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Jun 13, 2018  10:06 PM | jumatay - University of Saskatchewan
Slice selection
Dear Chris,

Sorry for asking questions again, and thanks for your time.

In the attachment, I've put all 192 slices from an AD subject. Here is a couple of silly questions that I wanna make sure:

1: .imwirte function returns all black images with .png, does this matter? (the matrix is fine, I could use .imread to get back to original image.)
2: I wanna remove noisy slices and non-tissue slices, and is there any standard for removing those slices or do I have to remove?
3: When I open a new NifTI file on MRIcron, it returns a different initial Y value for the initial coronal slice. For example, Y=47 for subject A, and Y=59 for subject B. Does this different Y value refer that they have different brain size, but the corresponding initial slices (Y=47 & Y=59) come from the same or similar coronal plane position? Or how can I check my two slices have a similar plane position without (or before) doing normalization?

Thank you.

Attachment: MRI_Slices.pdf
Jun 14, 2018  12:06 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: Slice selection
These are general questions that are not specific to MRIcron. I would suggest you attend a FSL, SPM, FreeSurfer, etc workshop to learn more. You may also want to check out the powerpoints, demos, web pages and tutorials for my Image to Inference class.

1.) I have never of '.imwirte' or 'imread' - do you refer to the Matlab functions imread and imwrite or the Python SicPy functions imread and imwrite? Regardless, as I stated earlier I would only use PNG output for publication, as it downsamples your data to 8 bits (while MRI and CT typically have 16-bit precision). For Matlab you would use SPM's spm_vol and spm_read_vols to read the NIfTI data directly
 hdr = spm_vol('myimg.nii');
 img = spm_read_vols(hdr);
for Python you could use NiftiLib.

2.) Typically images outside the brain are removed when you normalize your data. This is an automated process, which will reslice your data to standard space. 

3.) The initial coordinates shown when you load an image in my software is the origin of the image as determined by the header S/QForm. For raw data this is the isocenter (MRI) or table center (CT), for normalized brains this should be near the anterior commissure. You can change the S/QForm to set this as you wish.
Jun 15, 2018  09:06 PM | jumatay - University of Saskatchewan
RE: Slice selection
Dear Chris,

Thank you so much and appreciate it.
