help > Atlas Space and individual connectomes
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Jan 4, 2023  04:01 PM | rosella trĂ²
Atlas Space and individual connectomes
I have a crucial question about visualizing connectomes with BNV. My goal is representing both individual and consensus connectomes for 2 groups of subjects: controls and patients. I initially thought to visualize connectomes in individual subjects' space (using an exemplary subject for consensus). However, I then realized using an atlas surface or volume (provided within BNV) in MNI space would be more correct also for the sake of visual comparison. In this respect,
-as a surface file I would use a built-in BNV one
-as a node file, I am wondering how I can create the nodes for each individual subject so that they are in MNI space, and which nodes to use for the consensus connectomes. 
- as an edge file, I should use the connectome for the single subject/consensus, respectively. BUT, has it had to be modified when moving to MNI space?
any help would be really appreciated