help > ROI timeseries output is the same for all conditions???
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Apr 6, 2018  08:04 PM | Jeffrey Johnson - Boston University
ROI timeseries output is the same for all conditions???
Hello Conn users,

I set up a project in CONN with task-based data from multiple conditions. Now I would like to obtain the subject-level confound-corrected time series for each condition in each ROI.

From what I have read, I should be able to find these in /results/preprocessing/ROI_Subject#_Condition#; however, I have found that the timeseries for any given ROI is exactly the same no matter which condition I look at. In other words, when I open 'data' and select an ROI, its time course is exactly the same whether I look at ROI_Subject#_Condition000, ROI_Subject#_Condition001, ROI_Subject#_Condition002, or ROI_Subject#_Condition003.

Does anyone know why this would be the case and how I can obtain the condition-specific time series?

Thank you!

Mar 1, 2020  10:03 AM | Renxi Li
RE: ROI timeseries output is the same for all conditions???

I have just encountered with the same situation. Have you found a solution yet?
