help > RE: Skip denoising
Feb 11, 2015  12:02 AM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: Skip denoising
Hi Gustavo,

Are you entering raw BOLD functional volumes into CONN or have these been temporally filtered in any way? The concern here is that "implicit masking" will fail if your functional volumes have been "demeaned" -since implicit masking is building the mask by analyzing the average BOLD signal across your functional volumes- (if that is the case that could explain why you are getting the "0-voxels within brainmask" issue in this dataset). 

Originally posted by Gustavo Pamplona:
Alfonso, this problem does not happen when I select Volume: same as template (2mm isotropic voxels) in Analysis Space and Explicit mask in Analysis mask. However, I would like to create images with the same dimensions of the functional images, so it would be useful if I understand what is causing the error.
Please disregard by message above, now I realize that it has nothing to do with the dimensions of my data entry.
Thank you by advance!

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Gustavo Pamplona Feb 4, 2015
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Feb 8, 2015
Gustavo Pamplona Feb 10, 2015
RE: Skip denoising
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Feb 11, 2015
Gustavo Pamplona Feb 10, 2015
Gustavo Pamplona Feb 10, 2015