medicine (Baltimore)''. 2017 Sep; '''96''' (36):e7995
Temporal dynamics of reward anticipation in the human brain.
Description: Zhang, Yuanyuan, et al. Temporal dynamics of reward anticipation in the human brain. ''Biol Psychol''. 2017 Sep; '''128''': 89-97
Tuned by experience: How orientation probability modulates early perceptual processing.
Description: Jabar, Syaheed B, et al. Tuned by experience: How orientation probability modulates early perceptual processing. ''Vision Res''. 2017 Sep; '''138''': 86-96
Widespread neural oscillations in the delta band dissociate rule convergence from rule divergence during creative idea generation.
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Spatial localization of sound elicits early responses from occipital visual cortex in humans.
Description: Campus, Claudio, et al. Spatial localization of sound elicits early responses from occipital visual cortex in humans. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Sep 5; '''7''' (1):10415
Time-Frequency Analysis of Mu Rhythm Activity during Picture and Video Action Naming Tasks.
Description: Cuellar, Megan E, et al. Time-Frequency Analysis of Mu Rhythm Activity during Picture and Video Action Naming Tasks. ''Brain Sci''. 2017 Sep 6; '''7''' (9):
A somatotopic bidirectional hand prosthesis with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation based sensory feedback.
Description: D'Anna, Edoardo, et al. A somatotopic bidirectional hand prosthesis with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation based sensory feedback. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Sep 7; '''7''' (1):10930
A brain-computer interface driven by imagining different force loads on a single hand: an online feasibility study.
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Theta waves in children's waking electroencephalogram resemble local aspects of sleep during wakefulness.
Description: Fattinger, Sara, et al. Theta waves in children's waking electroencephalogram resemble local aspects of sleep during wakefulness. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Sep 11; '''7''' (1):11187
Decoding finger movement in humans using synergy of EEG cortical current signals.
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A Screening Mechanism Differentiating True from False Pain during Empathy.
Description: Sun, Ya-Bin, et al. A Screening Mechanism Differentiating True from False Pain during Empathy. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Sep 13; '''7''' (1):11492
Early maternal mirroring predicts infant motor system activation during facial expression observation.
Description: Rayson, Holly, et al. Early maternal mirroring predicts infant motor system activation during facial expression observation. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Sep 15; '''7''' (1):11738
Automatic detection of orientation variance.
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Enhanced Neonatal Brain Responses To Sung Streams Predict Vocabulary Outcomes By Age 18 Months.
Description: Francois, Clement, et al. Enhanced Neonatal Brain Responses To Sung Streams Predict Vocabulary Outcomes By Age 18 Months. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Sep 29; '''7''' (1):12451
Bilinguals have more complex EEG brain signals in occipital regions than monolinguals.
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Breakdown of long-range temporal correlations in brain oscillations during general anesthesia.
Description: Krzeminski, Dominik, et al. Breakdown of long-range temporal correlations in brain oscillations during general anesthesia. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Oct 1; '''159''': 146-158
Decoding cognitive concepts from neuroimaging data using multivariate pattern analysis.
Description: Alizadeh, Sarah, et al. Decoding cognitive concepts from neuroimaging data using multivariate pattern analysis. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Oct 1; '''159''': 449-458
Event-related potential response to auditory social stimuli, parent-reported social communicative deficits and autism risk in school-aged children with congenital visual impairment.
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Event-related potentials discriminate familiar and unusual goal outcomes in 5-month-olds and adults.
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Frontoparietal theta oscillations during proactive control are associated with goal-updating and reduced behavioral variability.
Description: Cooper, Patrick S, et al. Frontoparietal theta oscillations during proactive control are associated with goal-updating and reduced behavioral variability. ''Biol Psychol''. 2017 Oct; '''129''': 253-264
Motor activation during action perception depends on action interpretation.
Description: Pomiechowska, Barbara, et al. Motor activation during action perception depends on action interpretation. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2017 Oct; '''105''': 84-91
Unidirectional brain to muscle connectivity reveals motor cortex control of leg muscles during stereotyped walking.
Description: Artoni, Fiorenzo, et al. Unidirectional brain to muscle connectivity reveals motor cortex control of leg muscles during stereotyped walking. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Oct 1; '''159''': 403-416
Estimation of overlapped Eye Fixation Related Potentials: The General Linear Model, a more flexible framework than the ADJAR algorithm.
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The human auditory brainstem response to running speech reveals a subcortical mechanism for selective attention.
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Feature Weight Driven Interactive Mutual Information Modeling for Heterogeneous Bio-Signal Fusion to Estimate Mental Workload.
Description: Zhang, Pengbo, et al. Feature Weight Driven Interactive Mutual Information Modeling for Heterogeneous Bio-Signal Fusion to Estimate Mental Workload. ''Sensors (Basel)''. 2017 Oct 12; '''17''' (10):
Music induced happy mood suppresses the neural responses to other's pain: Evidences from an ERP study.
Description: Cheng, Jiaping, et al. Music induced happy mood suppresses the neural responses to other's pain: Evidences from an ERP study. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Oct 12; '''7''' (1):13054
EEG topographies provide subject-specific correlates of motor control.
Description: Pirondini, Elvira, et al. EEG topographies provide subject-specific correlates of motor control. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Oct 16; '''7''' (1):13229
A category-specific top-down attentional set can affect the neural responses outside the current focus of attention.
Description: Jiang, Yunpeng, et al. A category-specific top-down attentional set can affect the neural responses outside the current focus of attention. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2017 Oct 17; '''659''': 80-85
Dysfunctional Early Processing of Facial Expressions in Hazardous Drinkers: Evidence from an ERP Study.
Description: Zhang, Hui, et al. Dysfunctional Early Processing of Facial Expressions in Hazardous Drinkers: Evidence from an ERP Study. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Oct 17; '''7''' (1):13360
Modulating hemispheric lateralization by brain stimulation yields gain in mental and physical activity.
Description: Zich, Catharina, et al. Modulating hemispheric lateralization by brain stimulation yields gain in mental and physical activity. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Oct 18; '''7''' (1):13430
An integrated EEG and eye-tracking approach for the study of responding and initiating joint attention in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Description: Billeci, Lucia, et al. An integrated EEG and eye-tracking approach for the study of responding and initiating joint attention in Autism Spectrum Disorders. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Oct 19; '''7''' (1):13560
Emotion Regulating Attentional Control Abnormalities In Major Depressive Disorder: An Event-Related Potential Study.
Description: Hu, Bin, et al. Emotion Regulating Attentional Control Abnormalities In Major Depressive Disorder: An Event-Related Potential Study. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Oct 19; '''7''' (1):13530
Alpha-Band Activity Reveals Spontaneous Representations of Spatial Position in Visual Working Memory.
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Alexithymia and emotional reactions to odors.
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Lateralized occipito-temporal N1 responses to images of salient distorted finger postures.
Description: Espirito Santo, Miguel G, et al. Lateralized occipito-temporal N1 responses to images of salient distorted finger postures. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Oct 26; '''7''' (1):14129
Vigilance behaviors and EEG activity in sustained attention may affect acute pain.
Description: Chien, J H, et al. Vigilance behaviors and EEG activity in sustained attention may affect acute pain. ''J Syst Integr Neurosci''. 2017 Nov; '''3''' (6):
Alcohol's effects on emotionally motivated attention, defensive reactivity and subjective anxiety during uncertain threats.
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Altered functional connectivity in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.
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A Neural Signature Encoding Decisions under Perceptual Ambiguity.
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Audio-visual synchrony and spatial attention enhance processing of dynamic visual stimulation independently and in parallel: A frequency-tagging study.
