
Release Name: older releases: conn v.14.p (last 2014 release)


CONN14p change log:
  Cumulative patch, bug fixes and improvements

Cumulative CONN14 change log:

Ver Change
14 Added surface-based analyses
freesurfer compatibility
surface support for spatial voxel-to-voxel measures
permutation analyses for cluster-level stats
GUI support
(*) Modified BA.img Brodmann areas atlas (Lancaster transform to improve MNI coregistration)
(note: to replicate results analyzed in previous versions select original BA.img file)
Improved 3d rendering displays & options
Added option "frequency filter" to 1st-level analysis (estimates spectral decomposition of seed-to-voxel and ROI-to-ROI connectivity)
Added option "condition-specific frequency filter" to Setup.Conditions (to analyze frequency-dependency of fcMRI measures)
14.f Cumulative patch fixing GUI error conditions
Added ability to run individual spatial-preprocessing steps on structural/functional files (Tools.SpatialPreprocessing GUI menu)
14.g Cumulative patch fixing GUI error conditions
Added subject-sorting uicontext menu to Tools.Calculator display
(*) Added option to apply despiking before or after regression step; change default setting to 'after regression' (deprecated despiking effect in favor of ART-based scrubbing)
(note: to replicate results analyzed in previous versions change value to 'before regression');
Added ability to run arbitrary sequences of multiple spatial preprocessing steps to Tools.SpatialPreprocesing
Changes to the default spatial preprocessing pipeline
Added defaultMNI (for MNI-space volume-based analyses) and defaultSS (for subject-space surface-based analyses) default preprocessing pipelines to preprocessing wizard and Tools.SpatialPreprocessing
(*) Change realign to realign&unwarp in the default spatial preprocessing pipeline (for additional control of motion-related effects)
(note: to replicate results analyzed in previous versions select select 'other', enter 'default MNI pipeline', and change 'functional Realignment & unwarp' to 'functional Realignment')
(*) Added ART outlier detection & scrubbing as part of the default spatial preprocessing pipeline (for additional control of motion-related and other BOLD signal artifacts)
(note: to replicate results analyzed in previous versions select select 'other', enter 'default MNI pipeline', and remove 'functional Outlier detection (ART-based scrubbing)' from the selected list of spatial preprocessing steps)
(*) Removed slice timing correction in the default spatial preprocessing pipeline (to minimize the impact of potential outlier scans in conjunction with ART)
(note: to replicate results analyzed in previous versions select select 'other', enter 'default MNI pipeline', and add 'functional Slice-timing correction' as the first step in the spatial preprocessing list)
14.h Improve 'explore clusters' bar display (clearer labels/ordering)
GUI 'Setup->2nd-level covariates' added ability to define new covariate as a function of other existing covariates (e.g. easily defining modulation/product terms)
(*) Added a detrending regressor when selecting 'Regress out covariates' for PCA decomposition of multi-dimensional ROI signal
(note: to replicate results analyzed in previous versions change 'DETRENDBEFOREPCA=true' to 'DETRENDBEFOREPCA=false' in conn_process.m)
Additional samples of preprocessing pipelines added to Spatial.Preprocessing menu (e.g. using phase correction when VDM files are available)
Added the possibility to define subject-specific TR values
14.i Cumulative patch fixing several error conditions
Spatial preprocessing steps are always prompted for user confirmation (except batch processes) to increase awareness of the choice of spatial preprocesing options and to give users a better chance to adapt these to their needs
Added slice timing correction back to the spatial preprocessing pipeline templates (reverted change introduced in 14.g to maintain consistent behavior with previous versions and until clearer community consensus is reached on this issue; users may consider removing this step for relatively small TR values; Changwei W. Wu et al. (2011) Empirical evaluations of slice-timing, smoothing, and normalization effects in seed-based, resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging analyses; Smith et al. (2013) Resting-state fMRI in the Human Connectome Project)
Added options for polynomial detrending (linear/quadratic/cubic) during Preprocessing step
Added 'Removal of initial scans' to list of optional spatial preprocessing steps (this step allows users to easily drop the first few scans in each session from the analyses)
Added new first-level analysis option (for ROI-to-ROI and seed-to-voxel analyses) : standard PsychoPhysiological Interaction (PPI) analyses of task-related effects as well as PhysioPhysiological Interactions (note: FSL-style implementation, where task-effect interaction factors are hrf-convolved and linear interactions are modeled on the resulting BOLD-level signal; c.f. SPM-style implementation which deconvolves the BOLD timeseries instead and interactions are modeled on the resulting "neural"-level signal)
Added option for defining arbitrary temporal-modulation factors in Setup.Conditions and perform PPI analyses of these factors (pre-requisite for dynamic connectivity analyses)
Preprocessing step output files have been reorganized to avoid duplication in the presence of multiple conditions (save storage space / processing time; note: as a consequence when selecting 'Create confound-corrected time-series' now only one nifti file will be created per subject -containing the entire timeseries- instead of one file per condition as before -containing each only those scans/samples associated with each condition-)
