PubMed Mentions
The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to Anima. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.
Publication/References | |
White matter abnormalities in depression: A categorical and phenotypic diffusion MRI study. Description: Coloigner, Julie, et al. White matter abnormalities in depression: A categorical and phenotypic diffusion MRI study. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2019; '''22''': 101710 | |
Regional brain development analysis through registration using anisotropic similarity, a constrained affine transformation. Description: Legouhy, Antoine, et al. Regional brain development analysis through registration using anisotropic similarity, a constrained affine transformation. ''PLoS One''. 2020; '''15''' (2):e0214174 | |
A Clinically-Compatible Workflow for Computer-Aided Assessment of Brain Disease Activity in Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Description: Combes, Benoit, et al. A Clinically-Compatible Workflow for Computer-Aided Assessment of Brain Disease Activity in Multiple Sclerosis Patients. ''Front Med (Lausanne)''. 2021; '''8''': 740248 | |
Multiple sclerosis lesions segmentation from multiple experts: The MICCAI 2016 challenge dataset. Description: Commowick, Olivier, et al. Multiple sclerosis lesions segmentation from multiple experts: The MICCAI 2016 challenge dataset. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Dec 1; '''244''': 118589 | |
Perturbed neurochemical and microstructural organization in a mouse model of prenatal opioid exposure: A multi-modal magnetic resonance study. Description: Shahid, Syed Salman, et al. Perturbed neurochemical and microstructural organization in a mouse model of prenatal opioid exposure: A multi-modal magnetic resonance study. ''PLoS One''. 2023; '''18''' (7):e0282756 | |
Volumetric and microstructural abnormalities of the amygdala in focal epilepsy with varied levels of SUDEP risk. Description: Legouhy, Antoine, et al. Volumetric and microstructural abnormalities of the amygdala in focal epilepsy with varied levels of SUDEP risk. ''medRxiv''. 2023 Apr 4; | |
Effectiveness of regional diffusion MRI measures in distinguishing multiple sclerosis abnormalities within the cervical spinal cord. Description: Snoussi, Haykel, et al. Effectiveness of regional diffusion MRI measures in distinguishing multiple sclerosis abnormalities within the cervical spinal cord. ''Brain Behav''. 2023 Nov; '''13''' (11):e3159 | |
LST-AI: a Deep Learning Ensemble for Accurate MS Lesion Segmentation. Description: Wiltgen, Tun, et al. LST-AI: a Deep Learning Ensemble for Accurate MS Lesion Segmentation. ''medRxiv''. 2023 Nov 24; | |
Estimating the synaptic density deficit in Alzheimer's disease using multi-contrast CEST imaging. Description: Shahid, Syed Salman, et al. Estimating the synaptic density deficit in Alzheimer's disease using multi-contrast CEST imaging. ''PLoS One''. 2024; '''19''' (3):e0299961 | |
LST-AI: A deep learning ensemble for accurate MS lesion segmentation. Description: Wiltgen, Tun, et al. LST-AI: A deep learning ensemble for accurate MS lesion segmentation. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2024; '''42''': 103611 | |
State rumination predicts inhibitory control failures and dysregulation of default, salience, and cognitive control networks in youth at risk of depressive relapse: Findings from the RuMeChange trial. Description: Roberts, Henrietta, et al. State rumination predicts inhibitory control failures and dysregulation of default, salience, and cognitive control networks in youth at risk of depressive relapse: Findings from the RuMeChange trial. ''J Affect Disord Rep''. 2024 Apr; '''16''': |