help > BrainNet Viewer does not display all the connections
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Sep 22, 2022  11:09 AM | Mikhail Kantonistov
BrainNet Viewer does not display all the connections
I'm doing network analysis using NBS (Network Based statistics) and trying to visualize the results using BrainNet Viewer. Both work through MATlab. In the settings of BrainNet Viewer I chose the option of only displaying the brain regions (nodes) that are part of the network and have connections (edges) with each other. However, BrainNet Viewer is not displaying the network properly, showing all the nodes but only some of the edges.
Any idea on how to fix this?

I generated the adjacency matrices from NBS suing the following code:

global nbs; adj=nbs.NBS.con_mat{1}+nbs.NBS.con_mat{1}';
dlmwrite(adj.txt',full(adj),'delimiter',' ','precision','%d');
csvwrite('adjmat.edge', A)

After that I changed the separator in the adjmat.edge file to tab, which is the edge file I plugged in BrainNet Viewer.

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help.