help > How to Setup multi subjects, multi sessions, multi conditions, pre-port design
Apr 23, 2018  05:04 AM | Riccardo Navarra - ITAB - Università G D'Annunzio, Chieti
How to Setup multi subjects, multi sessions, multi conditions, pre-port design
Hi list,
I have rest data for every subject as follow:

- condition_1:
-- time-point_pre:
--- rest_1 + rest_2
-- time-point_post:
--- rest_1 + rest_2
- condition_2: 
-- time-point_pre:
--- rest_1 + rest_2
-- time-point_post:
--- rest_1 + rest_2
- condition_3:
-- time-point_pre:
--- rest_1 + rest_2
-- time-point_post:
--- rest_1 + rest_2

The question is: in which condition can I measure a significant difference in functional connectivity between time-points?  

How can I handle in Conn this design?

Thank you  so much,
