help > Using CONN for human connectome project data
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Jul 19, 2016  10:07 PM | Yumeng Fang
Using CONN for human connectome project data
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to use CONN to analyze both rfMRI and tfMRI data from the Human Connectome Project. I have some questions regarding input.

1. Since HCP provides pre-processed fMRI data that is already co-registered to the MNI space, can I simply supply a standard MNI structural image into the Structural tab, such as a MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz file from the FSL data directory in lieu of providing each subjects co-registered structural data? (aren't they the same now?) Also, can CONN only read files from WRITABLE directories? (if I'm reading data from a cluster, I would have to copy all the data that I need into a local directory before performing the analysis?)

2. When I tried to load a HCP rfMRI data into the Functional tab, I was returned with the following error. Anyone know what this implies?

Error using spm_sample_vol
File too small.
Error in conn_menu>conn_spm_read_vols (line 876)
Error in conn_menu (line 549)
Error in conn (line 1291)
Error in conn_filesearchtool (line 150)
if length(h.callback)>1, feval(h.callback{1},h.callback{2:end},names); else, feval(h.callback{1},names); end
CONN v.16.b
SPM8 + Beamforming DEM FieldMap MEEGtools conn marsbar
Matlab v.2015a
Warning: conn_batch_humanconnectomeproject.m overloaded by version in folder /home/yfang/matlab

Thank you in advance!