Description: Covic, Amra, et al. Audio-visual synchrony and spatial attention enhance processing of dynamic visual stimulation independently and in parallel: A frequency-tagging study. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Nov 1; '''161''': 32-42
BDNF as a possible modulator of EEG oscillatory response at the parietal cortex during visuo-tactile integration processes using a rubber hand.
Description: Hiramoto, Ryosuke, et al. BDNF as a possible modulator of EEG oscillatory response at the parietal cortex during visuo-tactile integration processes using a rubber hand. ''Neurosci Res''. 2017 Nov; '''124''': 16-24
Brain indices of disagreement with one's social values predict EU referendum voting behavior.
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Cellular and oscillatory substrates of fear extinction learning.
Description: Davis, Patrick, et al. Cellular and oscillatory substrates of fear extinction learning. ''Nat Neurosci''. 2017 Nov; '''20''' (11):1624-1633
Cortical networks for reference-frame processing are shared by language and spatial navigation systems.
Description: Vukovic, Nikola, et al. Cortical networks for reference-frame processing are shared by language and spatial navigation systems. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Nov 1; '''161''': 120-133
Early use of phonological codes in deaf readers: An ERP study.
Description: Gutierrez-Sigut, Eva, et al. Early use of phonological codes in deaf readers: An ERP study. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2017 Nov; '''106''': 261-279
Electrophysiology Reveals the Neural Dynamics of Naturalistic Auditory Language Processing: Event-Related Potentials Reflect Continuous Model Updates.
Description: Alday, Phillip M, et al. Electrophysiology Reveals the Neural Dynamics of Naturalistic Auditory Language Processing: Event-Related Potentials Reflect Continuous Model Updates. ''eNeuro''. 2017 Nov-Dec; '''4''' (6):
Evidence of activation of vagal afferents by non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation: An electrophysiological study in healthy volunteers.
Description: Nonis, Romain, et al. Evidence of activation of vagal afferents by non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation: An electrophysiological study in healthy volunteers. ''Cephalalgia''. 2017 Nov; '''37''' (13):1285-1293
Functional connectivity of the hippocampus to the thalamocortical circuitry in an animal model of absence seizures.
Description: Mousavi, Seyed Reza, et al. Functional connectivity of the hippocampus to the thalamocortical circuitry in an animal model of absence seizures. ''Epilepsy Res''. 2017 Nov; '''137''': 19-24
N1 responses to images of hands in occipito-temporal event-related potentials.
Description: Espirito Santo, Miguel Granja, et al. N1 responses to images of hands in occipito-temporal event-related potentials. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2017 Nov; '''106''': 83-89
Name conditioning in event-related brain potentials.
Description: Kotchoubey, Boris, et al. Name conditioning in event-related brain potentials. ''Neurobiol Learn Mem''. 2017 Nov; '''145''': 129-134
Neural processing of musical meter in musicians and non-musicians.
Description: Zhao, T Christina, et al. Neural processing of musical meter in musicians and non-musicians. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2017 Nov; '''106''': 289-297
Non-singleton colors are not attended faster than categories, but they are encoded faster: A combined approach of behavior, modeling and ERPs.
Description: Callahan-Flintoft, Chloe, et al. Non-singleton colors are not attended faster than categories, but they are encoded faster: A combined approach of behavior, modeling and ERPs. ''Vision Res''. 2017 Nov; '''140''': 106-119
Parsing the neural signatures of reduced error detection in older age.
Description: Harty, Siobhan, et al. Parsing the neural signatures of reduced error detection in older age. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Nov 1; '''161''': 43-55
Removing eye blink artefacts from EEG-A single-channel physiology-based method.
Description: Zhang, Shenghuan, et al. Removing eye blink artefacts from EEG-A single-channel physiology-based method. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2017 Nov 1; '''291''': 213-220
The Magnitude of Trial-By-Trial Neural Variability Is Reproducible over Time and across Tasks in Humans.
Description: Arazi, Ayelet, et al. The Magnitude of Trial-By-Trial Neural Variability Is Reproducible over Time and across Tasks in Humans. ''eNeuro''. 2017 Nov-Dec; '''4''' (6):
When speaker identity is unavoidable: Neural processing of speaker identity cues in natural speech.
Description: Tuninetti, Alba, et al. When speaker identity is unavoidable: Neural processing of speaker identity cues in natural speech. ''Brain Lang''. 2017 Nov; '''174''': 42-49
Attenuation of temporal correlations of neuronal oscillations in patients with mild spastic diplegia.
Description: Gao, Fei, et al. Attenuation of temporal correlations of neuronal oscillations in patients with mild spastic diplegia. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Nov 2; '''7''' (1):14966
Neuronal baseline shifts underlying boundary setting during free recall.
Description: Norman, Yitzhak, et al. Neuronal baseline shifts underlying boundary setting during free recall. ''Nat Commun''. 2017 Nov 3; '''8''' (1):1301
Circadian preference towards morningness is associated with lower slow sleep spindle amplitude and intensity in adolescents.
Description: Merikanto, Ilona, et al. Circadian preference towards morningness is associated with lower slow sleep spindle amplitude and intensity in adolescents. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Nov 6; '''7''' (1):14619
Gender composition mediates social facilitation effect in co-action condition.
Description: Liu, Na, et al. Gender composition mediates social facilitation effect in co-action condition. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Nov 8; '''7''' (1):15073
Coupling of Oxy- and Deoxyhemoglobin concentrations with EEG rhythms during motor task.
Description: Lachert, Piotr, et al. Coupling of Oxy- and Deoxyhemoglobin concentrations with EEG rhythms during motor task. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Nov 13; '''7''' (1):15414
Tactile Frequency-Specific High-Gamma Activities in Human Primary and Secondary Somatosensory Cortices.
Description: Ryun, Seokyun, et al. Tactile Frequency-Specific High-Gamma Activities in Human Primary and Secondary Somatosensory Cortices. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Nov 13; '''7''' (1):15442
Neurophysiological evidence for enhanced tactile acuity in early blindness in some but not all haptic tasks.
Description: Gurtubay-Antolin, Ane, et al. Neurophysiological evidence for enhanced tactile acuity in early blindness in some but not all haptic tasks. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Nov 15; '''162''': 23-31
Disrupted Brain Network in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Description: Zeng, Ke, et al. Disrupted Brain Network in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Nov 24; '''7''' (1):16253
Performance on emotional tasks engaging cognitive control depends on emotional intelligence abilities: an ERP study.
Description: Megias, A, et al. Performance on emotional tasks engaging cognitive control depends on emotional intelligence abilities: an ERP study. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Nov 27; '''7''' (1):16446
Exteroceptive expectations modulate interoceptive processing: repetition-suppression effects for visual and heartbeat evoked potentials.
Description: Marshall, Amanda C, et al. Exteroceptive expectations modulate interoceptive processing: repetition-suppression effects for visual and heartbeat evoked potentials. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Nov 28; '''7''' (1):16525
Fear boosts the early neural coding of faces.
Description: Turano, Maria Teresa, et al. Fear boosts the early neural coding of faces. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2017 Dec 1; '''12''' (12):1959-1971
Individual differences in EEG correlates of recognition memory due to DAT polymorphisms.
Description: Medrano, Paolo, et al. Individual differences in EEG correlates of recognition memory due to DAT polymorphisms. ''Brain Behav''. 2017 Dec; '''7''' (12):e00870
Network Properties in Transitions of Consciousness during Propofol-induced Sedation.
