help > second-level analyses using existing connectivity matrices in CONN
May 19, 2023  01:05 PM | Warren Logge - University of Sydney
second-level analyses using existing connectivity matrices in CONN
Hi there,

I'm trying to use CONN to analyse post-processed ROI-to-ROI connectivity matrices that were processed using xcp-d (processed using fmriprep pre-processed data). 

I've followed the strategy supplied in this previous post ( as best I could. 

1. I've converted the matrix data of 23 subjects in two groups (treatmentgp 1 = 14; treatmentgp 2 =9) with 2 sessions (pre-treatment = ses-01/post-treatment = ses-02), so that each subject has two 400x400 matrices (based on the Schaefer atlas) which I concatenated into a 4D array using 


which created a 400:400:48 4D array (:,:,1 to :,:,24 were all subjects ses-01, :,:,25 to :,:,48 were all subjects ses-02)

2. I then attempted to conduct the group-level analyses with the following script    

'contrast_between',[-1 1],...
'contrast_within',[-1 1]);

but it ran into an error - I'm guessing that my contrasts are incorrect, and/or there is an issue reading my 4D nifti file. 

Here was the output
conn_module options:
design_matrix: [48×1 double]
data: {'allsubses01ses02_threedim_connmat.mat.nii'}
contrast_between: [-1 1]
contrast_within: [-1 1]

Error using conn_module (line 655)
mismatch number of columns in #contrast_within (2) and number of measures in #data (1)

I want to evaluate the differences between the two treatment groups (between contrast), and differences between the sessions (within contrast); I also want to examine the interaction but I haven't built it up so far yet as I'm having issues at the main effects stage.

Any assistance appreciated - I've attached a zip of the nifti and json files created through conn_write_mtx as well 

Thanks in advance,


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second-level analyses using existing connectivity matrices in CONN
Warren Logge May 19, 2023
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon May 24, 2023
Warren Logge May 25, 2023