help > Error using reshape in the first level analysis of ROI to ROI analysis
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Oct 15, 2020  06:10 AM | Ashwini Savanth - BNM Institute of Technology
Error using reshape in the first level analysis of ROI to ROI analysis
Dear Alfonso,

while running the first level analysis of ROI to ROI analysis, i encountered the following error. Could you please help.


Error using reshape
To RESHAPE the number of elements must not change.
Error in conn_get_slice (line 26)
Error in conn_process (line 2079)
Error in conn_process (line 42)
case 'analyses_gui_seedandroi',disp(['CONN: RUNNING ANALYSIS STEP (ROI-to-ROI or seed-to-voxel analyses)']); conn_process([10,11,15],varargin{:});
Error in conn (line 6559)
else conn_process('analyses_gui_seedandroi',CONN_x.Analysis); ispending=false;
Error in conn_menumanager (line 120)
CONN v.18.a
SPM12 + DEM FieldMap MEEGtools
Matlab v.2018a
storage: disconnected or unavailable
spm @ G:\PHD\software_conn_spm12\spm12
conn @ G:\PHD\software_conn_spm12\conn

Ashwini Savanth