Description: Lee, Minji, et al. Network Properties in Transitions of Consciousness during Propofol-induced Sedation. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Dec 1; '''7''' (1):16791
Neural oscillatory mechanisms during novel grammar learning underlying language analytical abilities.
Description: Kepinska, Olga, et al. Neural oscillatory mechanisms during novel grammar learning underlying language analytical abilities. ''Brain Lang''. 2017 Dec; '''175''': 99-110
Persistent aberrant cortical phase-amplitude coupling following seizure treatment in absence epilepsy models.
Description: Maheshwari, Atul, et al. Persistent aberrant cortical phase-amplitude coupling following seizure treatment in absence epilepsy models. ''J Physiol''. 2017 Dec 1; '''595''' (23):7249-7260
Selective neuronal lapses precede human cognitive lapses following sleep deprivation.
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Spread the word: MMN brain response reveals whole-form access of discontinuous particle verbs.
Description: Hanna, Jeff, et al. Spread the word: MMN brain response reveals whole-form access of discontinuous particle verbs. ''Brain Lang''. 2017 Dec; '''175''': 86-98
The effect of illusionary perception on mismatch negativity (MMN): An electroencephalography study.
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The impact of GABAergic drugs on TMS-induced brain oscillations in human motor cortex.
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The right touch: Stroking of CT-innervated skin promotes vocal emotion processing.
Description: Schirmer, Annett, et al. The right touch: Stroking of CT-innervated skin promotes vocal emotion processing. ''Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci''. 2017 Dec; '''17''' (6):1129-1140
TMS-EEG reveals hemispheric asymmetries in top-down influences of posterior intraparietal cortex on behavior and visual event-related potentials.
Description: Koivisto, Mika, et al. TMS-EEG reveals hemispheric asymmetries in top-down influences of posterior intraparietal cortex on behavior and visual event-related potentials. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2017 Dec; '''107''': 94-101
Multicentre prospective randomised single-blind controlled study protocol of the effect of an additional parent-administered sensorimotor stimulation on neurological development of preterm infants: Primebrain.
Description: Pelc, Karine, et al. Multicentre prospective randomised single-blind controlled study protocol of the effect of an additional parent-administered sensorimotor stimulation on neurological development of preterm infants: Primebrain. ''BMJ Open''. 2017 Dec 3; '''7''' (12):e018084
Brain-to-Brain Synchrony during Naturalistic Social Interactions.
Description: Kinreich, Sivan, et al. Brain-to-Brain Synchrony during Naturalistic Social Interactions. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Dec 6; '''7''' (1):17060
Evaluation of short interval cortical inhibition and intracortical facilitation from the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in patients with schizophrenia.
Description: Noda, Yoshihiro, et al. Evaluation of short interval cortical inhibition and intracortical facilitation from the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in patients with schizophrenia. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Dec 6; '''7''' (1):17106
A pilot investigation of audiovisual processing and multisensory integration in patients with inherited retinal dystrophies.
Description: Myers, Mark H, et al. A pilot investigation of audiovisual processing and multisensory integration in patients with inherited retinal dystrophies. ''BMC Ophthalmol''. 2017 Dec 7; '''17''' (1):240
A Novel EEG Based Spectral Analysis of Persistent Brain Function Alteration in Athletes with Concussion History.
Description: Munia, Tamanna T K, et al. A Novel EEG Based Spectral Analysis of Persistent Brain Function Alteration in Athletes with Concussion History. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Dec 8; '''7''' (1):17221
Replay of large-scale spatio-temporal patterns from waking during subsequent NREM sleep in human cortex.
Description: Jiang, Xi, et al. Replay of large-scale spatio-temporal patterns from waking during subsequent NREM sleep in human cortex. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Dec 12; '''7''' (1):17380
Frequency-specific genetic influence on inferior parietal lobule activation commonly observed during action observation and execution.
Description: Araki, Toshihiko, et al. Frequency-specific genetic influence on inferior parietal lobule activation commonly observed during action observation and execution. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Dec 15; '''7''' (1):17660
Correlation Between Resting-state Electroencephalographic Characteristics and Shooting Performance.
Description: Gong, Anmin, et al. Correlation Between Resting-state Electroencephalographic Characteristics and Shooting Performance. ''Neuroscience''. 2017 Dec 16; '''366''': 172-183
Nociceptive Cortical Activity Is Dissociated from Nociceptive Behavior in Newborn Human Infants under Stress.
Description: Jones, Laura, et al. Nociceptive Cortical Activity Is Dissociated from Nociceptive Behavior in Newborn Human Infants under Stress. ''Curr Biol''. 2017 Dec 18; '''27''' (24):3846-3851.e3
EEG Dynamics of a Go/Nogo Task in Children with ADHD.
Description: Baijot, Simon, et al. EEG Dynamics of a Go/Nogo Task in Children with ADHD. ''Brain Sci''. 2017 Dec 20; '''7''' (12):
Beta oscillations in major depression - signalling a new cortical circuit for central executive function.
Description: Li, Yuezhi, et al. Beta oscillations in major depression - signalling a new cortical circuit for central executive function. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Dec 21; '''7''' (1):18021
Comparison between Scalp EEG and Behind-the-Ear EEG for Development of a Wearable Seizure Detection System for Patients with Focal Epilepsy.
Description: Gu, Ying, et al. Comparison between Scalp EEG and Behind-the-Ear EEG for Development of a Wearable Seizure Detection System for Patients with Focal Epilepsy. ''Sensors (Basel)''. 2017 Dec 23; '''18''' (1):
Development of Brain Network in Children with Autism from Early Childhood to Late Childhood.
Description: Han, Junxia, et al. Development of Brain Network in Children with Autism from Early Childhood to Late Childhood. ''Neuroscience''. 2017 Dec 26; '''367''': 134-146
40Hz auditory steady-state response in schizophrenia: Sensitivity to stimulation type (clicks versus flutter amplitude-modulated tones).
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Abnormal language-related oscillatory responses in primary progressive aphasia.
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Achieving Accurate Automatic Sleep Staging on Manually Pre-processed EEG Data Through Synchronization Feature Extraction and Graph Metrics.
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A Comparative Study of Standardized Infinity Reference and Average Reference for EEG of Three Typical Brain States.
Description: Zheng, Gaoxing, et al. A Comparative Study of Standardized Infinity Reference and Average Reference for EEG of Three Typical Brain States. ''Front Neurosci''. 2018; '''12''': 158
Acute Effects of Instructed and Self-Created Variable Rope Skipping on EEG Brain Activity and Heart Rate Variability.
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Age Modulates the Effects of Mental Fatigue on Typewriting.
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A Growth-Curve Analysis of the Effects of Future-Thought Priming on Insight and Analytical Problem-Solving.
Description: Truelove-Hill, Monica, et al. A Growth-Curve Analysis of the Effects of Future-Thought Priming on Insight and Analytical Problem-Solving. ''Front Psychol''. 2018; '''9''': 1311
Alpha and beta band correlates of haptic perceptual grouping: Results from an orientation detection task.
Description: Prieto, Antonio, et al. Alpha and beta band correlates of haptic perceptual grouping: Results from an orientation detection task. ''PLoS One''. 2018; '''13''' (7):e0201194
Alpha desynchronization/synchronization during working memory testing is compromised in acute mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI).
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Alpha Phase Synchronization of Parietal Areas Reflects Switch-Specific Activity During Mental Rotation: An EEG Study.
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Frontal alpha asymmetry and aerobic exercise: are changes due to cardiovascular demand or bilateral rhythmic movement?
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Investigating error-related processing in incarcerated adolescents with self-report psychopathy measures.
