help > Error with "Import condition info from text file(s)" in CONN
May 21, 2024  11:05 PM | arcardoso
Error with "Import condition info from text file(s)" in CONN

Hi everyone,

I'm encountering an issue when using the CONN toolbox in MATLAB. Every time I click on the option "BIDS-compatible (one *_events.tsv file in each subject/session folder)" under "Import condition info from text file(s)", I get the following error:

Error using regexprep
The 'STRING' input must be either a char row vector, a cell array of char row vectors, or a string array.

Error in conn_importbids (line 196)

Error in conn_importcondition (line 211)

This error occurs before I even add any data. Does anyone know what might be causing this error or how I can fix it?
