Ratings & Reviews   User Reviews  ( 14 )   
Overall: 4.5 out of 5Installation: 4.5 out of 5Documentation: 4.5 out of 5

Individual Rating Results for JIST: Java Image Science Toolkit

Review 4 of JIST: Java Image Science Toolkit on Dec 16, 2009
Version Reviewed:  JIST Beta 1.5
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  5 out of 5
Download/Installation Ease:  5 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  5 out of 5
Ratings/Long-term Prospects Comments:  Documentation provides the detailed tutorial for installation, which is very useful for the beginner. GUI makes the visual implementation of the algorithms easier. The Crossing-Platform properties of JAVA guarantee its functionality in multi-platforms.
Other Comments/Similar Tools:  Due to the open-source and current modules, it can be either used as comparison to other algorithms or extended for functional improvement. It is a very useful tool for analyze the algorithms in the MRI.

Review 3 of JIST: Java Image Science Toolkit on Dec 16, 2009
Version Reviewed:  Pipeline layout
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  4 out of 5
Download/Installation Ease:  4 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  3 out of 5
Ratings/Long-term Prospects Comments:  This product is great for image analysis researchers who use or want to use Java to prototype ideas and rapidly deploy them to non-technical users. It includes all the core functionality found in the NA-MIC kit (VTK, ITK, Slicer, Dashboard, BatchMake, and LONI pipeline), but is much easier to install, develop, and deploy. It's clear this product is still in its infancy compared to more well established packages (i.e. VTK). The layout tool and process manager have some usability issues, and it would immensely helpful if the process manager could visualize results from experiments and refresh those visualizations when a result changes.
Other Comments/Similar Tools:  Community adoption of this system and style of development will hinge upon the breadth, depth, and quality of the toolkits it provides. Developers who come from the Matlab and VTK/ITK world will want to see equivalent/compatible functionality, and thoroughly documented use cases demonstrating that functionality.

Review 2 of JIST: Java Image Science Toolkit on Dec 16, 2009
Version Reviewed:  JIST
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  5 out of 5
Download/Installation Ease:  4 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  5 out of 5
Ratings/Long-term Prospects Comments:  For the absolute beginner, installing any type of java processing tool is a little tough. However, the documentation was very straightforward, and the people I contacted with questions were very clear on their answers. The tool itself is fairly intuitive, and the GUI makes it so much easier to drag inputs and outputs from one algorithm to another.
Other Comments/Similar Tools:  A complete guide with screenshots is always useful; this is currently in progress, and I'm looking forward to reading it or adding to it so that it's very understandable. Something else that would be nice is if JIST worked on Macs; however, because the MacBook can use Bootcamp and therefore boot with Windows, JIST can still be used on a MacBook. This, I hear, is also currently under development.

Review 1 of JIST: Java Image Science Toolkit on Sep 24, 2009
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  5 out of 5
Download/Installation Ease:  5 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  4 out of 5
Ratings/Long-term Prospects Comments:  Tool provides a simple visual programming / scripting environment. It is easy to learn and use for the "supported" layouts. Several hundred modules are included for diffusion and structural MRI analysis. Documentation could be improved, but seems to be evolving.

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