help > Plot a file on a surface using custom colormap
Mar 19, 2021  04:03 PM | makis
Plot a file on a surface using custom colormap
I want to use a custom colormap to plot a volume on a surface

I use:

surface_file = '/Users/makis/Documents/MATLAB_TOOLBOXES/BrainNetViewer/Data/SurfTemplate/BrainMesh_ICBM152_smoothed.nv';

nifti_file = 'brain_volume.nii'

settings = load('cfg.mat');
settings.EC.vol.cmstring = 'parula(1000);';
settings.EC.vol.CM = parula(1000);
settings.EC.vol.CMt = parula(1000);
settings.EC.vol.color_map = 99;

BrainNet_MapCfg(surface_file, nifti_file, 'settings');


I also tried to modify the source code as:

switch EC.vol.color_map
%%% Edited by Mingrui Xia, 130624, arrange colormap order by name.
case 99
case 13
case 12