help > mricron not smoothing overlays
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Aug 7, 2015  02:08 PM | Christina Hugenschmidt
mricron not smoothing overlays

I have been using MRIcro and MRIcron for years. I have a student this summer, and MRIcron has stopped smoothing overlays for her. I am not having this issue on my machine. We are both using PCs with Windows 7 and 64-bit operating systems. We uninstalled and reinstalled the software with the most recent version from NITRC and the problem persisted. I copied over the .exe files I use from my machine to a shared drive, and she has the same problem when she uses those files - she can select 3D smooth overlays, the images do not display smoothed. Has anyone else had this issue? Any suggestions for what we can do to fix it?

Sep 21, 2015  07:09 PM | Julie Blumberg - Uniklinik Freiburg
RE: mricron not smoothing overlays
Hi Christina,
I have the exact same problem since some months. Did you get any reply or found a solution? I also uninstalled and installed older versions which worked on my colleagues Computers, but it didn"t work.
I would be glad for any idea to solve it,
Thanks, Julie