help > Skip denoising
Feb 4, 2015  06:02 PM | Gustavo Pamplona
Skip denoising
Dear CONN experts,

I want to analyze some almost raw data, so I only performed the realignment, coregister, and spatial smoothing in SPM before insert the data in CONN fields. It may seem strange but I don't want to perform the denoising to get the access to the first-level analysis, so I did not put any confounds to improve the original data, chose no detrending and wrote [0 Inf] in band-pass filter. I know I'm gonna get very noise data, but that's intentional.
However, in the 3rd step of denoising, I got this error message:


Error using conn_process (line 877)
Empty data (samples=400,voxels=0) in file C:\Gustavo\Imagens\Neurofeedback\dados_angelo2\data\DATA_Subject001_Session001.mat
Error in conn_process (line 17)
case {'preprocessing_gui','denoising_gui'}, disp(['CONN: RUNNING PREPROCESSING STEP']); conn_process([1.5,2,6:9],varargin{:});
Error in conn (line 2181)
Error in conn_menumanager (line 102)
CONN v.14.n
SPM8 + Beamforming DEM FieldMap MEEGtools
Matlab v.2013a

Could someone please show me what's wrong and tell me how to skip the denoising step?
Thanks in advance!

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Skip denoising
Gustavo Pamplona Feb 4, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Feb 8, 2015
Gustavo Pamplona Feb 10, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Feb 11, 2015
Gustavo Pamplona Feb 10, 2015
Gustavo Pamplona Feb 10, 2015