help > Reference to non-existent field 'filename'.
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Jul 15, 2016  12:07 PM | Julia Binnewies
Reference to non-existent field 'filename'.
Dear Alfonso,
When trying to run CONN16.b from matlab2015b the GUI does not fully load (the tabs on the left appear but the rest does not) and I keep getting the error below. When trying to load it with matlab2011b it does start up but crashes when I try to change the number of subjects in the setup of the study and I get a lot of java errors.
I would rather work with matlab 2015b if possible. Could you maybe help me with the following error?
Thanks in advance,

Reference to non-existent field 'filename'.
Error in conn_menumanager (line 529)
 if isempty(CONN_x.filename), set(CONN_MM.HELP.handle,'string','Project: undefined','visible','on');
Error in conn (line 1008)
Error in conn (line 485)
 conn gui_setup;
CONN v.16.b
Matlab v.2015b
Jul 15, 2016  02:07 PM | Julia Binnewies
RE: Reference to non-existent field 'filename'.
Nevermind, it is already fixed.
Best wishes,
Jul 18, 2016  07:07 AM | Sri Ram
RE: Reference to non-existent field 'filename'.
i have same issue, how did you solve it, can you please post the solution