help > Running gPPI on Matlab R2018B: problem and fix
Aug 30, 2019  10:08 AM | Matan Mazor
Running gPPI on Matlab R2018B: problem and fix

I tried to run gPPI and couldn't get it to work. The reason was that the file 'path\to\spm12\toolbox\PPPIv13.1\PPPIv13\contains.m' overrides an existing Matlab function. To fix the problem, I renamed the file 'path\to\spm12\toolbox\PPPIv13.1\PPPIv13\contains.m' to contains2, changed the function name inside the file to 'contains2', and replaced all calls to 'contains' in the package code to calls to 'contains2' (functions that call 'contains' are: 'spm_estimate_ppi', 'createVec', and 'timeseries_extract').

Hope this will be useful,

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Running gPPI on Matlab R2018B: problem and fix
Matan Mazor Aug 30, 2019
Lydia Kogler Jul 24, 2020
maditas Oct 30, 2020