help > conn_withinbetweenROItest
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May 2, 2024  10:05 PM | Olivier Brown

Please disregard my post. I resolved the issue. I had not changed the page top right button to Group-analysis results: individual ROIs. Keeping this here if anybody else comes across this. Thanks!


Hello there,


I am trying to use the function conn_withinbetwweenROItest to export connectivity values between ROIs for each participant of a specified model, as explained here: I am encountering the same error reported elsewhere: The GUI does not pop-up to inquire about the ROIs. I am trying to run this while in the Second-Level Results Tab, with my contrasts specified for my ROI-to-ROI analysis (attached png of my display).


I keep receiving the error:
Reference to non-existent field 'roiselected2'.

Error in conn_withinbetweenROItest (line 16)



Any guidance would be appreciated.