Posted By: Judith Rumsey - Jun 30, 2010
Tool/Resource: NIH Pediatric MRI Data Repository
This is an announcement that a new data release is now available for distribution to approved users in the scientific community with active Data Use Certifications. This release includes longitudinal imaging and clinical/behavioral data for children, ages 7 days to young adult (both "Objective 1" and "Objective 2"). The imaging modalities included are anatomic MRI and MR spectroscopy.

Specifically, the latest additions to the repository include cortical surface analysis data for Objective1 (ages 4 ½ and older) and for a portion of Objective 2 (down to 2 years of age) for all timepoints, as well as age-specific brain atlases. Included as part of the cortical surface analysis data are surfaces in native space, transformation to stereotaxic space, gray and white surfaces, cortical thickness at each of 40,962 vertices per hemisphere, gyrification index, and surface mean
curvature. The MRI atlas templates include both symmetric and asymmetric atlases for the following overlapping age groups, generally corresponding to pubertal stages: 4.5 to 8.5 years(pre-pubertal), 7 to 11 years (pre- to early puberty), 5.5 to 13.5 years (pre- to mid-puberty), 10 to 14 years (early to advanced puberty), and 13 to 18.5 years (mid-puberty through post-puberty).

Please note, the Data Use Certifications are valid for one year, after which investigators who wish to remain active and those whose Data Use Certifications have expired must reapply and submit a short progress report. See and click on the Data Access link. To gain access to the database, two forms--the SF 424 form and the Data Use Certification--must be completed, signed by your institution’s authorized signing official, and sent to the NIH by FAX.

If you have any questions, please send an email to
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