help > Error when trying to start preprocessing step
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Dec 14, 2017  12:12 PM | Law Khuan Foo - Universiti Sains Malaysia
Error when trying to start preprocessing step
Hi all,

I have tried to start the preprocessing steps after importing the anatomical and functional data. But the following errors occurred. Anyone could help me out?


Undefined function 'list' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
Error in cfg_repeat/list (line 112)
[id1, stop1] = list(citems{k}, spec, tropts);
Error in cfg_util>local_getcjid2subs (line 1352)
cjid2subsin = list(cjin, exspec, tropts);
Error in cfg_util>local_initjob (line 1537)
[ucj, ucjid2subs] = cellfun(@local_getcjid2subs, ucj, 'UniformOutput', false);
Error in cfg_util (line 802)
[jobs(cjob), mod_job_idlist] = local_initjob(jobs(cjob), job, jobdedup);
Error in spm_jobman (line 246)
cjob = cfg_util('initjob', mljob);
Error in conn_setup_preproc (line 1940)
Error in conn (line 894)
Error in conn_menumanager (line 120)
CONN v.17.f
SPM12 + DEM FieldMap MEEGtools
Matlab v.2017b
storage: 207.4Gb available

Thanks so much!