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Neural signatures for active maintenance and interference during working memory updating.
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Neurophysiological study on the effect of various short durations of deep breathing: A randomized controlled trial.
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Spatial attention modulates visual gamma oscillations across the human ventral stream.
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Theta-phase gamma-amplitude coupling as a neurophysiological marker in neuroleptic-naive schizophrenia.
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Association of different neural processes during different emotional perceptions of white noise and pure tone auditory stimuli.
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Perceptual Surprise Improves Action Stopping by Nonselectively Suppressing Motor Activity via a Neural Mechanism for Motor Inhibition.
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Simultaneous acquisition of EEG and NIRS during cognitive tasks for an open access dataset.
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Alcohol Impairs N100 Response to Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Stimulation.
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Ultra-Slow Single-Vessel BOLD and CBV-Based fMRI Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Their Correlation with Neuronal Intracellular Calcium Signals.
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Defects of Gamma Oscillations in Auditory Steady-State Evoked Potential of Schizophrenia.
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Neural predictors of gait stability when walking freely in the real-world.
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Auditory sensory gating predicts acceptable noise level.
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Cortical Measures of Phoneme-Level Speech Encoding Correlate with the Perceived Clarity of Natural Speech.
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Dynamic frontotemporal systems process space and time in working memory.
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Emotion lies in the eye of the listener: Emotional arousal to novel sounds is reflected in the sympathetic contribution to the pupil dilation response and the P3.
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Evidence Integration in Natural Acoustic Textures during Active and Passive Listening.
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Inter-brain synchrony and cooperation context in interactive decision making.
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Normal Electrical Activity of the Brain in Obsessive-Compulsive Patients After Anodal Stimulation of the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex.
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Peak alpha frequency is a neural marker of cognitive function across the autism spectrum.
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Removal of muscular artifacts in EEG signals: a comparison of linear decomposition methods.
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Synchronization of intrinsic 0.1-Hz blood-oxygen-level-dependent oscillations in amygdala and prefrontal cortex in subjects with increased state anxiety.
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The Impact of Different Visual Feedbacks in User Training on Motor Imagery Control in BCI.
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Time-frequency analysis of event-related potentials associated with the origin of the motor interference effect from dangerous objects.
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Dynamic Interplay of Value and Sensory Information in High-Speed Decision Making.
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Exploring the effects of anodal and cathodal high definition transcranial direct current stimulation targeting the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex.
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Large Visual Stimuli Induce Two Distinct Gamma Oscillations in Primate Visual Cortex.
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Neural Decoding of Bistable Sounds Reveals an Effect of Intention on Perceptual Organization.
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Electroencephalographic derived network differences in Lewy body dementia compared to Alzheimer's disease patients.
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Detecting Unattended Stimuli Depends on the Phase of Prestimulus Neural Oscillations.
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Stomach-brain synchrony reveals a novel, delayed-connectivity resting-state network in humans.
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Oscillatory motor patterning is impaired in neurofibromatosis type 1: a behavioural, EEG and fMRI study.
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Prior Expectation Modulates Repetition Suppression without Perceptual Awareness.
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Towards Control of a Transhumeral Prosthesis with EEG Signals.
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Conflict monitoring in multi-sensory flanker tasks: Effects of cross-modal distractors on the N2 component.
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A neural basis for the visual sense of number and its development: A steady-state visual evoked potential study in children and adults.
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Anterior and posterior erp rhyming effects in 3- to 5-year-old children.
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A technology developed from concept of acupuncture and meridian system, the clinical effect of BIOCERAMIC resonance on psychological related sleep disturbance with findings on questionnaire, EEG and fMRI.
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Controlling the Temporal Structure of Brain Oscillations by Focused Attention Meditation.
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Evaluation of Electroencephalogram Signals of the Professional Pianists during Iconic Memory and Working Memory Tests Using Spectral Coherence.
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High-density EEG characterization of brain responses to auditory rhythmic stimuli during wakefulness and NREM sleep.
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Low- and high-frequency cortical brain oscillations reflect dissociable mechanisms of concurrent speech segregation in noise.
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Multiple time courses of somatosensory responses in human cortex.
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Neural modulations of interference control over conscious perception.
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The integration between nonsymbolic and symbolic numbers: Evidence from an EEG study.
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Effects of Cable Sway, Electrode Surface Area, and Electrode Mass on Electroencephalography Signal Quality during Motion.
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Sensorineural hearing loss degrades behavioral and physiological measures of human spatial selective auditory attention.
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The neural encoding of information prediction errors during non-instrumental information seeking.
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Entrainment of theta, not alpha, oscillations is predictive of the brightness enhancement of a flickering stimulus.
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The spatio-temporal dynamics of deviance and target detection in the passive and active auditory oddball paradigm: a sLORETA study.
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Prediction of Human Performance Using Electroencephalography under Different Indoor Room Temperatures.
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Parallel detection of theta and respiration-coupled oscillations throughout the mouse brain.
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Effects of meaningfulness on perception: Alpha-band oscillations carry perceptual expectations and influence early visual responses.
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Alpha Oscillations during Incidental Encoding Predict Subsequent Memory for New "Foil" Information.
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Are lexical tones musical? Native language's influence on neural response to pitch in different domains.
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Attention biases in preoccupation with body image: An ERP study of the role of social comparison and automaticity when processing body size.
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Auditory stimulation of sleep slow oscillations modulates subsequent memory encoding through altered hippocampal function.
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Auditory Task Irrelevance: A Basis for Inattentional Deafness.
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Behavioral and neurophysiological abnormalities during cued continuous performance tasks in patients with mild traumatic brain injury.
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Disentangling Somatosensory Evoked Potentials of the Fingers: Limitations and Clinical Potential.
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Dissociating meditation proficiency and experience dependent EEG changes during traditional Vipassana meditation practice.
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EEG Source Imaging Indices of Cognitive Control Show Associations with Dopamine System Genes.
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Facial gender but not emotion distinguishes neural responses of 10- to 13-year-old children with social anxiety disorder from healthy and clinical controls.
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Global field synchronization of 40Hz auditory steady-state response: Does it change with attentional demands?
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Moment-to-Moment Fluctuations in Neuronal Excitability Bias Subjective Perception Rather than Strategic Decision-Making.
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Neurodynamic Evidence Supports a Forced-Excursion Model of Decision-Making under Speed/Accuracy Instructions.
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Revealing the neural time-course of direct gaze processing via spatial frequency manipulation of faces.
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Novelty-Sensitive Dopaminergic Neurons in the Human Substantia Nigra Predict Success of Declarative Memory Formation.
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Abstract images and words can convey the same meaning.
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Asynchronous suppression of visual cortex during absence seizures in stargazer mice.
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Long-term impacts of prenatal synthetic glucocorticoids exposure on functional brain correlates of cognitive monitoring in adolescence.
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An Intrinsic Role of Beta Oscillations in Memory for Time Estimation.
Description: Wiener, Martin, et al. An Intrinsic Role of Beta Oscillations in Memory for Time Estimation. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 May 22; '''8''' (1):7992
Timing of repetition suppression of event-related potentials to unattended objects.
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Dynamics of directional tuning and reference frames in humans: A high-density EEG study.
Description: Tanaka, Hirokazu, et al. Dynamics of directional tuning and reference frames in humans: A high-density EEG study. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 May 29; '''8''' (1):8205
Diminished Hedonic response in neuroleptic-free youth at ultra high-risk for psychosis.
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Dysfunctional information processing in individuals with acute exposure to sexual abuse: An ERP study.
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EEG correlates associated with the severity of gambling disorder and serum BDNF levels in patients with gambling disorder.
