help > CONN Matrix display
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Apr 21, 2024  08:04 PM | Rutva Master
CONN Matrix display

Hi there,

I am using the "matrix display" to visualize my results. I am doing a comparison between 2 groups and I want the axis for both groups to have the same ROIs included so its a fair comparison. I am wondering if there is any way to add an ROI on the axis. I included the ROI in my analyses but it is not showing up on the matrix display. 

I have attached screenshots of the group which i want to add more ROIs to the axis. 

Attachment: lowcomm-matrix.jpg
Apr 25, 2024  12:04 AM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: CONN Matrix display


Only the ROIs where a significant effect is found are shown in those displays. If you want you may lower the threshold for significance in the results explorer window to have more (or all) ROIs be included in these matrix displays.

Hope this helps


Originally posted by Rutva Master:

Hi there,

I am using the "matrix display" to visualize my results. I am doing a comparison between 2 groups and I want the axis for both groups to have the same ROIs included so its a fair comparison. I am wondering if there is any way to add an ROI on the axis. I included the ROI in my analyses but it is not showing up on the matrix display. 

I have attached screenshots of the group which i want to add more ROIs to the axis.