help > Segmentation of Synaptic proteins
Aug 22, 2018  03:08 AM | Hugo Wang
Segmentation of Synaptic proteins

I am working with 3-channel confocal image. One of the channel is a neuron that I am going to reconstruct, the other two channels are immunostained synaptic proteins. I want to segment synaptic proteins so that I can cluster them as putative synapses. I also need to label them and calculate the center of mass and volume of each clusters. Based on the distance between the cluster to my reconstructed neuron and the expected size of my cluster, I can further identify if the putative synapse belongs to the reconstructed neuron. I wondered if there is any plugin can do so in Vaa3D. Or at least, is there a plugin can segment those puncta. 



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Segmentation of Synaptic proteins
Hugo Wang Aug 22, 2018
Zhi Zhou Aug 22, 2018
Hugo Wang Aug 25, 2018