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Electroencephalographic markers of brain development during sevoflurane anaesthesia in children up to 3 years old.
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Impact of global signal regression on characterizing dynamic functional connectivity and brain states.
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Quantitative electroencephalography as a marker of cognitive fluctuations in dementia with Lewy bodies and an aid to differential diagnosis.
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Using ERPs to explore the impact of affective distraction on working memory stages in schizophrenia.
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Sleep Spindle Refractoriness Segregates Periods of Memory Reactivation.
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Improvement of Information Transfer Rates Using a Hybrid EEG-NIRS Brain-Computer Interface with a Short Trial Length: Offline and Pseudo-Online Analyses.
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24-h sleep deprivation impairs early attentional modulation of neural processing: An event-related brain potential study.
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Adaptive optimal basis set for BCG artifact removal in simultaneous EEG-fMRI.
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Somatotopic Representation of Second Pain in the Primary Somatosensory Cortex of Humans and Rodents.
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Temporal and spectral EEG dynamics can be indicators of stealth placement.
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Neural mechanisms for selectively tuning in to the target speaker in a naturalistic noisy situation.
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Low and high gamma auditory steady-states in response to 440Hz carrier chirp-modulated tones show no signs of attentional modulation.
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A quantitative physical model of the TMS-induced discharge artifacts in EEG.
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Cognitive control ability mediates prediction costs in monolinguals and bilinguals.
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Cross multivariate correlation coefficients as screening tool for analysis of concurrent EEG-fMRI recordings.
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Differentiation in Theta and Beta Electrocortical Activity between Visual and Physical Perturbations to Walking and Standing Balance.
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Exposure to attachment narratives dynamically modulates cortical arousal during the resting state in the listener.
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Human Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Shows Local Increases in Low-Frequency Oscillations and Global Decreases in High-Frequency Oscillations Compared to Resting Wakefulness.
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Mindfulness-based training with transcranial direct current stimulation modulates neuronal resource allocation in working memory: A randomized pilot study with a nonequivalent control group.
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Shared and Disorder-Specific Event-Related Brain Oscillatory Markers of Attentional Dysfunction in ADHD and Bipolar Disorder.
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Shared spatiotemporal category representations in biological and artificial deep neural networks.
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The effect of cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation during rapid eye-movement sleep on neutral and emotional memory.
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Underlying neural alpha frequency patterns associated with intra-hemispheric inhibition during an interhemispheric transfer task.
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Visual mismatch negativity indicates automatic, task-independent detection of artistic image composition in abstract artworks.
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Recurrence quantification analysis of resting state EEG signals in autism spectrum disorder - a systematic methodological exploration of technical and demographic confounders in the search for biomarkers.
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The dysfunction of processing emotional faces in schizophrenia revealed by expression-related visual mismatch negativity.
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Evidence of an increased neuronal activation-to-resting glucose uptake ratio in the visual cortex of migraine patients: a study comparing (18)FDG-PET and visual evoked potentials.
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Enhanced perceptual processing of self-generated motion: Evidence from steady-state visual evoked potentials.
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Lateral prefrontal cortex lesion impairs regulation of internally and externally directed attention.
Description: Kam, Julia W Y, et al. Lateral prefrontal cortex lesion impairs regulation of internally and externally directed attention. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Jul 15; '''175''': 91-99
Shorter-lived neural taste representations in obese compared to lean individuals.
Description: Hardikar, Samyogita, et al. Shorter-lived neural taste representations in obese compared to lean individuals. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Jul 23; '''8''' (1):11027
Frontal brain asymmetries as effective parameters to assess the quality of audiovisual stimuli perception in adult and young cochlear implant users.
Description: Cartocci, G, et al. Frontal brain asymmetries as effective parameters to assess the quality of audiovisual stimuli perception in adult and young cochlear implant users. ''Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital''. 2018 Aug; '''38''' (4):346-360
High-intensity binge drinking is associated with alterations in spontaneous neural oscillations in young adults.
Description: Affan, Rifqi O, et al. High-intensity binge drinking is associated with alterations in spontaneous neural oscillations in young adults. ''Alcohol''. 2018 Aug; '''70''': 51-60
Interhemispheric alpha-band hypoconnectivity in children with autism spectrum disorder.
Description: Dickinson, Abigail, et al. Interhemispheric alpha-band hypoconnectivity in children with autism spectrum disorder. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2018 Aug 1; '''348''': 227-234
Internal control beliefs and reference frame concurrently impact early performance monitoring ERPs.
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Low-frequency cortical activity is a neuromodulatory target that tracks recovery after stroke.
Description: Ramanathan, Dhakshin S, et al. Low-frequency cortical activity is a neuromodulatory target that tracks recovery after stroke. ''Nat Med''. 2018 Aug; '''24''' (8):1257-1267
Mechanisms of hysteresis in human brain networks during transitions of consciousness and unconsciousness: Theoretical principles and empirical evidence.
Description: Kim, Hyoungkyu, et al. Mechanisms of hysteresis in human brain networks during transitions of consciousness and unconsciousness: Theoretical principles and empirical evidence. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2018 Aug; '''14''' (8):e1006424
Predicting Working Memory Capacity in Older Subjects Using Quantitative Electroencephalography.
Description: Shin, Jae Hyuk, et al. Predicting Working Memory Capacity in Older Subjects Using Quantitative Electroencephalography. ''Psychiatry Investig''. 2018 Aug; '''15''' (8):790-795
Preferential consolidation of emotionally salient information during a nap is preserved in middle age.
Description: Alger, Sara E, et al. Preferential consolidation of emotionally salient information during a nap is preserved in middle age. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2018 Aug; '''68''': 34-47
Responses of Patients with Disorders of Consciousness to Habit Stimulation: A Quantitative EEG Study.
Description: Li, Jingqi, et al. Responses of Patients with Disorders of Consciousness to Habit Stimulation: A Quantitative EEG Study. ''Neurosci Bull''. 2018 Aug; '''34''' (4):691-699
Spatial Properties of Mismatch Negativity in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness.
Description: Wang, Xiaoyu, et al. Spatial Properties of Mismatch Negativity in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness. ''Neurosci Bull''. 2018 Aug; '''34''' (4):700-708
Targeting of microRNA-21-5p protects against seizure damage in a kainic acid-induced status epilepticus model via PTEN-mTOR.
Description: Tang, Chongyang, et al. Targeting of microRNA-21-5p protects against seizure damage in a kainic acid-induced status epilepticus model via PTEN-mTOR. ''Epilepsy Res''. 2018 Aug; '''144''': 34-42
Unattended processing of hierarchical pitch variations in spoken sentences.
Description: Li, Xiaoqing, et al. Unattended processing of hierarchical pitch variations in spoken sentences. ''Brain Lang''. 2018 Aug; '''183''': 21-31
A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel trial of closed-loop infraslow brain training in food addiction.
Description: Leong, Sook Ling, et al. A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel trial of closed-loop infraslow brain training in food addiction. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Aug 3; '''8''' (1):11659
Attention decouples action potentials from the phase of local field potentials in macaque visual cortical area MT.
Description: Esghaei, Moein, et al. Attention decouples action potentials from the phase of local field potentials in macaque visual cortical area MT. ''BMC Biol''. 2018 Aug 6; '''16''' (1):86
The Readiness Potential Reflects the Reliability of Action Consequence.
Description: Wen, Wen, et al. The Readiness Potential Reflects the Reliability of Action Consequence. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Aug 8; '''8''' (1):11865
Monetary Incentives Modulate Feedback-related Brain Activity.