Added option in seed-to-voxel results explorer to specify T-value voxel-level thresholds (note: limited-precision of associated voxel-level p-values makes using T/F-value thresholds useful when you wish to threshold very strong effects; e.g. p<1e-10)
14.j (internal distribution only)
14.k Cumulative patch fixing error conditions
Added option for sliding-window temporal decomposition of FC measures (in Setup.Conditions.TimeFrequencyDecomposition)
Added ability to re-run Setup/Preprocessing steps for only a subset of analysis types (ROI-to-ROI/Seed-to-Voxel/Voxel-to-Voxel; user-selection when pressing 'Done')
Added ability to re-run Preprocessing/FirstLevelAnalysis steps for only a subset of conditions (user-selection when pressing 'Done')
Added ability to use ROIs defined in fsaverage-space (e.g. from surface-based result masks, or surface-based parcellations) (only available when selecting structural volumes that have been processed in FreeSurfer)
Cumulative GUI updates (less cluttered GUI layout and more detailed help tips throughout main CONN gui (e.g. right-click on data files to access data folders; easier access to and higher user-control of the display options in the "ROI-to-ROI results explorer")
Added "structural/functional manual orientation" to the list of potential spatial preprocessing steps (centers, rotates, reflects structural/functional volumes, typically to bring these closer to templates prior to coregistration/normalization)
Cumulative patch fixing compatibility issues with SPM12b
(*) Added support for new SPM12 normalization and segmentation spatial preprocessing steps (new methods only available when using SPM12)
(note: to keep using the older normalization/segmentation procedures under SPM12 set the variable "PREFERSPM8OVERSPM12=true" in conn_setup_preproc.m)
Added Dynamic Functional Connectivity analyses
"First-level Dynamic FC" estimates data-driven temporal-modulation factors that characterize the observed dynamic changes in functional connectivity (ROI-to-ROI connectivity matrix from selected ROIs)
The resulting factors are entered into standard PPI analyses to characterize dynamic changes in FC
Additional Seed-to-voxel or ROI-to-ROI analyses (for the selected or other ROIs) can be computed by selecting "temporal modulation effects (Dynamic FC)" in the first-level analysis "analysis type" option.
Aggregated subject/condition measures are also computed to analyze between-subject/condition differences in temporal modulation strength for each factor
Added new sample ROI files to conn/utils/otherrois/ ("large-voxel" MNI-space ROI parcellations covering grey-matter areas; P###.img; ###=number of ROIs from P304.img -20mm ROIs- to P2186.img -10mm ROIs-)
14.l Cumulative patch fixing GUI error conditions (includig window-resizing and java-related-errors in some older Matlab versions)
Cumulative patch fixing Preprocessing issues (completed batch commands for flexible preprocessing pipeline; added "interleaved (Siemens)" and fixed prompt for sliceorder (asking sliceorder for each subject) in slice-timing preprocessing step; Added prompt for user-defined ART-thresholds in ART preprocessing step; included centering prior to structural segmentation or normalization like previous versions; fixed error-reporting problem in preprocessing steps (errors occuring inside spm batch processes were not being appropriately captured/displayed by CONN error-handling routines); remove art_mask_temporalfiles* after art preprocessing step)
14.m (internal distribution only; CONN course)
14.n Cumulative patch fixing error conditions
(*) Default Denoising steps set to "no despiking" (deprecated despiking effect in favor of ART-based scrubbing)
(note: to replicate analyses in previous versions change to "despiking (after regression)")
14.o Cumulative patch, bug fixes and improvements
GUI changes (reduce clutter, more detailed help, early warnings on incomplete Setup information, more-responsive gui, fix Mac issues, some Matlab 2014b issues, light- and dark- background support)
Reorganize Dynamic FC analysis output into Dynamic scores (average/baseline and variability/modulation-strength of observed temporal modulation factors) and Dynamic loadings (ROI-to-ROI connectivity matrices characterizing modulations in functional connectivity)
Added new default atlas (132 ROIs) combining FSL Harvard-Oxford atlas cortical & subcortical areas and AAL atlas cerebellar areas (see conn/rois/ for details), as well as collapsed ROI file with MPFC/PCC/LLP/RLP Fox ROIs (see conn/rois/
Added to second-level results explorer a new "Slice display" option (display analysis results on individual slices)
Facilitate post-hoc seed-to-voxel analyses by adding to "second-level results explorer import values&explore values" options the ability to use alternative cluster-definition files and/or to extract connectivity values from alternative second-level analyses (e.g. estimate current-analysis effects within alternative-analysis clusters, or alternative-analysis effects within current-analysis clusters)
Facilitate longitudinal studies by adding the possibility to specify session-specific anatomical volumes (different anatomical volumes across sessions) as well as session-specific ROIs (different ROI files across sessions, e.g. gray/white/CSF masks generated when using session-specific anatomical files)
More flexible SPM import functionality by adding the possibility to specify session-specific SPM.mat files when importing experiment information from SPM
Added red/blue colormaps & colorbars for the display of two-sided results in "surface display", "volume display", and "slice display" in second-level results explorer
14.p Cumulative patch, bug fixes and improvements