open-discussion > failed job: bedpostX_postproc
Jul 9, 2014  02:07 PM | Isabella Radl
failed job: bedpostX_postproc
Dear PANDA-experts, 

i'm having some trouble running PANDA on Ubuntu 12.04 (Matlab R2012b)

It says:


JobName: BedpostX_postproc_00044
Status: failed
Log of the (matlab) job : BedpostX_postproc_00044
Started on 09-Jul-2014 15:59:40
User: isabella
host : Niklas
system : unix
The job starts now !
Usage: fslmerge <-x/y/z/t/a/tr> [tr value in seconds]
-t : concatenate images in time
-x : concatenate images in the x direction
-y : concatenate images in the y direction
-z : concatenate images in the z direction
-a : auto-choose: single slices -> volume, volumes -> 4D (time series)
-tr : concatenate images in time and set the output image tr to the final option value
Usage: fslmerge <-x/y/z/t/a/tr> [tr value in seconds]
-t : concatenate images in time
-x : concatenate images in the x direction
-y : concatenate images in the y direction
-z : concatenate images in the z direction
-a : auto-choose: single slices -> volume, volumes -> 4D (time series)
-tr : concatenate images in time and set the output image tr to the final option value
Usage: fslmerge <-x/y/z/t/a/tr> [tr value in seconds]
-t : concatenate images in time
-x : concatenate images in the x direction
-y : concatenate images in the y direction
-z : concatenate images in the z direction
-a : auto-choose: single slices -> volume, volumes -> 4D (time series)
-tr : concatenate images in time and set the output image tr to the final option value
Cannot open volume /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/merged_th1samples for reading!
Cannot open volume /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/merged_ph1samples for reading!
Cannot open volume /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/merged_f1samples for reading!
Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/merged_th1samples
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'RBD_COMMON::BaseException'
Aborted (core dumped)
make_dyadic_vectors /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/merged_th1samples /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/merged_ph1samples /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/nodif_brain_mask /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/dyads1 && touch /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/diff_slices/dyads.done: Aborted
Usage: fslmerge <-x/y/z/t/a/tr> [tr value in seconds]
-t : concatenate images in time
-x : concatenate images in the x direction
-y : concatenate images in the y direction
-z : concatenate images in the z direction
-a : auto-choose: single slices -> volume, volumes -> 4D (time series)
-tr : concatenate images in time and set the output image tr to the final option value
Usage: fslmerge <-x/y/z/t/a/tr> [tr value in seconds]
-t : concatenate images in time
-x : concatenate images in the x direction
-y : concatenate images in the y direction
-z : concatenate images in the z direction
-a : auto-choose: single slices -> volume, volumes -> 4D (time series)
-tr : concatenate images in time and set the output image tr to the final option value
Usage: fslmerge <-x/y/z/t/a/tr> [tr value in seconds]
-t : concatenate images in time
-x : concatenate images in the x direction
-y : concatenate images in the y direction
-z : concatenate images in the z direction
-a : auto-choose: single slices -> volume, volumes -> 4D (time series)
-tr : concatenate images in time and set the output image tr to the final option value
Cannot open volume /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/merged_th2samples for reading!
Cannot open volume /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/merged_ph2samples for reading!
Cannot open volume /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/merged_f2samples for reading!
Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/merged_th2samples
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'RBD_COMMON::BaseException'
Aborted (core dumped)
make_dyadic_vectors /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/merged_th2samples /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/merged_ph2samples /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/nodif_brain_mask /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/dyads2 && touch /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/diff_slices/dyads.done: Aborted
Checking outputs
The output file or directory /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS/00044/native_space.bedpostX/BedpostX.done has not been generated!
09-Jul-2014 15:59:47 : The job has FAILED
Total time used to process the job : 6.29 sec.
ans =

For me it seems like there is a wrong filename because there are two // after PANDA_RESULTS in the path, so it's clear that PANDA cannot open this volume

Cannot open volume /home/isabella/Documents/UNI/Projects/Diplomarbeit/data/PANDA_RESULTS//00044/native_space.bedpostX/merged_th1samples for reading!

You know any help??
Thanks in advance


Threaded View

failed job: bedpostX_postproc
Isabella Radl Jul 9, 2014
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Isabella Radl Jul 9, 2014
Zaixu Cui Jul 13, 2014
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