Description: Mei, Shuting, et al. Monetary Incentives Modulate Feedback-related Brain Activity. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Aug 9; '''8''' (1):11913
Resting-state alpha power is selectively associated with autistic traits reflecting behavioral rigidity.
Description: Carter Leno, Virginia, et al. Resting-state alpha power is selectively associated with autistic traits reflecting behavioral rigidity. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Aug 10; '''8''' (1):11982
Electrophysiological correlates of the interplay between low-level visual features and emotional content during word reading.
Description: Schindler, Sebastian, et al. Electrophysiological correlates of the interplay between low-level visual features and emotional content during word reading. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Aug 15; '''8''' (1):12228
Three-stage processing of category and variation information by entangled interactive mechanisms of peri-occipital and peri-frontal cortices.
Description: Karimi-Rouzbahani, Hamid. Three-stage processing of category and variation information by entangled interactive mechanisms of peri-occipital and peri-frontal cortices. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Aug 15; '''8''' (1):12213
A comparison between scalp- and source-reconstructed EEG networks.
Description: Lai, Margherita, et al. A comparison between scalp- and source-reconstructed EEG networks. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Aug 16; '''8''' (1):12269
Perspective-dependent reactivity of sensorimotor mu rhythm in alpha and beta ranges during action observation: an EEG study.
Description: Angelini, Monica, et al. Perspective-dependent reactivity of sensorimotor mu rhythm in alpha and beta ranges during action observation: an EEG study. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Aug 20; '''8''' (1):12429
Single Trial Plasticity in Evidence Accumulation Underlies Rapid Recalibration to Asynchronous Audiovisual Speech.
Description: Simon, David M, et al. Single Trial Plasticity in Evidence Accumulation Underlies Rapid Recalibration to Asynchronous Audiovisual Speech. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Aug 21; '''8''' (1):12499
Visuomotor Prediction Errors Modulate EEG Activity Over Parietal Cortex.
Description: Savoie, F-A, et al. Visuomotor Prediction Errors Modulate EEG Activity Over Parietal Cortex. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Aug 21; '''8''' (1):12513
Neural Mechanisms of Sustained Attention Are Rhythmic.
Description: Helfrich, Randolph F, et al. Neural Mechanisms of Sustained Attention Are Rhythmic. ''Neuron''. 2018 Aug 22; '''99''' (4):854-865.e5
Event-related potentials of automatic imitation are modulated by ethnicity during stimulus processing, but not during motor execution.
Description: Rauchbauer, Birgit, et al. Event-related potentials of automatic imitation are modulated by ethnicity during stimulus processing, but not during motor execution. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Aug 24; '''8''' (1):12760
Relationships between alpha oscillations during speech preparation and the listener N400 ERP to the produced speech.
Description: Bridwell, David A, et al. Relationships between alpha oscillations during speech preparation and the listener N400 ERP to the produced speech. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Aug 27; '''8''' (1):12838
On the Feasibility of Using an Ear-EEG to Develop an Endogenous Brain-Computer Interface.
Description: Choi, Soo-In, et al. On the Feasibility of Using an Ear-EEG to Develop an Endogenous Brain-Computer Interface. ''Sensors (Basel)''. 2018 Aug 29; '''18''' (9):
Abnormal auditory-evoked gamma band oscillations in first-episode schizophrenia during both eye open and eye close states.
Description: Wang, Junjie, et al. Abnormal auditory-evoked gamma band oscillations in first-episode schizophrenia during both eye open and eye close states. ''Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry''. 2018 Aug 30; '''86''': 279-286
Neurophysiological correlates of holistic face processing in adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorder.
Description: Naumann, Sandra, et al. Neurophysiological correlates of holistic face processing in adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorder. ''J Neurodev Disord''. 2018 Aug 30; '''10''' (1):27
As Soon as You Taste It: Evidence for Sequential and Parallel Processing of Gustatory Information.
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Characterizing the Short-Term Habituation of Event-Related Evoked Potentials.
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Electrophysiological Signature Reveals Laminar Structure of the Porcine Hippocampus.
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The distribution of pain activity across the human neonatal brain is sex dependent.
Description: Verriotis, Madeleine, et al. The distribution of pain activity across the human neonatal brain is sex dependent. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Sep; '''178''': 69-77
Theta oscillations promote temporal sequence learning.
Description: Crivelli-Decker, Jordan, et al. Theta oscillations promote temporal sequence learning. ''Neurobiol Learn Mem''. 2018 Sep; '''153''' (Pt A):92-103
The time-course of cortical responses to speech revealed by fast optical imaging.
Description: Toscano, Joseph C, et al. The time-course of cortical responses to speech revealed by fast optical imaging. ''Brain Lang''. 2018 Sep; '''184''': 32-42
Turning off hot feelings: Down-regulation of sexual desire using distraction and situation-focused reappraisal.
Description: Shafir, Roni, et al. Turning off hot feelings: Down-regulation of sexual desire using distraction and situation-focused reappraisal. ''Biol Psychol''. 2018 Sep; '''137''': 116-124
Cardiac interoceptive learning is modulated by emotional valence perceived from facial expressions.
Description: Marshall, Amanda C, et al. Cardiac interoceptive learning is modulated by emotional valence perceived from facial expressions. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2018 Sep 4; '''13''' (7):677-686
Attending to Visual Stimuli versus Performing Visual Imagery as a Control Strategy for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces.
Description: Kosmyna, Nataliya, et al. Attending to Visual Stimuli versus Performing Visual Imagery as a Control Strategy for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Sep 5; '''8''' (1):13222
Dynamics of neural representations when searching for exemplars and categories of human and non-human faces.
Description: Bayet, Laurie, et al. Dynamics of neural representations when searching for exemplars and categories of human and non-human faces. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Sep 5; '''8''' (1):13277
From random to regular: neural constraints on the emergence of isochronous rhythm during cultural transmission.
Description: Lumaca, Massimo, et al. From random to regular: neural constraints on the emergence of isochronous rhythm during cultural transmission. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2018 Sep 5; '''13''' (8):877-888
EEG patterns of self-paced movement imaginations towards externally-cued and internally-selected targets.
Description: Pereira, Joana, et al. EEG patterns of self-paced movement imaginations towards externally-cued and internally-selected targets. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Sep 6; '''8''' (1):13394
Decisions are expedited through multiple neural adjustments spanning the sensorimotor hierarchy.
Description: Steinemann, Natalie A, et al. Decisions are expedited through multiple neural adjustments spanning the sensorimotor hierarchy. ''Nat Commun''. 2018 Sep 7; '''9''' (1):3627
Unilateral Exoskeleton Imposes Significantly Different Hemispherical Effect in Parietooccipital Region, but Not in Other Regions.
Description: Li, Junhua, et al. Unilateral Exoskeleton Imposes Significantly Different Hemispherical Effect in Parietooccipital Region, but Not in Other Regions. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Sep 7; '''8''' (1):13470
Ventral hippocampal OLM cells control type 2 theta oscillations and response to predator odor.
Description: Mikulovic, Sanja, et al. Ventral hippocampal OLM cells control type 2 theta oscillations and response to predator odor. ''Nat Commun''. 2018 Sep 7; '''9''' (1):3638
Studying the integrated functional cognitive basis of sustained attention with a Primed Subjective-Illusory-Contour Attention Task.
Description: Cowley, Benjamin Ultan. Studying the integrated functional cognitive basis of sustained attention with a Primed Subjective-Illusory-Contour Attention Task. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Sep 10; '''8''' (1):13514
Infant-directed speech facilitates seven-month-old infants' cortical tracking of speech.
