help > Draw correlations smaller than -0.1 and bigger than 0.1, as edges.
Oct 3, 2019  01:10 PM | zahra moradimanesh - Shahid Beheshti University
Draw correlations smaller than -0.1 and bigger than 0.1, as edges.
Dear all,

From the manual I know how to draw only those edges above a specific threshold. 
But I want to have two thresholds:

1. Negative edges (that I want to color in red): those with correlations smaller than -0.1
2. Positive edges (that I want to color in blue): those with correlations bigger than 0.1

I can do this by modifying the adjacency matrix in Matlab first, but I wonder if the toolbox it self covers the issue.

I appreciate your help.

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Draw correlations smaller than -0.1 and bigger than 0.1, as edges.
zahra moradimanesh Oct 3, 2019
Mingrui Xia Oct 8, 2019