help > VOI2 file does not exist.
Jul 23, 2019  06:07 PM | avantika mathur - UNL
VOI2 file does not exist.
Hi Donald,

I am doing PPI analysis - psychophysiological interaction ('psy'). 
I am getting the VOI2 error.::

ERROR 1: Program will exit. VOI2 file does not exist.
ERROR 2: Program will exit. VOI2 file does not a .img, .nii, or .mat file.
ERROR 3: P.Contrasts(1).STAT is not formatted correctly.

I do not have VOI2. So, I do not understand why do I keep getting the VOI2 error. I tried specifying VOI2 ::
1. as empty 
%P.VOI2 = {};

2. and even removing P.VOI2
% S = rmfield(P,P.VOI2);

But none of the above seem to work.
I have been trying to troubleshoot, it seems when I use a loop either across ROIS or subjects, I get this error. The script seems to be running perfectly fine for single subject, single ROI.

I am attaching my PPI_Wrapper script for reference.

Please let me know how to troubleshoot.

Attachment: PPI_Wrapper.m