Description: Kalashnikova, Marina, et al. Infant-directed speech facilitates seven-month-old infants' cortical tracking of speech. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Sep 13; '''8''' (1):13745
Athletes versus video game players: A predictive contextual processing study.
Description: Diaz-Brage, Pablo, et al. Athletes versus video game players: A predictive contextual processing study. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2018 Sep 25; '''684''': 156-163
A sequential trial effect based on the motor interference effect from dangerous objects: An ERP study.
Description: Liu, Peng, et al. A sequential trial effect based on the motor interference effect from dangerous objects: An ERP study. ''Brain Behav''. 2018 Oct; '''8''' (10):e01112
Characterizing synchrony patterns across cognitive task stages of associative recognition memory.
Description: Portoles, Oscar, et al. Characterizing synchrony patterns across cognitive task stages of associative recognition memory. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2018 Oct; '''48''' (8):2759-2769
Elucidating relations between fMRI, ECoG, and EEG through a common natural stimulus.
Description: Haufe, Stefan, et al. Elucidating relations between fMRI, ECoG, and EEG through a common natural stimulus. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Oct 1; '''179''': 79-91
Go/no-go training affects frontal midline theta and mu oscillations to passively observed food stimuli.
Description: van de Vijver, Irene, et al. Go/no-go training affects frontal midline theta and mu oscillations to passively observed food stimuli. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2018 Oct; '''119''': 280-291
How choice influences risk processing: An ERP study.
Description: Yi, Wei, et al. How choice influences risk processing: An ERP study. ''Biol Psychol''. 2018 Oct; '''138''': 223-230
Immediate stimulus repetition abolishes stimulus expectation and surprise effects in fast periodic visual oddball designs.
Description: Feuerriegel, Daniel, et al. Immediate stimulus repetition abolishes stimulus expectation and surprise effects in fast periodic visual oddball designs. ''Biol Psychol''. 2018 Oct; '''138''': 110-125
Impaired conflict monitoring near the hands: Neurophysiological evidence.
Description: Wang, Xiaotao, et al. Impaired conflict monitoring near the hands: Neurophysiological evidence. ''Biol Psychol''. 2018 Oct; '''138''': 41-47
Making mistakes in public: Being observed magnifies physiological responses to errors.
Description: Huang, Changrun, et al. Making mistakes in public: Being observed magnifies physiological responses to errors. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2018 Oct; '''119''': 214-222
Neural processing of social exclusion in individuals with psychopathic traits: Links to anger and aggression.
Description: Brennan, Grace M, et al. Neural processing of social exclusion in individuals with psychopathic traits: Links to anger and aggression. ''Psychiatry Res''. 2018 Oct; '''268''': 263-271
Neurophysiology underlying influence of stimulus reliability on audiovisual integration.
Description: Shatzer, Hannah, et al. Neurophysiology underlying influence of stimulus reliability on audiovisual integration. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2018 Oct; '''48''' (8):2836-2848
No changes in parieto-occipital alpha during neural phase locking to visual quasi-periodic theta-, alpha-, and beta-band stimulation.
Description: Keitel, Christian, et al. No changes in parieto-occipital alpha during neural phase locking to visual quasi-periodic theta-, alpha-, and beta-band stimulation. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2018 Oct; '''48''' (7):2551-2565
Predicted sensory consequences of voluntary actions modulate amplitude of preceding readiness potentials.
Description: Reznik, Daniel, et al. Predicted sensory consequences of voluntary actions modulate amplitude of preceding readiness potentials. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2018 Oct; '''119''': 302-307
Residual effects of cannabis use on attentional bias towards fearful faces.
Description: Torrence, Robert D, et al. Residual effects of cannabis use on attentional bias towards fearful faces. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2018 Oct; '''119''': 482-488
Single-trial log transformation is optimal in frequency analysis of resting EEG alpha.
Description: Smulders, Fren T Y, et al. Single-trial log transformation is optimal in frequency analysis of resting EEG alpha. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2018 Oct; '''48''' (7):2585-2598
Spatial frequency supports the emergence of categorical representations in visual cortex during natural scene perception.
Description: Dima, Diana C, et al. Spatial frequency supports the emergence of categorical representations in visual cortex during natural scene perception. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Oct 1; '''179''': 102-116
Strong long-range temporal correlations of beta/gamma oscillations are associated with poor sustained visual attention performance.
Description: Irrmischer, Mona, et al. Strong long-range temporal correlations of beta/gamma oscillations are associated with poor sustained visual attention performance. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2018 Oct; '''48''' (8):2674-2683
Testing the bottleneck account for post-error slowing beyond the post-error response.
Description: Lavro, Dmitri, et al. Testing the bottleneck account for post-error slowing beyond the post-error response. ''Biol Psychol''. 2018 Oct; '''138''': 81-90
Trial-by-trial co-variation of pre-stimulus EEG alpha power and visuospatial bias reflects a mixture of stochastic and deterministic effects.
Description: Benwell, Christopher S Y, et al. Trial-by-trial co-variation of pre-stimulus EEG alpha power and visuospatial bias reflects a mixture of stochastic and deterministic effects. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2018 Oct; '''48''' (7):2566-2584
Dynamics of error-related activity in deterministic learning - an EEG and fMRI study.
Description: Gawlowska, Magda, et al. Dynamics of error-related activity in deterministic learning - an EEG and fMRI study. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Oct 2; '''8''' (1):14617
Neurophysiological signals as predictive translational biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease treatment: effects of donepezil on neuronal network oscillations in TgF344-AD rats.
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Effects of an Integrated Neurofeedback System with Dry Electrodes: EEG Acquisition and Cognition Assessment.
Description: Pei, Guangying, et al. Effects of an Integrated Neurofeedback System with Dry Electrodes: EEG Acquisition and Cognition Assessment. ''Sensors (Basel)''. 2018 Oct 11; '''18''' (10):
Assessing visual modulation along the human subcortical auditory pathway.
Description: Caron-Desrochers, Laura, et al. Assessing visual modulation along the human subcortical auditory pathway. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2018 Oct 15; '''685''': 12-17
Connectivity as a Predictor of Responsiveness to Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in People with Stroke: Protocol for a Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial.
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Modulation of auditory sensory memory by chronic clinical pain and acute experimental pain: a mismatch negativity study.
Description: Fan, Lu, et al. Modulation of auditory sensory memory by chronic clinical pain and acute experimental pain: a mismatch negativity study. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Oct 23; '''8''' (1):15673
Early identity recognition of familiar faces is not dependent on holistic processing.
Description: Mohr, Sarah, et al. Early identity recognition of familiar faces is not dependent on holistic processing. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2018 Oct 25; '''13''' (10):1019-1027
The relationship between inhibition of automatic imitation and personal cognitive styles.
Description: Nishimura, Yuki, et al. The relationship between inhibition of automatic imitation and personal cognitive styles. ''J Physiol Anthropol''. 2018 Oct 29; '''37''' (1):24
Variable training but not sleep improves consolidation of motor adaptation.
Description: Thurer, Benjamin, et al. Variable training but not sleep improves consolidation of motor adaptation. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Oct 29; '''8''' (1):15977
A novel approach to emotion recognition using local subset feature selection and modified Dempster-Shafer theory.
Description: Zangeneh Soroush, Morteza, et al. A novel approach to emotion recognition using local subset feature selection and modified Dempster-Shafer theory. ''Behav Brain Funct''. 2018 Oct 31; '''14''' (1):17
Visuomotor Correlates of Conflict Expectation in the Context of Motor Decisions.
