help > Problem with WFU PickAtlas Results Viewer
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Apr 23, 2018  05:04 PM | huilee92
Problem with WFU PickAtlas Results Viewer
I have two versions of MatLab on my laptop, 2015a and 2016b. Currently, I am using 2015a for my data analysis.

Recently, I encountered this issue. Whenever I tried to open the results viewer of the WFU PickAtlas using SPM 12 (regardless which version of the MatLab), the error message will always appear.

Using SPM8_lite, adding (spm_lite) to path.
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: spm_lite
> In path (line 109)
In addpath (line 86)
In wfu_results_defaults (line 31)
In wfu_results_viewer>wfu_results_OpeningFcn (line 103)
In gui_mainfcn (line 220)
In wfu_results_viewer (line 70)
In wfu_pickatlas>paresults_Callback (line 3007)
In wfu_pickatlas (line 110)
In @(hObject,eventdata)wfu_pickatlas('paresults_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
23-Apr-2018 22:33:17 | ERROR | wfu_results_viewer.m | MException thrown. Stack follows:
23-Apr-2018 22:33:17 | ERROR | wfu_results_compute | Line 0072: Reference to non-existent field 'SPM'.
23-Apr-2018 22:33:17 | ERROR | File_Open_Callback | Line 0468
23-Apr-2018 22:33:17 | ERROR | gui_mainfcn | Line 0095
23-Apr-2018 22:33:17 | ERROR | wfu_results_viewer | Line 0070
23-Apr-2018 22:33:17 | ERROR | @(hObject,eventdata)wfu_results_viewer('File_Open_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)) | Line 0000

I have tried various ways (including reinstall all the relevant software, open the spm.mat files in different laptops), the error message still appears until today. My colleagues used to encounter the same problems but they have no idea how it was solved as well. Actually, I have encountered this problem a few months ago and I thought it was solved eventually until today. I have no clue how it was done during that time. 

Does anyone have the ideas?
Jun 16, 2021  01:06 PM | scchester
RE: Problem with WFU PickAtlas Results Viewer
Hi huilee92, 

I am having this same issue. Just wondered if you ever managed to find an answer?

Many thanks,