Description: Derosiere, Gerard, et al. Visuomotor Correlates of Conflict Expectation in the Context of Motor Decisions. ''J Neurosci''. 2018 Oct 31; '''38''' (44):9486-9504
Action-related dynamic changes in inferior frontal cortex effective connectivity: A TMS/EEG coregistration study.
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An EEG Experimental Study Evaluating the Performance of Texas Instruments ADS1299.
Description: Rashid, Usman, et al. An EEG Experimental Study Evaluating the Performance of Texas Instruments ADS1299. ''Sensors (Basel)''. 2018 Nov 1; '''18''' (11):
Competitive learning modulates memory consolidation during sleep.
Description: Antony, James W, et al. Competitive learning modulates memory consolidation during sleep. ''Neurobiol Learn Mem''. 2018 Nov; '''155''': 216-230
Conflict-related medial frontal theta as an endophenotype for alcohol use disorder.
Description: Harper, Jeremy, et al. Conflict-related medial frontal theta as an endophenotype for alcohol use disorder. ''Biol Psychol''. 2018 Nov; '''139''': 25-38
Electrophysiological Biomarkers Predict Clinical Improvement in an Open-Label Trial Assessing Efficacy of Autologous Umbilical Cord Blood for Treatment of Autism.
Description: Murias, Michael, et al. Electrophysiological Biomarkers Predict Clinical Improvement in an Open-Label Trial Assessing Efficacy of Autologous Umbilical Cord Blood for Treatment of Autism. ''Stem Cells Transl Med''. 2018 Nov; '''7''' (11):783-791
Electrophysiological Signatures of Intrinsic Functional Connectivity Related to rTMS Treatment for Mal de Debarquement Syndrome.
Description: Cha, Yoon-Hee, et al. Electrophysiological Signatures of Intrinsic Functional Connectivity Related to rTMS Treatment for Mal de Debarquement Syndrome. ''Brain Topogr''. 2018 Nov; '''31''' (6):1047-1058
Exploring brain functional connectivity in rest and sleep states: a fNIRS study.
Description: Nguyen, Thien, et al. Exploring brain functional connectivity in rest and sleep states: a fNIRS study. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Nov 1; '''8''' (1):16144
Impaired Midline Theta Power and Connectivity During Proactive Cognitive Control in Schizophrenia.
Description: Ryman, Sephira G, et al. Impaired Midline Theta Power and Connectivity During Proactive Cognitive Control in Schizophrenia. ''Biol Psychiatry''. 2018 Nov 1; '''84''' (9):675-683
Neural evidence for reduced automaticity in processing emotional prosody among men with high levels of autistic traits.
Description: Lui, Ming, et al. Neural evidence for reduced automaticity in processing emotional prosody among men with high levels of autistic traits. ''Physiol Behav''. 2018 Nov 1; '''196''': 47-58
Neural measures of anticipatory bodily attention in children: Relations with executive function.
Description: Weiss, Staci Meredith, et al. Neural measures of anticipatory bodily attention in children: Relations with executive function. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2018 Nov; '''34''': 148-158
Perceptual learning induces changes in early and late visual evoked potentials.
Description: Ahmadi, Maryam, et al. Perceptual learning induces changes in early and late visual evoked potentials. ''Vision Res''. 2018 Nov; '''152''': 101-109
Priority Switches in Visual Working Memory are Supported by Frontal Delta and Posterior Alpha Interactions.
Description: de Vries, Ingmar E J, et al. Priority Switches in Visual Working Memory are Supported by Frontal Delta and Posterior Alpha Interactions. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2018 Nov 1; '''28''' (11):4090-4104
Temporal dynamics of audiovisual affective processing.
Description: Gao, Chuanji, et al. Temporal dynamics of audiovisual affective processing. ''Biol Psychol''. 2018 Nov; '''139''': 59-72
The effect of anxiety on emotional recognition: evidence from an ERP study.
Description: Yu, Qianqian, et al. The effect of anxiety on emotional recognition: evidence from an ERP study. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Nov 1; '''8''' (1):16146
The role of the amygdala in enhanced remembrance of negative episodes and acquired negativity of related neutral cues.
Description: Admon, R, et al. The role of the amygdala in enhanced remembrance of negative episodes and acquired negativity of related neutral cues. ''Biol Psychol''. 2018 Nov; '''139''': 17-24
Theta oscillations underlie retrieval success effects in the nucleus accumbens and anterior thalamus: Evidence from human intracranial recordings.
Description: Bauch, Eva M, et al. Theta oscillations underlie retrieval success effects in the nucleus accumbens and anterior thalamus: Evidence from human intracranial recordings. ''Neurobiol Learn Mem''. 2018 Nov; '''155''': 104-112
Visual and linguistic narrative comprehension in autism spectrum disorders: Neural evidence for modality-independent impairments.
Description: Coderre, Emily L, et al. Visual and linguistic narrative comprehension in autism spectrum disorders: Neural evidence for modality-independent impairments. ''Brain Lang''. 2018 Nov; '''186''': 44-59
Visual mismatch negativity and representational momentum: Their possible involvement in the same automatic prediction.
Description: Kimura, Motohiro. Visual mismatch negativity and representational momentum: Their possible involvement in the same automatic prediction. ''Biol Psychol''. 2018 Nov; '''139''': 178-185
Stimulus-Driven Cortical Hyperexcitability in Individuals with Charles Bonnet Hallucinations.
Description: Painter, David R, et al. Stimulus-Driven Cortical Hyperexcitability in Individuals with Charles Bonnet Hallucinations. ''Curr Biol''. 2018 Nov 5; '''28''' (21):3475-3480.e3
Evoked Alpha Power is Reduced in Disconnected Consciousness During Sleep and Anesthesia.
Description: Darracq, Matthieu, et al. Evoked Alpha Power is Reduced in Disconnected Consciousness During Sleep and Anesthesia. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Nov 9; '''8''' (1):16664
EEG, behavioural and physiological recordings following a painful procedure in human neonates.
Description: Jones, Laura, et al. EEG, behavioural and physiological recordings following a painful procedure in human neonates. ''Sci Data''. 2018 Nov 13; '''5''': 180248
Failure to reactivate salient episodic information during indirect and direct tests of memory retrieval.
Description: Price, Mason H, et al. Failure to reactivate salient episodic information during indirect and direct tests of memory retrieval. ''Brain Res''. 2018 Nov 15; '''1699''': 9-18
Motor Preparation of Step Initiation: Error-related Cortical Oscillations.
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The Benefits of Closed-Loop Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation on Subjective Sleep Quality.
Description: Robinson, Charles S H, et al. The Benefits of Closed-Loop Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation on Subjective Sleep Quality. ''Brain Sci''. 2018 Nov 22; '''8''' (12):
Cortical beta power reflects decision dynamics and uncovers multiple facets of post-error adaptation.
Description: Fischer, Adrian G, et al. Cortical beta power reflects decision dynamics and uncovers multiple facets of post-error adaptation. ''Nat Commun''. 2018 Nov 28; '''9''' (1):5038
Developmental trajectory of movement-related cortical oscillations during active sleep in a cross-sectional cohort of pre-term and full-term human infants.
Description: Whitehead, Kimberley, et al. Developmental trajectory of movement-related cortical oscillations during active sleep in a cross-sectional cohort of pre-term and full-term human infants. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Nov 30; '''8''' (1):17516
Assessing the background decomposition of a complex auditory scene with event-related brain potentials.
Description: Thomassen, Sabine, et al. Assessing the background decomposition of a complex auditory scene with event-related brain potentials. ''Hear Res''. 2018 Dec; '''370''': 120-129